Nap Queen

By _ItsMaiya_

2M 72.7K 12.9K

Charming and elusive Evie Walker is certifiably the cutest girl at Somerset High, yet there is something off... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
That's it people!
Rose King
Other Projects

Thirty Three

36.7K 1.3K 134
By _ItsMaiya_

I'm practically bouncing in my seat as we pull into the parking lot. I'm glad I remembered my coat. It's snowing just as we'd hoped for pictures, the hour long drive to get here was worth it. Boston and Lauren are already outside taking their pinning pictures. I met Lauren ages ago, her and Boston started dating in freshman year and since he's best friends with Brandon it was only natural that Lauren and I became friends too, especially when Mia became co-captain of the cheer squad.

Mia and I run out of the car to watch them. They are so adorable, Boston slides the corsage onto her wrist then raises her hand up to his lips. Lauren's brother Sean takes it all in with his cameras. He has three different ones draped over his chest. 

Sean Elliot is a really prominent photographer in Somerset, he does urban, wedding, and engagement photography and in special cases photos for dances, I have no doubt that he came from a session and will be leaving for one when he's done with us. He's the only one Camille trusts to take her photos since "no one else can do it right".

My stomach is twisting in knots, Liam, my boyfriend, is gonna come and be taking pictures with me. We'll be all close and loving in front of everyone just like Boston and Lauren. I check my phone, it's 5:05. Mia and Brandon are starting their individuals. 

I hold the little plastic container with Liam's boutonniere in it. Snowdrops and light blue rosettes, my choice. I can't hide the smile that spreads on my face thinking about this whole thing. I've never had a date to take pictures with, and I've never actually gone to a dance before. For the first time I won't be a third wheel in this high school experience of my friends's. 

"Evie! Come here!" Mia calls me over. The three of us girls take pictures all together and I can't keep from smiling.  Sean instructs us to do a few poses, we hear a car door shut and out of no where Camille jumps in wrapping her arms around us. 

"Camille!" Lauren laughs. I can already tell what a good picture that will make. 

"Your necklace!" I exclaim looking at the diamond snowflake that hangs on a silver chain around her neck. "It's beautiful."

"Ash gave it to me," She blushes. I figured.

I hear the shuttering of the lens as Sean catches the four of us looking up at Asher who climbs out of the passenger side of his Porsche. He looks nervous with his hands in his pockets. I run and give him a hug.

"I'm glad you came." I say. "I see she said yes."

"Yeah, you were right." He chuckles. Then he gets a funny look on his face. "Who's the photographer?"

I turn to look at Sean with him. Camille has walked over and given him a hug, they were a thing a couple years ago but broke it off as friends. The two of them are no doubt talking camera things.

"That's Sean Elliot. Lauren's brother." I answer.

"Sean Elliot?" I can hear him searching for information in his head. "Oh yes, I'm familiar with his work." 

"Don't worry about it, go give her her corsage. It's you she likes." I assure him. He goes.

I'm getting worried, it's 5:15. 

Then I hear him, from a mile away. The sound of a motorcycle. Everyone stops what they're doing for a moment when he pulls up beside Asher's car. He pulls his helmet off and his crazy hair puts a smile on my face.

I walk over to him and hug him tightly. He looks amazing in all black complete with a bow.

"I missed you," I say for just him to hear.

"I missed you too, Princess." He leans down and gives me a chaste kiss.

He blinks in surprise when a flash goes off. Sean buzzes about taking pictures of all the couples and focusing for a moment on Camille and Asher. Liam takes my hand and walks over to Brandon with me. 

"Hey, man." Brandon greets Liam warmly. 

"Hey," Liam grins and they do a bro hug. When did this happen?

Mia shoots me an OMG look and pretends to drool over Liam. I proceed to send her an I know look.

"Evie and friend? Your turn." Sean calls out. My stomach flips and Liam comes and grabs me spinning me around until we are in the spot Sean pointed out. The shoot begins, I can feel everyone's eyes on us.

"You look beautiful," Liam says softy. I feel beautiful in my dress, my dark hair has been expertly curled and pinned thanks to Mia. 

Liam takes my hands and our eyes meet. Everyone else is blocked out and it's just the two of us as the snow flurries dust our hair. He produces the beautiful corsage, gently sliding it onto my wrist. He looks at me and offers a small smile, it's all the encouragement I need. I take his boutonniere and step closer to him, my face screws in concentration so I don't prick him with the pin. I manage to secure the flowers and he lifts my chin up. His eyes look curiously at me before he kisses my forhead gently. 

I grab his suspenders pulling him closer  and place my lips on his. His hand goes to my cheek and mine to his neck.  We kiss for a long time, but not long enough. 

"C'mon Davis, that's my sister!" Brandon shouts. Liam smiles against my mouth and flips him the finger. 

Then snowballs start flying. Everyone is laughing and running down the garden paths throwing snow.  Its 6:00 when we get back to the snow covered meadow we were taking pictures in at the beginning and Ollie's mini cooper pulls up. 

"Sorry we're late!" Ollie shouts getting out of the car. 

"That's just fine," Mia says going up and giving him a hug. "We still have an hour and it's not like you brought a--" 

It's at this moment that Sam gets out as well. 

"Hey, Evie," He says to me with a wink. He looks really cute in his black button up and jacket, too bad he's gay. Girls everywhere are crying. I go give him a hug and everyone else has gathered by this point. 

"It's abundantly clear that Asher is here with Camille and Liam is here with Evie, but what is the third musketeer here for?" Mia asks what everyone is thinking.

"Sam is... my date." Ollie says with confidence, walking over and grabbing Sam's hand. 

"Wait, Sam? Is your date?" Brandon asks. Silence goes over the group, even Sean stops taking photos. 

"Your gay?" Asher is the one to break the silence. "I knew it!" 

Sam stares dumbfounded as Liam and Asher break out into an argument. The air gets less tense every passing second and I'm grateful to his friends for stepping up when Ollie's couldn't.

"Pay up, Liam." Asher demands. "I told you he was gay."

"I'm not fucking paying you dipshit, I knew first!" Liam grumbles. 

"I definitely knew before either of you," Camille giggles shaking her head and calming Asher down.

"Guys, stop your embarrassing me." Sam laughs smacking his two friends on the head. "Technically, I knew I was gay first so I'll take the cash from both of you."

"More the merrier, you guys want photos to right?" Sean speaks up.

"That'd be great," Ollie thanks Sean and drags Sam into the frozen meadow. 

I can see Sam's nervous expression and red face from here, but it's the purest thing when Ollie grabs him and starts pinning the boutonniere on. 

"Damn," Brandon says to Boston when the boys kiss. "We are bad friends." 

With the remaining hour of the shoot we do all sorts of combinations of pictures among my favorites were Camille posing with Asher, Liam and Sam, All the guys together, and the pictures I got with Sam and Asher. 

"I've got to head out, I'll have these all ready for you guys tomorrow morning." Sean bids us farewell and leaves. 

After he's gone everyone else trickles out to go to HG Bistro until only Liam and I are left.

"Thank you for coming with me, this has been fun." I say to him.

"It's not over yet, Princess." He wraps his arms around me and kisses me softly. 

A warm feeling spreads through me despite the cold and I lean my head back against his chest. The most unexpected match of the two of us has turned out to be the beginning of the greatest adventure of my life. 

"What's with you and Brandon all of the sudden," I say remembering their earlier interaction.

"I knew how important it is to you that we get along, so I talked with him. Besides, I don't want your brother to hate me, I plan on sticking around. Let's go."

He takes my hand and guides me to his motorcycle. I tell him adamantly that I am not wearing the helmet. My hair. This earns me a glare but he gives in eventually.

I get on behind him and scoot as close as possible so I can leech his warmth. My arms go around his waist and we zip out and away from Lucid Park. 

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