By FrozenQueen12

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Countries have gathered in America's capital, Washington D.C., for a world meeting where they are attempting... More

Another World Meeting
Up First!
Three Eccentric States of Germanic Genes
Four Southern Belles
Political Babble
Ask any Question!
Rockabilly Blues
The Sunflower State and the Nascar Boys
The Return of the World Meeting Intruders
The Cowboy States
Say Aloha to the Aloha State
The Last Frontier (The State, Not the Nickname for Space)
Double Dakota
The American Cryptid Society starring WA and AR
The Great War of Midwestern States for County Fair Food Superiority
Magnolias and Sakuras

Buckeyes vs Wolverines

3.3K 87 163
By FrozenQueen12

The girl that had been thrown in a fair-skinned girl who possessed field-green eyes with platinum blonde hair that had been thrown into a braid that reached her hips and possessed the look of a seventeen-year-old teenager. On her body, she wore a blue jersey jacket over a plain white t-shirt with matching baby-blue shorts and sneakers. When Italy walked over to check on her, she barely gave a moment before storming out and the yelling resumed with the addition of America. Wanna know what they were yelling? So do I. 

The countries turned to look outside to see that the girl in blue was being held by America over his shoulder but even this wasn't enough to stop her from trying to attack another girl. The other girl was a teenager (though more 16 or thereabouts than the other) and blonde too but hers was more golden and resembled America's and it was tied up in a high ponytail that fell to her lower back and her eyes were chocolate in color. On her body, she wore a plain grayish-black coat with denim jeans and black work boots. "Michigan! Ohio! Calm the fuck down!" America cried as the two girls continued to lunge at one another. 

"BUT DAD!" the two girls whined at him, briefly pausing to do so.

"No buts! I swear to the good Lord, you both are just a bad as the Californias and Texas," America cried as he grasped the bridge of his nose.

"Oh come on dad, nobody is bad as those three," the girl with the ponytail said, very offended.

America sighed. "Come on, guys. I have enough problems without dealing with the two of you trying to start another war."

"What was that?" England asked hearing the last part. This caught the three Americans' attention and they turned their attention to the European country. "Also, who the bloody hell are you two?"

The two girls took a deep breath before dusting off their clothes which caused America to sigh in relief. Maybe if they spoke to the countries for a while, they would let go of their grudge against each other. Hopefully. Please, God. Just for a little while. America has enough problems without his daughters murdering each other and him having to bury their corpses in the backyard. Wow, that just got really dark there. 

"Well, I'm Ohio and my human is Shannon Jones," the state with green eyes and platinum braid told the gathered nations which caused America to sigh in relief. She didn't say anything about her sister, maybe there was something good about the other countries invading their spa- "And this wild animal is my 'sister' Michigan." Guess America thought too soon. Where did he go wrong with those two? Why couldn't they just get along for five minutes? Five is all he asks. Really was that so much? America grabbed his forehead and gently started to massage the oncoming headache threatening to break out. Who was he kidding? It was already there. 

"Who you calling wild animal!?" the girl that was called Michigan yelled at Ohio as she proceeded to try and lunge for her only for the American personification to catch before she could commence their constant battle. No wonder they sleep in separate wings of the Main House because if they didn't they'd probably burn down the house trying to prove their point to the other. 

"Well, I mean the mascot of that collection of meatheads you call a football team is the wolverine which is a disgusting, rabies-infested beast," Ohio said with a smirk and a shrug.

"Oh is that so!? Well, your sad excuse for a mascot is a fucking tree! At least wolverines are cool and they have the same name as a superhero while most people don't even know what a buckeye even is!" Michigan yelled back, their foreheads practically jamming into each other despite America's attempt to hold them off.

"Oh really? Well, I guess then you would have to fairly slow if you can't look it up in on Google. Then again I guess I can't blame you in the long run since your mother wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed," Ohio said with venom prominent on her tongue and at her statement, a pin could be dropped and the clink it would make could be heard. 

When the nations looked back to Michigan's face, her angelic-looking features went from shock to pure and undeniable malice in the span of a minute that many of the countries weren't completely sure that they had even seen the transition. If that wasn't surprising enough, then what came next surely was. 

Michigan broke free of her father who tried to reach out to grab her but he was too late. In a minute, Ohio was thrown over the banister by her sister and landed onto the dining table downstairs where Virginia was trying to read though given how her house was, this is futile. On the second floor, the countries including America looked over at Michigan with shock clearly written on their faces and pure, unbridled fury on hers. Only Russia seemed to have a smile on his face.

"This house has good entertainment," the Slavic nation said in an amused tone which made the other nations turn their attention to him. 

Meanwhile, on the table, Ohio was still alive. Well, she was a state so it didn't kill her so she's fine. Still angry though. 

"Got into a fight with Michigan again, little sister," Virginia said, not looking away from her book and instead casually turned the page. 

"Oh yeah! Blame me when she was the one who threw me over the railing!" Ohio yelled back at the elder state.

Virginia still didn't look up and continued to focus on her book. She had heard this story from both of them since Michigan started to live with them after her mother died. Honestly, some of the things they fought over were just plain idiotic. Once, they even fought over which was better fries or tater tots and it somehow escalated into them being sent to the hospital. Virginia still wasn't the one to get involved in their stupidity. She was a lady and a lady has better things to do than deal with issues of her moronic siblings. 

Ohio, meanwhile, was now rushing upstairs and once she was at the top, immediately went to throw herself at her younger sister but luckily she was quickly held back by Germany who decided to be nice and help America who was struggling to hold back Michigan. "You bitch, you pushed me off the railing!"

"You insulted my mother!" Michigan yelled back. 

Ohio glared at her before saying, "Well, it's a shame she chose the losing side of Toledo."

At the mention of the city and the disrespectful tone towards her mother, Michigan was once more ready to tear off her older sister's head that even Alfred was having to plant his feet into the ground so he could keep a tight grip on her. Even then just barely. 

"Okay, what the bloody hell is wrong with two?" England yelled which caused the four to look over to the guest where said nation had his arms cross.

The two girls briefly paused to glare at England, "We hate each other and you know none of you have to be here," Ohio said to the island nation.

"Of course, Ohio continues to be the anti-social type," Michigan spits at her sister.

"Eira!" America cries as he somehow manages to keep his grip on the chocolate-eyed girl. 

"American-san, is this a common occurrence in your house?" Japan asks as he watches this madness unfold.

America sighed before nodding, "There's a reason these two are not allowed to be in the same wing as each other. On that note, when the hell did you guys start fighting today? You two promised me that you guys would be on your best behavior today."

"But Papa, I was but then that bitch mentioned Toledo again so I had too!" Michigan cried.

"Hey, I still got Toledo fair and square!" Ohio cried.

Michigan then turned her gaze towards her sister, her brown eyes blazing with unbridled fury that some of the countries were thinking that the state would actually murder the other this time. Sure, they can't technically die since they're not humans but it was still frightening. "Fair and square?! You got it because it was rigged!"

"Mr. Tiffin just made a small mistake. Why are you continually on about this? I mean Dad gave you the Upper Peninsula as compensation so why are you still angry about it? If anyone should be angry, it should be Wisconsin," Ohio asks.

"Because you continue to mention it and Yooper continues to try and break out!" Michigan cried in response. At this, Michigan's right eye began to twitch heavily that even Italy took notice of it which made quite a few of them to be a bit frightened for the girl. This was only added when she pointed a long, pale finger at her forehead and growled out in a loud whisper, "YOU GET BACK IN THERE!"

"You will not keep me in this prison!" Yooper cried from the inside of her mind, however, due to the fact no one else could see Yooper, everyone looked at Michigan as though she had grown a second head. And in a way she did. A long time ago. 

Picking up on the change in tone from worry and irritation to pure confusion from the countries, Michigan turned back  to the countries and just said in a tired voice, "It's a long story."

"Do you want to share or-?" Italy asked.

Michigan just sighed, "No thanks. It's such a long, annoying, aggravating story."

"She's just saying that because she can't take the fact she lost the war like she loses football games," Ohio said with a smug smile. 

America's gaze turned towards the green-eyed state and his eyes turned into slits as he growled out "Ohio. Don't."

"What it's true," Ohio said turning away. "Maybe if her state didn't suck so much, people might actually want to live there of their own free will."

"Hey, Detroit is not that bad," Michigan yelled back at her. 

Ohio rolled her eyes at this. "Yeah, you shouldn't lie to yourself. Last time I was there, it looked like the setting of a nuclear test site. By the way one of your cities can't even drink their own tap water because of how polluted it is."

Michigan growled, "You want to talk about pollution? My rivers don't catch on fire and my fish don't have AIDs."

"That's it, bitch," Ohio said and in a flash, she actually broke free from Germany's grip which even shocked the European nation and rushed at Michigan, causing her to fall to the ground and giving America just enough time to jump out of the way. The two then began physically fighting once more. 

Kicking, scratching, and even biting was part of the battle as the two did whatever the could to get ahead of the other as America tried to regain control, however, they weren't having it and eventually the two became tangled into a knot that both surprised and impressed the countries. Well, except for America who was grasping the side of his head bracing for the incoming headache.

" we're stuck," Ohio muttered. 

America sighed looking at her, before walking over to them and observing how to untangle them. He sighed before opening his mouth and cried, "VIRGINIA!"

"Yes, father," Virginia said, randomly materializing at that exact moment. 

"Where the holy hell did she come from!?" Germany cried in shock at the appearance of the 18-year-old state.

"Could you take them into the backyard while I get Michigan and Ohio back to normal?" America asked.

Virginia nodded before turning to the nations before her, "If you would please follow me," with that she turned on her heel and started to walk downstairs. 

The countries looked between them, then back at American trying to help his children, and then back at the older one and decided it was best to follow her.

They were once again downstairs and the countries were in uncomfortable silence as the England-looking state turned left until they arrived towards white wicker door that she proceeded to open which led out to a large field in the backyard with stone pathway leading from the door framed by roses of various colors. She crooked a long, pale finger and guided them outdoors.

"So, tell me fraulein, is that a common occurrence in this household?" Germany asked as they walked along the path.

Virginia nodded, "Those two are always at each other's throats. However, if you're worried that they would harm you all then don't be. They couldn't harm you guys if they wanted too." 

"I see but-" Germany started when Virginia turned towards then stopped at a garden full of sunflowers, which made Russia's eyes wide, and in the middle of those flowers was a teenage girl with brown hair with her hair in braids that reached her shoulders. 

Author's Note: Finally done. So that was Ohio and Michigan, two sisters who hate being in each other's presence, and we'll see more of their personalities later when they're apart. 

Update: Also, the real loser of the Toledo War was Wisconsin.

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