The Forgotten Hero: A Percy J...

By juniorsrosie

216K 4.3K 768

Percy Jackson thought he had it made; Perfect girlfriend, friends. Even his father, the "all powerful" Poseid... More

The Forgotten Hero: A Percy Jackson Fiction
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 6

10.2K 210 4
By juniorsrosie

Chapter 6

Percys POV

                FLASHBACK- 2 hours ago

                “I’m sorry Percy, but this is where we must depart” Calypso said sadly, grabbing my hand. “What do you mean?” I ask, confusion clouding my face. After getting us run out of camp, the one place I had to stay, she is abandoning me?

                “Look, Percy. I’m not part of your future. You know that” Calypso smiled gently, squeezing his hand. The only thing I could think was “What the…?” “Then what was all that for?!” I gestured wildly with my hands, tears nearly streaming down my face. Calypso looked saddened, but dropped my hand. “You will realize soon, young hero.” “I want to know NOW the reason you’ve decided to abandon me!” I shout angrily. “Percy…” She started, not meeting my eyes. “You’re just like the rest of them. Liars!” I spat the last word and Calypso flinched. “Did any of you care for me at all? “I whispered , mainly to myself. It seemed Calypso had a tough time not comforting him, but she eventually pulled away. Leaving Percy Jackson by himself.

                FLASHBACK END


                Strangely enough, I haven’t been attacked once by a monster. Even though I’ve used a cell phone twice (basically begging for a monster to appear) and shouted “Come get me!!” (What? Fighting monsters takes my mind off things) none have appeared. “Though I probably just jinxed that” I muttered, glancing left and right. I saw a straw berry truck pass by and felt a horrible pain in my heart. You may be wondering “Gee Percy, how are you so happy and in control right now?” Well the truth is, I’m not. But being a demigod of the big three, I’ve had to learn to put survival first; feelings later.

                I approached my parent’s old apartments and leaned against a wall. According to when I last heard from my mom (6 months ago) they still hadn’t gotten a bid on the apartment; hopefully it’s stayed that way.

                I climbed the stairs and reached the apartment quickly. Picking the lock, I quickly opened and entered the apartment. I was surprised to find nothing had changed; the brown carpet was as brown as ever (stains from the year before still remained on the carpet) and the walls were still the cream peach. But why was their stuff here? You would have thought after a year they would have gotten AT LEAST some of their clothes out. But no, clothes were strewn in the bed rooms and the bathroom.

                I walked through the apartment and quickly arrived at my destination; my old bed room. I felt a knife twist into my heart when I opened the door and saw my stuff all gone. “Probably sold it.” I scoffed to myself. I scrutinized the room before my eyes landed on something glowing; the moon lace Calypso had given me. It had grown tremendously over the past year, even without my mother’s attentive care.

                The beautiful silvery flower glowed, even though it was only 4 in the afternoon. I scooped It up stroked the soft, downy petals. The sadness over the person who gave it to me lingering with every petal that brushed my hand. I heard the door creak open and I quickly stuffed the flower in my pocket. I grouped for Riptide and found empty space. “Styx” I cursed under my breath. Apparently when those little brats had attacked me they decided to take my sword as a Spoil of War. “No matter, when one of them falls asleep it would probably return to my pocket anyways” I reasoned in my head. But I didn’t have time for it to reappear.

                I decided to attempt to leave the building, when a hand clamped down hard on my shoulder. “Hello Percy” A woman’s cold voice whispered in my ear.



Hey guys. Sorry for the long absense. Ive been mainly focusing on updating this story on (same title and everything) because It was a bigger hit there when I realized people commented her too. I'm going to update this story with the ten chapters Ive wrote XD

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