Stockholm Syndrome / h. styles

By BritishBums

2.9M 97.9K 94.8K

Something so wrong, just felt so right. More

Stockholm Syndrome / h. styles


190K 6.8K 5.5K
By BritishBums


- April -


As I was about to head out, I heard a creak somewhere. Looking around immediately, I just.. Had a bad feeling. Someone had to be in here.

"Hello?" I spoke. ''I.. If he kidnapped you too, I'm trying to find a way out and I can help you." I continued, slowly but I was afraid it was probably one of his friends..

My heart was beating so loudly, I could hear it thumping through my ear drum..

"Hello?" I whispered,  holding the knife up cautiously.

Following the sound of shuffling, I was lead to the basement.

The door looked so old that as if I touched it, it would disintegrate right then and there.

"Hello?" I repeated slightly louder as I opened the door. It loudly creaked, as I close my eyes at the sound. I think I've heard it way too many times.

Walking down the wooden stairs, I nearly screamed when my foot broke through one of the next steps.

"Fuck." I whispered, pulling my foot out as I continued down the stairs.

Turning the corner, I tried to feel the walls for any light switches. I found my luck, when I felt a string to pull.

Tugging it, a dim light bulb lit up, as I looked around.

Gasping, I dropped the knife. My heart dropped with it too.

"Louis. Louis what did they do to you." I sobbed, wincing at the sight.

"A-April.. April." He tried to speak, but I was afraid if he tried to talk more, it would weaken him more.

"No shh." I whispered. "Don't talk."

I looked at his shot, as he held his sleeve over the wounded area. Blood was still dripping from the spot, making me wonder why Harry still saved him. Why? Did he do it to make him suffer?

"I'm going to get us out of here, we're going to call the cops and you'll be okay." I reassured, my voice unbelievably shaky.

"Look at me." He whispers, taking my face in his hands, as I closed my eyes. My fingers were on top of his, getting the blood on my face. I didn't care. It was the last thing I cared about.

"I was going to tell you that I loved you. I love you too." I finally told him, as he nodded, trying to smile.

Ripping the bottom part of my shirt roughly, I began to wrap it around Louis's wound. "Just put pressure."

He does as said, pressing his hand against it as he winced.

"Come on." I whispered, slinging his arm over my shoulder.

Though we moved at the pace of a snail, all I wanted was to get out of here with Louis. Without him, I wouldn't know what to do honestly..

He leaned his head on my shoulder weakly as he fell once again.

Trying to hold the boy up, I just couldn't. "Louis come on." I cried.

"April you have to go call for help, okay.. I.. I'm slowing you down, and you need to get out of here before he comes back."

"No I'm not leaving you here!" I shook my head.

"Yes, yes you are. Call for help, they'll come back for me. Just go." He told me sternly, as tears blurred my vision.

Leaning down to him, I left a kiss on his lips. "Be careful." I whispered, setting the knife in his hands and clasping his fingers around it.

Jogging back to the kitchen, I looked through the drawers again and found a handgun. That's better.

Taking it, I honestly had no idea how to shoot it.. But now, I knew I had to take the risk.

"Okay..Okay, okay." I whispered to myself, as I sprinted out of the house.

I stopped in a halt, my eyes widening as I took in my surroundings. It was a forest. Tall trees of all colors surrounded the old house, as I gulped.

The trail. The trail that the car went down.

Deciding to take my chances, I began to sprint as fast as I could down the pathway.


Breathing heavily, the tears wouldn't stop. Just thinking about Louis alone in that house gave me the wrong signs. Anything could happen to him, and I couldn't believe I left him there with a fucking pocket knife.

Running quicker, I took a big breath in before tripping over my own feet.

Crying out in pain, I feel something sharp seep through my leg. It was a branch. Hissing in pain, I tried to ignore the wound, continuing to limp away as fast as I possibly could.

It was way too dark out to even see anything, as the pain continued up my leg. Fuck, this hurt so badly.. I could feel it bleeding quickly, that I couldn't even stop it.

I finally see a car at the end of the path, as my eyes widened.

"Help me! Please! There's a crazy man.. Just a crazy person." I urgently tried to yell, keeping pressure on my leg as well.

Waiting for the car to near, I nearly tripped once again.


I was rendered speechless when I saw the exact same car.. It was the same car that I saw leave the house. The car that, that psycho got into.

My breath hitched, my legs weakening, though one was already injured.

Pointing the gun at the car with tinted windows, I backed away slowly before falling over and landing on my bottom.

The passenger window rolled down, as the face became more clearer. It was the boy with the jet black hair.

"Fuck, Zayn. This is exactly why I didn't want to leave and go back to the city! Look." He angrily told the boy in the passenger seat that went by the name Zayn. I watched in fear as the other boy that Zayn had called Styles, got out of the car.

So if I'm not in Hilltop Falls.. Where am I?

The boy with the curly hair didn't seem phased at all, he didn't even flinch at how I happened to have a gun in my hand, and I could shoot him at any moment if I chose to.

But I wasn't a killer.

"Go ahead, shoot me." He kneeled down in front of me, this corrupted smirk on his face as his green eyes peered into mine. As he leaned down, his shirt slightly moved down, giving me a better peek at his tattoos. If I remembered at least one visible tattoo, I could give it to the cops and they could find him.. Just like that. I observed the identical birds on his chest, as he quickly pulled the collar of his shirt up.

He moved closer, looking at my wound for awhile before his eyes flickered back to me. "Go on. I'm waiting." 

My lips parted, as I pointed the gun at him shakily.

"How do you know who I am? Do I know you?" I began to ask questions. 

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Well look who's too scared to kill their kidnapper."

"You're a murderer." I whispered, gulping. Trying to scoot further away from him, my back hit a tree as I gasped.

"Not necessarily. I kept your dick of a boyfriend alive. Probably will be dead anyway." He laughed, as I clenched my jaw.

Attempting to pull the trigger on him right then and there, the gun.. The gun wasn't loaded. 

My body tensed immediately, as my jaw dropped. Repeatedly trying to shoot the gun, it wouldn't. No.. No no no.

Screaming, he got to his feet, easily grabbing me and slinging me over his shoulder.

Zayn was smirking at me as well as Harry brought me to the back.

"Zayn, pop the trunk open." 

He did as said, as I tried to squirm out of his grasp. "Let go of me you bastard! You disgusting.." I spat at him.

"You know, this wasn't the introduction I was going for." He angrily told me, his jaw tense. "Hopefully you get your shit together because I swear." His hand grabs my face, making me look at him straightly. "Zayn is worse than me. One single mistake, get him pissed. He'll shoot you, without even thinking about it.

As I took a good look at his face, I.. I did recognize him. I didn't know him, but I've definitely seen his face before. It's been three years.

"Harry?" I murmured. 

That was it. Harry Styles.

"Great to know you aren't as shallow as all your friends." It was all he said before he harshly shoved me back and slammed it closed.

I was still in shock, seeing him again as I layed there, staring into darkness. No, of course I didn't know him, never did I talk to him either. But he was a face I've seen in the halls of school before. And now, I just wish I knew what was the case, and why did he just vanish for three years. Most importantly.. Why was he never found.


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