Dream Love: Book 1 - Love is...

By Exitian

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Shin Ryujin and Hwang Hyunjin are each others opposite attracts. They are in their Senior year in Dream High... More

Chapter 1: She exists.
Character Guide
Chapter 2: No way!
Chapter 3: You're late!
Chapter 4: Fire and Ice
Chapter 5: Dance
Chapter 6: Opposites attract
Chapter 7: Phone call
Chapter 8: Falling
Chapter 9: Touch
Chapter 11: Surprise visit
Chapter 12: First kiss
Chapter 13: Caught in a moment
Chapter 14: Eavesdropping in a heartbeat
Chapter 15: Emotions
Chapter 16: Together
Chapter 17: Finale

Chapter 10: Actions speak louder

449 26 3
By Exitian

Ryujin walked through the doors of Dream High and felt a slight sense of foreboding. What was she going to say to Hyunjin? To say what had happened on Saturday had been awkward would have been an understatement. She still had no idea what was happening to her, it had never happened before and than he had come along and now she was just plain confused. A week or two weeks ago, she hated him; she couldn't stand to be around him and now. Now Ryujin found herself enjoying his company, she liked the way he wasn't afraid to argue with her, she liked the way he could be as sarcastic with her as she was with him, she liked the way he challenged her. Maybe she just plain liked him. Almost as quickly as the thought popped up, she pushed it away. It was a stupid thought; Hyunjin was her partner in an assignment, nothing more.

"Hey," Ryujin jumped when she heard Hyunjin's voice; she spun to look at him and stared at him before managing to compose herself.

"Hey," she replied quietly and he looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"So, um, what are we going to do about this assignment?" he asked as she continued to walk down the hallway.

"Plead irreconcilable differences and ask for an extension?" Ryujin replied with a grin and he burst out laughing.

"Definitely, Felix and Chaeryeong can be our witnesses," Hyunjin agreed.

Ryujin glanced at him and wondered if he'd thought about what had happened on the weekend at all. "Speaking of Felix and Chaeryeong, did you know that they got together two days after they were made partners?" she asked, stopping in front of her locker.

"Are you serious?"

Ryujin laughed as Hyunin's jaw hit the ground. "Yes, I'm serious, she told me on Saturday."

"Interesting, I never thought Chaeryeong would be Felix's type," he mused.

Ryujin looked over at him a frown appearing on her face. "Let me guess, Felix's type is a beach blonde whose life ambition is to be a playboy bunny or whatever you call those things, come to think of it that's probably your type too," she said sounding slightly sarcastic as she pulled her locker door open.

Hyunjin frowned at her and watched as several books slid out of her locker and hit the ground. "You know, you don't have to take that tone with me," he snapped at her and bent to help her pick up the books.

"I didn't use a tone," she argued with him.

"Sure you didn't and books didn't just slide out of your locker," he shot back and Ryujin glared at him. Hyunjin glared back and they both reached for the same book.

Ryujin's eyes widened as she felt their hands meet and their fingers entwine. Hyunjin stared at the girl in front of him, his glare softening as he watched her eyes soften as well. He liked the feeling of her hand in his, they were so soft, he hadn't noticed how soft they were until now. He found himself getting caught up in her wonderfully expressive eyes.

Ryujin could feel her body grow warm as got lost in Hyunjin's eyes. They were so sharp and clear and she felt like he was seeing right through her. Her grip on his hand tightened slightly. His hands were so different from what she'd imagined them to be, she had thought that his hands would be rough and tough. But they weren't, they were smooth and not exactly soft but they weren't tough either.

"Hyunjin!" A loud voice cried out and it snapped them out of the trance that they were in.

Ryujin yanked her hand from Hynjin's and grabbed the book off of him, they stood up and she threw the books into her locker. Hyunjin shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and rocked backwards on his heels.

"Uh, we have to finish the assignment," Ryujin said sounding flustered, she avoided looking at him and allowed her hair to fall in front of her face.

"Yeah, we do," Hyunjin agreed nodding even though he knew that she couldn't see him.

"So I guess I'll meet you in the library at lunch, we can finish the major piece on Jane Austen and start the book reports."

He nodded again. "Okay, whatever," with that he walked away leaving Ryujin with a very strange feeling in her stomach.


"What do you mean you ended up holding his hand?" Chaeryeong practically screamed as they walked into the library.

"It was an accident, we reached for the same book, that was it," Ryujin replied.

"Sure and your fingers just happened to lace together in front of the whole school might I add," Chaeryeong laughed quietly as Ryujin placed her books down on a spare table and turned to her friend.

"The entire school wasn't watching, besides it meant nothing!" She hissed at her best friend.

Chaeryeong snorted. "Sure it means nothing, just like that fact that you can't seem to argue with him anymore and every time we talk about him a stupid smile appears on your face."

Ryujin glared at her. "Whatever you say." She rolled her eyes and turned when she heard the library door open.

Chaeryeong watched Ryujin in amusement as Hyunjin walked in and made his way towards them. Ryujin had gone an interesting mix of red and white and to Chaeryeong it seemed like she didn't know where to look. Hyunjin wasn't much better, although to Chaeryeong it seemed like he had settled more on white than anything else.

"Hey," Hyunjin said quietly and Ryujin nodded.

"I'm going to go, so I'll see you later," Chaeryeong said sounding highly amused.

"Bye, I'll call you tonight." Ryujin nodded.

Hyunjin found interest in the table. "Let's get started," he said a moment after Chaeryeong had left. Ryujin nodded mutely and sat down.

"Ryujin?" Hyunjin asked after ten minutes if silent working.

"Mmmm?" she replied and looked up, concentrating on the shelves of books behind him.

"This is going to sound really weird coming from me, but Jane Austen was born on the sixteenth of December 1775, not the second of September 2004," he said with a slight chuckle.

"What? I didn't write that did I? I swear I didn't write that, give me the paper Hyunjin," Ryujin said when she saw the grin on his face.

"No, by the way, I'm pretty sure the book she wrote was 'Pride and Prejudice' not 'Bride and Prejudice'," he continued and Ryujin felt a smile spread across her face as she made an attempt at snatching it from his hand. Hyunjin pulled it away and laughed a little.

"I didn't write that!" she exclaimed making another desperate attempt at ripping it from his hand.

"Yeah, sure you didn't, and I'm pretty sure that her sisters name was Cassandra not, what does that say? Jeez Ryujin when did you write this? Two o'clock in the morning? I can't read the name you've written," he asked still grinning as she had another go and getting the paper off him.

"I don't remember, why would I remember when I wrote that?" she snapped at him and Hyunjin shrugged.

"Oh you know, I guess I suspected that you would remember when you wrote something with that many mistakes."

Ryujin glared at him. "I didn't write that! I never make a mistake!" she exclaimed and he laughed, Ryujin was basically lying on the table trying to grab the paper in Hyunjin's hand.

"I know you didn't write it, there's nothing written on this piece of paper." He laughed and Ryujin glared at him, causing him to laugh harder.

"You should have seen the look on your face when I said that," he told her when she was firmly back in her seat.

"I'm sure it was hilarious," she muttered darkly.

"Oh it was, shoot, Ryujin I've got to go, Master Yunho wants to run over some things with me before training tomorrow," he said and Ryujin nodded.

"Okay, sure, we'll work on it later," she said and he nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you later," Hyunjin agreed and Ryujin began to gather her books as he left.


Slowly she made her way to her locker and opened it; one by one she placed her books in the locker. Ryujin looked down and her eyes widened as she looked at the book that wasn't hers.

"Felix!" Ryujin called out when she saw him.

"Yeah?" He spun around hope on his face.

"No, Chaeryeong isn't with me, sorry," she said sarcastically and he shrugged.

"Wasn't expecting her to be, what's up?" he asked when she'd stopped.

"Can you give this to Hyunjin?" she asked holding up his English book.

Felix looked at the girl in front of him and knew that there was no way that he was giving the book to Hyunjin, when Ryujin could give it to him.

"Sorry, but I'm hanging out with Chaeryeong this afternoon, you're going to have to give it to him," he replied keeping a straight face.

"Can't you give it to him on your way to Chaeryeong's?"

"Why would I give it to him when Chaeryeong lives in the opposite direction of his place?"

"Never mind." She sighed exasperated. They stood in silence for a moment before Ryujin spoke. "Can you at least tell me where he lives?"

"Sure, um, he lives, like, two streets away from you, in the house with the porch and the white swing at the front."

Ryujin raised her eyebrows at Felix's instructions. "Okay, thank you for those wonderful directions Felix, they are really great," she said sarcastically and he shrugged as Ryujin walked off.

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