Falling for Grace

By kaleymarieb

115 27 12

Dear Diary, Life sucks. I am sitting on this park bench and all I see is these cute happy couples... More

// Chapter 2 //
// Chapter 3 //
// Chapter 4 //

// Chapter 1 //

43 11 1
By kaleymarieb

Dear Diary,

            Life sucks. I am sitting on this park bench and all I see is these cute happy couples. I mean I am okay with pizza being my boyfriend, but that can only keep a girl satisfied for so long. I mean I need a cute boy in my life that actually will like me. Seeming, as that is impossible I mine as well just start my cat collection now.


         As I was getting up off the bench with my journal in one hand and my hot chocolate I brought to keep me warm from the cool fall I air I smacked right into a person. “Great my overpriced hot chocolate is gone and I am soaked” I muttered when I heard the brick wall I hit giggle? As I looked up I had to do a double take did I really just run into this sex god. Looking him up and down not so discreetly I took in everything. His cute curls peeking out from a beanie, that adorable smile, beautiful chocolate eyes, and damn was he tall. “Jesus I am so sorry I am usually not this clumsy. No I am lying I am pretty sure I am always this clumsy. I just…. Sorry.” The words just wouldn’t stop coming out as I tried to apologize to this nameless sex god. “Uhm sorry again.” I say finally plucking up the courage to look up at him. Then he makes my knees weak and he giggles again. “No problem babe no damage here, but here take my coat you might get cold now that you are soaked.” Wow even his voice was hot. Its like god just dropped the perfect guy in front of me just to see how much I could embarrass myself. “Thanks but you really don’t have to give me your jacket” “No its alright. After all I wouldn’t want to see a beautiful girl like yourself shivering” “Well thank you. Would you like to walk with me to get some more hot chocolate as you see I have made a fool of myself and spilt mine.” Before answering that damn boy giggles. He needs to stop that before my heart stops working. “Sure why not my names Brad by the way. What’s yours sweetheart?” Feeling the heat spread across my cheeks I quickly answer him “My names Adriana, but I go by Addie” “Well Adriana tell me about yourself” Well he just doesn’t waste any time. “Well, I am a generally boring person. I have a wild best friend Savannah, I read and write like 24/7, and I have a secret obsession with finding small not very well known bands. Yourself Bradley” I look over to him, wow, that boy is even more beautiful up close with those few curls peaking out from under his beanie. Apparently I was staring to long because the all I hear is “Adriana were you listening?” Shit. Did he notice I was checking him out? Did I creep him out? Wow way to go Addie blow it with a super hot guy who could have possibly been into you. “Sorry I must have zoned out.” Yeah that wasn’t a good save at all. “It’s alright darling. As I was saying… I have 3 crazy best friends wait can I count my dog as my best friend too? I am going to anyway. I want to form a band with my 3 best friends, and I would be the lead singer. I just moved to New York, and I love it already. I also have probably told you more than you want to know. Sorry” Wow that was adorable. His rambling is the cutest thing I have seen today. Wait why did he just start giggling. Shit did I just say that out loud? “Did I just really just say that I thought your rambling was cute out loud? Wow I just can’t stop embarrassing myself.” “No it’s alright. I don’t mind” Just up ahead is my cute little coffee shop I go to all the time thank god. The quicker I get hot chocolate the less I embarrass myself. Unless there is a repeat of 20 minutes ago…. “Hey I usually go to this coffee shop I am going to run in and get something. Do you want anything?” Why does he look so angry? “Hey I have to go actually according to my friend Connor, who was supposed to be watching my dog, left my flat for a few minutes and now Jesse has ripped up my pillows. I have to go home and clean up. It was nice meeting you Adriana I would love to see you again.” Wow did he really just say he wants to see me again? “Yeah I would love to. See you later brad!” Heading into the hole in the wall coffee shop I felt on top of the world. A hot boy who apparently can sing wants to see me again. Wait… I don’t have his number. Shit! I also still have his jacket! Running out as quickly as possible I look around the streets but that boy is nowhere to be seen. Way to go Addie you really did well this time. Out of all things I did wrong I actually forgot to get his number. Well I mine as well get another hot chocolate to drown my sorrows. By now I was a regular, and all I had to do was sit down in a chair and my friend Jas who worked her would bring me my usual. I must have looked pretty down because when Jas walked up to me she could tell I was upset. “What’s up buttercup? Adriana not get her daily dose of hot chocolate?” “Actually I came in early today but I spilt it on myself.” “Way to go grace” “Hey watch it I am upset, because I just ruined any chance with this adorable guy that was the reason why I spilt my hot chocolate.” “What did you do this time” “Well for starters I ran into him spilling my hot chocolate, called his rambling cute, and when he asked me if he could see me again I said yes; but realized I didn’t get his number and I still had on his jacket.” “Wow that’s rough maybe you need a chocolate muffin too” “Yes please” “Don’t worry sunshine, and I am buying.” “What would I do without you Jas” “Honey, I don’t really know”

            Dear Diary,

         So I met my sex god that I had been whining about wanting. But I ruined it how great. The only good thing I got out of today was a jacket that smells like the oh so lovely brad (btw that’s the sex god). I have to remind myself to tell Sav tomorrow what happened… Maybe all hope isn’t lost and I will run into Brad again. Who am I kidding New York is the city of broken dreams. A girl can dream.

                                                            Bye from your idiot of an owner.

// Authors Note //

So this is my first story. I am going to try and use as minimal amount of authors notes as possible. 

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