Vento aureo × Reader

By doalicez

132K 4.4K 9K

you were obsessed, seriously obsessed. of what some people may ask, you were obsessed with the infamous manga... More

-chapter 1-
- chapter 2 -
- chapter 3 -
- chapter 3+1 -
- chapter 5 -
- chapter 6 -
- chapter 7 -
- chapter 8 -
- chapter 9 -
- chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- chapter 12 -
- chapter 13 -
- chapter 13+1 -
- chapter 15 -
- chapter 16 -
- chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -
- Chapter 20 -
- chapter 21 -

- Chapter 19 -

3.4K 138 300
By doalicez

You found yourself sitting on an old, dirty bench outside the home, having Fugo and Giorno on your sides. Abbacchio was standing just a few meters away from you to not trigger Fugo, nor Giorno.

The silence was starting to get awkward and you had no idea what, or who, to even look at. Giorno had his arms crossed and a leg elegantly laying on top of the other as he just closed his eyes, seemingly reflecting, you were not sure. Fugo looked rather tired, as he put his elbow on his legs and his head on his hand as if he was trying to sleep on it.

Abbacchio had his arms crossed as he just stared at you, which made the whole ordeal even more awkward.

"um... so?" You lightly mutter, not sure how to start a conversation.

Gorno opens his eyes as he slowly reaches his hand towards yours, holding it in a comforting way which made your heartbeat slightly calm at ease.

Abbacchio drops his arms on either side of his body as he sighs.

"I don't know what caused me to do something so stupid to you, I wanted to apologize. I'm not a bad person, this was an... incident... I guess. I don't know what got me at that moment." Abbacchio admits, his voice and attitude hinting that he's genuine. 

Giorno slightly smiles, but Fugoìs eyes widen in surprise. He's rarely seen Abbacchio apologize in such manner, he'd say something like this around Bucciarati and nobody else. 

He has to admit to, aside from his surprise, he's glad. Abbacchio was never the person to talk or explain much so this was an improvement.

"I know that this will sound weird, your energy just reminds me of someone of the past... I bet you can guess who I'm talking about, you know way too much for your good anyway." Abbacchio continues, as if you were alone with him, as if Giorno and Fugo weren't there.

You slightly nod. "I see... but..." your voice trails as you look at the ground, feeling your eyes tear up. 

Neither Giorno nor Fugo do anything, as they both know that this is a good way for you to open up and vent your frustration. 

"I-I know it just─ just sounds dumb b-but─" your voice cracks as you recall the incident, the pain and terror you endured in such a short period filling your mind, you almost didn't notice Giorno squeezing your hand in a comforting but also reassuring way."─For someone who didn't endure it, it'll s-sound dumb─ it'll seem l-like... I'm exaggerating! But it was really─ Really s-scared!" You say as salty droplets fall from your eyes, you cry.

Fugo feels his heartbeat fasten as he recalls his memories, as he was in the same position after all. He knows the pain of being ignored and betrayed by the people that should be the closest to him. He knows the pain of being told, "It's not a big deal, don't be a crybaby" and he knows the pain of feeling like it's your fault... those emotions that you cannot control can change your life and your perspective on so many things. 

He understands, so much it hurts. 

He does not dare to cry, though. He has already cried so many ties he ran out of tears to shed.

All he can do is gently lay a hand on your back, slowly rubbing circles on it. He wants you to know that you aren't alone.

Abbacchio doesn't say a word, he just listens. His experience as a cop gave him an idea of how it must be, of how painful it must be to endure. He could never fully understand though, but he always tried to be empathetic to those suffering people. 

Now he's the cause of the issue.

He indeed has failed as a cop, in all senses.

'Idiot' he tells himself.

"I k-know you can't relate─" you start saying as you try to slowly breathe and calm down, "─ I-I'm... thankful you a-apologized, tho... I forgave you a while back" You mutter the last part but he is still able to hear it.

His eyes slightly widen as he slowly steps closer to you. 

"Are you fucking serious...? How can you do such thing?" he starts sounding rather irritated. Your words also catch Fugo's attention as he glances towards you. 

"(Y/N)..." he whispers.

You look at Abbacchio, only to see his fist in front of you, seemingly being hold y something. You quickly understood that it was Gold Experience as Giorno's expression changed into a sedate one.

"PEOPLE LIKE YOU WILL END UP KILLED!" he screams at you which takes you off guard. 

What does he mean? Why would you get killed? For what?

"Abbacchio, calm down," Giorno says, in an alarming tone. 

"I've always... hated people with our attitude! You get hurt then forgive─ Of course, people will hurt you again and again! Playing nice won't do you any good!" Abbachio vents out, still pushing his fist towards your face, still being blocked by Gold experience. 

Fugo doesn't dare move, as or once...

He's not sure who's right or wrong in this situation.

Is there even someone who's right? Is there a wrong answer?

I-I know that y-you didn't mean it s-so─" You start but Abbacchiothrows his other fist towards you, being blocked again but this time, it was Fugo's hand to black him. He doesn't say a word as his expression looks dark. He just defends you.

You stand up from your place and slowly move out of the way, walking around the bench to you're behind it Abbacchio's eyes follow your figure. "Abbacchio..." You whisper as you look down.  

Abbacchio retires his fists but he still glares daggers at you. "You're so fucking weak, I just feel pity for you. People like you annoy me to death, It might be that you just don't have a clear idea of what suffering is." He affirms.

His statement catches you off guard, how can he even know if you have suffered or not? Why does he have to assume everything?

"At least I don't let myself get influenced so bad that someone had to die because of it." You boldly state and Abbacchio suddenly feels his blood boiling and his vision gets blinded by rage as he speeds towards you, only to be stopped by veins being tightly wrapped around him. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I SHOULD HAVE BEATEN YOU TO DEATH BACK THEN!" Abbacchio, so enraged that he has no more control of the words he's spilling out, suddenly gets knocked off by a fist coming from under the ground.

The figure slowly comes out of a zipper as it opens up, revealing Buccirati.

"I've heard enough, Go back to your rooms and leave him to me" Bucciarati says as Giorno transforms the veins back into rocks, letting Bucciarati pick him up.

Giorno firmly takes your hand in his and drags you back inside the house, you're followed by Fugo.

No word is said, you could only hear your footsteps as you walked up the stairs into your rooms. You waved Fugo goodbye and he sadly smiles towards you before entering his room.

Your face fees sticky from the tears you feel your body tremble from the emotions you were feeling.

Giorno still doesn't say a word.

"Giorno..." You call him, walking towards him as he sat on the bed.

Giorno glances at you, his expression is barely readable.

"I..." You trail off, not sure of what to say so you slowly lean on his, embracing him as warmly as you can, wanting to feel his warmth on you after such a cold scene.

He wraps one arm around you, pulling you closer, kissing you cheek.

"Let's sleep, (Y/N). Tomorrow is going to be a long day." Giorno says as he pulls you with him as he lays on the bed, letting you lay on top of him.

You simply nod, not even taking too long as you slowly drift to sleep.









↤↤↤↤↤↤↤↤To be continued. . .

Word count: 1494

Author note
I'm dying, I just finished my exams as I had to take them because I failed some subjects so yeah. It has been a long month for me but I'll try to make a chapter for each of my other Fanfictions, chyeah owo.

As always, here's a drawing!

I did it some time ago, but I didn't post it here. I did post it on Instagram tho, sense I try to post some stuff there. It's boss Giorno and I'm not gonna lie... I did work hard on it but it seems that it's not really appreciated or liked. Much simpler drawings of mine are much more liked so, yeah. I'm still proud of it tho, I shows that I improved! C:
Anyway, have a Great Valentine's Day!

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