Kissy |HS|

By CanyonMoon96

154K 2.9K 782

|British Dictionary| Kissy; adj. 1. Informal showing exaggerated affection, especially by frequent touching... More

Kissy |HS|- prologue
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33

Ch. 26

4.2K 97 24
By CanyonMoon96

I may have started a dangerous game.

Harry and I's sexual playful banter had turned into a eat or be eaten type scenario. Not that I would mind, but that's beside the point. Somehow we've managed to turn it into a blue ball giving-lusted anger havin- harsh ass game of sexy tag.

Six days of teasing, and six days of no sex.

It doesn't seem like a long time, but believe me when I say, if you start having sex with Harry, you never want to stop.

I swear I have blue balls, and I'm not even a man. My bits are crying!

I can't imagine it being any better for Harry. But it wouldn't have happened, if he had just left our game back at the night we got slightly drunk.

Nooo, no no. He had to keep it going. He wanted revenge and I did too- after his. It was 50 shades of ugh in its entirety.

So, in this last week, whenever we'd see eachother, it was constant heated touching, whispers and sweet, sweet kisses. The thought of it could've pushed me over the edge now, if I wasn't at work.

At this point it had become so unbearable that I had even picked up extra appointments for work to avoid more torture, physically and mentally.

Of course, that drove him crazy. These few days, I'd managed to escape it, and bury myself in seashells and sand. In all that time, Harry couldn't find the time to play his turn. The ball was in my court, whether he liked it or not, and If I'm being honest, it was the most content feeling.

"Ma'am, could you help us?" My attention snapped over to the old couple that attended my lessons today.

I walked over and smiled sweetly, "what's up?"

"Well, my wife says that it doesn't matter where your feet go, is that true?"

I watched as she smacked the old man in the chest and laughed, "I did not say that, I asked if it did. He's old, don't you listen to a single thing he says."

I chuckled at the two, insult after another but still glowing with absolute love.

"It does for sure, normally you'd want your front foot, whichever that may be, placed in the direct center of the board, and the back foot placed opposite side of the fins."

The old woman nodded and stood on her board. "Such a smart girl, Ruth, you could be that smart." Her husband commented.

"Well, if I were as smart as her you'd still be single."

I laughed at the witty argument between the two and walked over to my board.

I wasn't supposed to surf with a cast on, but considering past experiences, I've learned how to work my way around a wave with one arm.

Bringing my board out to the water, I laid on my stomach and paddled a good distance out before sitting up. The couple followed suit, laughing together as they sculled.

It was heartwarming to see love, whether it be new or everlasting. I may be scared of the outcome, but I was in love with love itself regardless. It was beautiful.

My musings of affection were suddenly filled with Harry. I started to imagine us, growing together.

What it would be like if we grew old together, what kind of house would we have together? Would we have kids? And if so how many?

Maybe we'll get a dog.

I smiled to myself, the idea of us having a future together caused butterflies to swarm my heart.

It seemed to soon to be thinking about the future, I know. And I'm quite aware that my thoughts have jumped in a matter of seconds, but I couldn't restrain it, I've A.D.D, I'll never be on one topic.

I could be annoyed with Harry and still manage to think about how amazing it felt to be with him.

At a moment like this, it would be nice to just sit beside him, and watch the sky. I have yet to see him even touch the water. Which is something I'll have to keep in mind the next time we aren't recreating battle of the sexes.


"I'm home!"        

I walked in and tossed my keys onto the table. Quiet filled the air until loud steps replaced it.

Avery bounced on her toes, drying her hair and singing to herself. "Hey, how was work?"

I shrugged and plopped onto the couch. "Busy, beautiful, same old same old. You?"

"Boring," she claimed. The only word she used to describe her day at work. I watched as she brushed through her hair, and ran her fingers through it. I was envious of her hair. I envied anyone with naturally straight hair, so much that I did what I could to make my curls appear straight without major damage.

She pulled her makeup out and sat infront of the small mirror in our living room.

"Are you going somewhere?"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at me. "No, WE are going somewhere. You should probably get ready."

It was my turn to shoot a confused look her way. "What do you mean we? I didn't have plans tonight."

She rolled her eyes and stood up, grabbing my phone and started forcefully tapping. "Do you not read your texts?" She said as she shoves my phone in my face.

Avery: (forward)

             H: Fine Line release party
                  Date: December 12th-13th
                  My house

              Give my love to Luna! Xx H

Wow. I really should start reading all of my messages.

"Why didn't he just send me this himself?" I queried.

"I told him I wanted to. I can't get exciting news like that and not be the one to tell you." I chuckled and shut my phone off.

"Avery, first of all, I hardly ever read your messages unless you call. And you know that. Secondly, I just got home, do I need to go?"

"Yes, yes you do. Support your man, don't be a twat."

She was right, it was my duty to support Harry in his success no matter how tired I was. Bare with me, I'm still trying to grasp the idea of being a girlfriend.

"Now, no offense, but you smell like salt water and asshole and its repulsive. Go shower."

I scoffed and stood up, tossing a pillow at her. Bringing myself to the shower, I turned on my music and went about my business.

Tying a plastic bag around my cast, I stood under the hot water, trying to imagine what I'd look like in different outfits I own.

What do I wear!

One of my many dilemmas. Was I supposed to dress up for this or am I allowed to be comfortable enough to sleep.

I huffed and leaned out of the shower to grab my phone.

"Hey siri...text Harry," I spoke to my phone and waited for it to speak back.

"What am I supposed to wear tonig-"

"I cannot understand what you are saying. Please try again." I frowned and leaned over more.

"What! Do! I! Wear! Tonight!" I yelled.

"Did you say, 'what is the weather, tonight?"

"No! I said what do I- oh never mind, fuck you siri!"

"I'm not sure I understand."

I groaned, finding it ridiculous to argue with my phone as I shower.

I gave up, and washed the salt off my body, finishing up.

Once I dried my hands and wrapped a towel around my body, I walked into my bedroom and laid down on my bed.

Me: what am I supposed to wear tonight?

I waited for Harry to respond and scrolled through facebook, shamefully taking pointless quizzes to pass the time.

Harry: just be you, love. Xx H

Thats the most non answer, answer anyone could ever say.

Me: Harry, that means absolutely nothing. Is this formal?

Harry: lol this isn't school babe, dress the way you want to tonight. Xx H

I groaned, tossing my phone to the side and making my way to my closet.

The one thing I couldn't do when it came to events was dress myself. I was one of the most indecisive people ever known, and if I show up over dressed or underdressed, I'll be completely embarrassed.

"Avery!" I yelled for the only person that would help me.

She popped her head in, "what, why aren't you dressed yet?"

"I need help, I don't know what to wear."

She grinned and happily walked into my closet, digging through all of my clothes.

"I would LOVE to pick out your outfit. Can I do your hair and makeup too?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded, seeing as I don't have much energy to do it.

"Hurry up."

I pray this doesn't take longer than an hour.


Listen. Don't look at me like that.
Just don't even do it.

I know, I KNOW. I fell behind. I'm sorry! I just got a new job, and its sucking every ounce of life out of me. I have a free pass for yesterday though because the music video for falling came out and I needed exactly 24 hours to cry about it.

You understand, yeah?

Seriously though, I've had such a hard time writing the chapter and for a while I was unsure if I wanted to publish this one because to me, it felt boring.

Clearly it's up to you guys to decide that.

I appreciate the patience, I will update more, I promise. Im on a better schedule, and you guys are right at the top of it.

I love the feedback, I love the love.

I hope you guys had a dope leap day, year thing. Happy birthday if its your birthday?

I'm excited to write these next few chapters so, stay tuned. Don't leave me.

Much love!💛

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