Ch. 4

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I walked back into the apartment, closing the door and pressing my back against it, a smile making its way to my face as I blushed.

I was getting way over my head, but I couldn't help it. There's something about him that I find intriguing, It could just be that he came to the apartment, cleaned up my vomit and toilet, made dinner and made sure I was okay. But who knows.

And the way his lips felt, god they were as soft as they looked and I wanted so badly to feel them against mine. I held my hand against my chest and rubbed the area, hoping it would make the tingly feeling disappear. Avery walked into the living room, her attention snapping over to me. "Luna what're you doing?"

Her eyebrows were furrowed together, and she set her hand on her hip. I cleared my throat and shook my head, trying to bury any feelings deep within me. I walked to the island in the kitchen and tried to put my focus on something else; Avery walked over and leaned against the counter, "So are we going out today, because I'm bored." She folded her hands together and rested her chin on top of them.

I looked at her, mocking her position and sighed. "Avery you're still in your pajamas."

She rolled her eyes, "I can change Lu, it doesn't take the whole day to put on different clothes."

I responded back sassily, "it does for you."

She nudged me and turned on her heels, making her way towards her room. I let out a slight laugh and walked over to the couch, plopping down and throwing my head back. A sigh escaped passed my lips as I reached into my Jean pocket and pulled out my phone; the vibration of the electronic jolting through the palm of my hand.

It was a text from Harry. My face lit up as I pressed on the message icon and tapped on his name.

Harry: Dinner, Tomorrow? x H

I brought my hand up to my mouth, chewing on the nail of my thumb and trying with everything in me not to smile. I found it cute how he signed the end of a text, almost every time.

Me: Idk, you may end up having to take care of me again.

Harry: and what's so wrong with that?😏 x H

I blushed, even when he wasn't around he made my cheeks turn red like a tomato.

Harry: is that a yes? x H

Me: ...

Harry: what's that mean? x H

Me: it's the typing dots.

Harry: you typed out the typing dots? x H

Me: I mean...yeah. But that's because I was thinking.

Harry: I see, and uh, have you thought of an answer? x H

I tapped my finger against my chin, postponing my response.

Harry: ...
Harry: thinking dots^ x H

I couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh at his quick adaptation to my texting habits.

Me: yes Harry, I would love too.

Harry: fantastic! I'll see you then love, x H

I shoved my phone back into my pocket once I exited out of the conversation and grinned like a complete idiot. Avery appeared around the corner, and grabbed the nearest pair of shoes.

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