Ch. 31

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"Look! He even eats bread like a god!"

An abrupt laughter left my mouth as Avery watched Harry on the screen intently.

"How do you know how a God eats?"

"Luna, dont be ridiculous....the evidence is right there."

I mentally face palmed and chuckled, taking sips from the beers Avery had smuggled in here.

"I won't lie, he does look good. Like too good, it should be illegal." As those words left my mouth, my envy grew for the fact that he was so naturally beautiful. If given enough time, he'd probably have every human being swooning for him.

I mean, look at his skin.  Covered in oil and still smooth. His hair is all tossed but in the right ways. And the man has the power to bring it all back Into fashion.

Harry's an icon.

To be honest it was unfair.

"How do you think Harry's doing with the cast of golden girls?

I brought my attention to Avery and shrugged. "I do not want to know, they're all in heat and that's too much dusty estrogen for me."

She laughed and took a swig from her drink.

"You think Harry misses us yet?" I queried, more to myself, to which she responded with an absolute yes.

I huffed, shoving a cheeto into my mouth and focusing intently on the movie. 

"Wait whys he drowning? Is he drowning!? Is he gonna die! Avery what kind of movie is this!"

She had the most devilish grin planted on her face, elbow deep in popcorn.

I felt an instant sense of panic wash over my drunk self, watching as Harry was struggling to breathe under water. 

I smacked Averys leg and yelled at the tv, hoping that my actions would somehow save him; I know, world class hero.

"Aves I can't finish this if he dies. I refuse to-"

My words were stopped as she shoved a handful of chips into my mouth. 

"Watch the movie."

I frowned, turning back towards the movie again, accepting whatever Harry's fate would be. 


"Harry, darling where did you learn to bake like that?"

Lunas mother had a million questions, but even more things to say. It was quite amusing to hear the five tell stories. And the amount of flattery I've gathered is almost overwhelming.

"Uh, I used to work in a bakery, but my mum taught me a good portion of what I know."

The ladies swooned and chatted amongst themselves.

"If you don't mind me asking, when will Mr. Bellucci be home?"

BeBe shot me a confused look then chuckled slightly, shaking her head. 

"Oh no sweetheart, there hasn't been a man to come home in a long time."

My heart dropped, assuming the worst. "Oh I'm so sorry I-"

"Nonsense Harry, people grow apart. But he's a good man. A good father to this day. Sometimes divorce can be a blessing."

I sighed in realization, relieved that she didn't mean what I thought. But I was just as quick to retract.

"Luna didn't tell you Harry?"

I shook my head, going back to what I was doing, to keep my mind busy.

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