Female Frisk and Chara x Male...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

208K 4.9K 2.5K

I can't believe I'm doing this Cant get this out of mind no matter how many days passed Welp hope you will b... More

A distant memory
Chapter 1-Past Events
Chapter 2 Oh no
Chapter 3 Little visitor
Chapter 4 Glow
Chapter 5 Falling Angels
Chapter 6 Caretaker
Chapter 7 Sins of the Wicked
Chapter 8 Judgement
Chapter 9 Falling into Place
Chapter 10 Monsters
Chapter 11 New Playmates
Chapter 12 Magic?
Chapter 13 Trouble
Chapter 14 New Roommates
Chapter 15 Order up
Chapter 16 Just Vistiting
Chapter 17 Outcomes
Chapter 18 Reload
Chapter 19 A Fight
Chapter 20 Conversation
Chapter 21 Training
Chapter 23 Determined
Chapter 24 Another
Chapter 25 Cook
Chapter 26 Story
Chapter 27 Glass
Chapter 28 No Mercy
Chapter 29 Hidden Room
Chapter 30 Morning
Chapter 31 Shopping
Chapter 32 Normal
Chapter 33 Movie Night
Chapter 34 Red
Chapter 35 Honesty
Chapter 36 Unexpected
Chapter 37 Nightmare
Chapter 38 Bad Timing
Chapter 39 Trapped
Chapter 40 Gift
Chapter 41 Plan
Chapter 42 Trip
Heads Up
Chapter 43 Flowers
Chapter 44 Accomplish
Chapter 45 Sweet
Chapter 46 Hot
Chapter 47 Spar
Chapter 48 Gossip
Chapter 49 Basket
Chapter 50 Call
Chapter 51 Dream
Chapter 52 Settle
Chapter 53 Kingdom
Chapter 54 Dress Up
Chapter 55 Clone
Chapter 56 Tux
Chapter 57 Special
Chapter 58 Conversation
Chapter 59 Form
Chapter 60 Original
Chapter 61 New Underground
Chapter 62 Greetings
Chapter 63 Castle
Chapter 64 Surface
Chapter 65 Blaze
Chapter 66 Chat
Chapter 67 Family Reunion
Chapter 68 Ink
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Error
Chapter 71 Truce
Chapter 72 Forgiveness
Chapter 73 Crystals
Chapter 74 Touchy
Chapter 75 SS!Chara
Chapter 76 Door to Door
Chapter 77 Dance Lesson
Chapter 78 Round Two
Chapter 79 Bath
Chapter 80 SS!Toriel
Chapter 81 King Bonely
Chapter 82 King Bonely Part 2
Chapter 83 Bright Sky
Chapter 84 Blackout
Chapter 85 Blind
Chapter 86 Humming Bird
Chapter 87 New Universe
Chapter 88 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 89 Temmies
Chapter 90 Temptations
Chapter 91 Smut-SF!Chara
Chapter 92 Tems
Chapter 93 Couch
Chapter 94 Babe
Chapter 95 Crown
Chapter 96 Prize
Chapter 97 Truth
Chapter 98 Properly
Chapter 99 Make-Up
Chapter 100 Dinner with her Parents
Chapter 101 Returning
Chapter 102 Back Home
Chapter 103 Throne Room Meeting
Chapter 104 Judges
Chapter 105 Sleepover
Chapter 106 Grilby
Chapter 107 Sweet Shop
Chapter 108 Meeting Charlotte
Chapter 109 Coffee
Chapter 110 Sweet Shop
Chapter 111 Movie Night again
Chapter 112 Flower Arch
Chapter 113 Invites
Chapter 114 Blood
Chapter 115 Ceremony
Chapter 116 Speech Speech Speech
Chapter 117 First Dance
Chapter 118 Duet
Chapter 119 Birthday Present
Chapter 120 Grey Door
Chapter 121 Black Swarm
Chapter 122 Gatekeeper
Chapter 123 Eyes on Family
Chapter 124 Words
Chapter 125 Trap Door
Chapter 126 Deal
Chapter 127 Materials
Chapter 128 Preparing
Chapter 129 News
Chapter 130 Babum
Chapter 131 Artificial
Chapter 132 Void
Chapter 133 Popo
Chapter 134 Sparring
Chapter 135 Just hanging out
Chapter 136 Date with Frisk
Chapter 137 Ebbot Park
Chapter 138 AMS
Chapter 139 A Long Chat
Chapter 140 Soul Touching
Chapter 141 Answers
Chapter 142 War Cry
Chapter 143 Date with Chara Pt.1
Chapter 144 Date with Chara Pt.2
Chapter 145 Date with Chara Pt.3
Chapter 146 Second Best
Chapter 147 Good News and Good Byes
Chapter 148 Return to SF!
Chapter 149 Bringing Along
Chapter 150
(Y/N) Profile

Chapter 22 Secrets

1.7K 45 11
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Your POV
*Passing through Waterfall
*Your phone rings
*You answer

(I should've expected this)
"Something came up with the humans"
"They are learning how to cook with Undyne back in Snowdin"
"They really LOVE cooking.I can't explain this right now I'm going to come by later and you'll see me then."
"Yeah yeah I see you later"
*You ended the call
*You see something near the lake
(What the heck am I looking at?)

*Passing through Hotland
(Man this place is hot as ever)
*Asriel wakes up
"Huh where are we?"Asriel
"We're going back to the King and Queen"
"What why?Asriel
"Because the situation changed and it will be dangerous for you if your around them"
"Will they be ok?"Asriel
"Of course.Because I'll be looking after them."
*You arrived at the Lab entrance
*You let down Asriel

"And we're here.Asriel stay with Alphys and I'll be coming back later"
"What where are you going?"
"Gaster called me remember?Im just checking if he needs anything"
*You had an idea
"Do you want to come with me?"
"I thought I wasn't allowed down there?"Asriel
"Don't worry.Im with you after all.Plus there's a secret down there that you might be excited seeing"
"Oh alright.Then let's go"Asriel
*You entered the Lab
"Hey Asriel use your magic to make us invisible"
"Huh why?"Asriel
"Since you're not allowed to go down.It will be faster if we go unnoticed.We'll be like ninjas
*Asriel imbued magic all around you and himself then turned invisible.
"Alright Asriel lets go and...where are you?"
"I'm here"Asriel
"I know that but where's your hand so I don't lose you"
"Oh umm"Asriel waving his arms around
*You spent some time finding each other
"Alright let's go"you say

*You passed by the Monitors
(Huh Alphys is here I thought she was working on a project?)
*You went down the elevator
"Hey Asriel when we go in stay invisible"
"Why?"he replied
"Because Gaster doesn't like surprise visits in his Lab.And when we enter stay away from Gaster and just stay by the corner."
"Well ok"Asriel
*You are now visible while holding invisible Asriel by the hand

<Wing Dings time again>
"Hey I'm finally here"
"Ah your here"
"Ahuh so what's the problem"
"Oh the problem is that you failed to listen to my order"
"Well I couldn't do much when they didn't want to leave Undyne"
"So where are they now?"
"Back home in Snowdin"
"Are you lying to me?"
"Of course not I have no reason to lie"
"Well I had the Monitors look after you and they didn't report you leaving Waterfall at all"
"Because we took the a ride with the Boatman back to Snowdin"
"What about the Prince?"
"He's with them of course"
"Hmm.Anyways I'm heading to the King and Queen to give them my report"
"Wait then why did you call then?"
"Because I had an experiment I want to test out but since you came late I had it put it on hold"
"All I want from you is to just wait here till I return"
"Ah Alright"
"And (Y/N) report about anything that happens here"
"You got it boss"
*Gaster leaves

"(Sigh) I can finally relax"
"Hey Asriel you can reveal yourself now"
*Asriel appears in the corner shaking
"Hey what's wrong?!"
*You picked up Asriel and carried him in your arms
"Nothing its just I never seen Gaster that mad before"Asriel
"Heh yeah but luckily for you haven't even seen his angry face"
"So what's the secret?"Asriel
"Oh let me show you"
*You notice nameplates are placed on the tubes
"Hey Gaster finally gave them names"
"They didn't have names before?"Asriel
"Nope but I wonder why he chose these names"
"So what do you think little prince?"You asked
"Umm I don't know"he replied
"Wha-These guys are gonna be your little siblings you know!"you said
"But why are they stuck in the tubes?"
"Because they need to mature healthily and effectively as much as possible"you replied
"Hmm are they sick then?"
"No they just need time in the tubes so they become strong like me"
"Huh ok"
"Now stay there and watch over them while I look around"

*You search everywhere looking for a clue what's Gaster been up to.As you were searching you tried to put the scattered papers,books and folders as they were before.
(Damn Nothing)

*You picked up some papers on the floor
"Huh this is new"
(Looks like a humanoid robot looking design but has multiple weapons hidden inside.I never seen theses designs before.Gaster isn't the type to make mechanical artificial beings.It could be Alphys but the weapons in this thing isn't exactly simple)
*You shift around a couple of papers
*This paper contains information about a possibility of multiple timelines.(So like multiverse theory but this paper seems to have more what it's leading on)

*You shuffled around a couple papers till you came across a paper having information containing about DETERMINATION.

(This is odd I thought these should be put somewhere in a folder or a file.
"DETERMINATION Potential Possibilities".
Could be use to make Monsters stronger but high chance of failure.If a person has high amounts of DETERMINATION they might be capable to persist after death and altering events from before their lives were killed.)

(That's just what Frisk and Chara were talking about.This is It.This is the reason why Gaster wants them here.He thinks he can manipulate time by killing them and restarting...but what is the reason.)

*A paper slipped from your grasp and glides over to the wall
*You notice the paper is halfway through the wall
(There isn't a room behind here before)
*You searched a way to open the wall but found nothing.Its just a normal looking wall with no cracks or crevices to feel around.
(Maybe I look into it later)
"Hey (Y/N) come quick!"Asriel called out
"What?!Whats wrong?!"You said as you ran back to the tubes
"What's the matter?!"you asked
"Check this out"Asriel
*Asriel called out the names from left to right.As he say their names each soul individually glowed
(Huh its just like back then)
"Cool how did you figure they would glow like that?"
"I didn't. I was just trying to pronounce their names"
"Well good job little prince,you just taught me something new today"
*A hand appeared near the entrance

<Wing a Ding Ding>
"Hey Gaster,that was quick"
"Of course and what are you doing"
"Me?Oh nothing just uhm stretching"
*You tried to search for Asriel
"Stretching in such a weird and not effective way?
"Yeah I'm just practicing if it works, you know how Undyne is ridiculously flexible"
"Indeed her physique doesn't match her looks.Always bench pressing boulders and-"
"Are you sure that your stretching?"
"Of course I said didn't I"
"Yes you did but now you look like your hugging an imaginary person"
"Hey I don't judge how you look so don't judge me so if you'll excuse me, I'll be going"
"I'm waiting for you of course!"
"Ahh right you are, but when you leave please make sure the Prince has an enjoyable evening"
"Wait a minute you knew?!"
"Of course I knew.I could sense magic coming from him and you think I wouldn't smell the stench coming off of him?"<Normal text
"Man he's right you do smell"<Normal text
"Well it's not my fault that we didn't take a shower after that FIGHT"Asriel said and reappears
"FIGHT? You say"
"Um yeah we played dodgeball with the humans to have some fun with Asriel!"You replied
"Hmm is that right my Prince?"
"Yes of course!"Asriel
"So can we go now and take that shower?"
"Absolutely,please be safe on your way home"
*Your back at Snowdin
(Ah crap we have to walk back there again)

Next Time

Gaster's Thoughts

(Lucky for you (Y/N) the Prince was with you.If you hadn't brought him I wonder what kind of display I would have witnessed.No matter.I'll just test it out on them)

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