|| Beauty and The Beast || (...

By Mamree

963K 52.8K 9.1K

1st Runner up in Choice Award 2019 Winner of 3rd position in Limelight Award 2020 #Standalone A ruthless... More

Story Synopsis
1 ~ Beauty~
2 ~Beginning~
3 ~ Blooming Bond ~
4 ~ Broken ~
5 ~ Bitter Past
6 ~ Being Close ~
7 ~ Being Yours ...Legally ~
Glimpse of Next Part
8 ~ Beside You... Always ~
9 ~ Beautiful Moments ~
Important Announcement
10 ~ Breathless Moments Of Togetherness ~
11 ~ Being Yours... Ritually ~
12 ~ Being Reborn ~
13 ~ Because You Are My Wife ~
Glimpse of Next Part
14 ~Best Friend... Such A Pain....~
15 ~ Behind The Veil ~
16 ~ Burning Desire ~
17 ~ Burning Together ~
18 ~ Beast's Broken Dream
Glimpse Of Next Part
19 ~ Brother After all
20 ~ Brutal Ugly Truth ~
Hello Lovely
21 ~ Broken Pieces Of Past ~
My Lovely Readers, Followers and Friends...
23 ~ Beloved Son ~
24 ~ Beast's Return ~
Glimpse Of The Next part
25 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -1 ~
26 ~ Broken Illusion : Part-2 ~
~ Choice Award~
Question To The Character
27 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -3 ~
28 ~ Breaking Down ~
~Answers By The Character ~
29 ~ Being Confused ~
30 ~ Because I am a Fool ~
31 ~ Because I Love You Dammit ~
32 ~ Blooming In Your Love
~Limelight Award 2020~
33 ~ Beyond Everything ~
34~ Being Your Soulmate~
35 ~ Bacio Alla Francese ( French Kiss) ~
36 ~ Blissfully Together : 1
37 ~Blissfully Together 2~
~Cherish Fan Award 2020~
38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~
39~ Becoming Mine.. Forever 2~
40~ Burning Passion ~
~Glimpse Of Next Part~
41 ~ Behind The Shadow :1~
42 ~ Because You Are My Life :1 ~
43 ~ Because You Are My Life : 2~
44 ~ Blurred ~
45 ~ Behind The Shadow 2 ~
46 ~Broken Heaven : 1~
47 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil :1 ~
48 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil: 2 ~
49~ Because You Are My Life : 3 ~
50 ~Broken Heaven 2 ~
51 ~ Be Safe .... My Love ~
52 ~ Beginning Of A New Life ~
53 ~ Beauty and The Beast ( Last Chapter ) ~
~Thank You ~
~ Curtain Raiser : Final Banner ~

22 ~ Be My Solace ~

14.3K 895 140
By Mamree

Dedicated to All My readers, followers and friends...

Happy Valentine's day... spread love, be loved....

22 ~ Be My Solace ~


Arnav's Cabin...

Ray Fashion House...

It's been 4 hours passed Arnav was sitting in his cabin. The entire office is empty and only the guards are there. A night bulb was eliminating in the corner.

Arnav read the whole file which Veer has given him. And the content of the file only screamed aloud that Veer was all along right. With a shaky hand, Arnav opened the diary. The torn pages of diary and the quality of pages proved it's an old one. He was unable to read the whole diary, because the innocent pages of diary was putting dagger in his heart continuously. By this time Arnav realized that it's not only Ratna Ray but Kamini Kapoor also the victim of Arunoday Mallik...

But the question still remains the same..


Why all these games? Why Arunoday destroyed and played with his own children's life?

Why Subhadra supported Arunoday's womanizer nature?

Why Subhadra detests Arnav and Anjali so much?

Why Subhadra supported Arunoday to use Veer as a pawn?

Is money and property is everything?

And along with that the biggest revelation, Shyam Manohor Khanna is alive....

Suddenly Arnav snapped open his eyes... like a thunderbolt it strike him hard, "Subhadra Mallik is Arunoday's step mother..."

Is this the clue of their broken past? Is the forgotten history is related to their woeful past?

Arnav does not have any answer at present but he knew he has to get all his answers and then only he will able to solve the puzzle. He suddenly felt very tired, very helpless, very lonely... He felt he is trapped in a "Chakrabuhya".. He has entered in it but he does not know the way out.

How will he find his way out from this mess? But Arnav got his answers immediately...As if destiny listened his silent pray.

Arnav's phone vibrated the very moment breaking Arnav's chain of thoughts...He looks at the mobile, another message from Khushi...


His Khushi..

Finally Arnav unlock the mobile and which revealed took his breath away..

128 missed calls and 56 messages...

From Khushi...

From HIS Khushi.....

"What will he do with this girl? How will he throw out every gesture of this selfless love? Will he able to survive without her?"

His thought was broken when an incoming call from Khushi broke his trance..with a shaky hand Arnav received the call,

" Hello... Hello... Arnav.. Arnav... Are you there? Are you fine?" a worried Khushi bombarded questions the moment Arnav received the call..

Arnav closed his eyes and bites his lips tight to hold the urge not to cry. Her voice is slowly soothing his restless heart...

What will he do without her?

" Arnav.. I know you are listening.. Please.. At least say you are fine...Please come back.." Khushi's voice was thickening with emotions...

" did she cried??" Arnav jolted in his place..

" Khushi.. are you.. are you crying?" he asked while few tear drops rolled down in his cheeks.

" No.. Just.. Something went in my eyes.. It's been 18 hours almost you are outside, did not take your food and medicines properly.. How you can be so ignorant about your health Arnav ?? You know Advay was asking about you so many times.." Khushi whispered while controlling her sobs..

" And What about you? Did you also search for me?" Arnav whispered back feeling all restless suddenly.

Khushi did not spoke anything but her uneven breathing and silent sobs were enough to answer Arnav's question.

" Please stop crying.. I.. I am just trapped in something.. I.." Arnav was unable to produce proper words to justify his actions.

" Are you by any chance angry with me? did I do something to disappoint you? I am so.. sorry... I..."Khushi sobbed a little louder..

" No... Khushi.. You... How I will explain you.. I just a little bit messed up now.." Arnav was cut off by Khushi's next question.

" Problem may come, but why are you distancing yourself with your family? With Advay? With...." Khushi paused suddenly then again spoke, " Why are you away from ME ? I mean from US ?"

" Don't cry.. stop...I.. I.. am.." Arnav could not find any proper words to justify his acts of not receiving Khushi's any call or reply her messages... It's not about today's incident but It's about HIS own decision to stay away from Khushi..

How could he inflict pain on his Khushi ?

" Please.. No.. don't give any justification.. Just.. Come back please.. It's late night.. Just come back to US... to OUR HOME....without you it's so lifeless..."Khushi finally sobbed a little more breaking Arnav's heart a little more..

" shhhh... don't cry.. please.. Khushi.. Khushi.. I... I am coming back.. to OUR HOME... to YOU...." With that Arnav just cut the call and hung his head and cried.

He was deliberately avoiding Khushi the whole day.. After Veer's revelations the first thing which was in his mind to run back to home and engulf Khushi in his arms.. To seek some solace in her, because Arnav badly needed that.. But he could not able to be that selfish anymore... specially after today's revelations...

After Veer and Aman left, The more Arnav think, the more he felt miserable within the 4 walls of his cabin.

His father is a womaniser, who cheated not only his mother but another woman too the same way...

His step brother, whom he abhors till this day, turn out to be a mere pawn in his Father's and grandmother's hand...

His jijaji whom he loved as a elder brother and trusted, has backstab him brutally..

If Shyam is alive then, he would claim Advay's custody.. But for that Shyam has to come out from his hidden place.

Where he is? He is roaming in open and it is dangerous for his family....

For his Advay safety and Khushi's too...

Already Khushi has done enough for him, can he put her in more danger for his selfish reason?

How will he drag that innocent soul in the mud of His past?

Arnav knew Khushi will accept and tolerate everything for him, but he could not put more burden on her.

Already Arnav is dwelling with the after effects of the brutal accident. His burnt body, the scar marks and the news of he is unable to father a child already messed his mind. He has already taken a decision to stay away from Khushi with his broken heart. And now after knowing about the dark and nasty secrets of his past, Arnav is totally messed up...He is still dwelling about the decision to stay away or embrace Khushi in his life..

Though Arnav is willing to embrace Khushi but what about AR and his dark, cruel mind?

Arnav knew now there is a fight he has to face in near future. Because Shyam Manohor Khanna will strike from behind... the game of power is going to be very nasty..

And most importantly Arnav needs to use his AR mind not Arnav's heart to win the game..

But for tonight he will be the same man who want Khushi and a little, happy family with her..


For tonight.....just for tonight...


Arnav reached at the living room of Shantivan when the clock strikes at 2: 45 a.m. Taking slow steps Arnav reached towards the dining table where Khushi felt asleep putting her head on the table. There was two dinner plate was covered indicating she was waiting for him to have dinner together. Arnav keenly observed her face, she is looking pale, her face is tear stricken, she is mumbling something in her sleep. Arnav bend down at Khushi's level to hear what she is murmuring and what he hear punched his gut..

" Arnav... please.. Come back... Arnav.. Arnav..." Khushi was mumbling his name in her sleep too.

Is she that much unsettled due to his ignorance and absence just for ONE DAY?

Then what will happen in near future? Arnav does not want to ponder over that fact now.. Today, for some unknown reason he wants to forget about everything except Khushi...

With his trembling hands Arnav shakes Khushi a little, " Khushi, wake up.. Khushi.."

Jolted in her place, Khushi opens her eyes only to see his husband besides her. Forgetting everything, without thinking much Khushi just threw her hands around Arnav's neck and hugs him tightly to her dear life. Finally the tears which were arrested in her beautiful, hazel orbs get released socking Arnav's shirt and breaking his heart at the same time.

" I.. I was scared Arnav..You did not receive any of my calls and even did not bother to call back. Not even send a single message saying you are safe. Do you have any idea how much worried I was?" Khushi finally looked at his husband's eyes with her those beautiful hazel orbs which are full with unshed tears. Arnav's heart broke a little more but soothed at the same time. How this woman have such hold's on him? He wonders.

Slowly cupping her face in his huge palm, Arnav sucked the tears droplets one by one making Khushi's heart dance in a melodious rhythm which exactly goes with the same beat with her husband's.

" I am so sorry, Jaan.. Few matters happened which needed my attention and I.. I am.." before Arnav could complete, Khushi placed her finger on his rough lips and shushed him up.

" No need to explain anything Arnav. I know you are a very busy man and besides regarding Advay, you are tensed. Just keep me updated that You are fine." Khushi said looking at Arnav while awarding him with her beautiful smile.

Oh.. how he missed her beautiful smile the whole day, his entire gloominess as if faded away with her sunshine smile...

" I am very hungry Khushi, I will freshen up and then we will eat together.. Okay.." Arnav said slowly caressing Khushi's soft milky skin..

"Tonight... just for tonight I will allow myself to LIVE... from next day, the beast will return back... I am sorry Khushi for being so selfish but TONIGHT I needs you to survive and to gather my broken pieces for the fight of tomorrows...I am sorry for being so selfish..." Arnav thought himself while a sharp pain squishes his heart repeatedly.

Destiny smiles a little ruefully looking at the two beautiful soul in pure love.. Will they reach their destiny together or they have to travel the road of life separately, only time can say...

But for tonight, they will melt together...

Probably for the last time..

Very last time....


After completing the dinner in silent both Arnav and Khushi returned back to their room. Advay was sleeping peacefully while hugging is teddy bear surrounded by the safety wall of pillows. Arnav looked at sleeping Advay and remember the dangerous threat lingering over Advay's head. Shyam, his vile biological father is alive and the worst part is he is hidden somewhere.

Arnav had appointed two private investigators for digging few matters. One has given responsibilities for tracing out Shyam and another one to dig out the past of Ray and Mallik's.

24 hours, Arnav has to wait for 24 hours more and then he will take his next deathly move...

Arnav's trance was broken listening the click of washroom. Khushi has changed into her white salwar suit ready to call of the day, before Khushi make the bed Arnav interrupted...

" Khushi, will you accompany me towards the poolside.." Arnav said unsure that is he doing it right or not. He has to break her heart soon then, why is he lingering her hopes?

He chuckled internally, breaking her means DESTROYING HIMSELF TOO... but...

Arnav's thought interrupted when Khushi shakes him a little, " Arnav , are you okay?"

" No... but I will be..let's go to the poolside." Arnav and Khushi headed towards the poolside where Arnav had already prepared a comfortable bed.. Today is purnima ( full moon), the sky is happily glowing with it's moon and the stars are blazing , cool winds are blowing making it all more romantic.

Arnav already sat on the bed indicating a dazed Khushi to sit beside him. The moment Khushi sat beside him, Arnav holds Khushi's hands and asks, " May I lay down placing my head on your lap, Khushi ?"

Khushi though got a little taken aback but she has already assume that something very major have happened today. Aman had informed her that Arnav had a meeting with Veer and something very unexpected happened. Aman said that Veer revealed something very important facts about Arnav's past which can change their entire view on Veer and his mother. Aman did not say anything much and Khushi also did not push him. Because both of them believes that it's Arnav's place to let it know Khushi. Khushi was expecting that Arnav will talk about that but never expected that Arnav will request something like that.

Khushi came out from her thoughts when Arnav repeats the same, " Khushi, May I ?"

Nodding her head Khushi sat comfortably. Soon enough Arnav placed his head on Khushi's lap, Khushi with her one hand ruffled Arnav's hairs while her other hand was arrested in Arnav's deathly grip.

There was a soothing silence prevailed.. No one spoke for while. Breaking the melodious rhythm of their hearts, Arnav finally spoke, " Khushi.. are you happy here?"

Khushi was surprised again.. What was Arnav actually talking about.. She did not expect today Arnav will talk about her. Breaking her trance she finally spoke, " yes.. very happy."

Arnav felt his throat dried, with a thudding heart he asked his next questions, " Khushi, the way you love Advay and secure to getting his custody, I will be ever grateful to you."

" Did you get the custody paper?" Khushi asked cheerfully. Finally they own.

" Not yet.. though I indirectly got the news through our law team, but still the documents are not in my hands.. hopefully I will get the good news tomorrow." Arnav says.

" That's a good thing.. finally.." Khushi said feeling happy while uneasiness engulfs her.

Why? She does not know. Or probably she knew. Behind her mind, a nagging feeling was there.. "It's a contract marriage, her role will end till Arnav get the custody and six months time periods will get over. Arnav will get the custody paper probably tomorrow itself and the six month time period is going to end within two weeks..."

Khushi felt a dread suddenly engulfed her, she closed her eyes to prevent the moisture. The incident from holi night came rushing in front of her closed eyes. Khushi remembered that none of them have a proper talk after the incident happened. She had avoided due to extreme shyness but expected Arnav will talk something about the moments , but that never happened.

Is it because he thinks that a Mistake?? May be Arnav is being cordial, that's why he is keeping silent. This particular thought make Khushi dread in her place.

Khushi looked at Arnav and found him already asleep. Slowly placing his head in comfortable pillow, Khushi lies down keeping a distance. But soon enough she felt Arnav's muscular arms on her waist and with a force Khushi plastered with him. Before she could recover from the shock, Khushi felt Arnav's hot breathing over her nape and a slow whisper, " Let me cuddle you tonight Khushi... don't go away... Be My Solace, for tonight..." with that Arnav placed his lips in the crooked of her neck and very tenderly and passionately kissed Khushi making her inside churn in desire.

Khushi closed her eyes feeling Arnav's lips slowly moving all over her face placing soft tender kisses, and finally stops at her forehead.. A long , passionate, tender kiss as if promising "I am here for you"...surprisingly though Arnav showered Khushi with kisses but he did not kissed her on her lips...Arnav's control moves have dual effects on Khushi... at a same time Khushi felt her respect and love for Arnav increased as well she felt the nagging feeling that Arnav is distancing him from her, comes back... Khushi slowly turns her head and finally saw once again Arnav had closed his eyes...

Khushi felt Arnav drifted into deep slumber soon enough, she turn towards him and caresses his sleeping face.

" You got your solace, but what about me Arnav? Will you be mine when the time will come? Or words will left unsaid till the time periods we are together? Why I am feeling very scare suddenly, Why I am feeling that suddenly you become distant from me? Why Arnav? Will My fairy tale remain just a dream??." A lone tear escaped from Khushi's eye but alas , she could not get her answer not her solace, today... even staying so close with Arnav, Khushi felt a cold wall suddenly developed between them and she does not know how to break it...

To be contd.....

Author Note:

Hello My lovely readers...

Here is the Twenty second chapter of this story..

Arnav is being selfish or he is just stupid? How will you define him?

And what about our Khushi?

Hope you are enjoying...

Expecting your response ....

Now, I have a request to all my readers, followers and friends.. Please VOTE for "Beauty and The Beast" and " Another Chance" in Choice Award 2019. Every single person can cast 10 votes per story. You have to put inline vote typing +1 besides the Story name. The stories really need your support..

I have published a new Arshi OS " you are my everything".. have a look..

My other works name, " Another chance", " Sweetheart" and " Rising phoenix".

There is two OS and two TS which are completed. Give them a try too.

Love and regards...

Your story teller



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