You Are My Getaway//C.T.H.

By -itsafangirlthing-

505 63 21

"Hey, hey, no need to be crying, or shaking, we're normal people," Ashton says. "We're idiots, sometimes... More

1-"Virgo in a Leo's Body."
2-"Wherefor Art Thou 5SOS?"
3-"You Smell Good..."
4-"I Can Show You How To Play."
6-"Maybe I Do"
7-"The Dude With The Hair"
8-"Best Friend"
9-"I'll be Your Friend"
10-"I Tolerate You."
11-"You Have No Proof"
12-"When The Moment Is Right We Strike."
13-"I Was A Double Agnet Today."

5- "We Don't Bring Up Don't Stop"

22 4 1
By -itsafangirlthing-

"So, I have the pleasure of hanging with you until 2... now, tell me about what was up," Ashton smiles at me. "You and Calum, getting pretty close up, playing his bass."

"I-I uh.."

"I'm joking," he chuckles.

"You better be, Smash."

"We do not bring up Don't Stop, ma'am."

"Okay, look man," I giggle. "I will tease you as I please... within reason and remaining respectful."

"Anything but Don't Stop, please."

I laugh.

"I'm sorry if like clinging onto your past makes you uncomfortable. I understand that you're maturing and changing," I apologize.

"No, no, its fine. It's good to know where we came from, to remember where it started. Keeps us more grounded and humble. Plus where we were then got us to where we are today. We've changed a lot but some of those memories are fun."

"No offense but like why would anyone want to grow up, it's boring, it's scary, it means your innocence and happiness comes to an end," I question.

"Not necessarily. It's a normal part of life. You decide if it will be the end of you, or a new beginning." He smiles. "I don't let it affect me. I know maturing isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it gets in the way but it's all okay in the end."

"I guess you're right," I smile.

"Well I'm glad I can let you see it from a different point of view. Plus with adulthood comes eating as many Twinkies as you want with no parents yelling at you."

"Tell me about it. The amount of PopTarts in my pantry is insane. And ramen. But hey, that's what happens when you work and have to pay rent without a college degree."

"You didn't want a further education? Not judging you,obviously I'm not the one who should be, I chased music instead of an education."

"I want to but I don't want to do an exploratory major while looking for what I want to do with my life. I want to do something important and huge. Not so people know me, but I want to inspire as many people as possible, and since I don't have any artistic talent I'm not sure exactly in what way to help people."

"That's valid, at least you're taking care of yourself and getting to know yourself.

"Yeah, I just want the world to be a better place. I can't be a doctor because I have a weak stomach. I just want to make some sort of impact and I'm not sure what to do. I cant do law school either so that's out of the question. So I'm pretty much stuck."

"Trust me, when you find something you're passionate about the way we are about our music, you're going to know. Your head and your heart will fit in together like puzzle pieces. You'll be so set on doing it that no matter what struggles come your way, you will push on through and succeed."

"Wow, that's actually kind of helpful. People keep making me feel like I'm running out of time but I should be focusing on what's best for me. Thank you for the talk Ashton."

"Of course. Whatever path you choose, make sure you're happy with it. If not, its okay to change paths. Plus it gives you a break from school."

"True, I wouldn't want to burn out."

I smile thinking about the advice Ashton gave me. It feels nice to hear someone not be so judgmental about it. And he is totally right. Maybe taking this break will really help me get to know myself.

"Now its time for me to interview, because I have a whole day to get to know you."

"I'm all ears," he smiles at me.

"If you had l spend every night eating dinner, brushing your teeth, getting ready for bed, and sleeping with one of your band members, who would it be?" I'd like some insight on their friendships.

"Probably Luke, maybe Calum since Calum is less annoying but I have more fun with Luke," Ashton chuckles. "Plus, Calum's yours." He winks.

"There's a difference between celebrity crush and real crush," I point out.

"And they're a difference between crush, and an admiration for someone who inspires you," Ashton's tone becomes serious.

"You all have inspired me though," I remind him. "Especially you after this talk."

"Well, you're in his lane... is that the term you fans use?" Ashton says. "I can see it on your face." That causes me to blush.

"See! I'm right!" He points at my face, noticing how red it has gotten.

"Yeah, yeah, but don't talk about it with anyone. After tonight I won't ever see you guys ever again. So none of my feelings for Calum matter. I'm just a fan who has a crush on him," I look down. "And you guys have met a ton of fans for this encounter to really stand out much anyway."

I feel his arm go around my shoulder as he pulls me close.

"We won't forget you, Blake. Trust me, all of today matters, whether we see you again or not. We're spending a whole day with our fan. Who is pretty cool by the way. You matter."

I smile.

"But oh the heartache. I'll never see my four favorite boys ever again. Oh how shall I ever live?" I say dramatically. "My heart will yearn for you always. But knowing that I might never see you again, it's like someone ripped it out. I can't live like this!" I fake pass out on his lap, causing him to laugh.

"You're a drama queen, has anyone ever told you that?"

"I get that a lot actually," I smile.

"You seem like you could be a good actress though," he says.


He nods.

"Thanks," I blush.

"Wait so you lied to me about being not having any performative talents."

"I hardly consider myself good, especially if there was a crowd. Anyway, next interview question."

"So you have one last questions to ask me," he smiles. "What's it gonna be?"

"Just one?" I ask, with a pout.

"Just one."

"What do you wanna do next?"

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