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Door mjoubertt

979K 16.9K 2.2K

"I don't care about my powers. not anymore."- derek hale or fluff fics, imagines, drabbles, blurbs, and one-s... Meer

*Cheesy pick up lines Derek use
*Dating Derek*
*Dating Derek #2
*Good night Texts.
*The things you do*
*Who you gonna call*
Comic Con
Sweet dreams
The day he knew
First kiss
Little monsters
Slow dancing in the rain
Beauty to his Beast
Beauty to his Beast- part 2
My hero
Pick me, Choose me, Love me
Okay tough guy
Sun screen
Because I love her
Let me be your anchor
Falling for you
Don't let go
That's not fair
Best of me
Right kind of wrong
Little crush
You will always have me
Mrs. Hoechlin
My dork- young Derek
Everything I need
Change the host
So much for keeping my secret
Now you know
Don't save me
Jealous much
Little way down the road
Dance it out
My Angel
Knight in shining whatever
Pack mom
Math tutor
Giving in
The end
Bad boy
Little wolf
First sight
First sight- part 2
Oh miss Grayson
Photograph- part 2
Can't leave yet
Find her.
My heart
My hope
Nothing Better
Needless to say
Strong- Isaac
Fragile. Theo
Run- part 2
Run- part 3
Inspire me. Theo
Puppy love
Dr. Hale
Call me yours
Say you won't let go
Opening request
Those eyes.
All I ask.
In your head.
I dare you.
little lycan
Kick some ass.
Midnight dancer.
Loving Miki
My girl
Yes dear.
Saving you
All is fair in love and war
All I got for Christmas was you
Closing time
We'll always find a way
Sing me a song
Making Exceptions
It's poetic
A Mundane Death
I want you
Old habits die hard
Angel with a shotgun
Without you
Shakespeare and Sirens
I need you
Lost time
Lost time- Part 2
Call me
Do you love me?
Leave me breathless
Dirty little secret
Help me make it through the night
A Bloody Idiot
A little bit of magic
And whatever comes after that
Perfect now
Death of me
Death of me- Part 2
I am going to take a minute
Please, call me Remus
Request Form
Crossover Request Form
Opening day for requests
Meet the Mikaelsons
Favors from Heretics
Little love
I'm still here
The very first night
Fragments of forever
Pretty boy
Friends kiss too
Love you as much
Crazy stupid love

I'm a mess

1.9K 47 5
Door mjoubertt

 "Hand me the basket with the red ones?" I ask leaning into the trunk of the Jeep to make room in the back and I hear Stiles sigh from outside.

"This is kind of stupid, Y/n..." He comments as he gives me the basket looking from the red roses to me with a frown.

I smile briefly, ignoring him and placing them down before shutting the trunk behind me. "Are you driving or am I?"

"I'll drive, but Scott needs a ride as well so sit in the back." With another sigh he gets into the driver's seat and I throw my bag into the back before getting in as well. I lean back against the seat and another smile settles onto my lips as the sweet aroma of the flowers spills onto every inch of the car.

I can already see the annoyance in my brother's face as a result even if I'm not next to him. But that's not going to bother me today. Today is a happy day and we don't have many of those in this awful little town. So I decided to gift everyone in my classes with a rose and maybe it is silly and stupid, but it's something I can do. And I don't get to do something helpful very often either so screw Stiles and his oozing negativity.

"Hey Y/n." Scott hums as he gets into the Jeep and I look around realizing we're outside his house. "Happy Valentines day." He adds causing Stiles to groan.

"Not you too." Stiles mumbles looking down at the little box of chocolates on Scott's lap and I laugh lightly when a blush inches onto his cheeks. I grab one of the roses from the trunk and lean forward, popping my head up between the two of them.

"Happy Valentines day, Scott." I say while placing the rose onto his folded hands and he smiles happily as a result.

"Don't feel too special, she's got baskets and baskets full of them." I grip onto the side of my seat as we take a sharp turn, glancing back quickly to make sure the flowers are still upright. "Yeah, she's going to go around the school handing them out like cupid."

"Really?" Scott asks turning to see me. I nod and his smile grows. "That's a sweet idea, people need a little joy." He adds when we pull into a parking spot at school.

Stiles hands me the keys of the Jeep as he gets outs and Scott waves excitingly as the two head to the entrance leaving me alone in the back-seat. I wait a moment for the school bus to come to a halt before a whole bunch of freshmen jump out of the doors eagerly, running my way with a determined look on their faces.

"Take a basket each and carefully take them to the library."I place a basket into one of the boys' arms before turning to the rest of them. " I bribed the librarian to let me keep them there until break, where you'll meet me as soon as the bell rings to help me hand them out. Okay?" I question and they nod enthusiastically before each grabbing a basket and scurrying into the school.

My ringtone fills the air and I struggle to get hold of my phone in my bag before hastily swiping across the screen to silence the Marvel soundtrack blasting through the parking lot.

"Hello?" I ask uncertain, realizing I didn't check the caller ID before answering.

"Can I see you after school?" He questions and I immediately look around the parking lot to see if he's here somewhere and a happy giggle leaves my lips when I spot him leaning against his Camaro on the other side of the road, a single white rose resting between his fingers.

"Hi." I reply, my voice a little softer as the butterflies rush around in my stomach purely from seeing him. A smile traces his lips at my reply and I feel my heart drop from being the reason behind the little slip of emotion.

"I'll pick you up if you'd like. Or I'll send someone to come get you." He comments simply. "Either way, I'd like to see you today..."

"Oh yeah?" I question playfully and I watch as he averts his gaze to the ground with a sigh.

"Yeah." He throws the flower into the car and pulls open the door before getting inside, looking back briefly before closing the door and driving off leaving me in silence as I hold the phone against my ear. I sigh pushing the phone into my pocket before making my way to class as well.

The day went by remarkably fast and I quickly found myself alone in the library with empty baskets where the roses were in and I can't help but feel a little proud remembering how happy everyone seemed when they held the flowers in their hands.

"I'm going to pull the Jeep around the front." Stiles states coming to my side to remove the keys from my pocket.

"Okay." I mumble to myself when his footsteps echo away from me. I twirl around the room as my skirt folds around me, making me feel momentarily stupid, but leaves me smiling non the less. I just need to put these in the car quickly and then I can leave to go to Derek's. A detail I'll need to avoid telling Stiles. Although everything inside of me wants to tell him about us I know that he has too much going on right now to have to worry about me fraternizing with the enemy again.

And I'm way too happy right now to think of the fact that Derek and I are on different sides of the same fight. All I want to think about is him and his lips and the way they feel on mine. Or at least what they would feel like when I go see him.

I place the last basket onto the rest of the pile and reach into it to take out a broken rose that was left behind, probably because it's broken in the first place. The picture of Derek's phone call from this morning slips into my mind and I can't help imagining how perfect it would be if he could have come over to the Jeep to talk to me instead. Imagine how he'd reach over to kiss me quickly and awkwardly hand me his own rose. Imagine the utter bliss the short moment would hold.

I close my eyes, savouring the idea of being with Derek in the open for as long as I can before reality kicks back in and I'm forced to hide my feelings for him.

"What are you doing?" Stiles ask suddenly and I open my eyes to him holding a basket out for me to take, confusion sparkling in his eyes.

"Nothing." I retort quickly, throwing down the rose and taking the basket into my hands.

"You okay?" He asks and I force a smile back onto my face trying to think of a reply when I sigh.

"Not really." He frowns, putting the baskets down before turning to me.

"Does this have something to do with this whole rose expedition?" His eyes scan over my face before nodding to himself. "I figured there was more to it than just wanting to spread the love."

"You're not wrong." I mumble feeling a pang against my chest. "There's always something bad going on around here. Evil alphas, hunters, kanimas. Nothing is ever just easily." I look up at him, folding my arms around myself. "I want something in my life to be easy, Stiles."

"I get that-"

"No you don't." I interrupt causing his eyebrows to knit together as he stares at me. "I love him. I am dangerously and abundantly in love with Derek Hale and I can't be with him. I can't love him because something inside me is always telling me it's wrong and that I should stop and I know I should. But every fiber in my being reacts to his existence and that can't be wrong. That feeling can't be wrong." I stop myself when I see Stiles walking my way, a mixture of anger and uncertainty controlling his movement.

"It is though. It is wrong. He's wrong. You're my little sister and I want so badly for you to be happy and for things to be easy. But I can't support this. I can't let you be with someone who has given us a thousand reasons to hate him. " His voice is bitter as he pulls at the sleeves of his shirt. "I forbid you from seeing him. " He demands and tears start burning my eyes. I swallow the knot in my throat while angrily wiping at my eyes.

"You can't do that." I mumble, barely audible to myself. I try to speak up but fail when a wave of breathlessness threatens my lungs, causing me to lean against a table to balance myself.

"Y/n?" Isaac asks as he steps into the library. He examines my face carefully, slipping his gaze between Stiles and I. "Come here." He demands softly and my body reacts quickly, leading me to his side as he places a caring hand on my lower back. "Derek sent me." He adds softly so only I could hear him.

"Thank you." I whisper in return avoiding looking at either him or Stiles until I regain control over my emotions.

"She's not going anywhere." Stiles spat walking towards me. Isaac is quick to react by pushing me behind him.

"I didn't ask your permission." He replies bluntly before leading me out of the library and towards the exit where I see Derek's empty car parked in front. Isaac opens and closes the door for me and I sit in silence as he drives us to the loft.

Anger and sadness seems to mix together inside my heart as we get closer and closer to the apartment building. I knew Stiles wouldn't be happy about the Derek thing. No one ever seems to be happy about anything related to Derek. But I'd also hoped that he'd understand at least just a little. He's my big brother and I truly thought that he'd be able to look pass all the shit Derek has done and see how unbelievably happy he made me instead.

We're a bunch of teenagers constantly trying to keep people from dying. That's our normal. It has been for the last two years and  I've tried accepting it for the longest time. But am I so wrong for wanting another type of normal. For wanting to love and be loved without pointless shit like who is good and who is bad dictating if I get to be happy. Besides, where does Stiles come off anyway, thinking he can tell me whether or not I can date anyone let alone Derek. If I want Derek and I want to be with Derek, then I'll be with Derek. It's the first simple and easy thing in my life thus far.

"Y/n?" Isaac suddenly asks beside me and I hear the worry evident in his voice. "Are you going to be okay or do I need to walk you up?"

"Is he up there?" I ask turning away from the building and looking at Isaac. He nods. " Then I'm more than okay. Thank you for the ride." I grab my bag and get out before quickly leaning in through the window. "And thank you for getting me out of the library." I add watching as a warm smile crosses his lips in reply.

"No problem..." I hear him say as I head to the entrance.

I pull my bag over my shoulder as I head up the stairs. Breathing slowly to calm down from the stupid fight with Stiles that's filled my head with a whole bunch of noise. My fingers lace together as I wait at the door, pulling together the nerves from seeing him in order to actually knock. Although without having to announce my presence the door is pulled open completely as Derek stands waiting a few feet from me.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asks looking from me to behind me probably checking to see if Isaac left.

"Not long." I reply in what seems to be a whisper as I find myself staring at the ground. And for no real reason at all I feel the same rush of emotions threatening to spill from my eyes. I look down even more, trying to hide this silly little situation from him or at least avoid his gaze long enough for the tears to stop.

"Hey..." Derek's voice is soft as he reaches forward to pull me into his chest. His hands move up and down my arms slowly as I place my hands onto his waist to steady myself.

"I'm sorry." I mumble against his shoulder causing the sound to muffle. He pulls me closer and I sigh in reply. I lift my head and step back causing his arms to fall from my back although I keep a strong grip of his waist, silently begging him not to go. "I don't know what has gotten into me. First the school and now here. I'm a mess." I laugh softly as I finally meet Derek's gaze, my heart melting when I see the worry in his eyes.

"You're not a mess." He corrects as his hands move to wipe away the tear stains under my eyes.

"I am. A complete mess. From the stupid roses to confessing my undying love for you to my brother to this right here, whatever it was. I'm a mess." Derek smiles sweetly as his hands fold over my cheeks.

"You're not a mess, but if you were, at least you'd be my mess." He adds casually, causing my heart to quite literally skip a beat.

"Yeah?" I ask stepping back into his embrace.

"Yeah." He answers placing a chaste kiss on my lips. I sigh contently as his soft lips hover above mine causing my heart to stir as it begs for more. As if he could read my mind Derek connects our lips once more. My bag falls to the floor as he pulls me closer if it's even possible as I smile onto his lips when my hands slip into his hair. The kiss lingers for a few minutes before Derek reluctantly pulls away, a smirk tugging at his swollen lips.

"Wow." I whisper to myself as my fingers trace over my own lips, the sensation of the kiss leaving an emptiness in it's place.

"You know that I love you, don't you?" He asks softly, resting one hand on my hip. I nod quickly. "Good. Because I do. And I know sometimes I forget to remind you of that, but I do love you."

"I love you too, Derek." We stand in silence for some time as Derek stares down into my eyes, allowing me the time to look deeply into the endless emotions playing around in the meadows of green that form in his eyes.

But he soon pulls away, taking me by the hand and carefully leading me into the loft where a red blanket is scattered onto the sofa with a few rose petals spread on the floor surrounding it. I smile at the scene and then at Derek who is ready to meet my gaze as he looks down at me.

"Happy Valentines day, Y/n." He comments happily pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head quickly before rushing into the kitchen to get the pizza.

"Happy Valentines day." I reply softly as a feeling of warmth spreads into my heart. 


Some more sweet Derek for the all the romantics reading these. 



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