Trapped | Hwang Hyunjin

By howleyshet

119K 3.8K 1.3K

"Hyunjin as a soulmate? This is stressful." Hwang Hyunjin Soulmate AU :D Note: Lowkey a slowburn :') Note 2... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Side Story [1]
Side Story [2]
Side Story [3]
Felix Soulmate AU! :>

Chapter 6

4.5K 156 52
By howleyshet

"Sis! Sis!"

The girl feels her body getting shaken once again, being called out by that deep voice.


Han's eyes instantly snap open after noticing Felix's voice and his familiar dialogue. She sits up from her bed in a quick motion and inspects Felix's pajamas and the bed.

To her biggest fear, he's currently wearing those blue pants and his plushes that he lined up last night, are once again, inexistent on her bed.

"You look so distressed." Was his first comment on her state, and she quickly grabs her phone to check if her intuition is correct.

It's Friday the 13th, 7 a.m.

Her body slightly trembles at what she's seeing, as she turns to Felix with a horrified look. He becomes concerned at his sister's reaction and approaches her on her bed, "You alright?"

Han nods and puts on an assuring smile, hoping that Felix would buy it. He gives her a suspecting look before cocking his head to the side, "You really don't look fine. Is something wrong?"

"N-Nothing, I'm good." The older sibling chuckles lightly to ease the atmosphere. "By the way, what are you here for?"

"Oh!" His eyes light up, "Do you mind making me a bento so that I can bring it to school?"

Oh no.

"With... oranges?" She carefully asks, and Felix flinches in surprise before he points at her with a very wide smile on his face, "How did you know?! Is my sister secretly a psychic?!"

"A-Ahaha... Yeah." Han tries her best to play it off, then gets out of her bed and heads to the kitchen. Felix follows her with tiny steps, probably still amazed by the fact that she guessed his request right—too much that he didn't notice how terrified his sister is currently feeling.

As Han is making his bento, Felix's tiny hands rest on her shoulders and give them a light massage. Her tensed body relaxes a bit, but her head is nowhere near cool.

"Um, Felix."


"Do you believe in time manipulation?"

Felix stops massaging her and responds with a confused "Huh?".

"Like, you know." Han can't believe that she's asking this question but decides to continue anyway, "Time travelling and such."

"Uh, we ain't living in a fiction world." He chuckles at her supposedly nonsense question. "Why? Are you planning to write a fanfiction about it?"

Han lets out a small laugh and shakes her head. Yeah, there's no way Felix could help me when he doesn't even take the situation seriously. There's no way he's gonna believe in the fact that I'm trapped in a time loop.

She shoos Felix faster this time to let him get ready, knowing that he's probably trying to impress his crush. And unsurprisingly, he once again comes out ready with his nicely slicked hair.

"Trying to impress someone, right?"

He turns red, but this time, gives her a response.

"I swear, how do you even know?" Felix asks as he wears his Converses. "Are you a hidden psychic? Did mom give birth to a psychic?"

"I'll leave it up to your imagination." Han replies, "Lunch box is in your bag. Hope you'll impress him."

"How did you know it's a him?!" Felix is surprised once again at his siblings' supposed 'psychic powers', but gets shooed by the latter as she told him that he'll be late for school.

And just like that, the same morning goes by. Han goes back to her room, anticipating for the text message that Jungkook is going to send her. He's probably gonna ask if she's diligent enough to go to class.

Her phone then, as expected, rings, indicating the message from Jungkook. Han opens up and finds the same content all over again, making her sigh in distress.

At this point, the girl is pretty sure the world is being abnormal; she's probably trapped in a time loop, yet she doesn't know what has caused this stressful phenomenon. Nor how to get out of it.

Jeon Jungkook

r u coming to the 12pm lecture?

Jeon Jungkook
im honestly lazy but i mean—

Lee Hanseol
I don't think I'm coming,
I've got some stuff to do

This... should be okay, right? Han changes her response as she thought that changing a huge event, which is not going to the lecture, may affect the time loop. There's no evidence to support her claim, but it's worth trying—she thought.

Jeon Jungkook
ur not coming???

Jeon Jungkook
"stuff" as in, hanging out
with channie? or bam?

Lee Hanseol
Bam is busy, Chris
has his gf so no

Lee Hanseol
I need to do some scientific
research to get out of this
fucking time loop

Jeon Jungkook
timeloop??? sounds interesting

Jeon Jungkook
but stop clowning me

Lee Hanseol
I ain't clowning u but whatever

Han heaves another sigh and places her phone on her nightstand before curling herself back to sleep.


i hope the story of the pace isn't too fast...? :')

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