Maze Runner: SAFE [Gally x OC]

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[EDITING IN PROCESS//SLOW UPDATES] My name is Flora. I'm the only girl in the Glade. I was told that the Glad... Mer

Before you read
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Update from OP
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
CH 14 Sneak Peek / Update from OP

Chapter 1

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Everything felt so blurry. I could barely see my surroundings. But I think I was in some sort of tank.

I see these faces staring at me, who are they? They looked like...Doctors? Or maybe scientists? Judging from their all white uniforms.

I hear voices. Multiple voices. Overlapping. But I was able to catch on some of the sentences spoken.

"It's time."

Who said that? Time for what? Why am I here? What is going on?


I heard a woman's voice. Flora. That's my name. How does she know my name? I want to speak but something is stopping me from opening my mouth. 

"Shall we start now, doctor?"

"Do it."

Start what? Everything is just so confusing and frustrating right now.

Suddenly, I felt a cold substance slowly pooling at my feet. I looked down.


They were filling the tank with water.

Eyes wide from fear. I start banging from inside the tank, hoping I could break it and avoid being drowned. It's rising so fast it's already reached my knees.

"What are you doing? Let me out!"

For some odd reason, I could talk again. I start shouting. Banging. Kicking. Moving around like a madwoman in the tank. Trying to get out. The water has finally risen past my knees and now pools at my waist.


I hear that voice again. A woman came to view. Standing outside of the tank. She seems unphased at what was happening to me right now.

"Don't disappoint me."

She said it calmly but yet, there was something about the way she said it that made me get chills. And not the good kind.

"I look forward to working with you."

She walked away, ignoring my cries for help.

"No! Where are you going?! Help me! Please!!!!"

The water was getting higher and higher. Now reaching at my chest.

My head starts ringing. Giving me a headache. It sounded like a nail constantly being scratched on a chalkboard. I cover my ears and shut my eyes hoping it will stop, but the sound still goes on. The water has completely consumed me. The ringing sound still present.

And then it stopped.

It was silent for a while before I hear a voice calling out my name. Over and over again.









I opened my eyes and let out a small gasp. I found myself lying in a hammock. My resting place in the glade. Was I dreaming the whole time? What was that all about? 

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Wakey wakey lazy daisy."

I sat up and looked up to find the source of the voice, a boy with blonde hair came into view. It was Newt. One of my closest friends in the glade. He had a worried look on his face.

"You alright Flora? You look like you've just seen a ghost." 

Coming back to my senses. I replied.

"Yeah, sorry Newt, spaced out a bit there." 

He seemed to have accepted my reply, so he just shrugged. 

"Alright then. Come on, it's greenie day. You better get ready to do the monthly check up."

Ah yes, monthly check up. It was something I suggested to Jeff and Clint, all three of us being med-jacks and all. Basically, every month on the day of the new greenie's arrival, we would do a check up on our gladers to see if they were feeling well or not, that way, we can take care of their symptoms during the early stage and not use up our supply when it gets worse. 

"Minho and Ben already went out huh?" 

I asked, looking at the two empty hammocks a few feet away from me. Alby seemed to trust them with me the most, along with Newt and Gally. Since I was the only girl in the glade. Alby thought it was best I had my own space to sleep but still near them just in case anything happened.

Back then, there were only a few people in the glade. It was....Hard.

"Bummer, wanted to send them off during their run." 

I pouted a bit. Newt let out a small chuckle and gave me a pat on the back. 

"There there, maybe tomorrow. Now get going and go do your part." 

I rolled my eyes at his order.

"Yes mum." 

Newt snorted.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?"

We both laughed at our responses.

"Whatever, anyways, see you around."  With that, I head to the med-jack hut.


"There you go, all bandaged up. Be careful when handling a knife next time okay?" 

I advised to the young slicer. He gave me a nod of thanks and left.

"Another slicer accident again?" 

I looked up to see Jeff, a bunch of herbs in his hand, he just came back from the gardens I suppose.

"Like always, but it was a small cut. Nothing serious. So the risk of big infections are small." I say to him.

"Good that. Thought we were gonna have to amputate his hand if it was bad."

I laughed. "Clint, what is with you and amputation? You sure you don't want to go be a slicer instead?"

"Just saying what was on my mind." He said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. 

I shook my head in amusement and disbelief. 

"Anyways, Jeff, how was the check up with the track-hoes?" 

I asked while grinding some herbs in a pestle.

"Other than a few minor allergies and blisters from working the garden. Everyone seems to be fine. How about yours?"

"Runners are doing fine, most of them just need to be reminded to stay hydrated. Still need to check on Minho and Ben when they come back." I told him.

"Hey Clint, would you mind calling in Chuck for me, he's the only one I haven't checked up on yet in the glade."

"No problem, back in a jiffy." He gave me a salute before leaving, walking past Jeff.

I was so focused on grinding the herbs before realizing Jeff was staring at me. 

"What?" I gave a small glance before going back to focus on the pestle.

"And...How are you doing?" His voice seemed hesitant to ask me this, but his eyes was showing signs of concern.

Still confused, I repeated the question. 

"What do you mean by that, Jeff?"


He hesitated again, it was as if he was thinking whether or not he should ask me. 

"Jeff, just spit it out, I can't read your mind." 

I told him. I don't understand why he's being so careful.  Sensing my annoyance. He let out a deep breath before speaking up.

"How are you doing after what happened to George?"

I paused. Put down the mortar, and turned to face him. Silence erupted between us for a few seconds before I spoke up.

"I'm...Doing fine. I have to move on eventually. There was nothing I could do either way, but thank you for asking." I said softly. 

"You sure? You don't sound like it." He asked again. Typical Jeff. 

"Yes, I'm sure, Jeff, but really, I'm fine. Besides, it was 2 years ago. I can't keep holding on to it. Why do you think I suggested this whole monthly check up thing?" I gave him a grin. 

An awkward silence fell between us again. Jeff let out a cough to break the tension. 

"Alright then. Whatever you say. I'll let you get back to what you're doing now." I gave him a small thanks.

A knock at the door caught our attention. Clint was back. 

"Here you go." 

A boy appeared from behind him, it was Chuck. One of our youngest gladers we had so far. He arrived last month.

"Hey Flora." He chirped out. Flashing his little innocent grin as always.

"Hey Chuck! Come on, check up time." I say with a smile and urge him to go sit down at the bed.

"So, how's it feel? Knowing that you won't be the greenie anymore?"

"Feels great to be honest." He said with a grin. 

I like Chuck. He's a good kid. But at the same time. I can't help but feel sorry for him. Why would the creators think of even sending such a young boy to a place like this? Sure, the glade is safe for as far as I've been told. But can we really keep living like this?

"Hey Flora, do you think the new guy will be my age?"

Chuck's question pulled me out of my overlapping thoughts, I looked at him and answered his question.

"I don't know Chuck, maybe? Why?"

"I just think it'd be cool to have another glader like me." He said honestly.

I softened at his answer, it must have been a difficult time for him to adjust to the glade when he first arrived. 

"Is that so? Well, if he is, I'm sure you'll take good care of him when he arrives." I respond to him with a grin.

We talked for a few minutes until his check up was done. We said our goodbyes and I went back to work.

As time passed. I can't help but think back at Jeff's question. Why is he suddenly asking me this now? About him? It's not the first time he's asked me about it but the last time was like months ago to the point I kind of forgotten about it. Or at least tried to.

"You shuck-face, you're overthinking again." I mumble to myself.

A loud yet familiar roaring sound erupted from the glade. I stopped whatever I was doing and went out to see all the boys walking up to the middle of the field with excitement as the siren continues to go on.

I let out a small chuckle as I walk up to the source of the sound along with the others.

The box was finally coming up.

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