Pokemon Journey

By dianealmera

38.7K 459 127

I was dared by my cousins to make a Pokémon story. So as a quick disclaimer I don't own Pokémon I'm also just... More

Only The Beginning
Kanto Part I
Kanto II
Kanto III
Kanto IV
Kanto V
Kanto VI
Kanto VIII
Kanto IX
Kanto X
Kanto XI
Kanto XII
Kanto XIII
Kanto XIV
Galarian Visit I
Galarian Visit II✨
Grand Festival

Kanto VII

1.5K 22 2
By dianealmera

As the say of the Pokemon contest arrived the sun happily greeted the excited coordinators anxiously awaiting the chance to win the Saffron City Pokémon Contest

"So May are you ready for the contest?" Lillie asked the brunette walking next to her

"You bet I am and I can't wait to take that traitor down!" May said with a bright fire in her eyes

"Oh! Hey! Girls!" a familiar voice called out making both girls look back to see Gary Oak

"Hey Gary!" the girls said smiling happily

"Glad I was able to catch you" he said before his Umbreon nuzzled both girls

"What are you doing here?" Lillie asked

"Oh Grampa asked me to give you guys something but it's better if we go to the center first" Gary said leading them back to the center

Once they got back to the center Gary immediately told them what happened

"This isn't good" Alain said as he took in the news

"It really isn't. I can't believe that there's another evil team" Max said displeased

"Be alert and grandpa wanted you all to have these. These are upgraded versions of the Pokemon Storage capsules aside from having more storage space for your pokemon, it can also heal all status conditions and minor wounds also hooked up to your Aether Holowatch you can receive your pokemon for the Aether foundation anytime you need them"Gary said giving a capsule to everyone

"We'll be careful Gary don't worry but right now we have to go to the Contest hall before we miss the contest" Alain said before he led Max and Ash out of the room

Once the group got to the Contest Hall May got changed into blue flowy floor length dress with white lace over the bodice and sapphire jewelry to match

"Hey May!" Brendan called as he made his way towards her smiling charmingly. He was wearing a ruby red undershirt with black tux making him look like a gentleman

"Oh hi Brendan" May said smiling

"Oh if it isn't the weakling" an annoying voice said turning around May scoffed at seeing the blue haired traitor

"Brendan do you mind leaving for a bit" May asked sweetly while a demonic aura surrounded

"Um sure" Brendan as he sweated heavily said before running out of the room

"Listen here you traitor. I am not in the mood to deal with your annoying pompous attitude right now so leave me alone or else" May threatened before walking away from the terrified coordinator

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Saffron City Pokémon Contest. Are you ready for a show!!!!" Vivian exclaimed as the crowd cheered in excitement "Now let's welcome the first coordinator. The top fifth trainer of the recent Alolan league,Hoenn's Princess, the Hoenn embassador of the Aether Foundation and Top Coordinator of Hoenn. Let's give it up for May Maple!!!!"

As soon as the crowd heard that they all cheered so loudly it almost bringing the roof down. As May made her way to the stage she showing her Pokeball with a blue heart seal on it

"Time to take the stage!" May said before throwing her Pokeball into the air, the pokemon being surrounded by blue tinted bubbles in the shape of hearts soon enough a blue pokemon appeared making everyone gasp "Manaphy! Bounce! then Water Pulse three times in in a row!"

After May said the command Manaphy jumped up into the air then threw three water pulses into the air

"Now use Energy Ball and Psychic as you sing" once the command was spoken Manaphy made the ords dance as she began to sing and calming everyone

"Now! For the grand finale Hail!" storm clouds began to form before ice crystals began to fall with psychic Manaphy made some of the ice crystals surround the three blue orbs and the three green orbs colliding them together created a beautiful shower of sparkles

"Dazzling Gleam!" was the final command and once Manaphy executed the attack a gorgeous light show was infront of everyone

"What an amazing performance from the princess of Hoenn herself. Let's heard from our judges shall we"

"Outstanding" Mr. Sukizo said

"I am honored to see such a grand performance from mythical pokemon and the way you showed Manaphy off was just absolutely spectacular" Mr. Contest said

"Manaphy had no problem throughout the whole performance and your trust in each other is absolutely wonderful"Nurse Joy said smiling

" Mama did I do good? "Manaphy asked as she bounced into May's arms

" You did wonderful I'm sure your aunties and uncles are proud of you too"May said before cuddling Manaphy

As the performances went on May decided to prepare her second Pokémon while playing with Manaphy only for Dawn to walk up to her

"Nice legendary wonder where you pouched it from" She sneered only for May to ignore her in favor of tickling Manaphy making the bluenette angry "How dare you ignore me!"

"Oh! May-nee!" a young girl with light purple eyes and silver eyes said happily before hugging May along with her a white and purple Hoot-Hoot and a Zoroak

"Oh Sasha I didn't know you were here" May said before hugging the young girl back as Manaphy nuzzle the girl

"Hey! I'm talking to you! Loser!" Dawn said angrily making both ladies look at her

"What do you want?" May asked coldly

"Loser I want your legendary you don't deserve it" the bluenette said before Sasha snapped her fingers and the traitor was gone

"Thank you Athene" Sasha said smiling to her Espeon

"She is getting even more annoying by the minute" May sighed

"Are Ashlyn-nee, Alain-nii, Paul-nii , Bonnie and Max here too?" Sasha asked cheerfully

"There in the audience, third row" May said before Sasha hugged her then ran to her destination

When Sasha got to her destination she saw Ash and Alain talking to Gary and Gladion while Lillie and Paul were being dragged to the snacks stand by Bonnie and Max

"Ashlyn-nee! Alain-nii!" Sasha greeted before sitting between Ash and Alain hugging both happily

"Sasha what are you doing here? I thought you'd be in Foretree right now" Ashlyn said as she smiled at her adopted baby sister

"I was before mama thought that she needed to visit auntie Maddie and uncle Alfie they have a big ranch near in Saffron and when auntie told me she saw you in town I just had to see my family" Sasha said in a very cute way as she hugged Pikachu

"Well you can continue watching the Pokemon Contest with us" Alain said before he sat Sasha onto his lap


Battle after Battle continued on as the second round progressed on before long May was facing Dawn in the semi finals after Brendan beat his opponent just moments before

"Time for me to show you who's the real coordinator here" Dawn said in an annoyingly high voice before releasing her Bunnery

"With all due respect I don't care what you think I'm doing this for my brother Ash!" May said before releasing

"!!!" the pokemon sang as she radiated a powerful aura

"Looks like the chains are gone" Alain said smirking

"Oh you have no idea" Ash said

Sorry for the long wait I have been BUSY with school and I still have so much to do and sorry for the little cliff hanger😘😘😘

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