Wait For You | Christian Yeli...

By mandasworks

57.5K 423 9

Kamryn - a girl who grew up on the farm with the love for softball and now is a successful athlete with Team... More



840 10 0
By mandasworks

I wake up on Saturday morning. Today is the day I am flying out to LA. I am nervous to say the least. When Christian confessed that he loved me, I knew I loved him back. I always kept pushing it away because I wasn't sure if I was ready to be back in a relationship, but he makes me feel comfortable. 

I finishing packing everything and bring both my luggage and carry-on bags downstairs. No one is in the house as my mom is at work and my dad is outside. I make myself a quick breakfast. My flight is at 4 pm so I gotta leave my house by 12:30 - 1:00. I finish eating and clean up. Grabbing my bags, I make my way outside to my dad's truck. I load my bags and go to the milking parlor to find him. I ask one of the workers where he was and she pointed toward the far end of the parlor where he was rounding up cows for milking. 

"Is Jeff here yet?" I ask my dad as I reach him. 

"No. Not yet but when he does we'll leave." I nod. I make my way outside to way for him. A few minutes later a tractor pulls into the drive way, I look up and it's Uncle Jeff. He stops the tractor and gets out. 

"Kammy! I can't believe you are doing this." He says as he hugs me. 

"Trust me, neither can I."

"Are you sure this guy is worth you doing this?" He asks, being like a over protective father, which he is like my second father. I nod. 

"Positive." He nods. 

"How long are you staying there for?"

"I'm not exactly sure. It all depends on it goes tonight." 

"Well you're lucky you're going to miss the big snow storm coming tonight."

"I know." I look over to the barn to see my dad coming out. 

"'Bout time you get here. She can stop complaining now." I scoff at my dad's comment. 

"I wasn't complaining." 

"Sure what ever you say." Uncle Jeff replies. 

"You guys are definitely brothers, that's for sure." My dad rolls his eyes at me and turns to his brother. 

"Take care of my farm now. They are on the last batch of cows for milking. Give them about an hour before they start cleaning. There is a trainee in there so make sure you go in there to make sure everything is done right."

"What? You don't trust Mitchell, Hannah and Zach?" I ask dad, with some sass in my voice. He shoves me slightly. 

"It's not that, just some extra supervision." 

"That's not trusting, dad." 

"Just get it the god damn truck." He shoves me more, I laugh and make me way to the truck. 

"You two are definitely father and daughter, that's for sure." I hear Uncle Jeff say to him. I smile to myself. I hope in the truck and wait for dad. Dad exchanges a few more words with Uncle Jeff before walking to the truck. 

"Let's get this show on the road." Dad says as he starts the truck and pulls out to the road. We pass Uncle Jeff's tractor, I wave to him and he waves back. We make our way to the highway and start the 2-hour drive down to Milwaukee. 

We arrive at the drop-off area at the airport. 

"Thanks for driving me down here." My dad nods. 

"Of course." He pulls me into a hug across the center counsel. "Have a safe flight. Text or call me when you land." I pull away. 

"Of course." I nod. 

"I love you." He kisses me on the cheek. 

"I love you too. I'll let you know when I place a flight home and what time it will be landing." He nods and I get out of the truck and I gather my things from the back seat. I give him one last wave before making my way inside. I stop at Starbucks and get an iced coffee. I make my way to security. After making it through I make my way to the gate entrance of the plane and take a seat. The plane won't start boarding for about a half hour yet. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Giancalro. 

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
At the airport now, plane doesn't board for about a half-hour yet. 

Sounds good. The flight's landing around 7 right?

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰

You're not going to smell like a farm are you??

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
No, I smell perfectly fine. I will even drench myself with perfume when I see you just so you know I am not lying. 


Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰

Yo, Yeli hasn't stopped ranting to me ever since you shut him out and never talk to him anymore. He thinks he fucked up your relationship 😂

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
Tell him to grow up. Wait don't let him know I'm talking to you otherwise he'll get even more pissed

True true 

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
Plane is starting to board. 
See ya in a few hours. 

Okay, laterr ✌✌
Read 3:35 pm

I make my way to the gate and board the plane. I take my seat, get myself situated and wait for take off. Before I know it, we are in the air and my earbuds are in and I get lost into my own world. 

The plane lands, I grab my stuff and make my way out of the plane. I go grab my luggage off the conveyor belt. My phone buzzes as a text message comes in. 

I see you 👀👀

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
You creeper...
Where you at??

Spray yourself girl then I will tell you

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰

Much better.. Look up and to your right
Read 7:18 pm 

I look up and as I do, I see a tall person with sunglasses and a hat, waving. I smile and start making my way towards him. He starts walking towards me to meet me halfway. We reach each other and we hug. G lifts me up and spins me around. 

"What is up my girl? It's been ages." He sets me on the ground and I roll my eyes at him. 

"Sorry I am a college student but I'm good and you?" 

"Eh same old same old but better now that you're here." I shake my head at him. "Let's go then don't want to keep your Yeli waiting now do we." I shake my head once again at him. G grabs my luggage and I follow him out to his car. We hop in and start the drive to Malibu. 

"Whose house is this party at anyway?" 

"Yeli's. It was his idea so." I nod and stare out the window. "When we get there I'll show you what room you can put you shit in." I nod. 

"Let me guess, Christian's room?" He gasps. 

"How did you know?"

"I don't know, lucky guess." I say, sarcastically. After driving for about an hour, due to traffic, we pull up to a beautiful beach house. 

"Holy shit."

"You like?" I nod. "His mom picked it out for him." I look at him. 

"What, he couldn't be a big boy?" He laughs and shakes his head. 

"No, his mom is a realtor." I nod. We grab my luggage and make our way into the house and up the stairs. We get to the top and go the the left. The last door on the right is the room we enter. G opens the door and the room is all Christian. Brown hardwood floors. Gray walls. King sized bed with white sheets. A beautiful chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. Some sort of abstract painting hanging above the bed. A big flat-screen T.V. on the wall opposite of the bed. A gigantic floor to ceiling window that outlooks the Pacific. 

"Holy fuck." I make my way over to the window. "Damn, this is a nice view."

"Right? If it wasn't for his mom, I am sure he would be living in a cardboard box or something." I laugh. I look back out the window. I glance down on the back patio to see a group of guys around a fire pit. 

"So," I turn to G. "Who is all here? I don't know anybody." He makes his way towards me. 

"You got Jose Fernandez, Derek Dietrich, Dee Gordon, Jared Saltalamacchia ,Casey McGehee and that bitch Yeli." He points from left to right. I laugh at his comment about Christian. He turns to me. "So how are you going to do this?" I shrug, going to sit on the bed. 

"To be honest, I have no clue." He nods and makes his way to sit next to me.

"Well, we all have been here all day so, everyone should be leaving soon to get back home."

"You mean, you guys don't have all nighter parties?" I ask. 

"Not many times no. We just have little get togethers that's it unless we decide to go to a club, that's different." I nod.

"How did you end up leaving then?" 

"Told Yeli that my sister was flying in from Florida so I had to go pick her up." I nod, once again. "So, I don't know if you would want to wait up here till everyone leaves or..." I nod. 

"Yeah that will be fine." He nods. 

"Okay, then I'll text you when everyone leaves then. I usually stay a while longer then everyone else." 

"Sounds goods. Christian won't come up here right? Not that I have to go hide or something?" I ask. 

"No, you'll be good. Just don't turn the T.V. on otherwise he will notice." He says and walks out the door. I make myself comfortable on his bed and wait. About an hour goes by and I hear talking downstairs and the front door shutting. I get up off the bed and make my way to the window. I see Giancarlo and Christian talking. Christian looks kind of lost, starring out at the ocean. They talk for a while then Giancarlo walks inside. I get a text. 

You can come downstairs now

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
Read 8:47 pm

I make my way down the stairs and see Giancarlo standing there, waiting for me. He walks to the back of the house, into the kitchen, and I follow him. 

"Do you just want to go out by yourself." I look at him and nod. I take a breath and he squeezes my shoulders and walks away. I grab the handle of the sliding door and walk down the steps, onto the porch, and walk towards Christian. Standing behind him, I freeze. He turns around, obviously expecting Giancarlo. 

"What took you..." He looks down at me. His eyes shocked. We make eye contact. "What are you..." I step towards him, grab his face in my hands, stand on my tip-toes and kiss him. It takes a second for Christian to react but soon enough he kisses me back and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me as close to him as possible. We got lost in each other arms until we hear a pounding on the glass sliding door, causing us to jump apart, out walks Giancarlo.

"Okay, if I wanted a porn show I would have gone on the computer." He laughs. 

"Ha ha." Christian replies, sarcastically. 

"Later love birds." Giancarlo gives a peace sign and turns back and goes inside. I laugh. I turn back to Christian. 

"Is this why you shut me out?" I chuckle, slightly. 

"Yes, I needed to figure things out." He nods slowly. "My answer is yes." He looks at me, confused. 


"You know that time you asked me to you know, be your girlfriend and all? My answer is yes." He gets the biggest smile on his face, wraps his arms around me and spins me around. After a couple spins, he sets me down. 

"I thought you wanted to wait until after college to start something?"

"I did, but once you confessed, I guess it was what my heart was telling me to do." He pulls me into another hug. 

"You had me scared when you never responded to me." I smile. "I am going to go grab supplies to start a fire. You can help yourself to anything you want in the fridge behind the bar." He points over to the bar he has on the patio. I nod and he walks off. I make may way to the fridge and open it. Inside is a few selections of beer from, what I am assuming, local California breweries, a few wine coolers and on one of the bottom shelves are some cans of Coors Light. Not my first pick for beer but I grab a Coors Light and make my way to the expensive patio future that surrounds a fire pit. My phone goes on, signaling an incoming text message.

Soooo, how's Cali??

Good. Why are you still up???

And??? Can't sleep

Let's just say I am not single anymore

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!! NO FUCKING WAY

YESSSS. I gotta go I'll tell you about it later

Don't have to much fun now😉😉
Read 9:29 pm

Christian walks back with some matches in his hand. 

"That's all you need?" He nods. 

"Yeah. It's a fire glass pit so I just need to light it. It's like a grill. Turn the gas on and lit it." I nod. 

"Well, it took you long enough. I could've die from hypothermia." I say sarcastically.

"Well sorry." He says dramitcally. "I had to take a shit." I look at him in disgust. 

"Really. T.M. Fucking I." He smirks and sets the the matches on one of the tables and goes to turn the gas on. He comes back and starts the fire. Leaving again, he grabs a beer from the fridge. He takes a seat next to me. I turn and put my legs in his lap, he drapes his arms over my legs. We make small talk, just enjoying each others presence. It's about 1 am and Christian decides to take us for a drive to see the lights of L.A. It was beautiful. We drive around for a while before making our way back to Christian's house and we go to bed.


Liked by @giancarlo818@mikayla_ann, @scottypotty,
@nikkyrush@abs.ray, @katelynmanz,
@samdek7, @christianyelich and 4,002 others

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