Don't look back

By LateNightStories12

221 8 0

A pure evil demon is unleashed by the book it takes control over the whole house. Newcomers move in they star... More

The Possessed
Bleeding Eye
Ghosts In The Dark
A Drop Of Blood
Back From The Dead
The Mirror

What Happened That Night

11 1 0
By LateNightStories12

  Alexander wakes up in the morning on William's phone call telling him that he arrived at his home and waiting for him outside. Alexander then goes to have a look at his kids and wife before he leaves, when he goes to check on his kids he stays there for a little bit telling them how sorry he was for what's happening and promises them that this will end soon.

  Alexander gets in the car with William. William then gives him the identification file of Kevin, William then tells him:" His name is Kevin Matt Boyle, he was captured by the police and went to the asylum when he was 16 years old, all of the Boyle family disappeared the night he was captured no father, no mother and no sister were found. Any other details are unknown nobody knows what happened exactly that night except him, but he doesn't want to talk about it all that he was talking about that he didn't do anything that's what he only kept saying that nothing else." Alexander then looks pleased but at the same time scared for his family.

  At home, Ava wakes up she showers and brushes her teeth she goes down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself and her brother and sister. As she was making her coffee she hears a sound of a little kid running from behind her from the stairs to the living room she turns around there was nothing the coffee is made and she starts drinking it until she heard a laughing sound of a child she tells to herself:" Come on focus it's nothing don't get distracted." she then hears the laughing noise coming from upstairs she puts down her coffee quick and go upstairs to check on Ben and Alex

  She goes to Alex's room first there was nothing there she then hears the sound from Benjamin's room she rushes to him as she opens the door and goes in she finds a little child standing and looking at Ben and laughing giving his back to Ava, she then says:" Leave him aloone!" the child turns to her it was the creepiest and scariest thing Ava had ever seen his face was kind of white his eyes were red his mouth had a lot of cuts in it and he had a lot of blood between his teeth, he rushes at Ava putting her down to the floor and standing on her Ava couldn't get up she screams for help Ben wakes up and finds Ava on the ground trying to fight back nothing he could's see the baby. Ben rushes quickly to look for a crucifix, while Ava was trying to get back up as the child smiling at her his face turns to the possessed Isabella and her then her claws grow and became super sharp, Isabella then cuts Ava's hand with her claws she then smiles again and with her mouth bleeding and her bloody red demon eyes as she was about to kill Ava, Ben comes from behind her and puts the crucifix behind her Although he couldn't see her he hoped that this will work. Ava then takes a long breath and stands up.

  She tells him to get the bandages quick as she was bleeding, he runs and passes by Alex's room but he didn't realize that a doll was watching him run past the room and moving her head towards Alex. He gets the bandages and goes up again to Ava, she bandages the wound they then her Alex screaming in terror they go quickly to her they find her floating by herself it seemed like what was happening to Alex they couldn't see the evil entity. Alex then falls on the bed unconscious.

  Amelia wakes up quickly on the screaming noises and rushes to check on her kids she asks them what happened, they then tell her what happened to each of them she tells them to calm down and to stay together.

  Alexander and William arrive at the asylum they show the guards there permission key cards to get in. They go in and then they meet Jackson the person who is in charge of the asylum. Jackson says:" So glad having here, I've read all your studies you both are amazing. So, which case will you want to visit?" they reply at the same time "Kevin Matt Boyle" he then says:" Well okay then follow me." as they were going to the cell Jackson tells them:" We've been trying for 10 years now to know what happened but he doesn't want to talk about it if you manage to make him talk this will be very good for both of us."

  He opens for them the cell. They go in and sit in front of Kevin, William then says:" Hi Kevin, how are you?" Kevin doesn't reply for a few seconds then herb answers in a deep tired voice:" Fine. If you are here to know what happened I am not gonna talk so stop wasting your time with me." William then tells him:" Please, help us your our only hope other people are in danger and they're facing bad things from this house so please help us." Kevin doesn't reply and stays silent Alexander then tells him crying:" My family is in danger, please help us tell us anything that would help so I can try and help my family from this cursed demon. Please." Kevin doesn't reply again.

  Alexander and William lose hope and as they were leaving Kevin starts crying they turn back to him and tell him what's wrong he keeps crying then Alexander tells him:" Look, my family will meet the same fate of your family if you don't help me, don't make the mistake twice help me and I promise you will be out from this place as soon as possible." Kevin calms down and agrees to help them he tells them that he will tell them the full story after he reaches the part of when Isabella got possessed:" I saw her with her white eyes smiling that scary demon smile I ran out of the room quickly in fear with the book and terror as I saw my dad I told him she's possessed I ran downstairs in fear leaving my dad and mom, I went down to the basement and put the book in a chest and locked it hoping it will make Isabella normal again but as I got out from the basement the lights went out for few seconds I heard lots of screaming coming from upstairs as the lights came back there was no screaming I walked up the stairs slowly in terror as I saw blood in front of the room door as I got in I found my mom and dad crucified into the wall and they were wounded as well I tried to help them but they died. The police then arrived as the neighbors called them from the screaming they heard, I was arrested I told them the story they didn't believe me so they thought I was crazy and sent me to here. This is everything thing, sir."

  Alexander puts his hands on Kevin's shoulder and tells him that he's sorry about the loss of his parents and promises him that he will end this evil demon he then asks him:" You said something about a book where is it again." Kevin replies:" It's in the basement in an old chest that is locked this book is the key to stopping all of this if you can understand the book you'll stop everything, here is the key to the chest I kept it with me since then hoping one day I will come out from here and go there to stop other people from getting there lives destroyed from something they didn't do." he gives the key to Alexander and wishes him good luck. Alexander then tells him:" You're a hero son you'll get out from here today or tomorrow you'll be welcomed at my house anytime."

  Alexander and William leave the cell. Alexander then calls Amelia to assure her that he's going to end all of this soon she then tells him what happened he tells her that he'll be home as fast as he can.

  As they were half the way back home to Alexander's family, Alexander's phone rings it was Jackson he answers and says:" Is everything okay?" Jackson answers:" Check the video that I'll send you right now on your what's app. Alexander opens the video he finds: Kevin in the cell looking around him although nothing was in the cell and saying:" You killed my family stop it. Isabella, I know your in there fight it back." then the lights started being turned on and off at the same time in the first light up Kevin was tied to a room from his neck the lights go out the second light up it looked like his legs were kind of floating from the ground the lights go out for the third time and lights up again he was hanged super high in near the ceiling and he was twitching and losing his breath and the guards were trying to open the door the lights go out again and light up back for the last time Kevin was dead hanged to the ceiling, and then the video gets a closer look at Kevin's body which had words written on it which were "Your family." Alexander's face turns to white as if he saw a ghost he starts freaking out and shows William the video they rush to Alexander's home, Alexander tries to call Amelia or anyone there quick but no one answers.


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