Earthling And A Saiyan (Male...

Af Nikolaro

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You are an Earthling with unknown potential for power. All your life, you were training... fighting in tourna... Mere

Chapter 1: A Journey's Beginning
Chapter 2: Long Trip
Chapter 3: Race For The Dragon Balls
Chapter 4: Ginyu Force
Chapter 5: Fight With Frieza
Chapter 6: Aftermath
Chapter 7: Future Warrior
Chapter 7.5: Date
Chapter 8: Androids
1000!!!!!! VIEWS
Chapter 9: "Kami's Lookout?".
Chapter 10: The Encounter
Chapter 11: Hidden Power
Special Chapter: Trunksa's History
Chapter 12: After Training
Chapter 13: The Cell Games Begin!
Chapter 14: Y/N's Desperate Battle
Chapter 15: Unbelievable Strength
Chapter 16: Father-Son Kamehameha
Chapter 17: "Wake up..."
Chapter 18: Martial Arts Tournament
Chapter 19: Responsibility
Chapter 20: Experiment
Chapter 21: Inside And Outside World
File: 104-935 (Updated)
Chapter 22: Goki vs Vegeta
Chapter 23: "I'm proud of you"
Chapter 24: Changes
Chapter 25: Rage And Sadness
Chapter 26: Concequences
Chapter 27: Nightmare or Reality?
Chapter 28: Incorrect Timeline
Chapter 29: Peace Before Destruction
Chapter 30: "What?"
Remaking Chapters
Chapter 31: Arrival
Chapter 32: Super
Chapter 33: Destruction
Chapter 34: God Against Titan
New Book Is Released
Chapter 35: Sadness Into Anger
Chapter 36: "Will you forgive me..?"
Chapter 36.5: Thoughts On Things
Chapter 37: Questions Answered
What If... Y/N Vs Vegeta (After Cell Saga)
Chapter 38: Prevention And Love
Chapter 39: Somewhere...
Chapter 40: Destructive Brothers
Chapter 41: The Assassin
Chapter 42: "...Without her..?"
Chapter 43: Day Before Disaster
Chapter 44: Bringer Of Despair
Chapter 45: Broken Promise
Chapter 46: Mortals And Gods
Chapter 47: Fight For The Future
Chapter 48: "You can't save them."
Chapter 49: Betrayal And Return
Chapter 50: Failure
Chapter 51: Justice Given Form
Chapter 52: Ultimate Fusion
Chapter 53: Insanity
Chapter 54: Insanity (Part 2)
Chapter 55: Inner Malice
Chapter 57: Relation
Chapter 58: Secret
Chapter 59: Suspicion
Chapter 60: Facade
Chapter 61: Guilt
File: 104-936
Chapter 62: Resolve
Chapter 63: Bio-Android
Chapter 64: The Tournament Begins!
Chapter 65: Berserk Saiyan
Chapter 66 (Part 1): No Choice
Power Levels (Constantly Updating)
School's a bitch
This Is The End

Chapter 56: Control

1.6K 36 18
Af Nikolaro

Y/N Pov

I endlessly walked through the darkness. The sounds of my footsteps echoed throughout the empty space. I was questioning what the hell is this place. Maybe it was a dream or a nightmare. I pinched myself a few times to wake myself up, but nothing happened. 

'I'm starting to think this isn't a dream.'

I turned my head around to look behind me. I had this uncomfortable feeling of being followed. This was the fifth time I turned around during my long walk. It reminded me of the time I spent in that village. I know those people were weird, but... Man, I barely even remember them


Hearing the sound of cracking bones made me look in front of me... There was a plastic table with two wooden chairs on both sides. My eyes widened when I saw someone sitting on one of the chairs. He wore a suit and a black tie. He also wore a nice pair of boots.

'Not gonna lie... He looks fabulous.'

He sipped the mug with his left hand. His head turned to me. His hair was completely gray. From his face, I could only guess that he was in his late twenties. For some reason, he had his eyes closed. There was also a scar across his right eye socket. He lowered the mug. 

???: Oh, hi there! Please, take a seat.

He spoke in a friendly tone. I was hesitant at first, but... Eventually, I sat on the other end. His head kept moving in my direction, like he knew where I was going.

'He must have some impressive hearing.'

I kept my eye on him. Even with his eyes closed, I knew he was looking dead at me. Maybe he's blind..? I decided to start the conversation.

Y/N: Who are you and what is this place? 

His cheeks spread as a smile appeared on his face.

???: I'm a figment of your imagination!

He spread his arms.

???: And this "place" is your mind.

'If this is my mind then... How come I haven't found Bardock? Maybe he knows.'

Y/N: Do you know where Bardock is?

He tilted his head before tapping his chin with his finger. 

???: Who's Bardock?

Y/N: You are a figment of my imagination and you don't know who Bardock is?

He shrugged.

???: Doesn't ring any bells, sorry.

Y/N: He's a guy with wild hair. He wears green and black armor. There is a red bandana around his forehead. He also has a scar on his cheek.

???: Nope. And before you ask, I haven't seen him anywhere.

He was telling the truth. His reaction told me so... I sighed. I rest my head on the palm of my hand and supported it with my elbow on the table. I closed my eye and tried to fall asleep. Maybe by falling asleep, I'll wake up from this long dream. I heard him sip his drink.

???: I heard that the more intelligent you are, the bigger the space in your mind is. And you were walking for who knows how long? Trust me, my mind is basically an ant compared to yours.

I opened my half lidded eye.

Y/N: Where did you hear that from?

He chuckled.

???: Nowhere. I made that up as an attempt to cheer you up. I clearly failed. 

I closed my eye and resumed my probable sleep.





???: What happened to your face?

Y/N: Some shit stain cut me. 

He gasped. 

???: Oh... Sorry. It must've hurt. 

I nodded... I opened my eye once again. He was drinking what remained inside the mug.


Y/N: Are you blind?

His eyebrows rose. He set the mug down and turned his head away from me.

???: No, actually. I'm just worried you might get scared when you see them. 

I smirked.

Y/N: I've seen a lot of shit in my life, your eyes are the last thing that can scare me. 

I could tell that reassured him from how his head turned to me. His smile returned. 

???: Alright, here I go!

He slowly opened his eyes... My jaw dropped at the surprise. He had... dark red eyes. Their color resembled blood. It felt so... mesmerizing to look at them... 

'Why do they seem familiar?'


He screamed in happiness. He jumped to his feet so hard that his chair fell. He slammed his hands on the table with a giant smile on his face... It showed his sharp yellow teeth. My fists clenched as the realisation started kicking in.

'I'm not... affected by them..?'

???: We really CAN be best friends!

He was clapping out of excitement with his eyes closed. I closely looked at his right hand... It had small scars all around it. That convinced me enough to confirm who this guy really is. In a second, I vaulted over the table and pulled my fist back. When he looked at my movement, his happy face immediatly changed into one of surprise. My fist collided with his cheek, launching him to the ground a few feet away from me. 

The see-through aura engulfed me as I yelled:

Y/N: Figment of my imagination, my ass. Who are you really?!

He was lying on his stomach. He laughed as he slowly got up to his feet... I sensed this aura around him... It made me not want to let my guard down, not even a second. He turned his head around to look at me... His eyes glew in the dark. They weren't mesmerizing to look at like before, instead they made me tense. 

Red Eyes: I think you already know the answer to that.

The smile on his face widened. Almost as if he was mocking me just with his lips. The fingers on my hands twitched as I figured it out... That vision... That dream... That was all him. He is the one who'll erase everything. I looked at my hands in disbelief... 

'I'm the one who ends the timeline? But... That can't be.'

Red Eyes: Oh but it can!

He said in between giggles. I looked up at him... The person in the suit and black tie was someone else... It was me. The only difference about him was his eyes. He had his hands on his hips as he stared at me. I clenched my fists.

Y/N: Where is Bardoc-

I felt my mouth close by itself. My arms spread and my legs closed themselves together. I stood like a cross. With all of my strength, I tried to rip myself off his bind. He stood in front of me. The smile was still there.

Red Eyes: You ask too much... 

He opened his hands as dark KI flowed through them. My eyes widened... He held a scythe. He pulled the weapond over his head, aiming to cut me in half. His eyes glew.

Red Eyes: Sayanara!

I closed my eyes... I didn't feel anything.



I opened my eyes... He was on the ground, holding his stomach in laughter. He had his eyes closed as he laughed. I felt myself drop to my feet. I touched my chest in worry. I didn't feel any cut. I looked for the scythe... It was nowhere to be seen. 

Red Eyes: Y-You a-ac-actually thought I would k-kill you?!

I looked at him in confusion.

Y/N: Why... are you laughing?

He only continued laughing. I glared at him.


I lifted my leg, aiming to stomp him. He rolled out of the way before gracefully launching himself to his feet with his hands. Before he could do anything, I dashed towards him and punched him in the chest. He stood in the same position as he slid along the ground before coming to a complete stop. I looked at the spot where I hit him. It steamed. 

Red Eyes: Wow, you pack a punch don' cha? 

I clenched my fists. His ever growing smirk wouldn't leave his face. It felt like he was playing a game with me. Whis told me that insane Titans are on a whole different scale compared to sane ones. But there must be some sort of weakness. I have to destroy him.

Red Eyes: Please, show me what ya got!

He charged towards me. Those dark red eyes glaring at me. I entered my stance. He wound his fist back and punched.

Goki Pov

All of us held each other's hands as Supreme Kai was about teleport us to Zeno Expo. Someone gave Zeni (nickname for Zeno) the idea for a tournament... Tournament of Power. When the Grand Priest first infromed us, I was excited. It's a tournament that all of the universes are going to participate in. Specifically, ten fighters in each one. 

But... my excitement died down when we heard that the winning universe will get nothing. Why is that? Well... Because all the other universes will be erased. Beerus blamed me for giving the idea to Zeno, but it wasn't me! Just because I spoke about a potential Martial Arts Tournament, doesn't mean I'm the one who gave him the idea. I asked the Priest who gave it, but he wouldn't say. He said that it was classified. I asked him why, and he only responded with "He has his reasons".

He told us that we are gonna fight Universe 9, saying that it's a "warm up for the real battle". Three of us vs three of them. It was going to be Y/N, Gohan and I. Vegeta didn't want to participate cause he wants to take care of his wife. He got her pregnant! Again! And I'm really happy for them... I just hope he'll come with us in the Tournament of Power. 

I looked at Y/N who was holding my left hand. He's been acting a little weird today. His reaction to the torunament was emotionless. He didn't speak a word about it. He wouldn't train with me, despite hearing about the tournament. Which would probably fit in the category "Threatening To Earth". He watched me train with Whis with a smile on his face. I felt happy about him watching over me, ocasionally giving a wave to him... He didn't wave back.

He noticed me staring at him. He smiled. He took the bandages off which showed the scar across the right side of his face. I could get past the scar, but that eye... That glowing dark red eye sent shivers down my spine for some reason. He said that was the side-effect of him becoming insane... That's what happened when I died... I was confused as to why I suddenly got ressurected after my death. He explained that he made a wish for me to be revived a few times later. He made a wish just in case I did die at one point. 

Y/N: What? Do I have something on my face?

I looked away from him. I still sense it... His body is filled with God Ki, but... I can sense something else, but I can't put my finger on it. I asked Whis about it, but he said that he doesn't feel anything wrong about him.

'It doesn't make sense...'

Blushes formed on my cheeks when I felt his head rest on my shoulder. I smiled. I guess nothing's really changed about him. 

Supreme Kai: Well let's not keep the Omni King waiting. Kai Kai!


Y/N Pov

I had my teeth grit as his foot pressed my head against the ground. The fiery aura was covering me, but to what use. He was simply too powerful for me. I had cuts and bruises all over my body. I barely landed any attacks and when I did, it felt like nothing hurt him. 

He had his back leaned in. Hands behind his back as he looked down on me. Amuzed by my beaten state. 

Red Eyes: I think that's about all you have to show.

He lifted his foot from my head. I clenched my fists, enraged by my loss. He sat down on the ground with his legs crossed. The glow in his dark red eyes vanished. He grabbed his legs as he stared at me.

Red Eyes: Don't be mad, I'm quite impressed you held out for so long.

His try in reassuring me pissed me off. I wanted to kill him so badly... But I knew that wouldn't happen. He tilted his head.

Red Eyes: You know, you and I aren't so different. If you look at us, we have many things in common.

I looked up at him as I tried to control my breathing. 

Y/N: What in the hell... do we have in common?

He was sligtly taken aback my question. He closed his eyes and tried to think of something we share. What could we possi- He opened his eyes.

Red Eyes: We share the desire to end that brat... Fu, was it?

I was about to protest, when I felt this tingle. I looked at my arms that were filled with cuts... the wounds closed together... I was amazed. I stood up. I didn't feel any pain.

'What... how?'

Red Eyes: So, what are you gonna do now? Fight me?

I looked at him... Despite how much I want to, that would be dumb of me. I sat down crossing my legs. He smiled... But it wasn't the same type of smile like before. It felt more light hearted. I glared at him.

Y/N: Did you... heal me?



He turned away from me as he pushed his pointer finger against his cheek.

Red Eyes: In a way...

...I don't get him. He was fighting me like he was intending to kill me, but now... He acts like I'm his childhood friend. It's like he has two different mindsets... Why am I questioning that? I should be worried about...

Y/N: I've seen a future where you are the only living thing. You talked about how nothing matters to you...

His eyes slowly turned to look at me.

Y/N: Is that why you destroy everything?




He gave me a quizzical look. 

Red Eyes: Pffft.


He held his stomach as he laughed. So much that a tear escaped his eyesocket. After a moment, he wiped the tear away. I was confused... 

'Did I say something funny?'

Red Eyes: No *snort* it's just that... That was an illusion!

My eyes widened.

Y/N: I-Illusion?

Red Eyes: Yeah, when you tried to look into the future. You focused so hard that you blew the other side of your mind... My side. You barged in so fast, that I didn't have the time to think of a normal way to introduce myself. So I improvised. 

'H-His side? Wait... I wasn't insane at that time. If he's telling the truth then... how was he there?'

Red Eyes: You're right. There are billions of things that I consider nothing but a waste of space. But that isn't why I want to destroy everything.

Y/N: Then what is?

He slowly leaned in... Those glowing dark red eyes not wanting to let go of my sights. 





Red Eyes: When I returned here, after your wish was granted... I thought of a game where the world is our board, you and I are the players. I win by destroying the world, you win by protecting it and/or by fully immobilising me.

He let go of his leg and opened his hand... On his hand stood an action figure of me. Once he grabbed it's arms, the figure's eyes turned dark red. 

Red Eyes: While you are sleeping, I'm in control of your body. While I'm sleeping, you are in control. We can do whatever we want until our time runs out. But of course, each of us have to follow one rule. I can't harm anyone close to you and for you. Aside from Bardock, you can't tell anyone about me, otherwise...

He ripped an arm off the figure as he glared at me. 

Red Eyes: I'll hurt you.

I stared at the figure... There really isn't anything I can do... I'm at his mercy. I looked at him.

'Might as well play along.'

Y/N: And what if you break your rule?

He threw the figure away and smirked.

Red Eyes: Eh, that won't happen. And if it does... Hmmm... I'll leave you be. So...

He extended his open hand towards me. 

Red Eyes: Wanna play? Or maybe I could take over your body forever?

I looked at him. Half of my eye faded to red.

Y/N: You could always kill me. Why would you-

Red Eyes: Because that would be so boooooring! My goal isn't to kill everything. I wanna have as much fun as possible! I'll be happy even if you kill me, as long as I have fun doing this.

So... He's okay either way. He'll win both ways. I huffed... I shook his hand. He gasped at my acceptance... The next thing he did surprised me... He had his arms wrapped around me with his head burried into my shoulder. 


Red Eyes: Thank you. I can already feel our friendship evolving.

He pulled away from me. I stared at him with my eyes wide open. None of this makes sense anymore. I saw his pupils shrunk for a second. He closed his eyes and stood up.

Red Eyes: I don't want us to be uneven, so for cooperating with me...

A black hole appeared next to him. He crouched before pulling... Bardock! He dropped him in front of me. He had a black eye and prints around his neck that resembled hands. I glared at Red Eyes.


He put his hands on his hips. 

Red Eyes: Don't worry, I didn't kill him. Spirits can only be sealed off... but that doesn't mean that they cannot be hurt.

I wanted to run up to him, but I was stuck in place. Whatever the fuck this stunning ability is, I'm going to find out how to counter it.

Red Eyes: You know, I'm called many names. I didn't expect you to name me Red Eyes. Well... I guess it's better than Shady Eyes. 

He put his hands in his pockets. He smiled as he stared at my angry form.

Red Eyes: I really appreciate talking to you. It's such a relief to talk with someone that shares my blood.

He turned around and walked away.




X̴̨̧̟̼͚̳̠͈̺͒̐̑̏̍ͅf̴̡̛̪͌ͅ ̵͉̦̘̍͊̌͝b̷̨̛̦̭͍͕̟̳̝̜̘͙͓͔͂̓͐̅̈̑̾̚s̸̢̛̛̜̱̝͚̀͗̄͑͒̽́̚f̸̡̧̡̗͓̈́́̿́̈͋͋̀͐̐̄̀̎̃͘ ̷̨͚̱̲͉̦͓̒͑̃ū̷̢͓͓͓̗̬̞͓͒̈́͛̂̀̏̑̀́͘ͅį̶͈̮͇͔̼̺̈́f̸̨̡͓̠̱̭͔͙͎͇͖͑̽̇̏͆͋͂̃̈́͝͝ ̸̜̮̱̳́̏̆̎̑̃͆t̸̯͉͉̭̃̓̌͋̑̿̋͑͠͝b̴͉͙̭́̌̾̎̑̎̎̉͆̀͌̕͠͝n̸͈̜͔̪̰͖̘͖̋̎͒̆̍̎̓͒̽̕f̶̧͈͙͈̙̣͇̰͈͔̪̫̺̐̃̀ ̶͚̦͒̈̿̃̆͑̿͆̆̿͂͋̍͠q̷̨̛̜̗̲͇̲̣̗̇̂́̒̇͛͛͘ͅf̷̧̖͚̣̦͉̆͋͂́̀̓̓͌͑̽͊͝ͅͅs̷̨͍̲̥͓̗̉̅͒͑́̓̓̋̔͌̈́͝͝t̷̙̦̰̘̳̥̹̭̺̠͑̄͗̏͒̚ͅṕ̸̧̡̛̛̺̰̗̘͖͈͖̞͙͚̖̽̉͆̚͝o̸̺͆͗́͑́.̶̧̨̨̧̺̙͇͕̬͉̠̫͉͓́̈́̿͐́̓͘ͅ.̴̛͚͎̠̹͇̻̟̼̺̬̟̅́̈́.̷̨̣̹̗̖̥̫̗̱͔̥̭̑͗̒̑͆͂́̇ ̷̧͚̞̞̟̠̙͖̼̟͗͂̈́̏͆͗͗̈́̕̚͠͠͠Ẕ̷̡̨̗̳͙͕͓͊́͐̕͜p̶̪̐̒̅̅́̀́̚͘v̵̼̜̘͉̮͈͈͎̜̅̐̒͆̑͗͊̚̕̚̕͠ ̴̢̡̛͖͕͈̀͑̉̽̈́͌̂̀̉͠ǩ̷̞͓͕̳̘͗̌̽́v̶̡̨̠͚͈̳̳̮̟̠̥̖̯̫̲̂̾͆t̶̛̠̗̹͇̥͇͍̦͍͊͛̔͒͆̓̀͝ų̴͈̱̤̖̣̟̗̗͉̺̖͗̽́̂ͅͅ ̸̡͈͓̫̝͕̳̲̥̦̦̂̅͜ȇ̸̩̬̝̼̘̤̘̺̈́̃̀͗͊̋͌̈́̓͘p̵̗͂͐͂̋̈́͛̿̌̌͐̾͗̌ȍ̵̧̜̼̩͙͕͍̺̘̞̹̺̻̼̤̀̔͑̉̐͆̿̈͝'̶͖̺̬̰̫͉̺̙͈̝̌̒̄͒͆̇͛̚͘u̵̪̙̹̜̤̠̲̤̘̩̰͕̒̓͌̊̈́̽̾̎̀̉͒̕ ̶̡̤̩̹͖̥̺͈̘̙̬͖̍̓̀͗̽̊̃ͅḧ̴̼̳͔͎́͑̇̓̏̃͋̀̿́̌̉̊̍f̸̧̹͈̪̱͈̼̱̽̽̌̽̀̽̆͘͘̕ͅu̶̫̗̣̫̲͈̼̅̂̽͂̉̈́̄̓͌͘͜͝͝ ̴̡̧͚͍̭̣͇̠̙̀͐͛̕j̵̨̺̤̘͊̈ŭ̶̗̐̃̄͌ ̵̧̲͇̪̖͔̺̜̥͎̫͕̤̐̋͒͑̀̃̈́̈́͛̽͘͜z̴̢̝̥͓̭͍̲̀̃͛͑͋́̂̓̈́͑̓̀̓̕͜f̶̨̡̢͙̠̩̮͕̺̅̑̌̃͋̓͗̈́̓̋̿̉͐̔̚u̵̡̘͉̻̓




I opened my eyes with a gasp. I held my chest as I breathed deeply. I blinked a few times to adjust my vision. I felt someone grab my hand.

Goki: You okay?

I looked to my right to see her worried expression. I smiled at her. She looked much better than yesterday. 

Grand Priest: Y/N, will you come down?

I heard a voice from above. My eyes widened when I saw the Grand Priest standing on top of a platform. That's when I made an assumption that was all too true... I looked around me to see all of the Gods of Destruction standing on different platforms with their fighters and Kais. I looked down and saw one of the fighters of Universe 9... I remember this future. 

Once again, I looked at the Grand Priest. His face showed that he was concerned, probably cause I haven't jumped to the arena yet... So that's what he meant when he said that he's in control when I'm asleep. I rest my fist on the railing of the tribune...

Red Eyes... What the fuck did you do..?

Thoughts while writing this chapter:

Is Red Eyes really a good character? 

I have so many shit worthy ideas.

Writing is hard.

Fun Fact: I just finished watching Darling In The Franxx... And my heart is broken.

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