Human Kwamis

By SpicyBoss1

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What if the Kwamis turned into humans while Marrinette and Adrien had them? What would they do? -Author Note... More

Chapter 2: Wild Adventures
Chapter 3: The Reveal
Chapter 4: Crazy Days
Chapter 5: Beach Day
Chapter 6: Camping
Chapter 7: Shenanegins
Chapter 8: Girls' Revenge
Chapter 9: More Kwamis
Chapter 10: Movies, Snacks, and Games
Chapter 11: Dark Turns
Chapter 12: Happy Endings
Author Note
AN again
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Chapter 1: Changes

1.7K 26 76
By SpicyBoss1

"Marrinette... Marrinette!"

Tiki was trying to wake up her friend and it was rather difficult.

"Mmm... Tikki... it's too early." Mumbled Marrinette as she turned over and snuggled into her pillow.

Tikki sighed, guess it was time for the hard way.
"Marrinette, Adrien is here and he's asking to come up to your room."

"WHAT!" Marrinette sat up quickly looking around with wide eyes.

"Shhh!" Tikki shushed.

Marrinette's eyes landed on a human Tikki. She did a double take and her mouth dropped open. Tikki had red hair with a big black dot on her bangs, her hair was in two buns. Her outfit had a cute and simple design, it was a red dress with short sleeves and the skirt area had some black flower designs.

"What happened to you?" Marrinette asked, dumbfounded.

Tikki shifted from her sitting position on the floor to on her knees, she sighed and looked up.

"Every 100 years a kwami goes through this phase of becoming a human. You see, a long time ago, a couple Kwamis wanted to know what it was like to become human and since kwamis live forever, one of the guardians helped use the magic of the miraculouses so that this could happen. We don't know how long it goes for but, I'm happy I get to experience this with you!" Tikki explained cheerfully.

Marrinette's surprised look turned into a smile as she hugged the now Human Tikki.

"This is good news! That means we can take a break from being Ladybug, and Hawkmoth won't cause trouble for a while now!" Marrinette cheered.

Tikki laughed, but soon her smile faded.
"Umm, what are we going to tell your parents?"


"So, that's why your human? And how long will this be?" Adrien asked, looking very confused at the human Plagg that was sitting on his bed.

"I dunno, weeks, a month. It all depends." Plagg shrugged, "now, gimme some cheese will yah?"

Adrien shook his head, "get it yourself, I need to figure out how I'm going to explain this to Natalie and Father."

Plagg pouted as he dragged himself off Adrien's bed to grab some Camembert from a small cabinet.

"Relax! I can sneak out and then after we come back from school, you can say I'm an exchange student or whatever." Plagg suggested with his mouth full.

Adrien raised an eyebrow at him, "so you want to go to school?"

Plagg froze, realizing his poor choice of words.

"Alright, we'll go with your plan, hurry up and find a way to sneak out and we'll go to school." Adrien grinned.

Plagg wanted to argue but he couldn't exactly argue with his own plan, and he didn't want to admit he was wrong, so he got up and decided to climb out the window and safely climb the building.


"Marrinette! You're not late for once! And who is that?" Alya said, raised an eyebrow at Tikki.

"Hi! I'm Tikki, I'm Marrinette's second cousin!" Tikki said without hesitation.

Alya grinned, "Hi! I'm Alya, nice to meet you! Are you coming to school with us?"

Tikki nodded, and just then, Adrien pulled up in his car, as he got out, someone else followed behind.

"Who's that? He's kinda cute." Tikki muttered the last part to herself but Alya overheard.

" I dunno, let's go ask!" Alya said " maybe we can set you two up on a date with Marinette and Adrien"
Tikki and Marinette both blushed.

" Hi Adrien!!!!" Alya yelled at him and waved him over.

Adrien waved and walked over

" Hey Marinette and Alya, and... what is your name?"


Plagg started choking on his spit and began coughing violently. Once he had recovered Adrien looked at him weirdly.

Plagg rolled his eyes at him then said to the girls, "I'm Plagg."

He bowed low to Tikki and put her hand to his lips. Tikki giggled and Marinette thought 'he acts a lot like Cat Noir.'

'Man, is it me or does Tikki look cuter than last time I saw her as a human' Plagg thought

Alya piped up " how would you two boys like to join me, Marinette, Tikki, And Nino for some dinner tonight? Kinda like a group date as friends?"

Tikki And Marrinette looked at Alya with wide eyes.

"Sure!" Adrien replied

They walked into the school and when they got to class there were only two empty seats in the back so Plagg and Tikki left to go sit back there

" Hey sugarcube " Plagg whispered to Tikki and she lightly blushed.

"Stop! You're gonna get us in trouble!" She whispered to Plagg.

Plagg pulled a wedge of cheese out and whispered, "Marinette huh? I knew she would be LB." he tossed the cheese in his mouth.

Tikki nodded and whispered a reply of "yup! She is one of the best Ladybugs I've ever met! But Adrien as her flirty little kitty, I never would have imagined!"

Plagg laughed and watched her as she pulled out a cookie and took a bite. While she chewed he stole the other half of the cookie and stuck it in his mouth.


"Tikki, Plagg?" The teacher said, "is there something wrong back there?"

The two shook their heads as Marinette and Adrien turned to give their Kwamis a 'stop attracting attention!' Look.

Tikki glared at Plagg and he leaned to her ear and whispered, "Your human form is just getting cuter and cuter over the years, M'Lady."

Tikki's face went completely red and whispered to him " you just always say what's on your mind and don't hide it do you?"

"That's me Tikki" Plagg whispered with a grin and grabbed her hand secretly so not one could see. Tikki blushed harder.

After school, Alya, Marinette, and Tikki went to Marinette's house to get ready for their date. Alya wore a nice simple orange skirt with a peach colored shirt and her hair was in a ponytail. Marrinette wore a red dress and a black belt and did her hair in a bun. And Alya and Marinette forced a dark red skirt on Tikki and a nice black shirt and put pink lipstick on her with some light red eyeshadow.

" I don't like this makeup thing" Tikki said as they were applying the eyeshadow and lipstick.

"Cmon silly! It's just for one night..... or maybe more" Alya wiggles her eyebrows at Tikki who laughed.

As the girls got ready Nino went with Adrien and Plagg back to the Agreste manor. They all dressed in black suits and each had a different colored tie. They started walking to Marinettes house.
When they were all ready Alya and Marinette went down and distracted Marinette's parents so Tikki could sneak out without them noticing.
Once they got outside they saw the boys and walked towards them.

Alya whispered to Tikki, "I say we sail the Adrienette ship tonight."

Tikki giggled and nodded ' being human keeps getting more fun' she thought

The boys couldn't stop staring at the girls, ESPECIALLY Plagg couldn't stop staring at Tikki

"Well cmon we don't have all night boys!" Alya said giggling at the boys faces.
The boys snapped out of it and hooked arms with their dates and started to walk towards a nice fancy diner to eat.

" Man I never though my Sugarcube could look good in my new favorite color, Red and black." Plagg whispered to Tikki who blushed

"Stop it," she whispered, "they're gonna start asking why we know each other so well. That'll be really suspicious." They all sat down at a table and began ordering.

Suddenly a boy with white hair and a light purple suit came in and sat down at the table across from the group. Tikki spotted him and nudged Plagg.

"Plagg," she whispered, "Nooroo is here!"

Plagg looked over and saw him too. Nooroo turned his head and saw them sitting there his eyes widened and he looked beggingly at them.  Plagg figures he should talk to him so he excused himself to go to the restroom, tapping Nooroo along the way.
Nooroo met him in the bathroom a few moments later.

"What's up?" Plagg asked.

"Well two important things, one that Hawkmoth has the peacock miraculous and that Hawkmoth is-"

He was interrupted by Adrien bursting in the bathroom with a worried look on his face. "Plagg! What's going on? Tikki is worried about you!"

"Yeah, just a min" Plagg said

Adrien looked at him then left to go tell Tikki.

"So? Who is Hawkmoth?"

"Well he is.... Adrien's father." Nooroo whispered and then tried to look for a place to hide.

Plagg put a hand on his shoulder "it's okay no one will hurt you here"

Nooroo nods and then tells Plagg he should go,
Plagg gets out of the bathroom and orders with the others and they have a good time, when they order dessert Plagg orders a slice of Chocolate cake and Tikki gets Cheesecake with strawberries on top.
When Plagg wasn't looking, or so Tikki thought, Tikki stole a big bite of Plagg's cake.

"Hey!" Plagg looked at Tikki

" That's what you get for stealing my cookie at school" Tikki puts on a innocent smile on her face and everyone laughs.

Once they were finished eating and the bill was paid they walked outside.
Nino checked his watch, "Hey! It's only 7:30, do you guys want to go to a movie?"

"Yeah!" Marinette said. So they went to the movie theater.
They chose a scary movie so Adrien could comfort Marinette (it was Alyas idea).
When they went to sit down Tikki and Plagg sat down a couple rows behind everyone else.

"Tikki," Plagg whispered to her as the movie started, "i talked to Nooroo and he doesn't have good news."

"What is it?" She said.

"Hawkmoth is... is Adrien's dad. And he has the peacock miraculous."

Tikkis head whipped to him, "Oh no..."

Plagg brushed a red hair behind her ear and leaned in towards her face, "But let's not worry and enjoy our time together."
His eyes flicked to her pink lips. He leaned in closer and closer and closer until...

"AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" The people in the theater  screamed from a jump scare.
Plagg jumped away from a bright red Tikki. The screams scared him. Tikki giggled at Plagg's reaction and then he sat down and finished watching the movie with her. After it was over the group went to the park to let everyone have their alone time with their dates.

Plagg and Tikki stood by the fountain, they watched the full moon for a bit and then Tikki spoke, " Ya know, I almost forgot what it was like to be a human and I forget most of the feelings I have.... but I can never forget the times I spent with you and the feelings I felt"

Plagg was quiet and the he turned Tikki towards him
"Tikki I can never forget those moments either and you..... you just keep getting cuter and cuter"

Tikki laughs and and then wraps her arms around Plagg's neck and Plagg wraps his arms around Tikki's waist, they get closer and closer until..... they finally kiss. Plagg never wanted to let Tikki go and Tikki felt the same, but there was this stupid thing called oxygen that they needed and they had to break the kiss. Then they heard a few giggles coming from the other side of the fountain, it was Alya, Nino, Marrinette, And Adrien. They had seen Tikki and Plagg about to kiss and snuck over there to watch.
After 9:00 the group split up and went home. Marinette was changing into her pajamas as Tikki stared off into the abyss.

Marinette laughed at her Kwami. "Did you enjoy your first day as a human in a hundred years?"

Tikki sighed dreamily and flopped on Marinettes bed, "Yes."

Marinette laughed again.

-At Adriens House-

"And you yell at me for being too lovey dovey with Ladybug!" Adrien accused his Kwami.

Plagg just sat down in the desk chair and popped some cheese  in his mouth, "At least I actually do something about my girl, you just flirt with yours."

Adrien rolls his eyes and tells Plagg to shut up and go to sleep.

"Not unless I get a Camembert snack before bed."

"Plagg! You just ate! Just go to sleep"

Plagg sighs "Fiiiiiinnnneee"

He lays on his bed 'goodnight Tikki'
Plagg thought and then fell asleep

-Marinette's house-

"Tikki! It's time for bed!.......... Tikki? Tikki!"

Marinette was calling for Tikki, who was up on the balcony staring at the moon.

"Tikki. Cmon! Stop daydreaming about your date and let's go to bed!"

Tikki sighed and then walked down from the balcony into Marinette's room. She slept on the side of Marrinette's bed so that if her parents came up they wouldn't see Tikki.

'Night Plagg' Tikki thought before she fell asleep.


The next morning Tikki and Marinette walked to school with Alya. When Tikki spotted Plagg she ran over to him kissed him on the cheek. Nino and Adrien had been standing with him but left when they decided they didn't want to be too close to the love birds. They went to classes as normal but at lunch Marinette dragged Tikki away from Plagg.

"Tikki!" She said, "you need to be careful, you're a Kwami and you will turn back into your normal form eventually! You can't fall in love with a human!"

Tikki sighed and nodded, "I know."

Marinette folded her arms, "From now on you need to start spending less time with him."

Tikki looked at her, horrified.
'No!'She wanted to yell, 'Plagg is my soulmate! You can't separate us!'

But she said, "Okay" Instead.

Tikki was broken inside, how could Marrinette say that to her!!She quickly excused herself to the bathroom and hid in a stall and cried, she wished Plagg was there to comfort her.

"Tikki? Tikki, you in here?"

It was Marinette she came looking for Tikki when she heard a sniffle from a stall.

"Oh Tikki, I didn't meant to make you sad it's just that you can't fall in love with a human, because if you turn back into a Kwami then Plagg would be without you and it would hurt both of you" Marinette said

Tikki slowly came out of the bathroom and when she saw Marinette she just ran over to her and hugged her and cried into her shoulder, Marinette
just patted Tikki's back and let Tikki pull herself together before they headed back to class. Tikki walked to the back of the class and silently sat by Plagg. Plagg wrapped his arm around her shoulder and Tikki didn't respond, she just looked down trying to concentrate on what the teacher was saying.

Plagg was confused, "What's wrong Sugarcube?"

She just ignored him and wrote something down on a slip of paper. She passed it to him and he read it.

'We need to talk. In private. Meet me at the park. 10:00 pm.' It said.

Plagg shrugged and put the paper in his pocket.

-At the park-

Tikki sat on a bench waiting for Plagg to arrive.

"Hey Sugarcube, what is it you need to talk to me about?"

Tikki turned to Plagg and motioned for him to sit, Plagg looked confused but sat down anyway.

"Marinette says I can't spend all of my time with you, because she doesn't know that your a Kwami and she thinks that if I spend all my time with you that it would hurt both of us if I turned back into a Kwami" Tikki started to cry.
Plagg slowly pulls Tikki onto his lap and Tikki wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face into his shoulder and just sits there. Plagg holds her close, thinking about what Tikki just said.

"Ya know, we could always spend time together in secret....... or we could try to get Marinette and Adrien to tell each other their identities?"

Tikki gasped and said "We can't do that! We have to keep their identities a secret Plagg!"

Plagg sighed, "Yeah I know but it's just really annoying to always see Adrien always trying to figure out who LB really is when she is literally right behind him!"

Tikki giggled at his frustration and booped his nose with her finger. "Well let's spend tonight together before we have to start sneaking out to meet each other!"

Plagg took her hand and stood up. They walked all around Paris, just enjoying each other's company.

Suddenly Plagg had an idea, "What if we tell her I'm a Kwami?"

"No! Then she'll know Adrien is Cat Noir!"

Plagg sighed, "I just really wish they would have their 'grand reveal' or whatever so we can see each other in our Kwami forms and not just every hundred years in our human forms."

Tikki sighed and nodded, "Plagg there's nothing we can do about it, let's just enjoy the time we have."

She stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him in the full moons light.

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