The Saviour (levi ackerman x...

By MasterAssassina

60.5K 1.3K 320

(y/n) (l/n) has been missing since the fall of Isabel, Farlan and many others within their group. she was a c... More

Chapter 1: found
Chapter 2 : memories
Chapter 3: Nightmare
Chapter 4: Care
Chapter 5: Freedom
Chapter 6: Fighting
Chapter 7: Death
Chapter 8: Avoidance
Chapter 9: family
Chapter 10: Beautiful
Chapter 11: Awestruck
Chapter 13: Burn Out
Chapter 14: Awkward Encounters
Chapter 15: Tension
Chapter 16: bad beginnings
Chapter 17: Strength
Chapter 18: Auntie
Chapter 19: Surprise
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chapter 21: Shark Bait
Chapter 22: poorly successful
Chapter 23: Cakes And Interruptions.
Chapter 24: Hanji The Matchmaker
Chapter 25: storm brewing
Chapter 26: conflicts and confidence
Chapter 27: Operation Jaeger
Chapter 28: Worth and fluff
Chapter 29: Seer
Chapter 30: One Vision
chapter 31: Dungeons and Titans
Chapter 32: dream believer
Chapter 33: double trouble
Chapter 34: Shiganshina
Chapter 35: titan slayer
Chapter 36: changes
Chapter 37: engagement?
Chapter 38|Chaos

Chapter 12: Feelings?

1.8K 49 32
By MasterAssassina

I simply smiled at the whisps of hair dancing in the light breeze.

"Your hair's getting a little messy...wait did you just say Y/n? Did did the Levi ackerman just use my first name?" He rolled his eyes.

"It was a mistake don't expect me to-"

"I can't believe it. You actually know people's first names." He snorted and despite fighting against it, he smiled. A little.

I attempted to hide the warmth in my cheeks and returned my gaze to the gardens.

"How was it out there? Is it worth the fighting."

"It's beautiful out there. Sure, the titans are terrifying but seeing the thriving wildlife, the miles of greenery. To live beyond the walls without fear, it's worth it. I like to think that I'll settle down out there after all of this war."

He nodded still in thought before standing.

"Well, you're calm now. We should head inside before the kings speech and all of the other bullshit that comes after." He held out his hand, i took it.

He lead me back through to the ballroom and we were quickly seated with Erwin and Hanji.

"You both took your time. Huh? And you're holding hands!" I quickly dropped it and looked at Erwin who was equally amused.

I looked at the cadets all sat at their tables talking with soldiers from other regiments.

Jean spotted me and gestured for me. I sighed and politely excused myself.

"You can ask her now Eren." Sasha smirked cheekily as the boy ruffled a hand through his chocolate brown hair.

"Would you like to dance?" He flushed and I smiled.

"Sure." He gingerly took his hands out of his pockets and offered me his arm. I took it and he lead me to the dance floor.

We got into position and began. Only for him to step on my feet. I sighed.

"Just relax a little. Do you remember Levi's teaching?"

"Not really. He just called me a foul brat the whole time." My laughter was thankfully drowned out by the music and chattering guests.

"Okay so, i can show the basics in the time we've got"

The next few minutes resorted in tripping over, standing on feet oh and having the coordination of a squirrel on drugs.

"Just copy my feet and keep your back straight."

"Got it." He blushed.

I grinned. Finally after all of that torment and Mikasa's jealous seething rage, Eren was dancing properly and the music ended.

The boy moved to whisper in my ear

"I would kiss your hand but i think my sister and Levi would kill us." I rose a brow but nodded before parting ways to our tables.

"I mean, come on! With Y/n's intuition and Levi's...Levi-ness we could generate the perfect-"

"Just take your perfect soldier idea and shove it up your-"

"Hanji, I think you've had a bit too much to drink."

"You can't cut me off *hic* I'm fine." She slurred.

I took my seat and Levi tensed slightly before having a sip of black tea. Of course he'd have tea at such a high functioning event.

"Why were you dancing with Jaeger?"

"He asked me to dance. He looked too cute to turn down, he looked so shy. Of course i kind of regret it now."

Before he could reply with some witty remark, the sound of glass being tapped caught our attention and the king stood.

A blanket of silence swept over the room as we watched him prepare for his speech.

"This has been a tragic year for many. We have lost valuble soldiers, gamily and friends. People who made our districts proud. As you dance and celebrate in this hall you are not just remembering those who were lost, you're relishing in the future that we have due to the military's sacrifice. Tonight is about you and everyone coming together in solidarity." He paused eyes skimming the room before lifting his glass.

"A toast to the future. To victory!" We all choroused to victory. I had a sip of my mint water before gently placing it back onto the table.

"Now, there is someone we all wish to meet. A woman who defied the odds. Corporal L/n of the scouting regiment!" A cheer rang through the hall and I froze.

Levi patted my shoulder.

"Breathe, you'll be fine." I nodded and walked up to the stage and ascended the little steps.

I dipped into a courtesy before the king. He smiled and swapped places with me.

I am at the center of attention.

Clearing my throat and straightening my back, I focused on my friends and colleagues.

"Hello. Sorry in advance, I didn't have preperation so please bare with me." I spotted Erwins encouraging gaze and allowed myself to relax.

"Times are difficult right now. That was apparent when I came back the world has changed since i... disappeared. The titans are more of a threat than before but I guarantee that the future is worth it. Living beyond the walls was difficult but the lands that I had seen, the world out there was beautiful, fertile and vast. The deaths in our past, they weren't in vain. We can defeat the titans and create a new life beyond the walls without fear. Children can run freely, there won't be anymore crowding. We will not continue like cattle. " a pause followed before the room erupted into cheers.

Hanji stood and let out a whale scream with her thumbs up. I returned it nervously before hopping down from the stage and speed walking to Erwin who had his arms open.

He pulled me into a sweet embrace.

"You've done well for saying speeches were never your forte." I pulled away.

"I did learn from the best." I responded with a smile.

"Get a room~" Hanji chimed drunkenly as she wiggled her fingers at us.

"Ew, he's like my brother" I responded and he laughed before patting my shoulder.

"Likewise. Only you're like a sister obviously."

"Looks like she's all yours *hic* Levi. Go and make super soldier babies" she winked conspirationally before shoving a hand over her mouth and jogging to the bathrooms.

With a laugh, I returned to my chair beside Levi as more speeches continued through the night.

It was around midnight when we climbed back into the carriage.

"that went well." Erwin mused. Hanji groaned wiping her head.

"I am never touching ale again."

I hummed tiredly and struggled keeping my eyes open. Looks like the sleepless nights are catching up to me.

"If you're tired I'm sure Levi will offer up his shoulder for you" Erwin mused with a fake innocent smile.

Levi tutted and looked at me. Wow, I must be tired, i thought his eyes seemed softer for a second.

His hand pressed into the side of my head and guided it to his shoulder before letting his hand fall to my side.

"You need to sleep. You'll be useless to us if you're half tired all of the time."

And just like that, my eyes fluttered closed and i entered a sweet dream.

I stirred as a hand brushed hair out of my face and i landed on a mattress.

"Goodnight L/n" a male voice whispered.

My heart jumped a little in my chest. What is this feeling?

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