Faint Of Heart [Ivar x Reader]

By dreamwritesimagines

104K 2.9K 744

Opposites attract, no matter the time or place. When the Vikings reached their gates, her brother had only on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

5.3K 162 29
By dreamwritesimagines

Much to your surprise, you were actually starting to like Kattegat. It was always cold, you didn't understand the half of the things people talked about, and you still had many questions about their culture but...

The place itself was growing on you.

You hugged the fur tighter around you –you still had a feeling that you couldn't shake the sickness and the last thing you wanted was to catch cold again- as people got out of the way, some of them bowing their heads but before you could even turn a corner, you heard your name being called out.


You stopped and looked over your shoulder to see Hvitserk running to you.

"Hi, I didn't see you today."

"I was...busy." He waved a hand in the air and you arched a brow.

"With your beautiful lover?" You smiled slightly and he shot you a look.

"You're the one to talk, after what happened last night in the hall," he stated, "You and my brother surely look like you made peace."

You tried not to avert your eyes, "We...have some common grounds that we agree on."

"That I could tell,"


"Where's Gala?"

"I gave her the day off, she looked a bit tired. So were you with your lover then?"

"I was actually with Ivar, he's... enraged. I'm pretty sure somebody is going to die back there," he pointed back and you turned your head to look at the huge building. "Where are you going?"

"To Torvi. She said-"

"Yeah I'd stay away from Torvi today if I were you,"


"Bjorn is here."


"She and Bjorn used to be married."

Your eyes widened "What?!"

"Yes, before Ubbe and her." Hvitserk held your arm gently to steer you back to the hall, "Ubbe is with her, I'd reckon both of them are very tense right now."

"Can I help?"

"Not really."

You frowned slightly and stopped Hvitserk "Wait, hold on." You said, "Ivar is enraged?"

"Very. So I'd stay away from him as well, if I were-"

"Where's he?"

Hvitserk shot you a glare "Don't even think about it."


"The last time he was this angry-" he stopped himself, "You don't want to know what happened. So stay away- Y/N!" he called out your name as you walked away from him very fast to approach the door of Ivar's bedchamber, but Hvitserk rushed to stand between you and the door.

"Contrary to what you may believe, I spent my life around angry men who were given too much power." You stated "I'll be fine."

"You don't know Ivar's anger."

"My brother once threatened to have somebody killed because they made a joke," You said, "Kings are rarely reasonable creatures, in any nation."

"Y/N-" he started but you went around him, then knocked on the door and opened it. Hvitserk gritted his teeth and leaned to the doorframe as you walked inside.

It looked like he didn't bother to redecorate the room after you had moved out. The furs, pillows and the warmer colors you had picked were all gone with you. The room still looked almost impassible, with its cold colors.

You didn't really need Ivar to speak to understand he was in fact furious, it was basically radiating off of his whole body even if his back was turned to you and he was looking out of the window silently.

"Leave me be."

You looked over your shoulder and shrugged at Hvitserk, who pulled his brows together.

"You heard him."

"I'm talking to both of you, Y/N."

"And I'm talking to Hvitserk." You said, then walked to the door "We'll see you later, Hvitserk."

"Y/N, don't-" Hvitserk said but then you closed the door, and turned to Ivar who stubbornly looked outside.

"I'm not in the mood to pretend whatever it is you wish to pretend." Ivar's voice was like a whip, "Leave me be, I said."

"What is it?" You somehow managed to keep your voice calm, but this whole situation made you feel like you were trapped in a cage with a wild animal. "Bjorn? Or has something else happened?"

Somehow, hearing Bjorn's name made every muscle on his back tense up and he turned around to look you in the eye.


That level of angry.

If looks could kill, you were sure half of the court would drop dead right now. Ivar's narrowed blue eyes looked like they were on fire with his fury, and his jaw clenched before he gritted his teeth and let out a breath through his nose.

"He told me he would be here tonight."

You nodded, "Okay?"

"Not even asking it. He informed me- he dares to give commands to me," his voice rose, "To me!"


"I was the one who conquered Kattegat!" he didn't even look like he could hear you, "Me, and I'm the leader of the Great Heathen Army, not any of them," he motioned at the door, "Bjorn was the one who failed- and that means he can come here as he wishes?!" some words in his language –that you didn't understand- left his lips in a haste, but you were fairly certain they weren't kind.

"He's merely visiting, he told me so." Your voice was stable and calm, the complete opposite of his. You had learned long before –even before your brother became the king- that you were supposed to keep your calmness around the kings. Your father, your brother-


"I thought of it, and I've decided I should kill him when he gets here," Ivar's voice along with the sound of his crutches snapped you out of your thoughts and your jaw dropped while his grin widened at the thought of it, nodding to himself "The moment he steps a foot into the Great Hall, I should-"

"Ivar, no!" Before you could think of what you were doing, you had already stopped him and cupped his face with both hands so that he would stop and look at you. He seemed as surprised as you were but that made him fall into silence and his eyes searched yours, as if he was yearning to hear what you would say.

You could feel the thoughts flashing over your mind as you searched hopelessly what to say, then took a deep breath. Ivar's conceit was not as complex as he and his brothers seemed to believe so, and that was the safest thing to form a plan on.

At least that was stable, unlike his moods.

"Just like you said," You said gently, "You're the King of Kattegat, and the leader of the Great Heathen Army. Even I heard very fearsome stories about you way before we met, and our countries have nothing in common."

The crazy light in his eyes seemed to dim just a little and you tried not to roll your eyes.

Kings, honestly...

Each and every one of them merely wanted to hear they were the biggest and most dangerous king out there.

How frustratingly simple.

"And think of the conquests, and everything you have succeeded," You continued, "People of Kattegat respect you, you're already a legend, even a bigger legend than your father and you would stain your legacy with... what, killing a visitor? You surely know it's beneath you."

The shift in his voice was almost baffling. Contrary to the yelling and threats before, it was almost sulky now;

"He wishes to see me fail, Y/N. He wishes to see me miserable, all of them do."

And with a very strange timing, what the Queen had told you before you left your court echoed in your ears.

"I'm sure your friend taught you how to beguile kings."

Even if it was a snark towards your best friend, it was still true. Sulky wasn't that hard to snap out of. You'd seen Bree do that with your brother numerous times, even when the Queen was present.

"Alright," You said calmly, "Then seeing you happy and succeeding would make him miserable, would it not? He can't see that if he's dead. Seeing you happy would hurt him much more."

Ivar raised his brows, deep in thought "And how do you propose we do that?"

You opened your mouth, but before you could say anything, someone knocked on the door.

"Ivar," it was Hvitserk's voice and for some reason, it didn't surprise you that he was still there, "Earl Finnr is here."

Earl Finnr.


You almost forgot.

You dropped your hands to cross your arms over your chest, and took a step back instantly.

"He wishes to speak about the merchants in his land." Ivar said quickly, and if you didn't know any better, it'd sound almost assuring to you, "I said he could, last night before everything."

You nodded "I should get ready for tonight anyway," You said, "See you at dinner,"

You walked out of his bedchambers and as soon as you did, Earl Finnr stepped out of your way. Hvitserk eyed him up and down, still leaning back to the wall.

"My Queen."

"Earl Finnr," You greeted him with a polite smile, "It's nice to see you. Again."

"And my day is much more beautiful now that I've seen you, my Queen."

You tried not to snort at his blatant lie while keeping your smile.

"How kind of you. I should perhaps be careful with where I'm going nowadays, I feel as if I will step on your foot with the way you're constantly present around the king and I all day, every day."

You walked past him before he could answer to approach Hvitserk, who tilted his head to the right.

"Are you alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be alright?" You shrugged and made your way out of the hallway with him following you suit.

"I hope you know Ivar doesn't deserve any of this,"

"Any of what?"

"You, your support..." Hvitserk shrugged "Not after what he-"

"Hvitserk, please don't start that."

"But he doesn't!" he stopped you and you frowned looking up at him. "He for sure doesn't deserve your help, nor does he ask for it."

You gritted your teeth, it was getting more and more difficult to defend Ivar when even you knew you were still very heartbroken.

"Kattegat is my home now," You told him, "Of course I will help Ivar when it's about my home."

"But it's not about Kattegat, is it?" Hvitserk asked, "It's about Bjorn. It's about how he feels threatened, as always."

"He doesn't feel threatened." The lie left your lips almost too easily and Hvitserk chuckled.

"He can't bear the thought of people around him seeing another option. It always has to be him. With mother, with people of Kattegat, even with you. It's not even about Bjorn anymore."

You heaved a deep sigh, then hugged the furs around you tighter.

"I will not be dragged into a sibling rivalry."

"Might be a little too late for that." Hvitserk commented drily and you frowned.

"I wish to get some fresh air, alone." You said, and started walking. "I will see you at dinner,"


When you reached the docks of Kattegat, you realized it was the first time in your life that you were outside and alone at the same time. Back in your home country, you were never allowed to walk around alone. You were always supposed to be accompanied by many guards and your ladies in waiting, even when you were a mere child.

But now, it felt almost free.


"My Queen."

You rolled your eyes and looked over your shoulder to see the man clearer, "We're family now, Bjorn. No need for titles, when I don't even know yours."

Bjorn grinned, and took a look at the ships, "It's surprising to see you here alone."

"Why is that?"

"I thought Ivar would keep you locked in a golden cage."

You arched a brow, "No one can put me in a cage."

"That much is obvious," Bjorn's grin widened. "For some reason, I don't think I'm welcomed by you. Ivar's influence?"

You dragged the tip of your tongue over your bottom lip, "Torvi is my friend," you said, "People say you used to be married."

"That's correct."

"I don't wish to speak to you if you broke her heart."

Bjorn shook his head, "We have no bitter feelings, Torvi and I. Ask her if you wish, she will tell you the same thing."


"How is she?"

"Very happy with Ubbe," You said quickly, "She's amazing, and she and Ubbe might be the best couple I've ever seen in my life. They're very lucky-"

"Luckier than you?"

Your head shot up, "I'm sorry?"

"I've been speaking with the people of Kattegat." Bjorn said, "All of them say the same thing."

"Which is...?"

"The king and the queen are very much in love," He scoffed, "Can you imagine my surprise? Hearing Ivar loves anyone beside himself."

You pulled back slightly "That's a very mean thing to say."

"I don't mean to offend you."

"Yet here we are." Your eyes locked to his light blue ones and he nodded slowly.

"I don't think I've seen Ivar love anyone," he stated, "Or being loved."

"Things change, much to our fortune."

"How fortunate of Ivar."

"How fortunate of me." You corrected him politely, and Bjorn narrowed his eyes, making you shift your weight.

There. That look again. All the Ragnarsson brothers had that look, as if they were trying to sneak a peek into your mind, to see your thoughts.

"So it's true what they say?"


"You are in love with him?"

You gulped and smiled at him, "Very much so, we're blessed by the Gods."

"Gods performed a miracle, I would say." Bjorn said and shrugged, "Well, I can't wait to see it with my own eyes tonight."

You nodded, trying not to show your nervousness.

"Anyways, I'd better go back. Ivar was very delighted to hear you are here."

Bjorn pursed his lips and shot you an amused look. "Delighted? Is that so?"

"Yes, we spoke of it today, actually. This morning."

Bjorn nodded, "I'll see you at dinner then."

"We can't wait," you said politely, then turned around to walk away from him, the smile falling from your lips as soon as you did so.

Oh, joy.

This dinner was going to be a torture.


"Torvi!" You called out when you saw her blonde hair through the crowd of the hall, then made your way to her, "Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good," She tried to offer you a small smile, "Ubbe says Bjorn is back, we will dine with him tonight."

You nodded slowly, "Yes, we... ran into each other."

"In Kattegat."

"Very strange, I know. But, um-" You looked around and lowered your voice, "Are you alright, though? I've heard of your..." you waved a hand, "History. You honestly don't need to attend if it makes you feel uncomfortable-"

"I'm not uncomfortable," Torvi shook her head, "It wasn't a one sided decision, to be honest. And I regret nothing."

"Of course you regret nothing, I've seen how happy you are with Ubbe," You assured her quickly, "But you know, just in case you wanted to."

"Bjorn is a good man," Torvi said, "Don't let Ivar make you think otherwise. He's good and he's honorable, he's just... Not meant for marriage, I would say."

"Oh he broke your heart?" You pressed a hand over your chest "I'm very sorry to hear that."

She shook her head again, "Being with Ubbe makes me happy, and I wouldn't know it if it weren't for my history with Bjorn." She stated, "Don't worry about it. How is Ivar by the way? I'm sure he's furious, and I don't want to see anyone getting killed during the dinner, I'm very hungry." Torvi smiled at your laugh, "I'm gonna go and eat something if he plans to kill anyone-"

"No no," You said, "We um... had a talk."


"I don't believe he will."

"You convinced Ivar not to hurt his brother whom he hates?" Torvi asked you and raised her brows, "Perhaps what some women say is true. You do know some Christian magic."

"What?!" Your jaw dropped, "I don't though! I- we just talked!"

"Talked?" A mischievous smile flashed on her lips, "Yeah, I'm sure."

"I'll go and find Ivar," You said and pointed at her, "Ubbe is a bad influence on you."

"I'm a bad influence on Ubbe!" Torvi called out as you walked away and you giggled, then made your way to Ivar, who seemed to be in a deep conversation with one of his warriors, but he quickly sent him away when he saw you approaching him.

"My Queen."

"My King," You sat down to the throne next to his, "Well, you do seem like you're in better spirits."

"Very surprising for you, I'm sure."

"To the whole court." You joked, "But it does please me greatly to see that."

"How was Bjorn?"

You pulled your brows together, then shot him a reprimanding look from which he didn't look threatened at all, "It's not polite to have me followed, Ivar." You stated, "And before you accuse me of seeing yet another brother of yours behind your back, it is getting tiring."

"It was just a question."

You narrowed your eyes and searched the crowd until your eyes fell on Arna's blonde hair, "How is Arna?" You asked, "That's also just a question, you see."

"My Queen," You heard Gala's voice beside you and you turned your head,

"Gala, hello! You didn't need to attend this really, do you feel better?"

She nodded, "Thank you so much," she said, "Um- Prince Bjorn is almost here."

"Thank you." You said as she took a step back to stand beside you while you reached out to entwine your fingers with Ivar's. He looked almost surprised, then frowned.

"You're freezing," he said as he wrapped his other hand around yours, in an attempt to keep it warmer and for some reason, a gesture so simple made your heart beat faster, "Why didn't you say you were cold?"

"I'm always cold, I don't know what your ancestors were thinking when they decided to settle here." You tried to smile, then both of you were distracted when you heard the movement at the entrance, and soon enough, Bjorn walked in. He looked around as if the hall brought back memories, then smiled and made his way to you and Ivar to stand in front of the thrones.


"Brother," Ivar greeted him, "Welcome to the Kattegat,"

"It surely has changed since the last time," Bjorn bowed just a little as he turned to you, "You have a good taste, Y/N. It almost looks...warmer."

"Thank you," You said, "We're delighted to see you here."

"It's good to be back." Bjorn said and you could feel Ivar gritting his teeth, so you smiled brightly,

"Let's have dinner!" You said as the crowd cheered and you stood up along with Ivar while Hvitserk and Bjorn hugged each other. Torvi only offered him a small smile which he reflected, and approached her and Ubbe.

"Ivar," You muttered to him, and he took a deep breath,

"The more I think of it, the more my plan from earlier makes sense."

You sat down next to him with an adoring smile on your face just in case anyone was watching and leaned in to whisper into his ear.

"You know the battlefield," You murmured, "I know the court, okay? Now pretend I said something entertaining and smile,"

Ivar smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he sneaked an arm around your waist to pull you even closer to him, making you let out a cheerful giggle as everyone else took their seats around the huge table.

"He pretends as if it's his court." Ivar muttered to your ear and you smiled shyly as if he had just said something vulgar, and stole a look at him before you leaned in closer.

"But it's not," You buried your face to his neck for a moment before you whispered into his ear, "Just let him see how-"

"You were surely blessed by the Gods brother," Bjorn's voice made you pull back and you smiled at him before you leaned your head on Ivar's shoulder, "Perhaps they do love you after all."

Oh God, Bjorn was definitely not going to make this dinner easy.

Ivar's eyes sharpened, "You had doubts on that?"

"I had no doubts," You said before Bjorn could answer and grabbed the closest cup as Ivar glared at Bjorn and Bjorn narrowed his eyes at him, while Hvitserk, Ubbe and Torvi just looked like they'd rather be anywhere but there. You took a huge sip, which was unusual before they said Skol, and you knew it, but you were definitely going to need some help if you wanted to get through this-

It took you a split second to understand something was really wrong, as soon as the drink slipped down your throat. You jumped on your feet, your heart beating in your ears and the thought of just how stupid you'd had to be to take a sip of any drink without smelling it first hit you.

"Nobody drink that," you managed to say breathlessly, "It's poisoned."

Everything you had learned back at your home country was flashing over your mind like the thunder, if it was the poison that you guessed it was, you had less than couple of seconds before you-

A sudden pain shot through your stomach and you took a step back, almost doubling up in pain as all the brothers- and Torvi- stood up, then you felt something warm on the back of your hand-


Your nose was bleeding.

The room started spinning around you and you could barely hear Ivar barking an order at the guards to lock the doors and not to let anyone out before he took a step towards you, his eyes searching your face anxiously as if he didn't know what to do. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Hvitserk approaching you and you grabbed at the table, the corners of your vision getting black.

"Ivar-" You tried to speak through the pain, but it was very difficult, so in the end you managed to say only one word;


And then everything went dark.


A.N.: Your feedback makes me so happy, please keep it coming! ❤️ Thank you! ❤️

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