By whatamoodii

18.9K 848 1.9K

june 14, 2022 hello it's moodii here, omg if you hate really bad written characters and bad plot points dont... More

Chapter One: Everything's Perfect
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: New Arrivals
Thank you for 100 reads!!
Omg lollll
Chapter Four: Dangers Among Us
Chapter Five: Truth Hurts
Chapter Six: Amends
Chapter Seven: Home Sweet Home
New ItsFunneh Book!
Chapter Nine: Way Back Home
Chapter Ten: Lost
Chapter Eleven: Overcome
Chapter Twelve: The Plan
3k read special!
Chapter 13: Clues to the Lost
Chapter 14: Worlds Collide
Chapter 15: Wispy Visions
Chapter 16: Cursed Tales
Chapter 17: Two Choices
Chapter 18: Causatum
Chapter 19: Enraptured
Chapter 20: Trust Me
4k Special: Krew & YHS Meet ????
Chapter 21: Born Normal

Chapter Eight: A Call in Need

558 26 21
By whatamoodii

💻Alec's P.O.V.💻
I frantically read the orders aloud. So many were coming through my head spun. Eventually, I let Evelyn take over and I helped out the others. But as I handed the phone to Evelyn, she had a judging look on her face. Her eyebrows raised in suspicion, and her mouth was curled into a frown. Her eyes had some meaning behind it, whatever the meaning was.

I walked pass her, a shudder went down my spine. Something was off. I could tell. Was there another reason Evelyn came to this trip? Was it to keep me in check? My stomach churned in unease, did she know I helped Yandere?

I rolled up the blankets into my inventory, it was cool that we could do that. Now I had more space for most things. Although, once I get to used to this, I'm gonna start trying to open my inventory at school when I don't have one. The thought of going back to school made me nervous. Going back to America had some risks. For instance, if Yandere escaped from jail, she could rat out on all the things I did. The Krew already knew, and the last thing I wanted was all of YHS to know.

"Alec!" Aly waved in my face, "Hurry up! There's a dragon coming!" I shook out of my thoughts and continued packing. I felt the eyes of Evelyn on my back. She was watching me, I could feel it.

I came here to escape the guilt and stress, and now it's like it's haunting me all over again, I thought. I took grasp of a couple pillows and placed that into my inventory. We all worked in silence, except for Evelyn reading off the comments on Discord.

"Alright, some of them are saying when a dragon comes, you should stay back and fire bow and arrows at it for safety," she read aloud, "But using a sword is usually more powerful and quicker to defeat it."

Evan stopped, "So anyone got bow and arrows?"

"I only have potions," Senpai said.

Aly unsheathed her dagger from Lunar, "This is pretty much what I have."

Evelyn brandished a ninja star, "I could use this...."

I rose my hand, "I have poison arrows and a bow." I looked down at the bow. It had a purple aura around it. When I held it, it sent shivers up my spine, it made me feel safe, and powerful.

"I have a bow too, and silver arrows," Kyran called.

Evelyn looked at Kyran, then me, "I hope you two know how to aim."

"Uhhh," Kyran held his bow, practicing it.

I shot an arrow, it pierced through a tree and hit a rock, cracks formed from it. I was shocked, this bow had deadly accuracy, and power. I gulped, if I accidentally shot one of the Gang, they'd never survive.

Senpai looked taken aback from the bow. He stepped a little farther from me, not that I could blame him.

We heard a nearby roar, and smoke filled the air. I coughed, covering my nose with my sleeve.

"Maybe we should just run," Kyran suggested, shaking.

Evelyn stood up in defiance, "NO. The Krew will come back soon, and they will come back here to look for us. We can't go running around and get lost in such a dangerous place."

"She's got a point there," Evan said, "But when will they come back?"

Evelyn didn't respond, earning tension and unease from the rest of us. I cleared my throat, scanning the terrain for any shelter. The sun was now gone, making it harder to see anything. But then I noticed fire off into the distance. And roaring. Then it seemed to spread, one by one, more fires pooped out of nowhere, and the roaring grew louder and louder. The fires seemed to get closer too. Panic was the only thing in my mind.

"Guys," I caught their attention, "I think the dragon is coming-" An angry bellow cut me off. Kyran yelped and fell. Senpai helped him up, he seemed shaken off too. The Discord chat was bursting with notifications. Evelyn read them all.

"RUN!" Aly cried, taking off, the rest off us were following. The clothes we wore were light and quick. Lunar was right about not wearing heavy stuff. But it wasn't enough. In a few moments, I saw the dragon. It's golden scales reflected off the moonlight, it's magnificent wings beated in the air, its eyes burned with anger and were wild. It opened its mouth, fire escaped from it, aiming toward us. We all scattered in different directions. I shot my arrow at the dragon, but I didn't put enough power in it. The arrow bounced off helplessly off the dragon's toughened scales. It's dark gold eyes turned to me, soon it chased after me.

I ran as fast as I could, fear gripped at my heart, Is this how it all ends? I thought as I ran. Then I heard glass break. I looked back, and I saw glass under the dragon and the dragon itself roared in pain. Green liquid oozed from its eye as it turned onto Senpai. I saw an empty potion spot in his belt. He had saved me by throwing a potion of poison at it's eye.

The dragon stumbled over Senpai, its once gorgeous eye was half closed and red. Blood dripped from it, pain shown clearly in its eyes. Then, I saw a silver arrow flying the air and stuck itself into the dragon's hide. The dragon spun around, angry. Kyran trembled under its mighty gaze. I pulled back my bow and watched my arrow soar. It hit the dragon's side, green fumes floated around the spot I hit. Then I saw Evan fling a throwing knife for the injured eye. It barely missed, shot just a bit over. The dragon was now trying shake off the arrows and knife. A cry of hurt and anger filled the night. It was quite sad. But we weren't done yet, Evelyn threw a star at its forehead. It bled ferociously. That's when I noticed Aly with her dagger out, she carefully crept behind the dragon. The rest of us covered for her as she climbed up the dragon's back as carefully as her could. She hung on for her dear life, finally reaching its head. The dragon tried to fling her off, but was unsuccessful. Aly raised her dagger and stabbed it into it's head. Now the dragon was fuming. It shook its head as hard as it could with how little energy it had left. Aly slid off the dragon in time before it fell to the ground.

I heard shouts of congratulations behind me. I turned to see the Krew just arriving. Draco had his flaming sword. Rainbow held a glowing pink scythe. Gold carried a golden bow with arrows slung over her shoulder. Lunar had two shadow daggers in her hands, relief crossed her face. And Funneh held an ice sword with a water knife sheathed in her knife holster.

"You guys slayed a dragon!" Funneh congratulated, a smile creeped onto her face as she arrived.

Draco panted, then yelled in victory, "THAT WAS SO COOL!"

Lunar nodded, "Aly, that was amazing courage shown!"

"Thanks, though I wouldn't have done it if they hadn't covered for me," Aly gushed.

Rainbow hugged Senpai, "That was amazing," she muttered. Gold saw the exchange and giggled before she congratulated us.

I smiled, "I have to admit, that adrenaline rush felt nice."

"Now you know why we like adventuring so much," Funneh nudged me.

Evelyn gave Lunar back her phone, "Thank you."

Lunar took it back, "Thanks discord, you guys are awesome."

The chat replied then she closed the stream, placing her phone back into her backpack. Lunar turned to us, "Well, I think you guys deserve a night time's sleep."

"We kinda packed everything up," Senpai said, motioning to the empty spot under the tree.

Draco opened his inventory, "You guys can take a break while we unpack everything. Just hand us the stuff and we'll take care of it."

Evan yawned, "Sure," he began to take out some pillows as the rest of us did the same. We handed the stuff to each of the Krew and went up to a nearby hill to relax. The cool air of the night was exhilarating. The stars shone brightly in the night, and the moon was like a diamond in the sky.

We all sat or laid on our backs, enjoying the beautiful night. Envy tugged at me a little. The Krew got to enjoy this every night. Even if they did have to fight for their lives, KrewCraft was beautiful.

After a moment of silence, the Gang and I began to recall the moments when we were fighting the dragon. We all described how we felt, I scolded Aly that if she died I would be in hot water with mom. She just rolled her eyes and told me that she would be fine. Aly also said it'd be funny if I got in trouble with mom anyways.

That little scrap.

Kyran described how mortified he was when the dragon turned on him. Evan joked that he swore he saw him pee his pants. Though, that could be true. But then Kyran mocked how when I shot my bow the arrow bounced off like a rubber ball, and when he shot his arrow it pierced through the dragon's hide. We had a brawl a little after. I won.

Gold's P.O.V.

I watched as the Gang socialized with each other, laughing. We were almost done so we could eat soon. My stomach growled when I thought of that. I didn't realize how hungry I was up until now.

"Wow Gold," Rainbow remarked, "That hungry?"

Lunar piped up from behind, "Can you blame her? I'm starving too!"

Funneh sighed, "C'mon Krew! Just finish up and we'll eat."

I heard Draco's stomach growl in protest, "SO HUNGRY!" he whined.

"Really?!" Funneh scolded, "The Gang should be the ones hungry right now! They fought a dragon for goodness sake!"

"And we were the ones running back to help them, mining, and chopping down trees," Rainbow pointed out.

Funneh considered this, "Well, right about that."

I plopped the last blanket down, "DONE! I'm starving." I walked to my backpack and unzipped it. I took out a bag and lumber. I asked Draco to come over and set the wood afire. I cleaned a stick and grabbed a piece of raw beef from the bag and stuck it on. I set the stick on top of the fire, it was held up from two other sticks on each side.

Lunar raced to my side and scooted me away, "I'll cook," she offered.

"No, I insist-" Draco cut me off by throwing a pillow at me. He smiled innocently a me.

"Gold, you've been chopping down trees all day," he chided, "Let Lunar do something."

I sighed, letting Lunar take my place, "Don't burn the food," I said. Lunar nodded intently, she looked like she was holding back a laugh. I shrugged and went over to call the Gang over.

"Hey guys, you can come over now!" I called. They approached the camp, talking among themselves. Kyran came to my side, describing in detail what had happened during the fight. I also then noticed Kyran's hair was ruffled and there was some dirt on his clothes and face.

"Kyran," I pointed out, "You got some mud right there." He cleaned it off quickly, muttering to himself then continued talking.

"And so I saw Senpai throw a potion at the dragon's face," he said, using his hands to picture the scene, "Then when the dragon headed for Senpai, I loaded my bow and BOOM! It stuck onto the dragon's hide like it was nothing....."

I nodded and listened on, though I zoned out a little. My mind wandered back to the dragon. Did we ever harvest the hide? Was there an egg? I excused myself from Kyran and called the Krew over.

"Guys, we ought to check....." I tailed off as everyone began to eat. I sighed, I guess I'll go do it myself. I wandered away from camp, finding the dragon carcass on the ground. I examined the scales. They were a beautiful golden color, such a shame that a magnificent creature was slain. Well, we had no choice anyways. I placed my hand on the dragon's hide, looking for a pulse.

I don't think there's one.

I think. Wait, why is there movement under my hand-

The golden dragon roared into the night. I jumped back, summoning my bow and arrows immediately. I drew it, aiming for the head. I saw a deep gash on its forehead, blood dripped from the injury, to my surprise the wound bubbled unnaturally.

"You poor dragon..." I muttered under my breath. At least when the Krew and I slayed dragons, it would be swift and painless. Kinda. But the Gang spent too long and the dragon breaths were unsteady, it limped over to me, one eye was permanently closed. Arrows poked out of its body like shots in a hospital. Some arrows had a green fume from it, I'm guessing that from Alec's poison arrows. Several knives and stars were buried in its hide. Cuts decorated the body, and glass shards were spotted within them.

I shuddered, lowering my bow a bit. Sympathy washed over me like a tsunami. It's sad to see a living creature like this. The dragon reminded me of Frosty, I pushed the thought away. This dragon tried to kill my friends. But did I have the courage to end its life?

I thought about this as the dragon stumbled in pain. If I let the dragon live, it would live in pain for the rest of it's life. No being deserved that. I weakly pulled back the string to my bow, unsure. I cursed to myself, dropped the bow and pulled out something else.


"Wow," I gasped. Glorious white walls were decorated with gold murals, the quartz floor was bright enough to look at. I was blinded temporarily.

The queen nodded, "You're ability is far greater than those I've seen in angels. I would've never thought I've seen a mortal human possess such power."

I gushed at the compliment, "You should see my siblings, they're really powerful too."

The queen frowned, she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Gold, if you take my throne as Queen of Angels, you'll need to give up your world and your siblings," she said.

"What?" I said, looking at her. She looked at me sadly, "You're siblings aren't holders of light. Especially that teal haired girl, she could betray you. If you want the throne, you'll need to let them go."

I pulled away from her, "Then I don't want your stupid throne! And my sister would never betray me! Just because she's different doesn't mean she's evil!" I lashed out. Sure, I was talking to the Queen of Angels, but my siblings aren't evil, backstabbing peasants. They're my blood.

She gazed at me sympathetically, but her voice was firm, "Becoming the Queen of Angels isn't easy, but it's an important role," Aurelia sighed, "I have sisters too. But they weren't lightborn like me. One was darkborn and the other was a mix."

I crossed my arms, "And?"

Aurelia sinked back onto her throne, "Selena rules over where devils live. She actually once tried to dethrone me once. And Lua..." she trailed off, looking into the distance.

"Lua disowned herself from us. She was tired of the fighting and the rift between us. She said she missed the old us, when we were as like three peas in a pod." Aurelia whispered slightly to herself, "She left the worlds above and below to go to Earth. I think the only time she ever visited was the solar eclipse."

I listened to her somber tale, I couldn't imagine Funneh or the Krew ever leaving me or betraying me. Aurelia studied me carefully, she seemed to be judging me and my backstory. I stood proudly in front of her, I wasn't gonna let anyone-even the Queen of Angels-break my stride. I am Kim Clarity, (I just made up her last name honestly), and I'm proud of who I am. Some of my siblings take these powers as a curse, but I take them as a gift, a blessing. Sure, I'm born different. The world has a plan for me, and I'll take up the challenge.

A smile spread across her face, I stood a little straighter. Aurelia's pure white eyes were filled with grief, "Gold, you should be proud of your blood and heritage. I know you'll decline this this throne, so I have another offer for you." She stood up, her brilliant white wings spread apart. She muttered an incantation and held her hands out. A spell circle faded into vision around her. I stepped back, astonished. A beautiful white angel staff seemed to grow out of the ground. Floating in place, Aurelia stepped back from it. She nodded to me, signaling for me to take the staff.

Shaking, I approached the staff. Once it was within my grasp, I took it into my possession, the staff felt smooth and cool against my skin. I gripped it firmly, I let the light of it sink within me, empowering me. I let out a sigh of contentedness. I closed my eyes briefly, memories flashed inside my head. That time when the Krew went on an adventure in CandyLand. Or when we were young, and went to daycare.

Aurelia's voice brought me back, "Gold, this is an Angelic Staff, it holds tremendous power, but I know it will be used carefully in your hands." She smiled at me, "Go, Gold. And remember this: Be you, everybody else is taken."

She disappeared before my eyes.

~Flashback End~

That feeling never escaped me.

Draco's P.O.V.

I munched on a piece of steak. A medium prime steak.

We were all sitting around the campfire, talking, eating, laughing.....

This was a good feeling. I liked to surround myself with trustworthy people, and the Gang were those people.

I think. You can never be too careful.

"And then Aly just slided under the dragon....." Evan attempted to mimic her.

Aly punched him lightly n the arm, "Evan, I didn't slide under the dragon I climbed on it!" Evan's mouth formed an "O" shape, and nodded.

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "What ever made you think she slided under the dragon?" she took a sip of some soda we brought along. Evelyn raised an eyebrow.

"He's just that dense," Alec replied smugly. Evan whipped around and rolled up a sleeve, "You think you're sooooo funny, huh?" Evan seethed under a forced smile. He jumped Alec, making him spill his own soda. Funneh broke up the fight.

"Alright, ALRIGHT!" she separated the two, "Don't forget that we're obvious to attack, we need strong fighters, not brawling babies," she huffed. I could've swore that I heard her mutter under her breath, "Immature babies."

I shook my head, smiling, "Sis, you can't blame them. After all, you turned me to stone once," the memory frazzled me. Lunar had to crack the almost unbreakable stone to free me. Dominga witnessed the event, Rainbow told me she stopped being sassy for two days straight afterward.

Senpai gasped, "WHAT?!"

"You heard him right," Lunar giggled, "Funneh turned him into stone once," she smiled with her eyes half-closed.

Funneh sat back down, "Well, it was worth it to spook Dominga." She took a bite of her burger, melted cheese oozed from the burger, it's heavenly scent filled the air. Or that's just all the food everyone's eating.

"Hey where's Gold?" Kyran asked, looking around.

I paused eating my steak and turned to my side. Gold's plate was untouched. I started to sweat and curse myself, Why didn't I even notice she wasn't here sooner?? I placed my plate on my seat, grumbling, "I'll go look for her," I volunteered. Rainbow decided to tag along too, we set off the last place where Kyran saw Gold.

We trekked in the night in silence. Rainbow cleared her throat.

"Hey Allen, ever wonder what the Gang are thinking about us?" she asked, "Do you think that they think we're weird or crazy maniacs?"

I looked back at Rainbow, "Betty, it doesn't matter what they they think, if they thought that, wouldn't they have ditched Funneh and Gold ever since they found out?" I summoned fire to light the way into the night. Rainbow summoned a mini scythe, not like her normal one, and smaller one for travel.

Rainbow adjusted her cake hat, "Yeah, but what if they feel sympathy for us? And they're just being nice?" She fiddled with her necklace.

"Betty, you're thinking too much," I said, rolling my eyes. But deep down, I had the same suspicions too. I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head, Allen, you need to have more trust in others. I scolded to myself mentally. But it was hard. I've never come in contact with anyone I could ever really trust besides the Krew. I remember those days when our parents left us with our Uncle and Aunt. I hated those days. And my so-called "friends" back then didn't give a crap about me. They ditched me as soon as they burned out all my money. It was stupid to have even let them use my money anyways now that I think about it. My family was starving and I was giving out money like some saint or something.

I blinked back tears as I thought about those hellish times. It was easy for me to trust others back then. Because I thought friends were more important than family. I was wrong, friends come second now, or not at all.

We arrived where Gold was last seen. I could barely see her footprints, and it didn't help that it was the dead of night. I didn't want to get my fire to close to the ground or it would most likely start a huge fire. Sometimes powers are a complete curse.

(That reminds me, go ahead and check out @Krewdom and their new book! It's called Draco and the Curse)

Rainbow tapped on my shoulder, and pointed to a large, golden figure. My blood ran cold. The dragon?!

Rainbow and I sped to the scene, only to see a victorious Gold standing in front of a unmoving dragon. Gold placed her hand on its forehead, healing the scars made. She bent forward and muttered to the dragon, "Sweet dreams....." she stood tall, brushing off her dress and turned to us. Her eyes were red with tears.

Rainbow stepped forward, "Oh Kim...." she looked down at the dragon. It wasn't rigid with pain anymore, but content with peace.

"Kim?" I said, "You used it, huh?"

She nodded, probably remembering the time she got it, and said nothing more. Rainbow led Gold back to camp, comforting her. I followed them, looking back at the dragon's unmoving body.

Maybe I should trust them.

🎸Evan's P.O.V.🎸
Gold, Rainbow, and Draco came back later. Everyone was almost done eating, so we decided to do an activity to pass the time. Of course, Evelyn complained that we should all sleep, but she was out ruled.

It took a while to decide what to do, since this isn't the most safest place in the universe.

And guess what.

All the girls, with the exception of Evelyn and Lunat, wanted to do a karaoke. Why, that's right up my alley! Except Lunar reminded us not to be loud, so monsters wouldn't be lured.

Rainbow and Draco had the torches after all since they went mining. Rainbow made the torch bases and Draco set them aflame. They made a huge circle around us so that we would have space to roam around.

I could literally hear the groans of zombies and the hiss of creepers. I actually saw one when the Krew were setting up a stage. It's little beast eyes glared at me, and hissed at me. I hissed right back.

The Krew were finally done, a makeshift stage was created. We all debated who should go first, and in the end-

||Thank you for reading||
•Chapter Eight: A Call in Need•
Total word count: 4109 words
I have created my first ever cliffhanger chapter! Though it's not that suspenseful -w-

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