One Shot Collection

By ProdigyOfHistory

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Here we have various one shots written by my friends and me. Constructive feedback is much appreciated! Just... More

Oaklawn Cemetery (The Outsiders)
Lily of the Valley (Les Misérables)
Ma Mère! (Les Misérables)
There Right There! (Les Misérables)
A Study in Love (Les Misérables)
Montague or Die (Romeo and Juliet)
I Don't Dance (Romeo and Juliet)
My Dearest, Edward (Gotham)
Love Story (Romeo and Juliet)
Helpless/Satisfied (The Office)
Can You Feel The Love Tonight (Hamlet)
The Decisions and Firsts of Ryan Howard (The Office)
The Talk (The Office)
Retrospect (The Office)
I am Damaged (Riverdale)
Karaoke Night (Romeo and Juliet)
Sixteen Going On Seventeen (The Outsiders)
New Beginnings (The Office)
The Last Picture Show (Romeo and Juliet)
Ferris Wheel (Romeo and Juliet)
Not Completely Loveless (Romeo and Juliet/Hamlet)
my crown is in my heart (not on my head) (Romeo and Juliet)
hope still finds us in the dark (Dangan Ronpa)

Waterloo (Les Misérables)

39 2 0
By ProdigyOfHistory

Marius was ecstatic. With the revolution won, he could finally be with Cosette all the time. He would marry her one day; if she would let him.

He decided to confess at the victory party Courfeyrac and Combeferre were planning. Of course, he asked first. It wouldn't be right to profess his love in the middle of a party that wasn't even for that purpose.

Courfeyrac was enthusiastic about the idea. He loved the concept of surprising her with his undying affection. Combeferre thought Marius's plan was a bit much, but the other two were already in it over their heads, so he didn't comment.

Enjolras walked into the party, feeling a little bit proud of himself to be able to say the government was so weak that a bunch of college students were able to break it down, but keeping it to himself. This wasn't about them. It was about the people now having their rights.

Looking around, he was pretty impressed, even though he hadn't initially wanted a celebratory party. Who was going to stop a party? At least they waited until they had actually won to celebrate.

He could see Marius had brought a guest. She was small, blonde, fairly pretty by most standards. Combeferre had explained attractions and love and all that didn't make sense to Enjolras a little while back, but he still didn't quite get it.

Suddenly Marius jumped up from his seat. "Cosette, you know how I told you that Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo?"

"Yes, you've told me that a lot," she laughed, "I haven't forgotten."

Enjolras turned to the nearest person and asked, "Who brings up Napoleon in the middle of a party celebrating freedom?"

Combeferre snorted. It was just like Enjolras to want to jump in before listening to the whole thing, especially if it involved Napoleon. "Just listen to the whole thing."

"Well, it appears that history has repeated itself. I have fallen victim," Marius declared. "It appears, Cosette, that you are my Waterloo."

Cosette blushed and shook her head. "You're crazy, Marius."

"He does realize Napoleon got taken out by three armies at once, right?" Enjolras whispered to Combeferre again, but not interjecting.

Grantaire sipped his whisky, casually not making eye contact. "I think you're the one being cynical this time, Enjolras. It's appalling to see you in this light."

"I tried to hold my feelings at bay while we were fighting. I have decided now that my life isn't on the line, your heart won't be broken by my untimely death. Now, I can finally put make my feelings known." Marius smiled at her, and she grinned back.

Cosette laughed. "I'm trying to take this as I'm losing my singularity, but I think I'm actually winning a supportive partner."

"I promise to love you forever more," Marius said in a coaxingly teasing voice, taking her hand.

"But I hardly know you," she said quietly, letting him pull her up. Courfeyrac had asked Jehan to practice a certain riff on his flute. The poet began playing the romantic-sounding tune as Marius spun Cosette around.

"Now they're doing a dance number? What in the world is going on?" Enjolras exclaimed, his brow furrowing. "I do not understand any of you."

"Enjolras, you know how affectionately we care about you, but you are the most oblivious man I have had the honor of meeting," Combeferre laughed, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll say, I've been around here for years. That's actually considered losing. Enjolras, Cosette and Marius are in love," Grantaire explained with a snort.

Enjolras watched Marius dance around the room with Cosette, still eagerly telling her how much he loved her. "Do people in love always act that stupid?"

"Around you they feel that stupid," Grantaire laughed, but inside actually meant "they" as in "I."

"I know my fate is to be with you, Cosette. There's only one woman I am ever going to love, and that's you," Marius announced, "Will you take me?"

Cosette glanced at the ground, looking incredibly embarrassed. "Yes, I would take you, Marius."

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