The billionaire's savior

By baeline0711

1.6M 39.2K 8K

Samantha Camilla William. Daughter of the richest family in the world. She's absolutely gorgeous, and not on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
This is not a update
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Please read!!
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 31

34.9K 894 128
By baeline0711

Point of view ;
Samantha Camilla William




I have to go back to New York and i honestly don't want to. I'm currently in the car on my way to the airport with bub. Caleb and Asher are tagging along since they wanna go see the family. I already know it's not going to end up well since most of the annoying William cousins, in my opinion, are in New York right now.

"I honestly feel like your to good for Sammy" Caleb told Austin earning one hell of punch on the shoulder from me. I should've knows they'd start liking Austin some day. But come on, why this fast.

"I think so too" Austin said watching me to see my reaction. I snapped my head towards him and he held a amused smile on his face. Probably getting the exact reaction he wanted.

"What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Just. Say?" I asked raising an eyebrow, a death glare on my face. Austin stared at me with a look of adoration, a smile on his face. "Stop looking at me like that and answer me you bootyface" i said pushing his face backwards. He just grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Did i mention how beautiful you look?" He asked before kissing my forehead and turning back towards Caleb and Asher who acted like they were gagging. You'd never think that the two of them, especially them, could be this annoying.

"I wanna set both of you on fire and give your ashes to a demon" i said seriously. Not two second later, their heads snapped towards me, eyes widened. I wanna laugh so bad, but i like scaring them, so i kept a straight face. Trying my best to look like i was extremely serious. Which wasn't that hard, since i actually think it's cool and would make my day.

"I think it's best if i just stay back here in Miami, i have lots of work to do" Caleb mumbled, and Asher nodded his head really fast, agreeing with him. Austin, next to me, started laughing loudly. Caleb and Asher both started glaring at him, but started laughing along not to long after. Austin has a contagious laugh, so i understand why.


"Sammy can we stay at your place?" Asher asked nicely, Caleb who was standing next to him made a pleading look.

"No" Austin immediately cut in, shaking his head fast. He looked towards me to see me raising an eyebrow at him, a mean look on my face. "Uh i mean of course can two can stay" he mumbled with a pout. He looks adorable.

"Calm down you horny little bitch, we mean her own apartment, i won't be doing any cockblocking anytime soon" Asher teased Austin, before making a disgusted face. "But don't touch her like that, I'll sell your being for money, it's not like i won't be enjoying it" Asher added making Austin roll his eyes.

"You mean a horny dog like this?" Austin asked with a smirk before grabbing my face between his hands and putting his lips on mine, putting his tongue in my mouth. I laughed, pulling back. This guy really has a death wish. Austin smiled giving me one last peck on the lips and turning back to a angry Asher. Caleb who was trying to get a girl off of him didn't notice.

"I wouldn't smirk like that if i were you, because I'll make sure you'll wake up without lips to smirk with pretty boy" Asher said punishing Austin hard on the shoulder, hissing after. Austin however looked like it didn't hurt at all. I looked over to where Caleb was struggling and started laughing. Asher and Austin both turned to where i was looking and started laughing too. Karma hit fast though because a girl came up to Austin and put her hand on his chest, which he pushed away. I stoped laughing and clenched my teeth.

"Don't touch him" i said making her snap her eyes towards me. She looked me up and down and clearly looked jealous, but decided to look at me with a bitchy look. She took a step closer towards Austin, who was way to busy looking at me in lust. Is this dude seriously turned on by me right now. "Asher, come hold my stuff so i can show her how i take care off rats" i said loudly. The girl send me a bored look before turning back to Austin, who was by the way still staring at me.

"Listen lady, that's my wife so i would appreciate it if you could get out of my personal bubble and just leave, because her cute ass doesn't play around." Austin told the girl before stepping towards me and kissing me hungrily. Oh my god, i can't with him. I pulled back but he just glared at me before kissing me again.

"Austin" i said between his kisses and pulled back once again.

"Yes baby" he asked kissing me nose. "You look so freaking gorgeous" he wined loudly. A elder couple that walked by awed at his reaction. "I really got lucky" he added kissing me all over my whole face. Why is he acting all cute like this today, I'm confused.


"If this is about the fight we had before i went to Miami, your still sleeping on the couch, i don't care how cute your acting right now" i said crossing my arms over my chest. Austin sighed before rolling his eyes.

"Can you not let me show you affection before ruining it women" he asked putting his hands up. I chuckled and kissed his chin.

"Shut the fuck up" i said with a smirk before walking towards Caleb and pulling his towards me. I guess i pulled a little to hard because he fell on the ground. The girl who wouldn't let him go fell down too, which got me laughing. "Get up and run for your life Caleb, the time is ticking" i said dramatically. Caleb took my words serious and got up sending me a death glare and started running out of the airport, the girl running after him. How do people like her even exist. I just started laughing and stopped right after i noticed Austin looking emotionless.

"Well, I'll help him while you two fix this" Asher said pointing between Austin and i.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, but didn't get a respond. She just kept his emotionless expression. I'm guessing that's a yes.

Why do i even love this kid?

"Bub" i wined with a pout, and finally his expression turned into a normal one. I know my nickname for him is a weakness. I walked towards him and put my arms around his neck, making it look like i was about to kiss him. "Your still sleeping on the couch" i whispered against his lips before starting to laugh, slapping my thigh. Damn I'm funny.

"That's it" Austin mumbled before throwing me over his shoulder. I let out a yelp, before putting my elbows against his back and leaning my hand on my hands.

"Oeh kinky" i said before laughing again. People around looked either amused or shocked towards us.

"Samantha if your don't shut up right now, I'll make you sleep on the couch" Austin snapped making me gasp.

"The audacity" i yelled out dramatically. "I would never do that to you" i added making him groan. "Let me go right now, I'm divorcing you" i yelled and tried to get out of his grip. He finally put me down and send me a death glare.

"I'll marry him" a girl from beside us said. I looked towards her and noticed her checking out Austin who didn't take his eyes off of me. He really doesn't care.

"What to mean you'll marry him sweetie, i never said I'd divorce him" i said rolling my eyes before pulling Austin away with me. "We are going to get a divorce right now, and don't you dare marry that girl" i added making him laugh.

"I'm not divorcing your annoying ass, now shut the hell up and get in the car" Austin said amused and pushed me in the car that was waiting for us. If your worrying about the luggage i let that over to Caleb and Asher.

"Don't talk to me like that, your annoying too" i told him stubbornly. Austin looked at me for a few seconds before nodding.

"Your right, i'm the annoying one, just for you though" he said with a amused smile.

"Was that suppose to be cute?" I asked with a laugh, before stopping and putting a poker face on. "It wasn't" i said, making Austin widened his eyes. He grabbed his phone and started doing something before putting it against his ear. "Who are you calling?" I asked confused.

"Yes, hello, i would like to sign my wife up. She has these really weird mood switches, i think she's possessed." He started talking making me gape at him. Is he serious. "I can feel her getting mad right now, do you think she's going to bite me?" He asked looking at me with widened eyes. If my mouth wasn't already opened in shocked, well you should see me now. I grabbed his phone and hung up. I pulled out my phone this time, and dialed my lawyers number.

"Good evening Mrs De Luca, how can i help you?" Serena asked softly.

"I want divorce paper-" i started but got cut off by Austin who snatched my phone out of my hand. His next words probably made my heart stop.

"I am in love with you"

A/N :

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