Rejects. ➵ 5SOS// hiatus.

By hewasmyqueen

6.3K 277 58

They try to save me, but I'm too far gone. They called me crazy so I played along. And they try to change me... More

Rejects. 5SOS
regarding the hiatus...


1.1K 48 7
By hewasmyqueen

//Ashton's P.O.V\\

I knew from the moment that I woke up that the day was not going to be a god one. It's that feeling in your gut-the feeling you have when walking into class the day of an exam, knowing you didn't study. Waking up to this feeling only meant one thing-the day would be a disaster, and I was definitely not ready for it.

I wasn't ready to get up and face the day. I didn't want to get up, didn't want to get dressed, didn't want to face what was waiting for me outside my bedroom door. I would of much rather stayed in bed with my music blaring with no company but my own thoughts.

As much as I'd of loved to lie in bed feeling sorry for myself, I had to go wake up my little brother and sister. It's not like my mother would do it. It's not like she'd suddenly decide to be a mother. My father walked out on us five years ago. We've been struggling ever since. Money was growing to be a serious problem; Mother worked-but not enough to keep food on the table. I had a part time job, but I was only in high school, no one was willing to hire me.

I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, rising to my feet. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. The actions did nothing to make me look less exhausted, the dark circles under my eyes were permanent.

But I had no time to be worried about my mediocre appearance. I exited the bathroom, going straight to my little sister's room. She was fast asleep, just as I'd imagined. I tip-toed over to the side of her bed and sank down beside her, watching her for a moment. She looked so peaceful and innocent. I reluctantly shook her shoulder, kissing the top of her head. That was how I always woke my siblings up.

"Hm..?" Lauren mumbled, blinking heavily as she rolled over to face me. Her groggy gaze focused on me, and she blinked a for more times before she spoke. "Mornin' Ashy..."

I smiled and nodded at her in response, she took that as a sign to wake and got out of bed with a small pout as she rubbed her eyes. I hadn't spoken in years, by choice. Lauren had no problem with it and understood why I was the way I was, while Harry was still confused, but both of them accepted it.

Lauren stretched before she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me lazily and nuzzling her head to my shoulder. "I'll shower and be down to help with breakfast. Don't think we've got much, but bagels will be fine I suppose." She yawned. "Is Harry awake?"

I shook my head and slid my phone from the pocket of my basketball shorts, opening the Notes app, typing out what I would of said. When I finish, I hold it out to her so she can read it.

I'm about to go and wake him. Mum is asleep, she was out drinking again and came home late last night. Try to be quiet and not to wake her.

Lauren handed my phone back before nodding and smiling to me. "Alright. I'll be down in a bit." She hugged me once more before she grabbed a towel and a set of clothes for the day. She left the room and I heard the shower turn on a few moments later.

I left the room and went to my little brother's room. He was sleeping peacefully as well. I didn't like waking him up this early. I repeated what I did for Lauren, sitting on the side of the bed and shaking his shoulder and kissing his head.

"Ashy?" Harry mumbled sleepily, reaching up and rubbing his eyes with closed fists. He lazily looked up to me, blinking a few times before he crawled to my lap. "Good morning, Bubba."

I wrapped my arms around his small body and kissed his cheek, looking down to him. His eyes were still barely open. "Can we cuddle, Ashy?" He asked quietly, and I nodded before leaning back against his pillows with him on my chest. We always snuggled in the mornings; it helped Harry wake up in the mornings.

"Love you so much Ashy. You don't even have to say it back. You're the best brother ever," He whispered.


"Bye Ashy!" Harry called to me after I handed him his lunchbox and hugged him. He ran out the front door and to the bus, climbing on. I saw him wave at me from the window and I waved to him as the bus drove off.

I always drove Lauren to school, as our schools were less than a mile apart, so it works out.

"Ash, I'm ready," She said as she took the last bite of her bagel. I nodded and took one more drink of my coffee before pouring the rest out and going inside. I had to have a few cups of coffee every morning. It was the only way I could keep my eyes open through the day. We went to my old beat up car and got in. I drove her to her school, kissing her forehead before she got out. "Bye Ashy. Love you."

I smiled in response and waited for her to get into the school before I drove off. I drove to my own school and got out of the car, locking it while looking for my friend. He was never hard to spot. He was very tall and pale, and his hair was always dyed some bright shade. When I saw him he was already walking toward me, his black and blue hair blowing in the wind. He was wearing his usual style of outfit; Black.

"Hey Ash," He greeted, and I waved while getting out my phone as he pulled me in for a hug. "Did your morning go alright?"

I nodded and he pulled back from the embraced with a sigh. "You really need to get some sleep. You look so exhausted, Love." I type my reply with a rueful smile as I handed it to him.

That's what coffee is for, Mikey.

"Coffee doesn't solve all problems," Michael grumbled, running a hand through his hair as he handed me my phone. "How are you though?" He asked as he wrapped a casual arm around my shoulder and walked into to the building. I typed my reply into the Note app.

The same, Mother came home drunk again last night.

Michael huffed a bit and shook his head. "You shouldn't even have to call her that. When will she learn that she is the god damn mother and not you? She should be the one getting Harry and Lauren ready, making breakfast, driving Lauren to school. Not you."

I just shook my head, typing one last thing before I went to class.

I'm not going to let them suffer just because our mother is terrible. It's alright, Mikey. I'm used to it.


"Hey fag! You gonna talk to us today?"

I barely flinched at the harsh words, not looking up to the perpetrator and continuing to scribble in my notebook.

"Don't you dare ignore me."

I looked up, my eyes immediately meeting his. I didn't react. I knew that would only piss him off. I always tried not to react in these situations. I'd much rather he beat me up than put up a fight and embarrass myself. It was easier that way. I was prepared when he slapped me across the face. It stung, but I've gotten used to it. He slapped me again, and I flinched that time, face contorting for only a moment.

I knew that wouldn't be enough. He wanted a reaction. The punches come. He aimed once for my left eye, and I knew it would be blackened by the end of the beating. Then he moved onto my stomach, and there was nothing I could do but take it. I bit my lip until I tasted blood, not wanting to give him a reaction he wanted. Tears stung my eyes but I refused to let them fall. There's no reason to be crying.

I brought this upon myself after all. I deserve it.

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