His Devil,His Angel

By Kawaiisakura1993

114K 7.9K 2.1K

From his childhood Wang yibo had understood one thing.People shouldn't be trusted no matter what. For this re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

3.9K 266 81
By Kawaiisakura1993

In the darkness of the night, Yibo stared at the ceiling with glassy eyes.

It felt like invisible icy claws tearing apart something inside his chest. A pain, forgotten for so many years, returned to him like a nightmare and he wanted to hug himself so bad.

They accepted everything else, money, good looks, high status in society, fame, everything...well almost everything... 

Except for the thing named as Wang Yibo.

In the end, nobody accepted him. Not even the person he had waited for.

It felt inevitable somehow. This loneliness, this pain, It was as if he was earmarked for this. After all, he ought to have known it after that person predicted it long ago as he was being taken away.

You know what...in this world, nobody loves the thing known as "you". Nobody ever will, because one cannot love without reason.

These words had been etched in his mind somehow. At first, he didn't want to believe it but as time grew he started to... that what he spoke was nothing but the truth.

And then there was...him...

"...do you think the price of a life, and that too 'your' own life, is as cheap as some money or a position in your goddamn company?"

In a flash, his mind travelled to Zhan's bandaged palm, the bruises and the wounds that had made him cringe several times during all these few days.  

Fool. Risking life for the people you don't even know... 


Why can't  I even hate you for breaking me like this...

Unmindfully Yibo touched his own chest. There, tucked away deep inside his jacket pocket were the broken halves of his Mom's hairpin. 


That day too he was helpless and only watched her leave.

The door opened once more,

"Yibo why haven't you turned the lights on, weren't you afraid of d---

"Let it be off brother."

There was something in his too calm voice which told Haikuan something wasn't right.


"Why I'm usually afraid of dark...you know it right?"


Yes he did, he knew it all. All of Yibo's secrets, he had been carrying them, right the from the time he had just learnt to talk. And this too wasn't unknown to him. 

But all Wang Yibo did was to lie in complete silence.


There are certain characteristics of a busy city. Nobody cares whatever business you have until it affects them. It is called hiding in plain sight.  And that is why no one nobody cared to have a peek inside the nearby alleyway. For if they did they could see a breathtakingly handsome young man dressed in a hoodie, wearing a pair of glasses and leaning against the wall. 

As the chilly October air swirled around him Zhan pulled his hoodie more tightly around himself.and then pushed back the glasses on his nose. It was his first outing in three days. These three days he had been researching about what kind of software the Xenius O can be.  

A tiny smile appeared on the lips of Zhan. These few days he had been locking himself up inside his room all day only coming out during mealtimes. Jiang Cheng had been almost mad at being ignored by him. And Zhan was sure it was making him madder every day. 

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

Zhan took out his phone and looked at it. A tiny reminder greeted him.

"Time for the medicine, Rx*******."

For some reason, something in his chest clenched a bit tight. It was Yibo's medicine time. Zhan had set this reminder to himself to prepare a little sweet dish each day as Yibo used to fuss about this particular medicine leaving an unpleasant aftertaste.

 As he scrolled down intending to delete them he found his phone was actually full of such reminders. 

9:00 am: Time to Wake The Brat.

9:30 am: Prepare Breakfast.

10:00 am: Time For medicine Rx XXXX. After Breakfast.

10:30 am: Read aloud the emails addressed to the Vice Chairman of Wang Corporation and answer them as per his dictation...

Zhan Stopped. 

It was actually the most troublesome time he used to face during the day. Because Yibo never touched the Laptop himself saying he was too sick. ( Although the sickness didn't stop him playing with Lego Bricks and trying to build huge cities on his bed during this particular time). And other than emails related to his work Yibo would get numerous personal emails from his many previous girlfriends. 

For Zhan, this was the main problem. 

 For some reason, Yibo forced him to write outrageously cruel, and heartbreakingly harsh replies to these girls which Zhan knew might devastate the receiver completely. But though he tussled with him every day to tone them down a bit, Yibo remained adamant and callously replied :

"The emails are addressed to me, Zhan Xiao. Only I would decide who gets what. Your job is to take my dictation and write them as per my wish"

Heartless, moody and childish.

In short this was the definition of Yibo Zhan had inferred in these few days. 

Zhan sighed. 

Only one evening was an exception...

Zhan shook his head trying to delete the last scene from Yibo's bedroom from his head.

He knew that to the impulsive brat like Yibo the words probably meant nothing, but he could not remove those toxic words as they kept on repeating over and over in Zhan's head like a stuck recording.

"Then at least I would have died for someone I like---"

died for someone I like

someone I like

"He might have spoken the words like this to all the other persons he had been with. Why do I keep thinking of it?Moreover, why did I offered myself to him in the heat of the moment? What the heck am I becoming? "

Then suddenly his brain came up with something unexpected.

"Did I start to get attracted to him ?"


Zhan exclaimed, almost horrified at his thought. He can't be. It was near impossible, He reminded himself of the difference of their status in society, he reminded himself of the dangerous things he was associated in the first place. Not a single way he can get himself attached to that guy. And moreover, Zhan was not ---  

Suddenly he felt the cold touch of a revolver on his temple

"Xiao Laoshi looks so distracted. That is very unlikely of him. Did he forgot that inattentiveness  about the surroundings can  lead to accidents?"

Zhan pushed the revolver away with one finger and faced the figure. 

"It seems that your time in prison has not got rid of your habit. You still like to threat unsuspecting people."

"One only learns by examples Laoshi, but at that time it wasn't a simple threat though. It was my bad luck that you are a pro in both creating and cracking codes. Otherwise, the newspaper next day would all have my pictures in it the next day "Genius boy causes high-speed trains to crash. Thousands of people massacred---"

"Shut up"

The guy smiled. 

"Xiao Laoshi still loves police and justice so much even after enduring all those mental tortures in their hands. Or maybe he is just a Masochist? tell me Xiao Laoshi do you really enjoy being tied up in bed too? Did your buyer, the Vice Chairman of Wang Corporation ever tried this on you?"

"Xue Yang. Stay in your limits."

"I know, I know, I still envy the person whose concern it will become eventually. You are such a natural beauty Laoshi...anyway, It is clear to me that you haven't called the poor me to discuss your love life, what do you want?

" I've called you for a specific purpose. During your Interrogation when they placed us face to face you whispered to me that you knew all about the software Xenias O. Tell me the location of it. 

"Ah I see that Xiao Laoshi remembers. It actually has a very simple answer."

"What do you want in return?"

Xue Yang broke into peals of laughter.

"Honestly... Laoshi? Why do you think I want something in return? Do you want to put me in some kind of "cliche villain" category in stories and films?"


"Tell me first... Laoshi...did your mom  tell you what she actually did for a living?

"Speak clearly"

"Oh come on Laoshi. Please don't you too start acting like the police. You know how much Xue Yang hates them. Just humour me."

"She did Software engineering."    

"Let's assume it for now. and where did she work?"

"She developed softwares for the Government"

"Did She? Would a respectable Government employee develop such a Computer virus as Purple Spyder?"

"Xue Yang---"

 "You are well versed in Cybercrimes too Laoshi. After all, you were arrested for it at the age of thirteen, tell me why would anyone threat their happy existence by developing a malware that if found out can lead to his or her arrest? and If for the sake of argument one assumes that she developed it accidentally, then wouldn't it  be appropriate for her to destroy it as soon as possible?"


 "It seems that Xiao Sanren never informed her genius son about all these. Tell me Laoshi, at the Auction address I gave you, did you meet someone with the surname Wen from Wen Enterprises?"


 A single memory, tucked away deep inside Zhan's mind. A person had mentioned them not so long ago.  

"so that you could have become slave of that Wen Chao instead....?"

"So it seems that you have met. Your silence tells me that. Sanren Laoshi was actually the secret coder as well as software developer for the Wens. It was under their supervision was the prototype of Purple Spyder was built. And all her works lies with only them."


"It seems I've stunned you into silence Laoshi. Tell me now, I've heard that at the Auction too the Wen and the Wang fought over you?... 

"Xue Yang," said Zhan

"I know, I know. Stay within limits..."

"Can a person be auctioned off a second time?"


Hello, Kawaiisakura1993 here.  Have You heard about the donations made By Zhan Ge and Bo di for the coronavirus hit areas in China? God bless them, they are so kind-hearted. But what pained me most is that some people had started criticizing Zhan Zhan about the money he donated. Some people even called him a fraud. 

But I am happy that as always, sweet and kind Xiao Zhan let his actions speak more than words by donating medical equipments to Wu Han. Way to go Bunny!!!

I saw Zhan's latest design on the occasion of V day (you think you are so clever don't you?). I wish them a Happy Valentine filled with happiness and Joy. May our Bunny and Tiger continue on their path filled with love. BJYXZD. 

And Now, 

Thank you and happy valentines day to @jiasona45 I am very happy to read your comments again.

@mjeddu, @AwinAzman5 and @AvantiKunal  Thank you three for reading my story and your comments. Happy Valentines day (Though it is a bit late)

@Trushaji I heard that you have updated the last chapter of your wonderful Fanfic. I havent got time to check it out but I will soon... I cant wait to see if Grimreaper Yibo somehow came back to his man and if they get their happy ending. And thanks for always helping me out and helping me get out of my depression by giving me news of our Bunny and Tiger. thank you.Happy Valentines day

@KavyaAgnihotri thank you, girl, for being my support. As a reader, I can feel how frustrated you must be with me. But... well this weekend too I was informed a lot of work needs to be finished before I can take leave for one whole day.  Anyway, I promised myself the moment I finish these I will surely update on my day off. So here is it. happy Valentines day and take care of yourself and again best of luck for all the awards you apply for.

@snowy48, @jkmhpr88, @rashmipramitha, @_RiyaRawat_ thank you again for your encouraging words and comments. You guys are the cutest. Happy valentines day to all of you and pls keep reading.

@danity2016 @W4N9X14N, @LucianaBernardoh3  thank you for your comments. This update was not as soon as you would have liked. But trust me It was as soon as I could manage. pleas don't be angry and please keep on reading.

@NatalieTaehyung Thanks for your support and love I have read and re-read your analysis of my characters as well as your previous msgs over and over again. It surely helped me a lot. Thanks so much for helping me to give a beautiful reader's perspective of my story,   and also thanks for Encouraging me in your Private message. This Chapter is a gift for you. thanks. And Happy Valentine's day.

 And Oh... I absolutely loved your story. I cried so much when Wangji died of a Broken heart. I understand that he will reincarnate soon but still that part brought tears in my eye. I will finish reading it soon I promise.

@Pierralion, @GandalfofspaceAnli, @GlossyButt, @Bunnyaanne8, @YukiCrosszeria4,  Thank you soo much for Your kind Comments. You five are really great people. Although I am sorry for making you wait this long, But I request each of you to read this chapter.  I hope you like it. Happy Valentine's day to each of you.

@Benedicta15@pricelessjew I'm glad you both find my story Interesting. Though I couldnt keep my promise again to update soon, I hope You read the story and forgive me. I love you guys, Thanks for the support.  Happy Valentine's day.

@hellohumanhi I am really glad that you read my previous chapter. thanks! I hope you like this new update too. Happy Valentine's Day/

@ghostly_mistbxbe thanks for spreading the awareness, this disease is really dangerous. take care of yourself too, thanks Wishing a Happy Valentines Day to you.

@darkdevi852 Thanks for your private message, It is nice to know You like my story, and  here's the new Chapter. I hope you like it,  Happy Valentine's day. 

Phew! I am done! Thanks to all my readers who helped me to reach it 25.1k just now, also thanks to my voters.  Your votes keep me motivated to write the story. 

this Valentine's day my heart feels really sad thinking all those people who had to lose their loved ones due to this terrible disease. I know whatever we say or do it won't be enough to console you🤍. 

Hope these hard times are over and never ever come back again.

Love, Kawaiisakura1993💕

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