Multiverse Of Midoriya Izuku

By NatashaHannan

563K 8.4K 4.8K

Class 1-A, heroes, Kota, Eri, Mirio and Midoriya Inko appeared in the room where WE show them the worlds wher... More

Oc Characters
Infected (1)
Infected (2)
Female Deku
Please Read This
Hopeless Dream (1)
Hopeless Dream (2)
Hopeless Dream (3)
Not A Chapter
Meet Little One (1)
Meet Little One (2)
Meet Little One (3)
Infected Virus (1)
Not A Chapter
Infected Virus (2)
Infected Virus (3)
Infected Virus (4)
Infected Virus (5)
Infected Virus (6)
Infected Virus (7)
Race Start!
Meet Two Gods
Singer AU (1)
Not A Chapter
Singer AU (2)
Dragon Hero AU (1)
Dragon Hero AU (2)
Dragon Hero AU (3)
Dragon Hero AU (4)
Birth & Continued
Villain Deku AU
Female Singer AU (1)
Female Singer AU (2)
Not A Chapter
Female Singer AU (3)
Left 4 Dead
Bet And Next Alternative Universe
Villain Singer AU (1)
Villain Singer AU (2)
Villain Singer AU (3)
Villain Singer AU (4)
Sleep & Reminder
Undertale AU (1)
Undertale AU (2)
Not A Chapter
Rec (Spanish Horror Movie) Part 1
Rec Part 2
Rec Part 3
Happy Halloween!
Infected Virus (8)
I.V (9) & Explaining
I.V (Final)
Gods Abilities
Meet Neko Izuku!
Thomas Sanders AU
Pokemon AU
Meet Other Selves
Quirkless Singer AU
Vigilante AU: Curse Mark
Guess Who's Back?
Hellfire (1)
Hellfire (2)
Next Guest
Meet Villain Deku
Rush Hour 3 (1)
Rush Hour 3 (2)
Rapper And Singer (1)
Rapper And Singer (2) ft. Explanation
Rapper And Singer (3)
Rapper And Singer (4) Ft. Announcement
It's Been Awhile!

The Bells Of Notre Dame

6.3K 55 69
By NatashaHannan

I hope you guys liked it! I am writing very hard at this! Enjoy! :3

Oh! By the way, you can check at Youtube about the song if you guys aren't familiar with this.

Everyone woke up after few minutes before went back to their seats while eating snacks.

Pacifist is having a small business with few worlds but will be back as he reassured little Izuku and pecked his lover on the lips.

Zero stuttered and looked away with small blushes as few women squeals or giggles and men chuckles.

Reaper came back after collecting human souls and now resting on the couch with Pacifist chatting with him.

Zero seems to looked pleased that little Izuku is playing with Kota and Eri, able to communicate someone around his age. His injuries are starting to heal better since then.

Everyone are chatting about Midoriya's other selves mainly Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari about vines.

Mirio, Mandalay, Aizawa and Inko are keeping their eyes on their charges closely.

Everyone turn their attention to the portal that appears out of nowhere. "He's finally here," Zero speaks, stand up to help someone from inside portal.

"Who?" Toshinori questioned.

"That would be me," a familiar voice answers as the figure stepped forward as the portal vanished.

Their eyes widened to see Midoriya with kind smile, wearing a jester-like costume contains violet, fuchsia and yellow. On his leggings; one leg is purple and other is bright purple with vertical gold stripes. Small cloak with gold bells on the ends and a fuchsia mask with yellow trimming.

The only difference is Midoriya's counterpart is tall with toned thin body unlike their friend/student/hero. His eyes are playful and mischevious.

His aura is mysterious and confident.

"Greetings!" He took a bow, holding his dark purple hat with yellow feather on top before straighten up and place the hat back on his head. "My name is Midoriya Izuku or Clopin if you may."

"Clopin?" Midnight blinked.

"That's what everyone call me!" He chirped, his other hand went behind his back and pull out a hand puppet that looked like him with green buttoned eyed. "Say hello to the audience, my friend."

"Hi!" The puppet shake his arm with him voicing the small squeaking voice. Eri squealed, run up and hugged the hand puppet which Clopin let her, smiling at them.

"Now! I am here cause he-" he point his thumb at Zero. "-want me to tell you the story."

"A story?" Izuku gasped, stepped closer with Kota as their eyes shines with excitiment. "Yup!" The masked jester grinned.

"What exactly are you doing in your world?" lida asked.

"I'm the performer, do magic tricks and puppets with theater on the street."

"Are there any quirks in your world?" Nedzu asked. "A talking animal?" Clopin blinked, looked at the principal with interest yet calculating gaze.

"I am either a bear, a mouse or a dog!" The principal chirped. "I am the Principal Nedzu of UA."

"Hmm... quirks? What exactly are quirks?" Clopin nodded at the explanation and asked them.

"Quirks are everyone born with superpowers," Zero answered before they could. "Their world are where heroes and villains, vigilantes and treated normal humans as an outcasts called quirkless."

"Icy," Clopin rubbed his chin. "But treating normal humans as outcasts? Sound pretty harsh and cruel if you ask me."

Everyone winced or flinched after hearing his words. Zero nodded in agreedment. "Yes, cruel world."

'You're not helping at all!' They mentally yelling at him. "To answer your question Mr. Nedzu," the jester shook his head. "There are no quirks in my world."

The principal nods.

"Now where were we?"

"The story," Genocide remind him.

"Ah yes!" Clopin brightened up and clapped his hands. "Story time!"

Zero snapped his fingers as the screen changed and Midoriya's counterpart cleared his throat.

"Long ago," the green headed man spoken. "At a Paris that known for the story... a story of Notre Dame-"

Few women squealed then sheepish at his gaze. Midoriya huffed amusedly and quirked his eyebrow.

"May I...?"

"You may," Bubble Girl smiles sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Tank you!" Clopin beamed causing some groaned and laughed at his pun. "Now, as I was saying-"

The screen zoomed slowly and smooth, showing the buildings made of woods, cements and flags waving softly by the winds.

"-Morning in Paris, the city awakes to the bells of Notre Dame," the grenette sang with smile.

On the curve bridge with river underneath, a man is fishing with his pole while sitting safely and another man with round belly with ginger mustache is carrying fresh breads before placed them in the big looking wooden basket.

The fisherman fishes,

The bakerman bakes,

To the bells of Notre Dame,

"I didn't expected that," Hizashi commented but grins. "But I liked it!"

"Like a musical," Aizawa hums.

"Hmm..." Yaoyorozu, lida and few classmates are leaned forward, interesting.

Kota, Izuku and Eri hurried went back to their guardians as they rushed to take their seats and pay close attention.

Mirio, Mandalay and Zero are either smiles or slight smirk.

Then it shows the church with bell towers, blue windows and a large window looking clock.

"Wow..." they breathes awedly.

To the big bells as loud as the thunder,

To the little bells soft as a psalm,

And some say the soul of the city's

The toll of the bells,

Instruments play by the background, smooth but strong with a bell ringing so loud yet distant.

"I really want those instruments," Hizashi drooled, enjoying the music.

"Snap out of it," Aizawa slapped the back of his head. "Ow!" The blond pouts, rubbed his head.

The bells of Notre Dame,

Clopin cupped his hand over his ear, smiling as the flute flowing from the background.

Listen, they're beautiful, no?

The children sat on the edge of their seats, curiously making the audience chuckles.

So many colors of sound,

So many changing moods,

Because you know,

They don't ring all by themselves,

He lifted up his hand puppet.

They don't?

Children giggles at the voice.

No, silly boy.

The screen shows the church as he looked up with the puppet follow along.

Up here, high, high in the dark bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer,

Everyone also looked at the church, perking with interest.

Who is this creature?

Who? The puppet raised its arms.

What is he?

What? The puppet scratches its head.

How did he come to be there?

How? The puppet raised its arms once before got slapped by the stick.

Hush, Midoriya hold fake, scolding face as the puppet raised to rubbed its head.


Few are chuckles, laughing and kids are gigglings. Zero snorted quietly, Pacifist is also giggles, Reaper is watching and Genocide just sniffed, enjoying this.

And Clopin will tell you,

It is a tale,

A tale of a man and a monster,

They looked at him confusingly and leaned forward more.

The screen then changed into midnight, three figures with the front figure rowing the boat quietly and cautiously.

A baby crying can be heard.

"Aww... it's a baby," Hagakure said.

"Sshhh..." they hushed her.

Dark was the night when our tale was begun,

On the docks near Notre Dame.

The screen changed to them closely, they looked awfully nervous and scared as the man in red clothes looked at the woman in blue clothes.

"Shut him up, will you?" He pleaded.

A man with rough features and hood snapped behind him, glaring at the woman for moment.

"We'll be spotted!" He snaps.

"Not cool man," Kirishima crosses his arms as he glared at the hoodied man. "Not cool."

"Ssh!" Kaminari hushed him, covered his mouth with his hand.

The woman hushed her infant in her arms, covering with white blanket to keep him warm and hidden.

"Hush, little one," she said softly.

"At least the mother is gentle," Inko said worried and curious on why they looked so afraid.

Four frightened gypsies slid silently under the docks near Notre Dame,

The screen changed as another man standing in front of them as the man in red helping the woman off the boat and footprints on the snowy ground.

"Four guilders for safe passage into Paris," the rough man said quietly before the arrow pierced to his rowing stick (I forgot what it's called).

Four archers are threathing them with arrows pointing at them.

Everyone flinched at the sudden arrow then worried at the now trapped group.

But a trap had been laid for the gypsies,

And they gazed up in fear and alarm,

Few men climbed down the stairs, surrounding the group as they pointing the spears at them.

"What's going on?" Sero frowned.

"It will explain soon," Zero said.

"After we watched this." Phoenix added.

By the grey bricks wall, a horse figure appeared by sliding with a figure sitting on top of it.

At a figure whose clutches were iron as much as the bells,

The mother turn around first before she gasped silently and others followed. The screen zoomed in to a man in red as he hold the expression of shock and fear.

"Judge Claude Frollo," he breathes.

The bells of Notre Dame,

Kyrie Eleison! Everyone startled or jumped at the sudden choirs singing out of nowhere.

"Judge Claude Frollo?" Mina titled her head. "Who is that?"

"Keep watching and you will get your answers," Zero waved his hand without looking away.

The magnificent big black horse galloping calmly with cloths, a man with grey slicked hair, very old and sunken cheeks with small lips.

He's wearing a black costume with hat and red feather on top of it.

Judge Claude Frollo longed to purge the world of vice and sin, Midoriya is frowns, looked at his hand and squeeze as if he's holding something.

They frowned and glared at the man on top of the horse.

The man in red wrapped his arms around the woman and infant protectively.

Kyrie Eleison! The choirs sang.

Then one of the men grabbed the man and pulled him away from his family.

Some are gasped.

"H-Hey! Let him-"

Little Izuku lifted his hand to quiet Ojiro by pressing his mouth, eyes glued at the screen.

On the screen, the men cuffed them with chain connected.

And he saw corruption everywhere,

Then they've been pulled as the man in red trying to reach her as they're separated before changed to Frollo watching coldly.

Except within,

"Bring these gypsy vermin to the palace of justice," he ordered.

"Vermin!?" Bakugo unexpectedly stand up and raised his lone arm, forgotting that Zero have taken away his quirk. "Why yo-"

"And you're not?" Genocide fired making the blonde teen stiffened and slowly back to his seat.

"Genocide shut up," Zero hushed him by elbowing his ribs. "We're trying to watch here."

"Wha-hey! What about that explodo boy!?" The dark god complains.

"Ssh!" Pacifist hushed him.

Genocide grumbled but quiet.

"You there," the lone man grabbed the woman's arm roughly as she hold her infant. "What are you hiding!?" He demanded as the woman trying to make a break for it.

"Stolen goods no doubt," Frollo narrowed his eyes. "Take them from her." The purple lightning strike from behind.

"And then what happen?" Eri asked.

Clopin leaned forward and he waved his hands. "She ran."

The screen shows the back of a woman running away before looked over her shoulder as Frollo and his horse chasing after her.

Choirs sang with powerful and unique Portuguese language.

"Run ma'am! Run!"

"Don't stop!"

"Save yourself and your baby!"

Everyone encouraged the woman with children cheering at her.

She suddenly turn to climb up the stairs as the horse let out a whiny neigh before Frollo tugged the red rope.

The woman is running, arms hold the infant securely when Frollo starting to get closer and closer.

"Keep running!" Ragdoll yelled worriedly. "He's right behind you!"

As if she heard her, the woman panted as she pumped up her speed.

Frollo gritted his teeth as he's gaining on her, knocking out the hanging wood. The woman eventually jumped over the bars and clumsily slid off the snow pile before run away.

The horse neigh once again as the man narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Yes!" Everyone cheers.

"It's not over yet," Zero shook his head. "Keep watching." They quietened down and watch the screen.

A woman found a church, run up to the big wooden door and pounced it loud as she could.

"Sanctuary!" She pleaded. "Please give us sanctuary!" Before she turn around and just in time to see Frollo and the horse appeared by the alleyway.

"Oh no!"

"Run Miss run!"

She is mortified, eyes full of fear watched as they're coming closer.

Everyone started to panicked.

"What is she doing!?"

"Don't just stand there! Get out!"

"Get out of there!"


She managed to move her legs, running away but Frollo is too close and grabbed the white cloth.


"Let the baby go!"


The woman hold on till he kicked her hardly on the chest and she hit her head hardly on the stairs.

She slumped on the stairs as she let out her last breath.

Everyone stared with wide eyes and mouth wide open in silent scream. Stunned silence surrounded them as Frollo examinated the cloths she's so desperately holding on to.

"A baby?" He murmurs, hearing the cry as he lifted the blanket up and his face changed to horror and disgust. "A monster!"

That makes everyone snapped out of their states and grew angrier at him.

"A monster!?" Mirio growled. "You-!"

"Look at your face on the mirror!" Uraraka seethed. "How dare you call that baby a monster!"

"They don't know?" Clopin asked.

"No," Phoenix smiles sheepishly. "They don't, only focusing on their quirks."

Zero snorted at that.

Frollo quickly cover the baby back, frantically looked around to get rid of it till he gazed at something by the corner of his eyes.

A Well.

"He's trying to drown the baby!" Naomasa shouts in realization.

"Stop! Don't you dare-"

"Leave the baby alone!"

Choirs sang with all their might as Frollo galloping his horse behind the Well...

...and raised the infant by the cloth.

"NO!" Everyone exclaimed.

Till Clopin raised his arm and at the same time a man with grey hair, wearing a cloak, white cloth with gold cross around his necklace loosely.

"Stop!" They cried.

Cried the Archdeacon, they sighed with relief, few sat then slumped on their seats.

"My legs are shaking..." Tsuyu croaked.

"You said it," Shinsou agrees.

"This is an unholy deamon," Frollo explains, drawing his arm away from the Well. "I'm sending it back to hell where it belongs."

"What the fuck did you just say!?" Midnight growls, glaring at the man.

"It's just a baby!" Kamui also glared at him. "Not a deamon!"

"You take that back!"

The priest hold the woman in his arms, looking at him.

See there the innocent blood you have split,

On the steps of Notre Dame.

"I am guiltless," Frollo shoots. "She ran, I pursued."


"Why yo-!"

Now you would add this child's blood to your guilt,

On the steps of Notre Dame.

Frollo frowned in anger, walking up beside them. "My conscience is clear." He defended.

Now the priest looked angered at him as he lifted the woman.

You can lie to yourself and your minions!

You can claim that you haven't a qualm,

But you never can run from,

Frollo looked at him silently.

The priest pointing something from above as the man looked up.

Nor hide what you've done from the eyes,

The very eyes of Notre Dame!

The screen shows the men looking statues looking down at him.

The audience feels uncomfortable as if their stony eyes staring at their very souls, shifting in their seats.

Kyrie Eleison! The choirs chanted.

Frollo looked at them with now fear, swallowing the saliva. No traces of cold and hard glint from his eyes.

And for one time in his life, the grenette sang.

Of power...

A lone man statue stared.

An angel with wings and a demon with sharp horns statues are also staring down.

...and control,

Few are shivering their spines.

Kyrie Eleison!

Four statues with different crowns are titled their heads, looking down at him eeriely.

Frollo felt a twinge of fear,

He fearfully looked up more as the screen changed to the queen holding a baby as the thunder strike soundly with the reflection behind the statues.

For his immortal soul,

"Wha... what's wrong with him?"

"It is no surprising on what he saw," Zero narrowed his eyes knowingly. "In his eyes, a mortal with malice always seen what they saw."

That shivered them more.

Frollo seems to be shaking and looked down. "What must I do?"

"Care for the child," the priest suggested, carrying the body in bridal style. "And raise it as your own."


"What?" Frollo looked at the infant with disgusted. "I'd be settled with this misshaped-?" Then he gained thoughtful look as he stared at the baby.

"...Very well."

'What is he planning?' They thoughts silently, glaring at the man suspiciously.

"Let him live with you in your church," Frollo continued.

The priest looks surprised.

"Live here? Where?"

"Anywhere," Frollo replied. "Just so he's kept locked away where no one else can see."

He looked at the tower. "The bell tower perhaps and who knows? Our Lord works in mysterious ways."

"But that would meant he'll stole the baby's freedom!" Mina protests.

"That's not fair!" Hagakure exclaims.

"Lifes wasn't fair for anyone," Zero said. "Every universes including yours."

Then Frollo sings,

Even this foul creature may,

Yet prove one day to be,

Of use to me.

He smiles wickedly but barely.

Clopin stepped forward and bring out the hand puppet of Frollo holding the infant.

"And Frollo gave the child a cruel name," he said. "A name that means half-formed; Quasimodo."

The screen lower down as the puppet looked like its climbing upstairs.

Now here is a riddle to guess if you can,

Then another stairs as Frollo climbed up with small figure following behind.

They raised their eyebrows at the big bump behind the small figure.

Sing the bells of Notre Dame,

Midoriya's counterself looked at them.

Who is the monster and who is the man...?

A figure is now grown up, raising arms to hold the rope and pull as the big bell ring loudly.

They blinked at the words and watched silently.

Then Clopin raised his arms as he looked up as if the sun gracing him from above.

Sing the bells,

Bells (X7) the choirs sang along.

Bells of...

He is immersed to this, singing passionately and let it all out.


Hizashi leaned forward and edge of his seat, somehow expecting something from him.


Ah-aah! The choirs echoes loudly along with him.

They stared at him as he sang with powerful high D note.

Eri and Kota tried to do high D note with him, seem starstruck. Hizashi is bouncing with excitiment as he couldn't help but join in.

By the shadows, figures are watching with awes, glares and sad eyes.

"Wow... that's high."

"The heroes..."

"Now, now..."

"Oh? Eri... she's there too."


"Should we show ourselves to them?"

"Wait a little longer."

"Ughh... Means I am going back once we're done here."

"Hang in there."

What do you guys think?

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