Why Me? Will Robinson AU

By multifandomgirl12359

6.7K 99 35

Im rewriting this, beware if you read its a hot mess. A 14 year old girl named Sadie who graduated early and... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8

chapter 4

695 12 2
By multifandomgirl12359

The sound of a dog whining woke Sadie up. She slowly opened her eyes and realized what events led to this sort. Her eyes opened and tried to look around but suddenly a pounding pain came from her head as she tried to look around because Jupiter was upside down. She froze to make the pain go away and slowly looked around, this time without pain. "Sam? Ares? Are you guys okay?" All she gets back is a groan in response.

Sadie eyes widening says "Sammy? Sam are you okay?" Sadie, thinking the worst, starts working even faster to get out of her seat and looks around for something sharp and finds a piece of metal on the roof below her and tries to reach it as she is straining to get it, but when she pushes her arm out as far as she could she hears a click and her seat belt snaps and she falls down and hits the floor.

Groaning and she turns to her back she can feel the blood rushing back and she felt herself get less dizzy as she laid down. Once she felt like she wasn't going to throw up she sat up and grabbed the metal Piece walked to a whiny Ares and opened the door (it's built in the wall) she let him jump out while she limped over to Sam.

Sadie gets prepared to cut Sam loose when she sees her buckle isn't broken. After throwing the metal to the side she pushes the button and tries(fails miserably like full on collapsed) to catch her. Eventually she got Sam into her back and Sadie held her breath and checked her pulse.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Sadie leaned back and started to laugh thinking how in the world a fourteen, twenty year old and her dog would survive all this.

Suddenly Sam lets out a gasp and shoots up yelling "OH MY GOD SADIE- AHH" a certain fourteen year old punched Sam in the face. Sam holding her nose glares at a laughing Sadie but starts to giggle.

After the siblings stopped laughing they realized they are on an unknown planet with possible life.

They get up and start searching all rooms to find anything to help survive.

After they scavenged food, water, and necessities they made their way to the window which was completely gone from the crash.

( oh by the way the took their helmets off because Sadie's glass was broke so they deemed air breathable)

They walk out and all they see surrounding them is trees and greenery. Sam tells them to wait and sets her bag down and grabs a knife out of her backpack and gives it to Sadie and grabs another then puts it in her pocket and puts her bag back on. Sadie whistles for Ares to follow.

"Okay let's go" Sam leads the bay through the forest trying to find a signal from any other Jupiter. After about ten minutes of walking they found a signal ....that was a long way away.

'Great' Sadie thought.

They head in that direction but after about an hour of walking Sadie starts to whine about it.

"can we stop please. I'm gonna die if I take another step." The fourteen year old crosses her arms and pleads to Sam.

Sam, rolling her eyes, starts to speak.

"Sadly I know you're tired but we need to make it as far as we can before sundown." Huffing Sadie continues to stomp her way towards the signal Ares following by her side.

Sam laughs and continues walking, chatting about life and placing bets on what's going to happen on this new planet.


Author note

I can make the chapters longer but it will take more time to make. Would you guys want that?

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