chapter 3

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(I changed Sam's age to 20)

A few days later the girls emailed back NASA and packed their stuff up to fly to the place where they're taking their test.

Sam just got done with her tests and they played the waiting game, waiting for a boy to be done with his test so Sadie and Ares could do their last test. As the door opens the three looked up to see a woman and her son who was around Sadie's age come out.

Sadie looked at the woman and smiled but when she looked at the boy her smile faltered a little recognizing the boy from her dreams to be him.

When she realized she was staring at the boy she quickly looked down and blushed walking into the testing room with Ares. The brown haired boy blushed and looked away causing his mom and Sam to laugh. The mom, noticing Sam, introduced herself knowing if they got through, this wouldn't be the last time seeing each other as they would be going to the same planet.

"Hello I'm Maureen Robinson, this is Will Robinson, you are?" the woman smiled. Sam smiled and extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam and my little sister in the room is Sadie and the dog is Ares...." The two girls continue talking and every so often Will would add in. Sadie and Ares walk out of the room grinning but when she sees the extra company she blushes lightly remembering her staring earlier and clears her throat and says " Hello I'm Sadie." " Hi I'm Maureen and this is Will. I was talking to your lovely sister and you and Will are the same age!" She says excitedly because she wanted Will to make a new friend.

They kept talking and exchanged numbers and agreed to keep in touch.

~Time skip a few months later~

Everywhere was chaos people screaming pushing shoving bright red lights flashing the two siblings try their hardest to make it to their Jupiter together safely and quickly then suddenly the people turn the way the two were headed and screams got louder Sadie made the mistake looking behind her and saw red lights and swarms of panicked people then tripped over her own feet and almost fell if it wasn't for a women next to her pulling her back up so she could continuing their run for their lives.

The girls just made it to their Jupiter and ran inside and Sam gave a look at Sadie to get her and Ares secured and ran to prep everything while Sadie got herself and the dog safe. As she gets Ares in his special crate, just as Sadie is done, Sam runs into the room and quickly straps in saying "Quick we leave soon."

About fifteen minutes later they calmed down and started to relax. Eventually they all were calm and talking about random topics avoiding what just happened. Sam came up with an idea to get their mind off things. "So what was up with you and Will huh?". Sadie who has been avoiding this topic for months just blushes and tries switching topics." So? How's the cute girl... What's her name Judy was it?" "Oh no you don't, you have been avoiding this topic and when I even bring them up you blush even though we've met up with them multiple times since we've met 'em missy you need to confess." Sam says with a fake sternness trying to keep the smirk off her face. "I already told you it's nothing now if you would excuse me-" boom. Jupiter starts spinning as it was hit by a piece of what they later see is metal chunks flying off the resolute.

All that could be heard is screaming and shrieks of horror through space not knowing where they're going. Eventually the two siblings black out.

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