chapter 5

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(Oh and Wattpad was being a dick and deleted this chapter so I had to rewrite an almost finished chapter, then I remembered Ares and went back to add him into the other chapters 3-4. So sorry for the wait.)

They walked all day till nightfall. When it was getting hard to see, Sam checked her tracker for Jupiter and walked towards a big canopy of a tree.

"Let's rest and start early in the morning, you need rest and my feet hurt so let's get the blankets out of my bag so you guys can sleep." Sam says taking her bags off and grabbing blankets and two water bottles out.

She hands one to Sadie and opens one and pours it into a bowl for Ares. She then puts her bags down by the tree and rolls out the blankets.

" What do you mean just us sleeping? Why aren't you?" Sadie asked with a tired look on her face.

"Someone has to keep watch." Sam says taking the last blanket and sitting at the end of the makeshift bed. " How about you wake me up halfway through the night so you can sleep if you need it." Sadie says, handing her water bottle to Sam and petting Ares' soft fur coat.

"Okay goodnight Sadie." Sam kisses Sadie's head and pats Ares back. They bid their good nights and sleep. A few hours later Sam is messing with her tracker and lets out a yawn.

Ares gets up from being cuddled against Sadie and walks to Sam and lays his head on her lap looking up at her. Sam smiles and pets his head.

~ time skip brought to you by robot protecting Ares over will~

Sam woke Sadie up to switch look out and Sam crawled into bed with Ares and Sadie curled up in the blanket watching out. Every so often she would drink from hers and Sam's water and nibble on some of her food wanting to stay awake and not to use up food that could be useful tomorrow. Throughout the night every so often Ares would perk his head up then fall back asleep.

~ time skip to morning brought to you by your author being lazy.

Sadie eventually gets Sam up and goes to the bathroom, they eat and pack up their things and start walking towards Jupiter.

They walk for a few hours before all their wrist things ( what are they called?) beep telling them their close.

They can see people a little ways away from a family, the siblings make eye contact and start walking faster, and Sadie calls for Ares to stay by their side.

They almost break out of the trees when Ares stops and starts whining,

"Stop. Some things are wrong , Ares won't move." Sadie says in a whisper.

Sam who is holding onto her phone looks confused till she looks behind her to see Ares hackle up and growling.

" I recognize the Jupiter it's the Robinsons. Ares probably growling at an animal.-'' "but-" '' hey let's just go and see them and if anything is wrong we split okay? Our packs are getting heavy so let's go." Sam says, ending the conversation.

Sadie sighs and turns back towards Ares and snaps her fingers " guard" Ares Immediately walks up to her side and follows her every move. They walked out into the clearing and Sam called out, "Hello we are the Parkers our Jupiter crashed and we found you guys."

John and Will, who were the only ones outside at the moment , were putting up the perimeter fence around Jupiter. Will recognizes the girl's voice and has his robot stay near the rock he just recently pushed and rushes over to the girls.

( I won't be introducing Smith to them for a hot minute.)

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