Strength and Pride (Rwby x Ab...

By AbysmalCharismal

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Abandoned at a young age, you were found by the Rose/Xiao Long family. At first everything was fine, but ever... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 1: Life Sucks
Chapter 2: You did this
Bio (Updated)
Chapter 3: A late arrival
Chapter 4: A rude awakening
Super Saiyan Level
Chapter 5: New Family, Old Problems
Chapter 6: Deal with it
Chapter 7: Pushed to the limit
Chapter 8: Surpressed memories
Chapter 9: A new purpose
Chapter 10: A challenge and a threat
Chapter 11: A score to settle

Chapter 3: An offer

1.9K 24 3
By AbysmalCharismal

No overly long intro just here to say that you're turning 14 in this chapter. So that makes Ruby 15 and Yang 17. Bacon Academy here we come, we'll not yet. See you at the end.

(F/n POV)
I felt my back click as I got to my feet. That one had kind of hurt a little. I was fighting my brother Trunks. Vegeta had told us to spar for the morning so that's what we we've been doing. FOR FIVE HOURS! I was too tired for this shit, not that it was painful or anything.
Trunks had just hit me across the grassland where we were fighting. I got a little careless and he had taken full advantage of that. We we're still arguing about who's the better fighter, but we both knew it was me. I could take Vegeta in a one v one longer than he could.
I got into a fighting position again and clenched my fists. We began to walk in circles, eyes fixed in each other. He was surely planning on making a move, I just need to figure out what. Then he moved, and I moved under the punch and kicked him in the back, sending him sprawling to the ground. He sprung up and launched a counterattack which I blocked and then jumped back.
He prepared a beam of energy in his hands and so did I. Two identical blue balls of energy charged in our palms and we glared at each other. He jolted and an aura flash erupted around him. Ah shit, Super Saiyan. Well, my turn I guess.
It was the only way I could somewhat match Trunk's strength in his Super Saiyan form.
F/n: "KA...ME...HA...ME
Trunks: "BUSTER..."
My beam and Trunks' collided in a flash of blue. I strained a little to stay standing from the impact but Trunks seemed unphased. More light exploded from his hands as he fired his second beam and I was soon being pushed back. I managed to keep my kamehameha wave going but his Buster Cannon was slowly pushing towards me. Within seconds, he had pushed his all the way to my hands and I was struggling to keep my beam up, even with Kaioken x3.
Trunks: "Sorry F/n, but your Kaioken is useless against a Super Saiyan."
Flashback (F/n 11 years old)
A beowolf had just torn into the garden and tried to kill Ruby and Yang. I was I bc the kitchen cooking and I had seen the whole thing. I tore outside and got in between them and the Grimm. It slashed open my chest as it went for Yang and I fell crippled.
Yand and Ruby had had time to escape and Qrow killed the Beowolf easily. Tai and Summer came out and saw what had happened.
Yang: "Uncle Qrow saved us, the freak just got in the way." She said to Tai.
He charged over to me and kicked me across the garden as everyone watched. Then he said something that would stick with me forever.
Tai: "How could anyone love someone as useless as you."
Flashback End
I snapped. A massive ki blast exploded from my hands and destroyed both our beams. I flew into the air and glared down at Trunks who was confused beyond belief. I pointed at him.
F/n: "I. AM. NOT. USELESS!!!!"
I vanished and reappeared behind him. He tried to hit me but I was gone before he could even turn. I far above him when I launched a number of blasts at him. He dodged them all but that was my plan because I was in his face before he could reach.
My elbow made contact with his face making a sickening crunch sound. He flew back and hit a tree, breaking it in two. I didn't let up and pummelled him with hits. I powered up and launched another volley of balls into his face. He sprung up and charged at me, but I wasn't there. I was fifty odd feet away and charging another blast. This time, it was different. It was charging in my palms like a Kamehameha but the ball of energy was (Favourite/Colour). Trunks realised where I was and charged his Buster Cannon but I was all ready fo fire.
I launched it at Trunks who had no time go dodge it. He was hit head on and yelled out in pain. He was probably thrown to Vale that's how far he went. I powered down and noticed my sweat. Wow I went far. And I beat a Super Saiyan. IM DA BEST! Should probably check on Trunks though...
I transmissioned over to him and crouched down. He was in pretty bad shape so I gave him a Sensu Bean from my pouch. He crunched in the chewy for a while before swallowing it. He opened his eyes and looked at me.
Trunks: "That was some incredible power. I've never seen someone so strong, besides Dad of course."
I scratched the back of my head in embarrassment and gave him a shy smile.
F/n: "Don't know where it came from really. Just sorta happened."
Trunks: "Well, whatever it was, you were stronger than my Super Saiyan form. You'll have to tell Dad about this. He'll want to know."
I cringed. Telling Vegeta I was more powerful, now that's a scary thought. First thing he'll want is to see if he's stronger, then if I can last for longer than five minutes I bc a fight with him.
I picked up Trunks from the ground and put my hand in his shoulder, in an INSTANT, we were back at the house. It wasn't that impressive, just your basic two story house with three bedrooms. Miss Bulma and Vegeta has a room, Trunks had a room and I had a room. We had a guest room too but it's more of a junk room.
Vegeta was waiting for us in a casual shirt and trousers. Miss Bulma probably made him wear them.
Vegeta: "You're late."
Trunks: "Sorry father, but F/n nearly killed me."
Vegeta looked at me.
Vegeta: "And how did you do that?"
F/n: "My new attack. Took a lot out of me though."
I stepped away from everyone and charged it in my hands. The ground shook and small rocks floated up. I hadn't seen this before. I aimed at the sky and...
The beam shot into the sky and I dropped to one knee. Yeah I won't be using that again for a while. That's definitely a last resort attack. Vegeta didn't look impressed but nodded anyway.
Vegeta: "That's probably about as strong ask my full power Gallick Gun."
I smirked because I could tell he knew my attack was stronger. I said nothing though because I didn't have the energy to get hit through a rock. We headed inside and talked for a while before we all jerked up.
Trunks: "Did you guys feel that?"
F/n: *Nods* "Someone is coming this way, and they have a crazy high power level."
Vegeta: "That's not Kakarot."
F/n: "You never did tell me who that Kakarot guy is."
Vegeta: "Not now."
We all went outside and saw a Bullhead descending. The three of us put up our guards and watched expectantly as the plane/helicopter thing touched down. The door opened and we prepared for a fight but an middle-aged, grey haired man stepped out holding a cane and a mug of coffee. A blonde woman followed him and she was holding a riding crop. Kinky.
Vegeta: "Who are you? State your business before I obliterate you."
The woman looked ready to attack so I stepped to counter. She waved her crop and Vegeta and Trunks were lifted into the air. I had expected it though and slammed a fist into her, sending her flying into the back of the Bullhead. Vegeta and Trunks fell to the ground more pushed off than hurt. They prepared to attack but the man held up his cane.
Ozpin: "I didn't come here to fight you, nor did I come to threaten your lovely home. My name is Professor Ozpin and I have an offer for you."
None of us said anything but I stepped back to join my family. We were all on edge. I was panting however, I was already tired from my fight with Trunks and I hadn't had a Sensu. The blonde woman came back out with no sign of injury, but she did have smile on her face.
F/n: "Hey, blondie, what's so funny?"
She seemed a little irked by that comment and looked ready to hit me but Ozpin held up his cane.
Ozpin: "Now Glynda, we don't want to hurt our prize student."
Trunks got in front of me.
Trunks: "What are you talking about, 'prize student'?"
Ozpin cleated his throat and motioned to the house.
Ozpin: "Perhaps we should do this inside."
Timeskip (Because I can't be bothered to write about the several dozen times Ozpin drinks his coffee.)
F/n: "So, you want me to join your school as a student?"
Ozpin: "That's exactly right. I think it will be the best possible move for you in terms of a training point of view."
Glynda: *Clears throat* "You will be tested against every manner of Grimm and even your fellow classmates. Fighting class will take place daily and the Emerald Forest is always available for training against Grimm."
I thought for a while. It was a tempting offer, really tempting. But, he hadn't invited Trunks so I'd be on my own. What am I even thinking about, all that training. I'd be so strong when I came back, I could probably beat Vegeta. That's a cool idea.
F/n: "Will I be able to get the food I need?"
Ozpin: *Smiles* "We have an all you can eat buffet bar that's open all the time and at meal you have your pick of whatever you want."
Trunks: "You lucky bastard."
He slapped me in the back and smiled. I smiled too, all that food. I'm gonna eat that shit.
F/n: "Ok, I join your school."
Ozpin: "Good, I will see you in one week exactly. Beacon Academy. Don't be late."
Ozpin and Glynda turned to walk out but Vegeta stopped them. He motioned for us to leave and we did. What are they talking about in there."
(Vegeta POV)
Vegeta: "I know your game, wizard."
Glynda drew her crop by I snatched it off her and threw it outside. She looked terrified as I glared into her eyes and my hair started to glow gold. Ozpin was unconcerned.
Vegeta: "That boy has been through hell and had come out the other side stronger. I would envy him if I didn't know how bad it was for him. I know of your war, you will NOT use him in it. If you do, you'll have me to answer to."
Ozpin: "Have no fear, he will not be forced into anything he does not wish to do."
He strode out of the house with Glynda hot on his heels. But he left me with a few parting words. They would have made my blood boil if I didn't know it already.
Ozpin: "Besides, we both know he's the most powerful Saiyan to exist yet."

Ooohhhhhhh shiiiiiit. You hear that, you're powerful as fuck. How and why? You'll find out eventually. I totally have an idea for it don't worry. Hehe......
ANYWAY. You'll be at Beacon the next chapter so look forward to that. Oh and I know I didn't mention it in this, but you'll get an explanation about your eye as well.
Ok, that's me done, have a great day and I'll catch you all later. Peace

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