Look at me - Bakugou x Reader

By Yell0wCa1

313K 9.4K 37.9K

You spent your childhood defending your best friend, Izuku, claiming that one day the two of you will be a pr... More

You and Him
Heroes and Villains
Change and Habit
Pride and Feelings
Near and Far

You and I

47.6K 1.8K 6.5K
By Yell0wCa1

A/N: Should I be studying for the super important exams that are coming up? Yes. Am I writing an around 9000 words long chapter again to give you guys the happy ending you deserve? Pretty much. I should probably overthink my priorities in life but honestly, I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

To say that you became awkward around Katsuki after you fully acknowledged your feelings was an understatement.

It was all frustrating. You suddenly started to blush and stutter in front of him. You couldn't really look him in the eye, afraid that all your feelings for the blond would be on display.

It didn't help that you got strange looks of your friends as well as the blond himself. Well, besides Mina who looked at you with this annoying knowing smirk and Izuku who looked at you worried.

Combining this with Pressuring yourself to act normal and stop acting like a lovestruck idiot, it just became worse.

Unfortunately, Katsuki was smarter than he looked. He picked up on your strange behavior pretty fast but couldn't pin point the reason for it. So, maybe he wasn't as smart after all.

"Something wrong, flashlight?" The male asked you when the two of you left the classroom. You gulped as you looked at him for a second just to look away again. Your eyes darted around for someone to save you but it seemed like the male got you all alone.

"I am perfectly fine" your voice sounded higher than usually and you wanted to slap yourself in the face for it.

"Don't give me that bullshit. You won't even look at me" the angered blond growled.

"You are just imagining things" you replied, acting as indifferent as possible.

"I am just imagining things? As I see it, there is something you can't tell me again. Whatever it is I bet it has to do with this damn nerd" he concluded, his hands clenched into fists at the thought that Izuku yet again said something that came in between the two of you.

"No, it's not Izu-chan! I promise!" You were fast to deny it but by the look the red eyed boy was giving you, he didn't believe you for even one second.

"Then fucking tell me why you act so strange around me? Did Deku tell you that you shouldn't be friends with me? Or maybe he came crying to you again like the pathetic bas-"

"I told you he has nothing to do with this. Look. There are some things I have to sort out. It's an.... Emotional thing and I just need some time" you explained, looking down at your shoes.

"Does he know?" The almost indifferent tone of Katsuki's voice sent a shiver down your spine.

"Yes, he does" you mumbled, suddenly feeling guilty for not being able to talk to Katsuki again but how could you talk to him about it when he was the reason for your emotional chaos?

"Fucking of course" he hissed before he started to walk faster. You could tell he didn't want your company anymore, so you slowed down.

You looked after the boy as he walked down the hallway. Regret filled your heart but at the same time the fear to be rejected was still lingering inside you.

What was worse though?


The day had been over before you knew it and now was the next day. Did you resolve anything with Katsuki? No.

Will you try to do so? Yes.

You had confessed to Mina that Bakugou and you had yet another fight and she pretty much scolded you for not just being honest with him. After all, you should know that he has tendencies to jump to conclusion, especially when you and possibly Izuku were involved.

With other words, Katsuki most likely won't come to you solving anything since he thought he was right, so you should be the bigger person.

Today was a special day at school. Your class was heading over to the U.S.J in which you were supposed to learn how to rescue someone. You were actually excited since you could imagine to become a rescue hero instead of fighting all the bad guys.

Your excitement was dimmed by your situation, though. Right now you were on the bus that was heading to the training center. You sat beside Katsuki who looked unhappy but you really wanted to get on his good side again.

"We are going to meet Thirteen and she is going to show us how to rescue people. Cool, isn't it?" You awkwardly tried to make small talk. The male crossed his arms in front of his chest, only huffing as a respond while looking out of the window.

"Well, I-I guess you probably don't want to specialize in rescue and search one day but I could imagine to-"

"Listen, what the fuck are you trying to do?" He finally spoke his first words to you since the small confrontation yesterday. You frowned, though.

"I just wanted to talk to you.." you trailed off. Katsuki sighed as he turned towards you to face you. You decided to look back at him. You already felt the blush painting your cheeks but you ignored it.

"You are right. I have something to tell you and I want to do so after the training today, okay? I-I would rather do it when we are alone, so please wait until then" the words left your mouth before he could throw anything at you.

Katsuki's eyes went wide at your sudden outburst. That was the most you've talked to him in days. His red eyes mustered you. Your face was red, you were biding your bottom lip and your eyes held a certain nervousness and at the same time fondness that he didn't dare to interpret in any way.

You looked cute and that made him blush as well.

"F-fine, flashlight. I don't really care, though" he lied right through his teeth. With that being said, the boy turned his face away again. You let out a breath you didn't know you held.

Your heart kept beating in overdrive. The hardest part of confessing to him was yet to come and to be completely honest you weren't sure if you really would be able to pull it off.

When your eyes shifted over to middle area of the bus where most of your other classmate sat, your eyes caught Mina's who winked at you with a smirk ever so present.

You just looked away, feeling embarrassed.


It didn't take long to reach the U. S. J. but it felt like an eternity to you. In front of it stood Thirteen, who was waiting for you. You and your classmates left the bus with an energy of excitement surrounding you all.

Due to the kind of chaotic way you and your classmate made it out you ended up between Ochako and Izuku while Katsuki was somewhere between your other classmates. You didn't mind, though because for once your thoughts were filled with how cool the pro hero was that stood right in front of you.

She ordered you to follow her which all of you did eagerly.

The moment you entered the impressive building, your eyes went wide. It looked gigantic and you were only standing at the entrance. Excitement started to fill your body as you suddenly felt the urge to explore the different areas.

"It's so cool here" you whispered into Izuku's ear who was right beside you. The big eyed boy nodded, seemingly just as excited as yourself.

"I can't wait to actually start with the training!" Ochako who stood to your left agreed, smiling brightly.

"Me too, do you think we are going to rescue each other?" You questioned, looking at the brown haired girl.

"It would be cool to actually save one of our classmates" Ochako replied and no sooner Mina threw herself between you, her arms around your shoulder.

"I bet you would prefer that, too! Then your beloved Katsu could sweep you off your feet like a knight does with his princess" she said, dramatically. Izuku as well as Ochako sweatdropped as they watched the pink skinned girl tease you.

You blushed at the thought but tried to hide it from Mina by turning your face away. Also, the princess and knight metaphor started to kind of annoy you.

"That's not what I thought about! I- I just think it would be cool to help actual people" you stuttered while explaining, making yourself sound less convincing than you would have liked.

"The blush on your face is telling a different story!" She exclaimed in a sing-sung voice while trying hard to pear in your face.

"Stop teasing, (N/N). She is still having a hard time to figure out Kacchan" Izuku came for your rescue but his words made everything just worse.

"Izu-chan! Everything is fine. This just isn't about Katsu and me! Imagine we have to rescue someone in the woods or in a burning building or in a lake! Today we could learn so many different ways of how to use our quirk in different situations" a big smile was on your face and your eyes sparkled, already thinking about how your quirk could come in handy in different areas.

"I know what you mean, (N/N)! Maybe we could even team up and see how our quirks work together" Ochako continued your thought while not being able to stay still.

"I knew you would get me!" You cheered while the two of you high fived. Izuku gave a soft smile and Mina pouted, mumbling about love drama being just as entertaining.

"How about all of you stop chatting about non-related things and pay attention to our teacher. It's disrespectful to be distracted when she is willing to share her knowledge with us" All four of you jumped when Tenya suddenly appeared behind you, a dark aura surrounding him.

He really could look scary when he became all serious.

"O-of course, we are sorry!" You said in unisons and slightly bowed to your classmate before turning your attention to Thirteen who was standing next to Aizawa. None of you dared to say anything else.

But before you had the chance to really get into what was being said something strange occurred. Looking behind your teachers, you saw how a black portal appeared down the stairs at the big open space that wasn't too far off from the entrance. You gaped at the sudden change of events.

Your teachers looked just as surprised.

"What is that?" Eijirou asked what everyone was thinking. You watched how bad looking people were stepping out of the portal.

"Villains?" You sucked in a breathe when the almost silent question left your lips. Your eyes darted over to Izuku who looked just as shocked as you. What was happening?

"Don't we have a system to prevent trespassing?" One of your classmates questioned.

"Yes, but it doesn't seem to work" Thirteen answered after a short pause. She was just as thrown of as the rest.

"You all stay together and don't move! Thirteen protect the students and Kaminari try to get in contact with the school, using your quirk" Aizawa reacted immediately as he pulled down his googles and didn't hesitate to attack the people who gathered in the middle of the area.

The villains were trying to attack him but thanks to his quirk he was able to erase their's and take some of them out with the cloths he usually wore around his neck.

You weren't really able to appreciate how cool he looked cause Thirteen was also fast to act and ordered you to leave the building.

You followed immediately as all of you ran back the way you came with the big entrance as your goal. Before any of you could reach it, though, a black fog like creature appeared in your way.

"Not so fast, I am sorry but we are planning to not let the next generation of heroes get away" Now you realized that fog had a face. Yellow eyes were glaring back at you. It seemed like the black portal wasn't just that but an actual villain.

"Don't listen to him, I will take care of him and you will continue to flew" Thirteen advised you, standing in front of your group protectively.

She slowly raised her right arm and before anything else could be said she opened a lid, so she could use her quirk black hole which was able to suck in everything to leave it to nothingness.

Unfortunately, lately things didn't always go like you would like them to go. The fog like Villain was somehow able to actually dodge the quirk. You all were stunned by what you saw and even more when the black fog started to surround you.

Surprise as well as panic overwhelmed you. The only two who were able to act were Eijirou and Katsuki who didn't hesitate to attack where face of the fog was.

Frankly, the attack didn't do anything and you all disappeared within the fog.

"What's happening?" You called out and trying to reach anyone, well anything at all but it was too late. When you tried to grab on Izuku who was to your left, he wasn't there anymore.

For a moment everything went black but not too long after light filled your vision again and you found yourself falling on a branch of a tree.

Your position slightly hurt your stomach since you hung there like a wet towel. It was pretty uncomfortable.

With swift movements, you grabbed on the branch with your hands and let yourself slight forward, so you were in a hanging position. Then you let go, landing on the ground with not much trouble.

What troubled you, though, was that you were alone and didn't know what was even going on.

"Guys? Katsu? Izu-chan? Mina? Anyone....?" you hoped that one of your friends would answer but nothing.

"Okay, don't panic. Everything is fine! I might be by myself but until now nothing happened. I just need to find the others or a teacher! I want to be a hero! I can't panic now but what if the others are hurt? What if the portal brought them into a dangerous situation?" Your thoughts started to cloud with worry but you were snapped out of it when you heard a stick being stepped on.

"Katsu?!" You asked reflexively while turning around to face the person. The person you were met with wasn't the explosive male, though, but a number of villains that smirked at you like a predator would at their prey.

Well, if these animals would be able to smirk.

"Who are you?" You wanted to facepalm for your stupid question but it was too late to take it back, so you tried to at least stand tall like you weren't at a disadvantage.

"It doesn't matter who we are but what we are going to do with you" one of them chuckled darkly.

"You are all alone? That's almost too easy!" Another one yelled laughing.

"You shouldn't underestimate me! I am at the U.A for a reason!" You threatened, your eyes gleaming with determination. You knew that this was different from everything that you've ever experienced but in order to find the others you had to fight your way through.

You decided to act as confident as possible. It always worked for Katsuki, so hopefully you could follow his example.

"You sure about that?" The first guy hissed. Your eyes widened when you suddenly realized that there wasn't just the group of villains in front of you but you were actually surrounded. One by one villains from all directions stepped out of the bushes.

"You think this can stop me? Don't make me laugh? I will fucking end you!" You cringed at your words. So maybe, you didn't have to go about it entirely like Katsuki. "Well, maybe not end you... but I won't lose against lowlife villains who need an army to fight one opponent!" You smiled. That sounded much better.

Your hands started to glow as you started to energize light that you could form in whatever way you wanted due to using your own body heat. Deciding to play it save and use your usual tactic your arms expanded with leashes out of the light you gathered.

"You really wanna fight? We might make your death as fast as possible, if you act good and surrender" one of the villains taunted as he stepped forward. You didn't answer. You needed to concentrate and being provoked would just mess with that.

"Fine" the villain who spoke last screamed before he came into your direction with fast steps. His quirk turned out to be the enhancing of the muscles in his arms as you could see them grow in volume.

You weren't impressed. You waited for him to come closer before you would roll to the side, effectively dodging him. Your movements were fast. While rolling out of harms way, you already made sure to position your body so you were able to wrap the whips around the attackers body. With the help of the momentum of your roll, you were able to lift the villain off the ground and slam him down a few feet away.

"Who is next?" You growled, feeling confident after seeing that one attack was already enough to take one of them out. You knew that this probably wouldn't be the rule but it boosted your ego anyway.

"You little-" your smugness kicked off a wave of villains who came for your head. Knowing that you would lose in close combat considering how many villains there were, you decided to keep your distance as good as possible.

Spotting a sturdy looking tree branch right above you, without any hesitation you swung one of the whips, so it would wrap around the tree branch. Giving you the opportunity to climb it up.

The adrenalin was giving your body the strength to do so faster than usual and luckily for you, the villains didn't see that coming and mostly missed or even hit each other with their attacks.

Of course, a tree branch wasn't a save place, so your mind worked on a plan how to get out of here as fast as possible.

Your gaze fell to the branch that stopped your fall before and that was higher than the one you sat on right now. Another idea popped in your head. Again, you acted fast and this time swung both of the whips over to the branch, so they could wrap around it. You tucked once to make sure this was secure before you took a deep breathe.

The next step could either get you out of here or kill you. You looked down at the villains that of course readied themselves to attack you which told you you had to do something now.

You stood up. Now standing on the branch you gulped before finally jumping. You screamed as you swung down and into the crowd of villains.

According to your plan the branch combined with your whips should work as a swing, catapulting you out of this mess. Unfortunately, you didn't have the time to do the math and couldn't be sure that the height in which the branch hung and the lengths of the whips worked out together.

In the worst case you would crush to the ground or maybe the branch would break or one of the villains got hold of you.

There were so many possibilities but it was too late now anyway. You already jumped.

The villains underneath you looked at you with wide eyes when you suddenly came down and that fast. You screamed in panic and your legs were outstretched and raised as much as you could since you feared that this wouldn't work, if you added you full height to the length of the whips.

This was truly a surprise attack since no one was able to do something to stop you dashing through their lines. Occasionally, you kicked some of them in the face but overall you got through rather smoothly.

Leaving behind the crowd you passed under the branch without touching the ground. The rest was timing. If you were to let go at the right moment, you might be able to take the momentum with you and land smoothly, so you could run away as fast as possible.

Doing as planned, you let go. Surprisingly, graceful you landed behind some bushes which resulted in the villains losing sight of you for a moment. You didn't spend a thought on it, though. You immediately ran as fast as you could.

You could tell that they were following you but that was expected. You knew outrunning them might become problematic, so instead you acted like the assassins of one of your favorite games that you technically weren't even allowed to play and start your sneaking attacks on them.

This had to work out.


"I think this was the last one" Eijirou said, his breath was slightly fastened due to the amount of fighting he and his spiky haired friend had just done.

"I don't give a fuck. I will end every single one of these bastards" Katsuki yelled, obviously being in fighting mode. Katsuki grimaced at the other for a moment before another smile made its way on his face.

"How about we try to find the others? They might need our help" Eijirou suggested, taking in the scene in front of him. They were teleported into a old and broken looking building. The moment they touched the ground they were surrounded by countless of villains who now were lying on the floor.

Both of them had decent combat skills which is why they didn't have much problems but it was still unsettling to not know what happened to the rest.

Hearing those words, Katsuki calmed down for a moment. A thought popped up in his head that made the blond frown deeper than usual.

"You're worried about a certain someone?" Eijirou noticed the look and couldn't help but tease his friend.

"Damn it, I am not worried. I just know what a clumsy ass flashlight can be. It's so fucking embarrassing" the angry boy turned his back to his friend, acting like he wanted to find his way out of this building when in truth his main reason was to hide the blush that colored his cheeks.

"It's manly to want to protect the girl you love. No need to hide it!" The red head yelled, rushing after him, so they wouldn't be separated.

"Shut up, shitty hair." Katsuki growled, rolling his eyes dismissively. Eijirou pouted for a moment while staring at the back of the boy that walked a few steps ahead of him. They reached the exit in silence.

Both looked around the area they were in, trying to figure out where to go now.

"Come on" that was the only thing Katsuki said before he was on his merry way. Even though the red eyed male didn't express it, Eijirou knew exactly what would be their next mission.

"Okay" the red head chirped, a smile blossoming on his face. "I bet you would take down every single villain just to save her. Man, that's cool"

"I am not searching for her or any of the other extras. I just don't want to stand around like a fucking idiot. I wanna find the boss of all this and crash them for fucking with us" the male announced fiercely as always.

"Hmm" the shark teethed boy hummed. He was sure that was what Katsuki would be doing. 

Right after he found you.


"Damn" you mumbled, your back was resting against a tree which you slight down until you hit the ground. Your breath was heavy and your body was covered in scratches as well as shaking due to the overuse of your quirk.

You didn't know how much time passed but you knew that you were about to reach your limit. As you predicted, you weren't able to leave the area. There were too many villains to outrun which meant you were stuck in here.

You did great on sneaking up at some of them and taking them down that way but sometimes it resulted in a small confrontation.

Sometimes a few villains came along, hearing the noises of a fight.

You always escaped but all this took a tool on your body. You fought a lot which meant you had to use a lot of your body heat to produce the light.

The backside was that at some point your body grew cold. The moment you overused your quirk, your body wasn't able to keep up. That resulted in sluggish movements, shaking and a lack of concentration.

You closed your eyes for a moment, hugging yourself. You honestly hoped that you defeated most of those villains but you couldn't be sure.

You let your head rest against the tree as well.

"I just need to get out of here" you said to yourself, slowly opening your eyes again. Shortly after, you stood up. You had to believe that the amount of villains degreased enough for you to slip through. You needed to stay positive.

"I just wished I had someone with me" you grumbled while making your way through the forest with slow and careful steps. You slightly rubbed your upper arms to warm yourself. Your hero costume was already made in order to save warmth but of course your quirk used that much that it was only able to slow down the process of you losing the heat.

"This was supposed to be such a good day but now everything is ruined. I wanted to meet Thirteen, learn from her and well, confess to Katsu but I don't know if I have the energy to face him later on" you sighed with a pout visible on your lips.

Suddenly your ears picked up on a noise that came from your right. You swiftly turned your head in that direction to see what was going on. Your heart pounded when an unfamiliar man was jumping out of the bushes. One of his arms were covered in fire that he seemingly was planning to hit you with.

Time was slowing down for you. Your eyes were wide, your mouth agape and regrets of things you haven't done yet, flooded your mind.

"I haven't told him"

"Flashy, what the fuck do you think your doing? Don't you dare die here!" You heard a loud and rather aggressive shout, pulling you out of your trance. Next was Katsuki jumping out of the bushes on the opposite of were the villain was coming from.

"Die!" He screamed as he managed to hit the man with an explosion before the villain got to you. The man smashed against a tree which was enough to make him unconscious. Still not trusting the situation, Katsuki placed himself protectively in front of you and pulled you behind him with a swift movement of his hand grabbing your wrist.

"Katsu" you spoke, looking at the blond's back. The male didn't answer, busy with glaring daggers at man that sat against the tree.

"You saved me" you softly whispered as you had a flashback of what had happened months ago with a sluggish villain. A blush made its way on your face but at the same time you felt reliefed.

You made it. Now that you found Katsuki, everything would be fine. You just knew it. 

Soon Katsuki's poster started to relax.

"Again, what the fuck were you thinking when you were just standing there, letting this bastard attack you?" Katsuki turned around, glaring at you in a similar manner like he did at the villain.

But all that anger that swum in his red orbs was mixed with speckles of worry. Your gaze lowered down to your shoes as you felt embarrassed about not having payed attention.

"I-I am s-sorry, I-I guess I am just tired and wasn't paying attention..." you trailed off with a sigh. "I a-am an i-idiot, I know" you stuttered. For once agreeing with the boy that you actually messed up on this.

Katsuki mustered your tired form. It didn't take a genius to see that you had it rough. You looked like a kicked puppy again and he hated when you looked like that. It tucked on his heart strings in a way he wouldn't admit.

"Fuck it, i-its fine. I was there to save your sorry ass after all. It's okay if you're an idiot as long as I am with you, alright? I can you protect you" Katsuki regretted his words right after they passed his lips. Embarrassment of how cringy he sounded overwhelmed him.

He adverted his eyes since he just couldn't bring himself to look at you after he said something like that. You on the other hand couldn't be happier.

Your heart beat wildly and even though you were aware of the sappiness of this moment his words felt just right. A small smile made its way on your face and a soft blush blossomed on your cheeks.

With slight hesitation you went forward and wrapped your arms around his torso.

"Thank you, Katsu" you knew words couldn't convert how happy his words made you, ignoring the slight insult of you being an idiot, so you decided to show him by hugging him and burying your face in his broad chest.

You were able to relax a bit more when you heard how his heart beat just as fast as yours.

Katsuki tensed up on your sudden and unexpecting touch but just like the last time you hugged him out of nowhere, he wanted to return your gesture. He brought one of his arms around your waist, pulling your closer while the other wrapped your neck to secure you there.

After a short hesitation he decided to take it a step farther by actually nuzzling his nose into your hair. The nice smell of your hair brought comfort and relaxation to the usually aggravated boy.

He couldn't help but think how calming it would be to fall asleep next to you when your closeness was already comforting him that much in a situation like this.

The only thing that bothered him was how cold your touch felt. It was different from the warmth he felt last time or even the time he carried you to Recovery Girl.

"You overused your quirk" it wasn't a question but a statement. It seemed like he was able to put two and two together and figure out what the cause of your chilliness was.

It wasn't the most romantic thing he could have said in a moment like this but it somehow still touched you. The sentiment that he actually payed attention to things like this made you feel like he cared for you just as much as you cared for the boy.

"There were some villains I needed to teach a lesson" your tried to sound smug but the strain in your voice gave your true condition away.

The taller boy hummed, tightening his grip on you as if it would convoy more of his body heat to you.

Either way, Katsuki felt really warm which helped your well being a lot.

"Bakugou?! Did you find her? Where are you?"

And with that the tender moment was over. You heard how fast steps neared the two of you and no sooner the red head made his appearance.

You heard the blond growl and curse under his breath as he reluctantly let you go before the other boy would spot the two of you. He wasn't in for any more teasing of the rock boy.

"There you are!" Eijirou smiled happily at you but his face soon changed into a look of surprise when he read the atmosphere. "Did I interrupt something?" He asked, staring at the two of you. You were still standing close to each other and the silence that surrounded you gave the other male an idea of what was going on.

"Fuck, you didn't interrupt anything. Let's just go and get out of this shitty building" Katsuki was the first to get his composer back and he reacted like he always did: with anger and annoyance.

"Right, we should find the others" you agreed, still feeling bashful.

"I can't help but feel like I missed something" Eijirou scratched the side of his head.

"You missed me kicking this bastards ass but that's about it, so drop it" the blond scowled while pointing over to the guy who still sat by the tree.

"Yeah, he kinda helped me out there!" You nodded with a small smile playing on your lips.

"That's so manly, dude! I told you, you would-"

"Don't you dare end this sentence" Katsuki interrupted, knowing where this was going. "Now let's get going"

You and Eijirou exchanged looks and smiled slightly. You were about to follow the blond when you realized that he crouched down in front of you with his back facing you.

"Hop on" was all he said. You blinked in confusion. Realizing that you wouldn't just do as he said, Katsuki sighed.

"Warmth is the best way for you to become better, right? So hop the fuck on. Also, you look like you are ready to pass out and I don't want to deal with that shit"

You blushed, silently nodding and taking him up on his offer. You crawled on his back. With your arms around his neck and his arms under your thighs the male stood up.

"Aren't I too heavy?" You asked softly.

"I told you last time that you are not too heavy, so just keep quiet" he huffed, slightly adjusting his grip on you to make sure he wouldn't let you fall or anything.

"That's nothing for Katsuki, (Y/L). He trains a lot, you know?" The red head cheered "also I am sure he would pull through for you, anyway. When we passed a few trees that had marks that looked like they could be from your quirk as well as some passed out villains, he literally just ran ahead, hoping to find you" he added, completely ignoring the glare of his friend. Eijirou felt positive that the boy wouldn't be able to hurt him due to the fact that you were on his back right now.

"Oh, that's nice, I guess" you tried to play it off as nothing for your and Katsuki's sake.

After that the conversation died down as the three of you headed out of the forest in hope to soon find all your classmates and perhaps the people behind all this.

Exhaustion started to claim your body as the feeling of the warmth and safety made you let your guard down. Even though you tried to stop it, your face started to drop in the crock of Katsuki's neck and before you truly realized it, your conciseness faded away.

A blissful sleep took over you.

Katsuki felt how your body started to become limp and how your breathe evened out. He carefully glanced over to you, just to find your sleeping face right next to his own.

A rare smile appeared on his face as he took in how angelic your face looked while sleeping. He would remember this moment forever.

"Did she fall asleep?" His smile fell and turned into his usual frown as he glared at the other boy who watched you with curiosity.

Not wanting to wake you up, he didn't answer.


You and your class stood in front of the U.S.J, not far off was the police who was busy arresting the villains that didn't get away.

You still couldn't believe that only a few minutes ago you were in there with those villains who were after your life. You felt all kind of emotions. Reliefe and fear mixed into your system, making you still uneasy.

Fortunately or unfortunately, you didn't really see anything of the last fight. You passed out on Katsuki's back and instead of waking you up and making you fight along, he made sure to secure your safety before he hurried to help the others.

By now you knew what had happened because after you woke up, Ochako made sure to tell you every single detail she could remember. She also told you that All Might, Aizawa as well as Izuku were brought to Recovery Girl since they were much more hurt than the rest.

You were worried sick but it seemed like this wasn't the right time to visit the green head since he was probably sleeping and needed the peace. You would make sure to get a grip on him later on, though.

"You alright?" A voice sounded from beside you and when you turned your gaze in that direction, it landed on Katsuki, who just blankly stared back.

"Yes" you nodded "It's still just hard to grasp what just happened, I guess" you told him honestly.

"Let me walk you home later" again it sounded more like a statement than a real question. Either way you were okay with it. Technically, you still needed to tell him something, even though you weren't sure anymore if this was the right moment.

"Okay" you softly spoke. Katsuki nodded before he retreated. His place was soon taken over by Mina, Ochako and Tsuyu who just like you still felt the intense need to talk about everything that had occurred.

When you told them that you had ended up being all alone they palled but you were just happy that they had had more luck by being with other people.

When you told your story you decided to leave out what had happened with Katsuki.

Just for now.


"What the hell took so long?" Katsuki stood outside of the school, his hands pushed into the pockets of his baggy pants.

"I am sorry, I guess I am still tired" you gave him a soft smile. His eyes softened slightly at your statement.

"Let's just go" he replied, the impatience in his voice was gone and replaced by an unusual calmness.

"Yes, honestly, all I wanna do is go to sleep right now.  I think my parents want to talk to me first. When I called them they were all scared that I got seriously hurt. They are happy I am fine but now they are worried sick for Izu-chan since he got hurt. They also asked about you and they wanted me to tell you that they are really glad that nothing happened to you" you somehow felt at edge which resulted in you talking a lot more than you probably should.

"Of course, nothing happened to me. I am stronger than that" he scoffed, taking it as an offence that your parents dared to worry for him. At least he acted normal.

The two of you walked side by side, slightly closer than usual, making your shoulders almost touch. Just like so often when the two of you were walking home, the setting sun was your companion. The soft orange color slightly reflected in your (h/c) hair as well as you (e/c) orbs.

Katsuki, too, was washed in the orange shine, giving him a softer look.

"I know that today was a shitty day but you said that you wanted to tell me something" so he did remember what you had told him on the bus.

You sighed, as nervousness swallowed all the words that you had planned out to say to him.

"Yes" you confirmed but nothing else followed, letting silence take over the two of you.

"And?" He urged you on to say more but something was blocking the words to leave your mouth. After today, after the hug, you should be more secure in the way you felt and as well in the way he might feel about you but the thought of rejection still rang heavily in your ears.

"I don't know how to say it" you told him honestly and it became silent again. The tall boy stopped walking out of sudden, making you stop as well. Your eyes fell upon his form. He seemed to be deep in thought. His hands were clenched in fists and his head hang low, something that was a truly rare side.

"Then let me say something first" determination filled his voice as he said those words to you. Your eyes widened in surprise but at the same time curiosity filled you.

"I-" The words got stuck in Katsuki's throat since he much like you didn't know how to say it. He was sure he would regret open up to you later on but at the same time he knew that playing hide and seek was getting the two nowhere.

And after the moment you two had today, he felt like it was the right time to say something. It was the right time to grasp his chance with you.

Actually, he feared that if he wasn't honest with you that the two might grow farther apart again.

"Please give me a chance. Just one fucking chance" he almost pleaded but tried to keep his voice steady. You blinked at him for a few seconds.

"What do you mean? I thought you were annoyed with me" You titled your head to the side as confusion clouded your (e/c) orbs.

"Fuck, I-" he stopped again, squeezing his eyes shut. Why was this so hard for him? He always had been blunt so why not with you? The two of you were at your closest right now but it still took so much to say the words he truly wanted to say to you.

"Yes, of course, I am annoyed by you not telling me stuff but I-, there are things I fucking need to say, too and I sure as hell am sick of being a fucking coward" his words threw you off and at the same time they hit home, even if he didn't realize it.

He was sick of being a coward? So were you but it was hard to be courageous when your heart was at stake. You started to play with the hem of your shirt, a nervous habit of yours while you tried to come up with the right words you actually would be able to say.

"I really care about you, Katsu. When you want to be honest with me, I want to, too. I guess, I am much more of a coward than you but.." you took a deep breathe "I really want you to be honest with me. I want to get to know you better. I want to spend more time with you. I..."

"...love you" you couldn't say it after all.

"You are important to me" your added, not wanting to end your declaration with an unfinished sentence. It hinted on what you really felt for him but at the same time, it was easy to play off as him being an important childhood friend.

Again you didn't risk anything.

You felt bad for not being upfront yet again but right now you couldn't offer anything else.

The blond didn't take his eyes off you as he slowly nodded. You weren't sure what was going on in his mind. For a moment your orbs met his and you swore you saw a sparkle of realization light up in his eyes but you couldn't be sure since you shied away before it became to intense.

Even though you were scared to risk anything, your words reached him, giving him the courage to risk it all.

"Well, if you can't fucking say it, then I will. Fuck, I just hope I got this right" he added the last part quietly, knowing that there was no taking it back because when his next words were out you would know.

"I fucking love you, flashlight. No, Y/N! Fuck, I've done so since I can remember" he confessed in an almost aggressive way. Your heart skipped a beat at the declaration and out of nowhere you were overwhelmed by feelings such as love and affection.


"Wait, let me fucking say something before I-, before I end up only telling you half of the truth again!" he interrupted you, even though his heart yearned for an answer. "I always loved you. Well, I guess I didn't really know what it was as a child but I always knew that I wanted your fucking attention and I was so damn mad and maybe even kind of hurt when the shitty nerd snatched you away. I knew you first. I always tried to look strong and cool in front of you but when Deku came around, you suddenly were only paying attention to him. I feel like you haven't even noticed how you turned your back on everyone else and I didn't understand what was so freaking good about Deku. Damn it, I just wanted you to look at me!" You felt tears gathering in your eyes at his words. The blond closed his eyes, almost as if he tried to hold back tears as well.

"Katsu, I am so sorry. I never knew you felt that way. I didn't know I hurt you that much. To be honest, when I met Izu-chan, he was this shy kid and I wanted to help him and be there for him just like you had been there for me" you just wanted to throw yourself in his arms and tell him how much you loved him but at the same time you felt like he had to know or it might become a problem in the future. "Do you remember when we first met? I was extremely shy. I didn't have any friends because I was scared that other kids wouldn't like me. Then you approached me and everything changed. When you came up to me, you were so confident and sure of yourself. You told me that my sandcastle sucked and I honestly thought you were rude but then you sat down next to me and showed me how to do stuff to make it look cooler. After that you made me your friend and I was so thankful because you were the first friend I've ever had."

Katsuki was visually surprised at your confession. Of course, he still remembered how he had met you but he didn't think it was that much of a big deal. He had been approached by different children all the time and had done the same, so he didn't think your meeting was out of the ordinary.

"I admired you, you know. You were kind of the leader of the kindergarten and due to you, I met other children. So when Izu-chan came to the kindergarten for the first time, I wanted to be the same to him as you were to me. I saw myself in him. A shy kid that didn't know how to make friends. So I approached him and we clicked immediately. That didn't mean I liked you less, though. I just found another friend. For some reason, you started to become mean to him and I was so confused. I knew you were somewhat rude but you straight out bullied him, even though he only seeked your friendship. Yeah, my and Izu-chan's friendship grew but that didn't mean I didn't want you as a friend. It was just hard to be friends with a bully. I actually started to think you didn't like me, too because you practically ignored me when it wasn't for fighting over Izu-chan. I thought you hated me as much and only didn't bully me because I am a girl. It saddened me because you were also the first friend I lost. In middle school it became the worst" You finally became clear about what exactly happened in your childhood.

The male frowned, knowing that your explanation was somewhat logical.

"What changed?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"What?" You tipped your head to the side.

"If it was so hard to be friends with a bully, what changed your mind? I still fucking hate Deku and that won't change. Although, I've never hated you..."

"I know that you and Izu-chan have probably a long way to go to become friends" you started. You saw him roll his eyes but you ignored it for the sake of the moment. "It was the time you saved me. Almost our entire time in middle school, I thought you were nothing but a selfish bully. I didn't even get why you wanted to become a hero but then you saved me. You could have gotten away from the villain and run but instead you protected me and brought yourself into a dangerous situation just so I wouldn't get hurt. Afterwards, you even comforted me and at that time I understood that there was more to you. You like to act tough and like you don't care about anyone but in truth you have a good heart, so I decided to give you a chance. I guess, I saw the courageous child from before and I hoped that maybe there was more of that, so we could become friends again" you elaborated with a small smile.

Again Katsuki looked at you, speechless. You took a deep breath.

"Katsu?" You almost whispered his name.

He hummed, showing you he was listening.

"I love you" you confessed, finally having said the words you wanted to say to him for so long.

Katsuki sucked in a breathe. He really looked like he was under shock. You looked at him almost worried when you couldn't really read the meaning of his reaction but before you could voice out any concern, you were swooped into a tight embrace that took your breathe away.

His arms snacked around your waist, holding you snugly against him. When you finally were able to react, your arms wrapped around his neck, following by your face nuzzling in the crock of his neck.

"I love you" he mumbled affectionately, before pulling his head away from your shoulder, so he was able to look at you. You slowly pulled away as well.

The two of you gazed at each other in a loving way. One of the male's arms let go and slowly one of his hands made its way on your cheek, softly caressing the soft skin underneath his fingertips.

A shy smile blossomed on your face but to him it was just as radiant and precious as all your full on smiles. The boy felt so happy at that exact moment that one of his content smiles sneaked on his face, which made you even more flustered.

"You look even more handsome when you smile" the words slipped your lips but you didn't have time to regret being so forward. Katsuki slightly leaned forward, bumping his nose with yours in an affectionate manner that you didn't expect from the rough boy.

His smile grew into a slight smirk. You felt his warm breath on your lips and you couldn't help but tremble in anticipation. You wished to kiss the boy but since it would be your first kiss, you weren't sure how to initiate it.

Katsuki seemingly was able to read your mind.

"I love you, sweetheart" he whispered, throwing you off yet again but you couldn't really bath in the bliss of having him for once using a cute nickname because not even a second later he pressed his lips against your smooth ones.

You closed your eyes, melting into the kiss. You tried your best to keep up with the passion Katsuki put into kissing you. You were sure that the way your lips moved against each other was rather clumsy but that didn't make it any less perfect.

You felt fireworks and butterflies and just all the love the world had to offer.

The two of you parted due to the lack of air, now putting your foreheads against each other. You both still had your eyes closed, savoring the special moment you just shared.

"I am a good kisser, aren't I?" Katsuki broke the silence, his voice had a somewhat teasing tone.

"Way to ruin the moment" you replied, slightly pulling away. You still couldn't resist to smile.

"Just stating the facts" he chuckled, grasping your hand. He carefully intertwined your fingers. "Come on, I will walk you home" he said. Even though he didn't really want to let you go, yet, he knew that today's events took a tool on you and as your new boyfriend he didn't want to mess up at the first day.

"I don't want to go home, yet" you whined, being obviously less reasonable than the male that now was pulling your along the sidewalk.

"Don't worry, we can spend the entire fucking weekend together but right now I am sure your parents want to see you and you need some rest. I can't have you dumbass collapse or something" he grinned, treating you the same as always.

"Wow, and here I thought we were over the insulting nicknames" you scoffed, slightly glaring at the boy.

"So you like it when I call you sweetheart?" He whispered in your ear with a husky and maybe even a little seductive voice, making you blush again.

"Stop it" you bumped your shoulder in his in order to play it off as nothing but Katsuki knew better. He caught the redness that tinted your cheeks and he lived for it.

You had no time to react when he suddenly pulled you in again by your hand that held his and turned your face with his other hand, so he could smash his lips on yours.

You were taking aback by the aggressive way, causing you to let out a squeak. This was all it took for the boy to slip his tongue in your mouth.

For someone unexperienced he was sure bold.

Your tongues battled for dominance. Unsurprisingly, the male was able to win that which gave him the privilege to explore your mouth thoroughly.

This kiss was so different from the soft but still passionate kiss you shared before. It felt just as good, though.

When your lips parted, you were stunned.

"Don't forget, princess. From now on you are mine and I am yours" he declared in a low whisper right beside your ear.

Feeling shy, you hid your face in his shoulder.

"Hmm, you and me"

You agreed.

A/N: I want to thank everyone for reading this and I hope you guys stick around for other stories that I am going to write! Maybe even leave a comment to tell me if you liked the story as well as the ending? Anyway, I had fun writing this and am really proud how this turned out. I wrote these approximately 30.000 words with all my heart~ 

I will be back with more stories~ 

Also, maybe you would like to follow me on Instagram, Yell0wCa1, for updates on my writing progress, anime stuff or just to talk in general~ 

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