I Want To Be A Real Boy (Frer...

By haleyukulele

905 72 57

Gerard is a little boy who gets bullied at his school, and doesn't have any friends, even though he tried to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

155 15 7
By haleyukulele

I held my stomach in hunger, and groaned as I looked up at the clock. I opened my door and went out into the hallway, and scurried off to the kitchen. I looked through the cabinet I could reach and, nothing. I looked up on the counter, and saw the cookie jar. My mouth watered as I thought of the chewy chocolate chips cookies inside of it. 

I reached up to grab it, but it was just out of my reach. I jumped a little, but still couldn't grab it. I pulled a chair over to the counter, and stood on it to reach. I then heard footsteps approaching, and Uncle came into view. 

He was reading the newspaper and walking at the same time. As he walked by, he swiped thr jar of cookies off of the counter, and put it on thr top shelf, before exciting the room. I hopped down from the chair, and put it back at the table. 

Sighing, I returned to my room, to find Frankie sitting on the floor, petting Mikey, and Patrick and Pete on the table, making faces at Ray. I smiled a little, seeing that Mikey liked Frankie. 

"Hi, Gee Gee." Frankie said with a smile as he continued to pet Mikey. 


I went over to my bed, recalling that I had crackers hidden under there. I pulled out a little box, and sure enough, they were still there. I stuffed a few in my mouth, and placed the lip back on the box, and put it back under my bed.  

Wiping the crumbs off of myself, I sat beside Frankie, and we played with Mikey. 


"I like your drawing, Gee Gee." Frankie complimented. 

"Thanks." I replied. It was a drawing of him and I. My arm around him with a smiles on our faces. The drawing was in pencil. I handed it to him. "You can have it, if you want."

"Thanks, Gee Gee!" He said, excepting it, and giving me a hug. 

He smiled at it. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Hey, Frankie?" I asked, 

"Uh huh?" 

"We should make you your own space." 

"Can we?" I nodded. "Yay!" 

We got to work eminently. I pushed some boxes out of the way, clearing up a corner, it wasn't a dark corner, it wasn't too far from the window. I decide to go get a broom, and a few other things. 

I rummaged through a closet, finding a carpet, and a little table lamp. I grabbed those, put them inside an empty box I had also found in there, and carried it to the other side of the house, where I'd hopefully find more stuff, on my way, I grabbed the broom. 

"Hey, Gerard." Uncle said. "What are you doing with all of that stuff?" 

I lifted the boxed a bit higher, to keep from dropping them. "Oh, nothing. Just doing stuff in my room." 

He nodded and carried along with his business.  

"Oh yeah, and uncle?" I asked. 


"Thanks for giving me that puppet Frankie." 

"Uh, you're welcome, kiddo." He ruffled up my hair and excited the room. 

A smile spread across my face and I went to the basement, passed uncle's workshop, the kitchen, and living room, down a hallway. I set the box down and opened the door, reveling the dusty room. I waved a hand in front of my face, trying to blow the dust away. 

"Hmm." I hummed, looking around a bit.  

I found a little box filled with random things, I grabbed that and put it aside. As I rummaged through more things, I found some books sitting on a little table. I blew the dust off and looked at the one that I picked up first. It said, 'Fox In Socks'. I looked at the others, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', 'The Kitten Book', 'Where The Wild Ones Are', and a few other. I put them inside the box and then continued my search for a bed or something for Frankie.  

"Ah ha!" I cheered after searching and searching and searching. I finally had found something for him. I found a little race car bed. I didn't know Uncle had that. I rubbed my chin, wondering how I was going to get it upstairs. I went over to it, to see if it was heavy, it wasn't. Good. It was fairly light and I could probably get it up there myself. 

But what would Uncle say if he caught me? 


I went down to the basement, Uncle had gone shopping so I took this opportunity to get the bed now. I flicked the light on and went over to the bed. I took the sheet off, coughing and waving my hand around in front of my face as dust flew up. 

I picked it up from the front and dragged it to the door, which was kind of difficult, because of the stuff between there and the door. I got it through the door and began to drag it down the hallway, I looked up at the clock on the wall. 

"Uncle will be home soon." I said to myself. I quickened my pace a bit and also tried not to scratch the floor. 

Bringing it up the stairs wasn't easy, I was almost up when I heard the front door start opening. My head shot up and a rush of adrenalin went through me. I pulled it up and quickly dragged it to my room, trying to be quiet. I heard Uncle's footsteps coming in my direction, and my heart rate increased. 

I opened my door and pulled it through, quickly shutting it behind me. I soon found Frankie at my side, helping me pull it. 

"You got it!" He cheered. 

"Yeah, but Uncle's coming." I replied. "Hurry, we need to get it over there and put a sheet over it." 


"Because I don't know if Uncle would like it or not." 

"Frankie nodded and we put it in the corner, throwing a sheet over it. I looked at it from the door, and it didn't seem to stand out much. And just in time because I heard knock on my door. 

"Gerard, I'm home." Uncle's voice said, through the door. 

"Okay." I replied. I heard his footsteps walk away. I sighed with relief and soon felt little arms around me. 

"Thanks, Gee Gee." Frankie said. "It's really cool!" 

"You're welcome." I replied, returning the hug. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, I chuckled a bit. "We'll set it up tomorrow, it's time for bed." 

"I'm not tired." He protested, rubbing his eyes. 

"Yes you are, and so am I. Come on." I picked him up, even though he's almost as big as me, and carried him to bed. I tucked him in. I got changed into my night clothes, and then crawled into bed.I looked over on my nightstand, and Patrick and Pete were already asleep, in some socks. The room was quiet, and the moonlight shone through the window. "Goodnight Frankie." 

"Goodnight, Gee Gee." 

"I have school tomorrow." 

"Aww." He whined. "I don't like it when you leave." 

I rolled over and faced him. "It's okay, Frankie." I said as his lip began to wobble. I saw tears build up in his eyes, I rubbed his hands, trying to make him feel better. A tear rolled down his little cheek and he sniffled. I brought him in for a hug. "It's okay." 

He cried into my shoulder as I hugged him. My shirt was soon soaked, but I didn't care too much. After awhile, Frankie feel asleep. I Stroked his back until I fell asleep. 


"Bye, Gee Gee." Frankie said as I put my backpack over my shoulder. 

"Bye, Frankie, I'll see you later." I gave him a hug  before leaving. 

The floorboards creaked as I walked across them, down the stairs, and to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a piece of toast, having to stand on my tip toes to reach it. I shoved it in my face and scurried out the door, shouting 'bye' to Uncle before shutting the door. 

I waited on the sidewalk for the bus. A layer of grey clouds blanketed the sky, threatening rain. There were puddles gathered at corners and in the middle of the sidewalks. Some people walked by, walking their dogs, heading to work, or walking to school. 

I sighed as the bus pulled up, adjusted my backpack and got on. The door closed behind me. "Hello good morning." I said with a smile to the driver, but he didn't reply, my smile faded.  

I searched for a seat, it seemed that no one wanted to sit with me. They all scooted over a nit, or put their books in the way. I made my way to the empty seat in the back and sat down, avoiding any gum. I watched as the trees and houses went by. 

I felt sad. I wasn't entirely sure why, though. It happened sometimes, I would just feel sad, or feel bad about myself. Stuff like that. I looked down at my lap and twiddled my thumbs. I moved some of my black hair out of my face as the bus came to a stop, and grabbed my bag, making my way off of the bus.  

I walked across the lawn, up to the door of the school. Everyone was talking to their friends and laughing. Through the crowd, I spotted her. She met my gaze and I nervously smiled, giving a small wave. I then found myself tripping into the wet grass. A few people laughed, I stood up and dusted myself off. 

I went into the school and moving through the crowd of people, I found my locker, and put my bag inside. Kat was at her locker as well. My cheeks turned red and I swallowed. "Hi." I said to her. 

"Oh, hi." She replied. 

"Do you want to sit with me at lunch?" 

She chuckled a bit. "Uh..." She cleared her throat. "No, sorry, I have a doctors appointment during lunch, so I'm not eating here. Thanks for the offer." 

"Oh, o-okay, maybe next time then." I added, disappointment coming over me. 

"Yeah, maybe next time." 


I scurried to my classroom, my dress shoes pattering across the floor. I went inside, hardly anyone was in there yet. I decided to sit in the front. Soon, students started flooding in and taking their seats. It was always really noisy before the teacher got in, people were shouting, talking over one another,  and laughing. 

The teacher walked in and greeted us all. I sighed with relief as everyone quieted down. 


I went into the lunchroom, carrying my tray of food. I starting towards my table, on the way, I looked over at the table that Kat usually sits at, she was sitting there. But she said that she wasn't going to be here for lunch. She said that she had a doctors appointment. She lied.  

She met my gaze and soon turned away, tuning her attention back to her friends. I decided to go over and ask her about it. 

"Hey, Kat?" I asked. "I thought you had a doctors appointment during lunch today, you said that's why you couldn't sit with me." 

"Oh, yeah, they rescheduled me." She replied with a small smile, the people around her giggled. 

"Oh, okay, then. Do you want to come sit with me then?" 

"Oh, sorry....." 


"Right, sorry, Gerard, I'm done eating, maybe next time." 

The other kids at the table started laughing, tears built up in my eyes. "What a baby." One kid said. 

"I'm not a baby!" I protested. They just kept laughing, and now Kat was laughing too. I threw my tray down and ran out of the room. I ran out into the vacant hallways and ran into a teacher, I stormed passed her, but she grabbed my arm. 

"Gerard, what's wrong?" She asked, letting go of my arm. 

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, she grabbed my arm again and sighed. "Let me go!" 

She pulled me into the princeble's office and sat me down. "Another out burst?" The principle asked, to which the teacher nodded. I just sat there and folded my arms across my chest in the soft, dark pink chair. "When was the last time this happened, again?" 

"Last week." She replied. 

 "Look, Gerard, we know that you've been through a lot, but can you please calm down?" I didn't repy. He leaned back in his chair and pushed his glasses up on his nose. He wrote something down. 

"Why don't you go home, Gerard?" He said.  I kept my arms folded across my chest and turned my head away. He sighed and took his glasses off. He nodded and the teacher, who was still standing there, took me out of the room. 

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, fighting against her. She sighed and didn't stop. "Let me go! Stop!" 


I was dropped off at my house, on the bus. I went inside and slammed the door behind me. I stormed upstairs and flung my door open, roughly taking my backpack off and tossing it before slamming my door. 

"Holy smokes!" Patrick said. "Are you okay?" 

"Leave me alone." I muttered. 

I went over to my desk and grabbed papers and started crumbling them up. "Don't do that!" Frankie said. "They're you drawings." 

"I don't care!" I shouted. "They're stupid!" 

"No they're not." Frankie insisted, pulling on my arm, I jerked away. 

"Yes they are!" I yelled, continuing to crumble them up. Frankie tried to give me a hug, but I shoved him away, he looked at me, sadly, but I ignored him. 

"Gee Gee, what's wrong?"  

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. 

The room fell silent and I continued to crumbled my drawings up. Frankie sat on top of some boxes. "Gee Gee?" 

"What do you want!?" 

"I want to make you feel better." He explained, hopping down off of the boxes. 

"Well I don't want you to! Just go away!" I climbed into bed, in my school uniform, and curled up under the blankets. I could hardly see my hand on front of me under there. I just laid there for hours, ignoring everyone. It was dark outside before I knew it, and eventually, I fell asleep. 

When I woke up, rubbing my eyes and looking around squinting at the light coming into my room from the window, it was cloudy outside and raining a bit. I looked to my left, Frankie wasn't there, I looked over to where his race car bed was, and he wasn't there either. I jumped up and through my blankets off. It was cold in my room, but I didn't care, my heart was racing as I looked around for Frankie. 

I looked all over, but could find him. I soon noticed a little note on my desk with poor hand writing, it read, 

"Dear Gee Gee

"You told me to go away, so I did. 

"I love you 


I dropped the note, it floated down to my feet. My heard raced even faster. 

Frankie ran away.  


Please be sure to vote, comment, and maybe check out some of my other stories, maybe?  

Thanks for reading! 

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