Just Another Cinderella Story

By nixllscrxic

189K 4.2K 494

Her dad died when she was a little girl. Her mother abandoned her because of it. Darcy was forced into adopti... More

Just Another Cinderella Story
Party Plans-Darcy's POV
Planning the Party- Harry's POV
Under The Mask- Darcy's POV
The Party- Harry's POV
Running-Darcy's POV
Clues- Harry POV
Another Party- Darcy's POV
Eleanor's Masquerade- Harry's POV
The Mall- Darcy' POV
The Party- Harry's POV
Surprises- Darcy's POV
Niall Meets His Girl- Harry's POV
Snitches- Darcy's POV
Waiting-Harry's POV
Finally-Darcy's POV
1D Saves The Day (Plans)-Harry's POV
1D Saves The Day- Harry's POV
Darcy's POV
Tattle-Tale- Harry's POV
Darcy's POV
Won't Let You Down- Darcy's POV
First Check-Up-Harry's POV
Witches-Darcy's POV
Darcy's POV
Trial-Harry's POV
Going Home- Darcy's POV

Taken- Harry's POV

4.3K 121 14
By nixllscrxic

I don't exactly know how to describe the rage that I felt when those two (censored) came into my room and almost took Darcy away from me again. I couldn't wait until Niall was able to put them and their mother in jail for life...

And now, I was even angrier because although they didn't take Darcy, they did take Ross and Lacey.

I stormed into my room, Darcy on my heels. She stayed quiet as I quickly stripped, put on a pair of jeans, slipped on a shirt, some shoes.

She didn't even react to the whole 'stripping' part.

"Harry, calm down," she pleaded. I stormed past her and she followed me.

I grabbed my car keys, and walked out the door. Darcy was still following me.

"Darcy get back in the house," I ordered. Niall, Liam, and Zayn were watching from the doorway.

"No, I'm coming with you, wherever you're going," she demanded.

"No, you're not. You're staying here with Niall, Zayn, and Liam where it's safe," I ordered.

"No, I'm not. I'm safe wherever you are," she countered.

"Darcy, get back in the house," I said through gritted teeth.

"No," she said simply.

"I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!" I shouted. She seemed shocked that I had yelled at her. So did the boys.

I sighed and pinched the skin on my forehead between my forefinger and my thumb. I felt tears threaten to spill, but I attempted to hold them back. But they didn't listen to me and they slid down my cheeks anyway.

"I can't lose you again," I repeated, more softly now.

A few moments passed before I felt her small, thin arms wrap around me.

"You're not going to lose me Harry," she whispered.

"Just please stay," I pleaded her. All I wanted was for her to be safe...

"Ok, I will. Just please, come back," she suggested. I looked up to see her. I looked towards the door. It was closed and the boys were nowhere in sight.

I grabbed her face softly and kissed her.

"I'll always come back to you Darcy," I whispered as I pulled away. I looked into those beautiful grey eyes before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I kissed her softly again. I pulled away, opened the car door, got inside and turned the ignition. Darcy watched me as I drove out of the driveway. I watched her in my rearview mirror. She stood there, watching after me, before I turned the corner, and she was out of sight.


I drove to the big house. I slammed the car door and stormed up the porch steps.

I didn't care for the doorbell; I banged my fists against the white door so hard I thought my knuckles would start to bleed.

No one answered.

They weren't going to get rid of me that easy. I walked to the back of the house to the back door. It was unlocked, so i just stormed inside. No one was in the kitchen , so I cotinued through the house. I saw a door next to the kitchen. I opened it quietly and walked down. It was dark. I flipped on the light.

Ross and Lacey were tied up in the corner, their hands behind their backs. Their mouths were gagged and they started whimpering when they saw me. I rushed towards them, ungagging them first. They seemed to be out of breath at first. I started to untie them.

"Harry, get out!" Ross yelled at me. I looked at him confused.

"It's a trap!" Lacey shrieked.

"Calm down guys, I'm getting you out of here," I tried to reassure them.

"No you're not," a voice said from behind me.

"Harry! Watch out!" Lacey screamed. I turned and I fell into pitch black darkness.


I was handcuffed to a bed post. That's the first thing that registers in my mind when I come to.

I looked at my surroundings. The walls are pink and covered in One Direction posters.

Is that what I look like? I ask myself, looking at a poster of myself.

I struggled against the bed post.

"What are you trying to do? You're not trying to escape are you?" I heard someone screech from the doorway.

I looked in the direction the voice came from. Amera was standing in the doorway, holding a bronze key in her hand.

"Let me out," I said forcefully. She laughed. Then her mother appeared in the doorway.

"Ah, a new servant. Your job my boy is to.. umm... what's the word? Oh yes... Entertain my daughter. I hear you're quite the ladies man," she sneered at me. I glared at her.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, give you some privacy," she raised her eyebrows.

"Thank you mother," Amera smiled.

"I don't want privacy... it's so over-rated," I commented.

"Shut up," Amera sneered before smashing her ugly face into mines. I struggled against the handcuffs, but it was hopeless. She grabbed my neck and forced my mouth onto hers.

Let me just say...

Worst. Kiss. Ever.

No wonder no one liked Amera. She's a terrible kisser.

"I thought you liked Ross," I hissed inbetween kisses.

"Why have Ross when you can have Harry Styles?" she smiled evily at me. She smashed her lips against mines again.

ugh, can I please like vomit right now, were the words running through my mind.

"Cami!" Amera shouted, pulling away for a second. Her sister came into the room, looking as stupid as ever.

"Go get your camera," Amera ordered. Cami did as she was told.

"Imagine Darcy's face when she finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with some other girl," Amera sneered. She un-handcuffed me and dragged me onto the bed. She handcuffed me to the bedpost there. I tried sitting up. It was uncomfortable to lay down handcuffed to a bed post.

"ROSS! LACEY!!! I"M BEING RAPED!" I yelled, hoping someone would come to help me.

"They can't hear you," Amera laughed.

"Get away from me!" I yelled.

"Get your camera ready, Cami," was her response. I sighed in defeat, then I devised a quick plan.

"Yeah, you're right, why would I want to be with Darcy anyway?" I asked, completely and totally lying.

"Yeah," Amera smiled.

"Come here," I nodded towards her.

She straddled me and I resisted the urge to gag. She leaned against my chest. I felt the wind get knocked out of me. Amera needs to go on an all-carb diet.

"So since I've realized that it's you I want, can you maybe, take these handcuffs off so I can just wrap my arms around you and just kiss you like there's no tomorrow," I try to say as seductively as I could force.

"I don't know," her big dumb features are replaced by uncertainty.

"Amera, he just said he wants you. Do you think Harry Styles would lie to one of his fans?" Cami talked. As in, she said a complete sentence. I was completely dumbfounded.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," Amera nodded in agreement.

They're so stupid  I almost burst out laughing.

She unlocked the handcuffs. I rubbed my wrists.

"Ok, come on, Harry," she smiled at me.

"In your dreams," I told her, punching her in the jaw. I stole Cami's camera and used the flash to blind her before sliding down the stair's rail. I opened the basement door, freeing Ross and Lacey. We ran out of the door and into my car. I looked at the door. Amera, Cami, and their mother were coming straight for my car. I turned on the engine, stomped on the accelerator and sped away. And I didn't slow down until the three of us were safe and sound on the highway.

~Ok, i might be updating tomorrow...

im so tired and in so much pain but i didn't want to keep you guys waiting so... :)

I hope you guys are enjoying the story... also if you guys could help me with the Watty Awards, go read You'll Never Walk Alone and like vote for it and everything... i would put just another Cinderella story but it's not finished yet :/ so yea thanks guys :)

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