Professor Neville Longbottom

By Googlega

104K 2.4K 451

My name is Blair Bougar and I am in Slyherin house at Hogwarts along with my two friends Dandy and Amelia. I... More

Chapter 1: Setting the scene
Chapter 2: Out with a bang
Chapter 3: Choices to be made
Chapter 4: Speculation
Chapter 6: Fluffy pink bunny
Chapter 7: Sound the alarm
Chapter 8: Adding fire
Chapter 9: Waiting
Chapter 10: Assumptions
Chapter 11: Consequence
Chapter 12: Stay the night
Chapter 13: Dreaming
Chapter 14: Freedom grapes
Chapter 15: Muddy
Chapter 16: Never kiss and tell
Chapter 17: Blushing
My bad
I swear to drunk I am not god
Oneshot: Indigo ink
Real world excerpt

Chapter 5: Scandalized

6.2K 152 43
By Googlega

The majority of the Professors were arguing for me to get some serious punishment. This was just another blunder in my long record of blunders and most of my professors were sick of it. Unfortunately they took their arguing to the Headmaster's office, leaving me to the mercy of Derek in the infirmary. He spent most of the time alone plotting in the corner, and when another student got rushed in took the opportunity to cast his revenge.

I knew he had put some sort of glamour on me if the smirk on his face was any indication, but looking in the mirror on the wall was still a shock causing me to all but fall over. My glamour wasn't too extreme by Derek's standards as in the mirror I had slightly pointed ears, vibrant green eyes and feathered black hair with fluoro streaks. It was only a slight change and yet no one had recognized me as I walked into the hall after being given permission to go to lunch, not even Dandy or Amelia. Then again Dandy was giving me the silent treatment and Amelia was avoiding me, but still.

Unfortunately some Professors didn't care to hear that this was Derek's way of getting even and so far I had cost the house 50 points and Neville was most likely going to kill me in his class after everything that happened this morning.Even more so that a rumour had spread like wildfire about him and me having some secret affair. All of lunch I was watching Chris and half of Slytherin as they watched him with murderous intent. I was very tempted to go up to him and say 'well, you said that we could continue to have our fun...' but I value my life so I kept my mouth shut. I counted myself lucky that they considered Derek's revenge and the month of detentions on my plate as my official punishment.

After a very awkward lunch of people looking at me like I was crazy I dragged myself to Herbology, taking as long as I could without actually being too late. I walked in with an apology on my lips only to find Neville cornered by Devrin, Amy, Derek and Teacup. Mud brown was also present, sitting at the front of the class talking to some students. Apparently the Professor had yet to find a solution to my botched spell.

'Tell us the truth,' Amy told him, crossing her arms and looking at him expectantly.

'And only the truth,' Derek added, watching Neville's every move with barely concealed amusement.

'Or else,' Devrin finished, twirling his wand between his fingers. He was one of Chris and Dereks friends from our year and actually in Gryffindor. I knew it was a stupid move on their part to threaten a Professor with a wand when there were witnesses. It was best to do it when there wasn't anybody else in the room.

'What are you guys going on about? I'm in the middle of teaching a class so please refrain yourselves and come back at a more appropriate time,' Neville said, looking thoroughly annoyed. Derek burst out laughing, knocking the wand out of Devrin's hand. Amy rolled her eyes and walked to his desk to stand beside Dandy. The rest of the class looked very concerned and ready to jump to action if needed.

'Just tell us whether or not you are taking advantage of Blair, she is much more naive than she appears,' Dandy said looking like they wanted to be anywhere but here. Naive? Me?

'What do you mean, taking advantage?' Neville demanded, pulling away from the wall. You could practically feel the class breath out a sigh of relief.

'Are you in a physical relationship with Blair?' Amy asked, giving him an exasperated look. Realisation seems to dawn on his face finally as he grabs a book off his desk.

'No, shes a whore,' he snorted. Realisation of what he said dawned on his face as the class became deadly silent. It lasted a good 30 seconds where everyone looked at him in shock. 30 seconds in which I managed to get over my crush on him, consider him a ass and figure the best course of action would be to punch him and then go back to the way things were last year. Making his life a living hell. Teacup squeaked, charging at Neville, before running circles around him, attacking him.

'What a pig doing out? The animals for the Christmas feast are meant to be in a pen,' Neville said, completely unawares that he was digging his grave. Teacup head butted him before running over to Derek, ignoring my outstretched arms. Looks like Neville wasn't the only one not to recognize me with my stupid ears.

'Office Neville,' I yelled. The class turned to look at me, finally noticing that I was at the door. Some recognized me immediately and looked scared while the rest were confused for a moment before it dawned on them.

'Who are you?' Neville demanded, glaring at me. It took a second but I could see it when it clicked and his face flushed from his ears to below his collar. This time I did not want to know how far down his torso it went.

'Oh, just some random whore who decided to drop by,' I said nonchalantly, shrugging a I slowly walked to the front of the class. My friends slowly backed out of the class, patting my shoulder and wishing me luck as they went.

'Blair,' he said, backing away which happened to be closer to his office.

'I have to congratulate you Neville, I always thought you were a nice teacher, always looking after the well being of your students. This week you have shown me your true colours and I have come to realise that you're not some gawky, awkward geeky Herbologist guy,' I said, clapping my hands. He looked at me uncertainly, everyone holding their breath to see what I would do next.

'Don't mind me, I'm just going to have a quick chat with our Professor here in the private office,' I told them, herding Neville the last few step through the door. It was more of a mini library with a desk for him to work at but it would have to do. As he sat down I closed the door and shielded the room so that no one could hear or see us.

'Harming a Professor could get you expelled,' he advised me, getting a determined look on his face.

'I was planning on breaking your nose as a compromise for you calling me a whore, but as you have pointed it out that will result in more harm to me then you. See I don't really care what you called me, but when you go after teacup I take it personally,' I informed him, walking around his chair slowly, thinking about how I would go about my plan.

'Teachup being?' he asked.

'My pet pig,' I said.

'Pigs aren't approved,' he said, leaning back in his chair.

'Do you really want to be buried in a shallow grave?' I asked him, flicking his ear. He flinched, watching me warily from the corner of his eyes.

'Not particularly,' he muttered.

'I think I should warn you ,' I told him, smirking as I finally decided on a plan.

'Warn me about what?' he asked, looking really nervous.

'Well I do plan on getting revenge, but not the conventional kind. You see I plan on making you fall for me. Fall for me so hard that you are helplessly in love, in which you think everything is real, but then you'll remember this moment and doubt will creep into your mind. Is any of it actually real? The doubt will eat you alive,' I said in his ear, leaving the rest to his imagination.

'How do you even plan on making me fall in love with you?' he asked, after sitting there shocked for a good solid minute.

'I don't need to make you fall in love with me, you'll do that all on your on,' I shrugged, undoing my spells.

'Right, like that will happen,' he said, snorting. Sneaking up behind him I yelled 'boo' and he jumped out of his chair with a yell.

'Professor Longbottom, are you okay?' I heard some girls yelling through the door.

'It doesn't take an idiot to see that I already have an affect on you. It is only a matter of time and kindness before you realise what is already there,' I say, hoping he could not hear the pounding in my chest. Opening the door to the office a large group of girl nearly fell to the floor with guilty looks. Turning around I caught Neville's eyes as he looked into the class. He looked petrified and I gave him a small smile. Afterall I had to act the part now. I knew he wouldn't actually fall in love with me but saying such things would freak him out and that was as about as far as my plan went.

'What are you teaching us about today Neville?' I asked, going and sitting in my seat at the back of the room where I blew him a kiss.

'So they are having an affair?' I hear a girl in the next row of desks ask, sounding positively scandalized. I saw Neville frown at this comment and felt a niggle of guilt, but then I just reminded myself of what he said and pushed that guilt to the back of my mind.


thnx for reading ^-^

Comment/Fan/VOTE! Grrr........ it turned out funny but you get the point. Revenge!

Quick edit 19/06/16

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