Dream Love: Book 1 - Love is...

By Exitian

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Shin Ryujin and Hwang Hyunjin are each others opposite attracts. They are in their Senior year in Dream High... More

Chapter 1: She exists.
Character Guide
Chapter 2: No way!
Chapter 3: You're late!
Chapter 4: Fire and Ice
Chapter 5: Dance
Chapter 6: Opposites attract
Chapter 7: Phone call
Chapter 8: Falling
Chapter 10: Actions speak louder
Chapter 11: Surprise visit
Chapter 12: First kiss
Chapter 13: Caught in a moment
Chapter 14: Eavesdropping in a heartbeat
Chapter 15: Emotions
Chapter 16: Together
Chapter 17: Finale

Chapter 9: Touch

465 25 5
By Exitian

"Why would Wickham marry Lydia, if it meant accepting Darcy's help?" Hyunjin's voice broke through Ryujin's concentration and she looked up and shot him a look.

"Why wouldn't he? He's getting money for marrying her and that's all he wanted," she replied.

"Would you marry me for money?"

Ryujin stared at him, confused. "No, that's stupid!" She wondered exactly where he was going with this.

"Exactly," he nodded at her and then continued reading, Ryujin stared at him.

That had to be one of the most random things he had asked her today. Not that Hyunjin had actually spoken to her since they'd walked through her front door after Chaeryeong and Felix had left. He seemed to be just work, well he wasn't actually working. He was currently reading her copy of 'Pride and Prejudice' and despite all her misgivings about letting him do the report; he actually seemed to understand what he was reading. Ryujin glanced at him once more and found her eyes following the curve of his cheek down to his mouth. His lips looked so kissable and soft. Ryujin bit her lip and looked back down at her work, trying to shake those thoughts from her mind. She glanced up once more and than back down again and concentrated on her work.

Hyunjin glanced over at Ryujin as he heard her pen tapping the paper, he had decided against talking to her when he walked through the door and so far it had worked perfectly. He read; she worked. No conversation whatsoever. He knew that Ryujin didn't get why he had asked her the question about Wickham and Lydia he had just needed to clear something up and she seemed to know everything about the book, so asking her was the obvious choice. Hyunjin glanced at the book and then back up at Ryujin, his eyes traced her smooth hair down to her neck. It looked so tempting, for a brief moment he wondered what it would be like to be able to run his lips through it. He glanced back down at the book, and then up once more. Shaking his head, Hyunjin looked back down at the page and began to read again.

After a few moments Ryujin felt her stomach rumble and she looked up at the clock. Her eyes widened and she did a double take.

"Hey Hyunjin, do you want some lunch?" she asked throwing her pen down and stretching, he looked up in surprise and his eyes slid to the clock.

Ryujin felt herself redden slightly as he turned his sharp eyes towards her, she'd never actually noticed how charismatic they were and there was a slight twinkle in them. Ryujin found herself getting caught up in them.

"Sure," he replied easily and he broke the hypnotizing gaze he had on her.

"Right, sure, um, what do you want?" she asked feeling flustered.

"Dunno, what've you got?"

"Good question," she said and got up.

Hyunjin waited for a moment before slowly following her into the kitchen. He leant against the door frame and watched as Ryujin conducted a search through the refrigerator.

"Hey Ryujin?" he began hesitantly.


"If you don't mind me asking but where are you parents?" he continued, she stopped rummaging around in the fridge and turned to look at him.

"Mom's away on a business trip, and Dad's in Japan to attend a Medical Conference. I think he is anyway," Ryujin replied carelessly.

Hyunjin raised his eyebrows. "And they have no problem whatsoever with the fact that you and I are here all alone?" he continued coming into the kitchen.

Ryujin shrugged. "I spoke to Mom last night, she's got no problem with it, Dad's a different story, he'd probably fly all the way home from Japan to murder you and ground me," she replied with a wry grin.

"Why would he come all the way home just to ground you?" he asked as she hoisted herself up onto the bench.

Ryujin frowned as she thought about it; she wondered how she should put it. "Well, according to my father, I'm still the five year old who thought boys were disgusting and that if they came near me I'd get an infectious disease."

"And?" Hyunjin questioned with a grin.

"And unfortunately for him, I'm not. So knowing my father, he would jump to conclusions and assume you were my boyfriend." She felt her stomach turn at the mention of him being her boyfriend, even if it was hypothetical "And that we were getting up to no good while both he and Mom were out of the house," she finished and Hyunjin cracked up.

"That-" he began.

"Is exactly how my father's mind works," Ryujin cut him off before he could say anymore.

"Your father's weird," he stated when he stopped laughing.

"No he's not, he's just overprotective," she argued.

Hyunjin shook his head. "No, he's weird, how many fathers would immediately assume that the guy at your house is your boyfriend?" Hyunjin asked, feeling his stomach do a back flip as he used the words 'your boyfriend', he shook his head slightly, it was hypothetical after all.

"How many fathers wouldn't? Especially if they knew he was one of the most gorgeous guys at Dream High!" Ryujin argued playfully and then went bright red as she realized what she had said.

Hyunjin stared at her, stunned. He had never expected her to say something like that, especially seeing as a week ago she hated his guts.

"Yeah and Felix is the most mature one." He snorted after a moments awkward silence.

"Oh come on, I'm sure Felix can be mature sometimes," Ryujin said even though she sounded less than sure of herself.

"Uh-huh, the only time I've seen Felix act serious is when we're playing or training and I've known him since kindergarten," he said nodding his head at his words, Ryujin laughed and threw a tea towel at him, he dodged it and threw it back, it landed on the floor.

"I bet you he's been serious without you noticing," she said, enjoying this argument more and more. It had a playful undertone and neither of them was really trying to get the other annoyed at them.

"Yeah, in his sleep maybe." He grinned.

Ryujin shook her head, still smiling. "Whatever!" She jumped down from the kitchen bench.

She felt herself slip on something and grimaced, 'I shouldn't have thrown that tea towel' she thought grimly as she began to fall backwards. Ryujin closed her eyes and wished that she hadn't jumped. Before she'd even touched the bench, she felt strong arms wrap around her and pull her up straight. Hardly daring to believe it, she opened her eyes and looked up into Hyunjin's sparkling eyes.

"Uh," she stuttered, acutely aware of how close they were.

Hyunjin watched as she struggled for words, he was well aware of her body pressed up against his own and the effect it seemed to be having on her. He could feel her breath on his neck and it sent shivers up and down his spine.

"You know, you're not very coordinated," he said when she hadn't said anything.

Ryujin growled at him as he released her from his grip, even though she wasn't sure that she wanted him to remove his arms.

"Sorry for not being able to have perfect balance," she snapped at him and Hyunjin grinned.

"Hey, I wouldn't expect you too," he informed her as a piece of flyaway hair fell into her gleaming eyes.

Before Ryujin could push it away, she felt Hyunjin's hand gently push it behind her ear for her and she froze as he made no move to remove his hand. Ryujin found herself getting caught up in his eyes again and wondered how she could have gone from hating him to loving the feel of his hand against her skin. What was happening to her?

Hyunjin looked down at the girl in front of him, wondering exactly what to do. Truthfully, he had no idea what he was doing or why he was doing it. He couldn't figure out how he had gone from hating her with a passion and never wanting to touch her, to pushing her hair behind her ear and feeling very unsure about himself. What was happening to him?

"I've got to get going," Hyunjin said and suddenly both of them seemed to snap back to reality. They jumped away from each other as quickly as they could.

Ryujin looked at the bench and folded her arms. Hyunjin gazed at the floor and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Okay, sure," she nodded and an awkward silence filled the air.

"Right, I'll see you."

Ryujin nodded again. "Mmm-hmm, sure, see you." She desperately wanted him to leave almost as much as she wanted him to stay.

Hyunjin left and Ryujin shoulders sagged in relief, what was happening to her?

Hyunjin stood on her porch and turned back to the door, he shook his head and than jumped down the steps one thought on repeat. What was happening to him?

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