Kissy |HS|

By CanyonMoon96

154K 2.9K 782

|British Dictionary| Kissy; adj. 1. Informal showing exaggerated affection, especially by frequent touching... More

Kissy |HS|- prologue
Ch. 2
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33

Ch. 18

3.9K 87 8
By CanyonMoon96

"Hey Har, have you seen a brush in here- Harry?"

I walked into the kitchen, the aroma of lunch foods filled the air. But no sign of Harry.

I walked around the complex, repeating his name until it was confirmed that he had vanished.

Also his shoes were gone.

I sat down at the counter and picked at the foods he'd made. Popping a potato into my mouth, I huffed, realizing he hadn't even finished making the lunch.

Nothing says romance like a partially made meal and an empty place.

Maybe something urgent came up, or maybe he just decided not to-

"Mum, I've only just got back this morning."

"Yes- ye- mum yes. I am back yeah," Harry waltzed through the door, bags in both hands and his phone tucked between his ear and shoulder.

His eyes darted to me, a small toothy grin appearing at sight which made me counteract.

He walked towards the kitchen after kicking the door closed, and set down his bags.

He drew away from the phone for a brief moment, smiling fully as he handed me a flower.

"Hello love," he says and presses his lips to mine ever so sweetly before returning back to his call.

I smiled and brought the flower to my nose. This time it was a single, deep orange colored rose.

It was amazing, and I couldn't help the butterflies that surrounded my heart.

"Mum, I've got to finish making lunch. Yeah she's here with me-why?"

I looked at Harry, who was leaning all of his weight on the opposite side of the counter.

"Mum-" I watched as he sighed and nodded his head then handed the device to me.

Eyeballing him and the phone, I drew my eyebrows into a pinch as he just stood there.

"Why are you giving me that?"

He chuckled and set it in front of me, "she wants to talk to you."

Just as those words left his mouth, I could start to feel those butterflies morph into more of a moth like being.
Less of a gentle flutter and more of a hindered reaction to light where they chaotically flail.

I set the flower down and hesitantly reached for his phone. I felt slight remorse, leaving his mother on like that, but in all fairness, the only parents I've been good with are my own.

"Hello?" I breathed out.

"Hello sweetheart, how are you?"

Her voice came out very soft, just as Harry's did.

"Oh I'm really good, thank you. How are you Mrs-" I've blanked.

I didn't know a single thing about her other than she's got two kids and was divorced and remarried.

"Please, call me Anne. I'm doing well, it's been quite nice today, I'll tell you, the weather has been so lovely here."

I couldn't help the small grin as she casually went on about the England weather.

"That's really great. It's been pretty indecisive here, one minute its raining and the next it'll be sunny and eighty out."

She laughed heartily as I joked about LA. All the while, deep down I was still somewhat nerve wracked that she was speaking to me.

"Did Harry give you the flower?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, bringing my hand to graze the stem.

"Yeah he did, it's really, really beautiful. Although, for how much he brings me them, I wouldn't be surprised if I could put together my own garden in just the next week."

My eyes met with Harry's shortly, his averting to the surface as he cooked. He smiled to himself, causing me to do the same.

"I adored it, so wonderful. Did you know that orange roses sympolize passion, and enthusiasm."

As she had brought it up, I realized that Harry had been working through his affectionate actions. Flowers, upon flowers and it completley flew over my head that he may have been sending a symbolic message my way for every little occasion.

"I had no idea!"

She hummed and went on for a few minutes and used it as time to reminisce about when she used to get floral gifts, and how Harry comes home with a bouquet for his mother every time.

"Anyway, enough babbling about that, what do you do?"

"I uh, I teach people how to surf."

"Ah yes, I remember Harry mentioning that. He told me about that little boy that's quite find of you," I smiled at the fact that Harry had spoken of me to his mom enough for her to know my career. It made me curious to know what else he says.

"Yeah, he's very sweet. He reminds me a lot of Harry. I'll have to show you a picture some time, they look almost identical."

She let out a hearty laugh, "I would love that. In the meantime, I really must get going. I'll let you eat, thank you for chatting with me. We'll get together some time yeah?"

I chewed on my nail, nervous all over again. "Oh yeah, of course."

We bid eachother goodbye and ended the call.

I handed Harry his phone, a small smile taking over his concentrated expression.

"That wasn't too bad was it love."

I looked down, masking my obvious nerves as much as I could.

"What do you mean? That was totally fine- I'm fine, it was great. Really, such a great woman," My words came out quickly and fumbled as I shoved a grape into my mouth.

Harry held a plate in his hand full of food and sat beside me, setting the plate down.

"This is breakfast?" I said as I checked the time.

He chuckled and held both my hands, his touch gentle but firm enough to keep my attention.

"You've nothing to be nervous about. Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

I watched as those words left his mouth, complete serenity dripping from his lips as he spoke.

I sighed and nodded, pressing my lips against his sweetly to show my gratitude.

"Now, may I ask why we're eating breakast at nearly three?"

He laughed, his dimples prominent and a happy glow taking over his entirety.

"Oh shut up and eat," he says, nudging me playfully.

I giggled and thanked him for his kind gesture, then began to stuff my face with waffles, fruit and potatoes.

"Har, you cook like my mother."

His eyes darted to mine, laughing at my remark.

"You really know how to define my masculinity."


"Harry, I swear on my ancestors grave  if you fucking touch me, I'm gonna make sure you feel like you've caught your dick in your mouth."

I stood in a corner, blocked in by Harry who had worn a devious smirk.

He was after me, I was being gunned down in my own apartment and for what?

A slight mishap in the kitchen area involving himself and an egg.

"Harry I promise it was an accident!"

It wasn't, and I couldn't help but find it amusing again as I reimagine his expression when the yolk had dripped down his face.

I held my hands to my mouth, snorting.

"Really I'm so- so sorry," refraining any laughter had caused me to go into a fit of hysterics. Laughing only made matters worse.

Harry chuckled and ran towards me and just before he could grab a hold, I slipped under his arm and ran as fast as could to the living room.

He trailed closely behind, him given the advantage of longer legs.

I ran to the only place that could divide us; back to the kitchen. 

As soon as I stepped in, I looked behind me, glancing at Harry before my feet decided my fate on my behalf.

I've seen a lot of things in my days, but today was the day I saw my life flash right before my eyes. 

From the waist down my body was swept up from under me and my whole body collapsed to the floor.

I groaned, feeling an instant sharp pain in my forearm and a disgusting substance under my feet.

The egg yolk. Of all things, karma had to send my way, It had to be my own action that had caused it.

Karma out does itself once again.

I laid on the floor, now coming more to my senses that my arm was in an excruciating amount of hurt.

"Luna," worry had washed over Harry's face, but he was still harboring mirth.

"Are you alright love?" He chuckled slightly, taking in every bit of detail and pointing to the yolk.

"See what happens when you don't treat people with kindness?" He says, smug and all. .

"Oh fuck off!"


Don't worry, it'll all get better😂

I Want to start off by "documenting" my Happy birthday to Harry into the chapter because it doesn't feel too right if I just left it out.

Also! I'll update here in the next day or so. I've had a lot of time on my hands so it gives me the opportunity to write a little more.

You're fatanstic, thank you for everything. Bare with me!💛

[I'll go back and edit this in a few hours, and maybe a few other chapters. Big maybe though]

Hope you all had a wonderful, Harry filled day, my whole life was as Harry as possible today.

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