My Singing Academia [BNHA AU...

By BuniBoy

71K 1.7K 2.3K

!!FINISHED!! :) Yuuei Performing Arts Academy, the most popular school for aspiring singers in the country. ... More

1. O U T OF M Y L E A G U E
2. S M A C K A B I T C H
3. C A L P O L
4. D E V I L T O W N
5. H E E B I E J E E B I E S
6. W H I T E C H R I S T M A S
7. L O L I T A
8. F I G H T F O R Y O U R R I G H T
9. B E M Y D A D D Y
10. F O O L
12. P O N Y
13. T R I G G E R E D

11. M U T U M B O

1.6K 53 22
By BuniBoy

"(Y/N)! Get out of your room already!"

Mina whined, slamming open my dorm room. I was cooped up in there, pen in my hand as I scribbled sad and dark lyrics in a notebook truing to formulate some kind of song. Sure, I was sulking...but break ups really sucked.

She hopped on the bed next to me, shaking me by my shoulders. My head spun lightly as I brushed her off, scribbling out another line of words. Mina rolled her eyes, "Get over him already!" She pestered, grabbing my notebook and chucking it across the room. I just sat there, dropping the pen and slouching.

"I can't...he was just a really good person, I fucked it up," I murmured, fiddling with my fingers. Mina sighed loudly, leaning back on her elbows as I sat in a ball in sadness in front of her. "Yeah, you did..." she admitted, causing me to snap my head around.

"Mina!" I scolded in shock, in response she just started cackling.

Her pink hair bounced as she shook her head and got up. "Bakugou is looking for you...he wants to go to some freestyle pit in butt fuck nowhere and you're the only one who can do it apparently," She explained, turning on my light. I squinted, covering my eyes eventually from the bright light. 

I was reminded of when Bakugou and I used to freestyle together during freshman year. We were unstoppable...everyone around us would fucking obliterated if they challenged us. The thought made me smile, resulting in Mina letting out a gasp. "And the emo bitch finally smiles!" She exclaimed, an enormous grin on her face.

"Fine, I need to get out of here," I sighed, standing up. Mina frowned at my complexion, "Go to the kitchen, you look....not the best. I'll get you ready just get dressed and actually eat something that isn't cereal, please!" She nagged, walking out of the room. I shook my head, closing the door after her and removing my worn out t shirt. 

It was my first appearance anywhere outside of school for two whole weeks. I was never this hung up on anything, but I really was torn up over it. 

"Might as well look good," I murmured, grabbing my black pants with red decaling. I quickly kicked off my sweatpants and put them on, alongside fastening the high waist with a belt. I shoved my feet into platforms and shoved on a mesh long sleeve crop top, shoving a tight white one over it. It was a basic outfit, but I thought it was still pretty cute.

I walked out of my room, knowing my hair was thrown up and disgusting and that my face was probably drained from sulking so much. I kept my head low, getting in the elevator and going down to the lobby. The dinging was background noise as I scrolled through my notifications, automatically walking out when the doors slid open.

"(Y/N)?" Denki asked from the couch, just as surprised to see me. I gave him a short wave, not looking up from my phone. Going completely against Mina's advice, I poured myself some cereal and went to the counter. "You...feeling okay?" Sero asked, walking to the other side of the counter. I put down my phone, putting on a facade as I shoved cereal in my mouth and hummed a yes. 

The boys were surprised at my nonchalant behavior. "Thats Bakugou's cereal..." Kirishima warned, making me roll eyes and look down at it. It was some protein shit, just the thing a gym rat like him would enjoy. "Thats why it tastes like cat piss..." I murmured, looking up the Mina walked in with what seemed to be a years worth supply of hair and makeup supplies.

"If that is fucking cereal- and it is. (Y/N), your stomach probably fucking despises you," Mina spouted curses left and right as she already started working on my hair. She always did my makeup and such when she was bored, so this wasn't any different. I groaned as she raked a brush through it, ripping away the knots.

I eventually finished my cereal as she sprayed random shit in my hair, making it its natural texture but with a whole lot more effort than I ever put into it. I happily chat with the three boys in front of me, talking about random stuff that Denki spouted. It eventually got cut short when Iida walked in, looking extremely exhausted. 

"Woah, what's with you? Aren't you supposed to be on your eight mile run by now?" I asked, hissing as Mina harshly tugged a comb through my hair. She insisted I stopped whining and that she was almost done. Iida, as a response to my question, glared at Kaminari. Their dorms were right next to each other...prompting Kirishima and Sero's hysterical laughter.

"Who was it this time!?" The raven hair body asked just as Mina spun my chair to do my makeup. I chuckled along with them, tuning in for the answer. Kaminari blushed slightly, looking around the room. 

The blonde didn't answer, but it didn't matter after Hitoshi walked in. He yawned heavily, scratching out his back as he lazily brushed a hand through his hair. When he spotted the blonde, he smiled, "I forgot my charger in your room last night, I'm gonna need that back," He murmured, not understanding why Mina, Sero, Kirishima and I all busted out in laughter.

"No fucking way!" I shouted, looking at how Mina had to pause and take a breather before blending out my makeup again. The laughter was soon cut short by yet another person entering the common room.

This time, it wasn't a requested visit. Todoroki walked in, making brief eye contact with me before Mina quickly squeezed my face and tugged me to look the other way. "Keep your eyes straight, I'm doing eyeliner," she spoke, seeing my eyes get teary.

She frowned, uncapping the eyeliner and formulating a lie as the tears fell down my face. "Shit! I didn't mean to poke your eye!" She shouted in an exaggerated manner. "Sero, can you please get a tissue before my hard work gets ruined," she begged. Her acting was extremely good as a tissue was placed in her hand. She pressed it to my eyes,  to which I tried to suppress my tears and tell her it was fine. 

The boys hissed in pain as they watched me wipe my tears away. "Is that what happens!?" Kaminari asked as Mina actually did my eyeliner. She nodded, "Yeah, it fucking burns real bad. Your eyes just keep watering for like minutes afterward," she explained, finishing off with eyes and facing the left to make it even. 

"Okay," she hummed, getting the fake lashes she prepped before and applying them. Lastly, she gave me a mascara stick to apply myself and spun me for the boys to take a look. "Anything weird I need to fix?" she asked. They all analyzed my face, even Todoroki giving a quick glance from the kitchen, but they all just shook their heads. "Nose highlight," Hitoshi quickly chimed in,  causing me to laugh. That was the one term he knew and would always say it in front of me because the stoner found it funny. 

I turned and applied my mascara in the hand held mirror, seeing how Hitoshi wrapped an arm around Kaminari's shoulders. They both had the same idea, exiting the room in seconds.

"So are they together now?" Mina whispered to the rest of the group. We apparently all didn't know the true answer, but a defeated Iida shouted a "Yes," from his spot in the kitchen. We all laughed, confusing Bakugou who had just walked in. 

He gave me a short nod, doing a double take when he realized I was out of my room. "You're coming?" He said with a huge smirk, already knowing the answer. I nodded, "And let our legacy die?" I asked in fake shock, standing up from my seat and walking over to him. 

He just nodded, the same proud smirk on his face as he took my belt hoop in his finger and dragged me forward, wrapping his arm over my shoulders just as a friendly gesture. I heard that him and Camie completely had a falling a serious one.

"We'll be back," He explained. They all nodded, shouting 'good lucks!' and 'win big!'

We went to the stairwell, quickly trotting down the stairs. "So, what's the prize?" I asked as he took his arm off my shoulders. As we exited the stairwell, he turned to me slowly. "Just guess," he asked, to which I said five hundred. 

"Triple it."

I gaped slightly, "Where the fuck they get that money?" I asked. He shrugged telling me the entry fee was twenty and ten to watch. I nodded, walking with him to the parking lot. He eventually looked back, I knew what he was going to ask, so I just prepared myself. "So, what happened with you and scarface?" he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I frowned slightly, looking away. "Uh...I had a screaming match with him, said a bunch of shit that crossed a line and he dropped my ass," I explained. He unlocked his car, saying silent until we got in the car. "What about Camie?" I asked, buckling in.

He started up the car. "She called me a cunt and I couldn't really deal with it, she just wanted to get back at her ex I bet," he sighed, changing gears and reversing the car. I nodded, knowing that was most likely the case. 


"Okay, so this time its the basic face-off...pass the mic method?" Bakugou asked, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we huddled up with just the two of us. I nodded, agreeing it was the best way we always did it.

The pass the mic method was something we did since one of our first freestyle matches together. Basically, Bakugou would get the mic first, and whenever he felt he was done he would simply give me the mic. It would usually only be one rotation, but sometimes we would do it a couple times. 

We had made it to the top two...but had zero idea who our opponents were. He was pretty sure it was one guy but we weren't allowed to know until we were face to face for it to be a true freestyle. 

"A Team get over here!" The announcer playfully scolded, causing quite a riot of laughs to go around the crowd around us. There was a huge circle in the center, acting as a stage of sorts. People started pushing us towards it, hyping us up and screaming. The second I reached the circle, I regretted even going here.

"Of fucking course," I snapped, recognizing the duo immediately. Dabi and Shigaraki...fucking kill me. 

Before I could stare at them for more than half a second, Bakugou roughly grabbed both sides of my face and brought it close to his. His eyes were dead serious, "Don't let them psych you out," he stated.

I knew what he was mentioning. It was the reason Bakugou and I stopped free styling together. It was right after Dabi and I split, and we were face to face with the same duo. When we faced off, Dabi straight tore me a new one. I had zero redemption...I would never think that I would have to go through it again.

"Okay," I spoke back, moving his hands and standing next to him with my arms folded. The speaker was a jovial guy, maybe about twenty, and he was psyched to see us face off. A man from the crowd whispered something into his ear, erupting something new in the introducer. "So so so, I was just informed that you two had faced off before!" He said with a excited attitude, motioning us to come forward.

The hooded blue haired male and the black-denim clad Dabi were standing a foot away from us, looking extremely eager.

"Who won that?" The speaker asked, pressing the mic near my mouth. I raised my brows, looking around before stating the truth. "They did," I said calmly, watching as the crowd went wild around us. 

"And I've also heard there's some history between these teams?" He said with a questioning tone, gesturing to Dabi and I before shoving the mic towards Dabi. The black haired male smirked, "Yep, we dated."

I rolled my eyes, hearing the same amount of shouts from the spectators as before. "Oh ho ho, so we're gonna get a lot of dirty shit, eh? Just...keep your hands off each other and lets get this battle going!" The boy screamed into the mid, looking between us before finally tossing the mic to Dabi. He nodded, giving a signal to Shigaraki as a beat started.

The people watching were psyched as Bakugou and I stood across from them, arms folded and prepared for the disses coming our way. I knew they were mostly going to be aimed at me, I just wish I knew how much they actually were.

(song is thot! by Tokyo's revenge. Both songs sung here are real songs, but we're gonna pretend the characters made them up freestyle)

"Um, she want control, alt, delete," The black haired boy started, fixing his collar and brushing back his hair. ""PYT" in the sheets, I'm like, "Do you like me?". She like, "Oh yeah, of course," why she all on my shtick? But she do not drive, she want me to show feet" He asked, mainly facing Shigaraki as if he was having a conversation with him. 

"I'm like, "Woah, that's a thot, Nani?" No strings attached, but you want shit from me. Balmains and Margiela, little bitch, are you a dummy?" he then turned to me, motioning towards us as he walked forward. He got close to me, but I tried not to seem phased. "I ain't crashing on that pussy if it's wet for only money. I'm like, "Oh, that's a thot, put it in a box"," he pointed his thumb behind him, shaking his head as he leaned down to match my height.

"Bitch kick rocks, give me back all my socks. Oh, that's a thot," He pointed a finger at me, having a mocking expression in his eyes as he steadily kept rapping. "She give me top if I feed her some clout. Bitch, hop off of my cock," he was just talking about me at this point, making me swallow hard and attempt to meet his blue eyes

"That's a bop, Give me my jacket and then get out. I ain't got the time, I ain't even got a ring," He was wearing a shit eating grin, glancing at Bakugou. I did the same, seeing the blonde's unamused expression. "You'll prolly fuck the team if somebody slide you a lil' bean, hoe. Load me a lil' choppa if you talkin' all that flexin'," He pointed to Shigaraki, the blue haired boy laughing.

"Get up out my section, act like I can't see you messin'. All that love that you was talkin', with a hubby in the Basas'," He was still steadily wrapping, rolling his eyes at me.

"Bitch, I'm petty as can be, I tell that bitch "Who you textin'?"," he snapped, shaking his head as he backed up to his partner. 

"I'm like, "Woah, that's a thot, Nani?" No strings attached, but you want shit from meBalmains and Margiela, little bitch, are you a dummy? I ain't crashing on that pussy if it's wet for only money," He sang his previous lines again, hyping the crowd up. "I'm like, "Oh, that's a thot, put it in a box" Bitch kick rocks, give me back all my socks. Oh, that's a thot. She give me top if I feed her some clout. Bitch, hop off of my—," he handed the mic to his partner finally, but my relief was short lived as Shigaraki immediately started attacking me as well.

"Okay, like, uhm, that's a thot...I can see that from a mile away, look how she walks," he pointed to me as well, shaking his head in an exaggerated manner. 

"She like drake started at the bottom giving top, and now her bitch wanna throw hands like Milly rock," he gestured to Bakugou. The male, in turn, raised his brows in a challenging manner.

"Bitch be talking until I pull up with the choppa make him hurt. She sucking the dick and I'm fuckin' that bitch and of course I made her squirt," He was just being normal at this point, not targeting me or Bakugou as he faced the crowd. "Big ol' choppa, stick out, it's loud, get downChoppa beat a bitch just like Chris Brown," Shigaraki was really good at maintaining a beat and not tripping up, it was gonna be difficult to beat.

"Oh, me and my homies Super Smash Bros, Goin' ape shit inside that ass, Camp Lazlo. She gon' let me a put a Xanax in her asshole," Bakugou shook his head at the line, giving me a quirked brow. I just shook my head, knowing we could beat these two.

"Haha, that's a thot. She gon' suck the skin off the dick, love me not. Let me not send the motherfuckin' screenshots," He seemed to be finishing up at this point, walking back to his teammate. "About how she was tellin' me she tryna eat up on the cock. She was fuckin' every dude on the block. Bitch I know I'm not tweakin', and just last weekend she was textin' me," he flipped his hood down whilst still maintaining his rhythm. 

"Tryna eat my meat with no seasonin', I thought she was a vegan. And I heard she had a man but now she's leavin' him," he nodded, a wide smile on his face, he was about to end it. "And then she be sendin' pussy pics while I be sleepin' man. She just got blocked," and as I expected, he finished off his freestyle, making a slashing motion over his throat.

In this specific freestyle battle, there was no pause between songs. The DJ just put on a new beat and the other team immediately had to be able to diss the team back. Sure, it was difficult, but it helped us maintain a steady momentum.

The new beat started up, and Bakugou took no hesitation in rapping the mic from Shigaraki's hand. "Three white chicks, powerpuff girls lit," he started wrapping instantly, the crowd going apeshit since practically everyone loves the blonde. "Three white chicks names sugar, spice, grits. Mojo mojo get off my dick," he pointed to Shigaraki at the Mojo Jojo line, making me laugh. I could see some of the resemblance...

"Pull off, skrrt, skrrt, hop off in the whip...Hahaha, lookin' ass!" He pointed to Dabi as well, slightly laughing into the mic before getting slightly serious again. "Bitch, I'm ballin' like Mutumbo. 7'2", you 6'4", shoot for it, free throw," Sure, I didn't understand the basketball references, but I would act like I did. 

"Freaky bitch, deep throat," he pointed a thumb at me, causing me to smile and walk up to him. I slung my arms over his shoulders from behind him, smiling wide at the competition. "Aim for it, no scope, tree hugger, smoke dope. Chubby kid, fuck your hoe," He finished off, handing the mic over his shoulder to me. I smiled, a bit surprised but taking it anyway.

"I'm so pretty, I'm smoking on sticky," I dragged off the word, making a blunt motion with my fingers. It didn't matter if I smoked or not, the rap community loved a good weed synonym. "I'm too witty, these bitches don't get me," I tapped on my head, then gestured to Shigaraki and Dabi. 

The crowd screamed, causing me to smile and continue. "My outfit lookin' like it cost a bitch kidney," I dragged my hands down my torso, strutting back up to the two boys. "Eight inch heels, he like it when I'm kinky," I was focused on Dabi, mainly. "I put it on a bitch, he love me like I'm KiKi. What the fuck you smokin' on? Boy, that is not OG..." I shook my head after snapping at the blonde, moving in front of Shigaraki and leaning forward in a threatening way.

"Your nose all in my business so how 'bout you blow me," I put my hands up in his face, not touching him but getting dangerously close. "Askin' all these questions, who are you? The fuckin' police?" I asked, turning my head to the side before shaking it.

I finally backed up a step, "Got my dog on me and you know that it ain't got no leash," I pointed to Bakugou who walked next to me, a grin on his face. "If the cops pull us over, she put it all in her pussy. I just did five shows back to back and they were overseas," I leant against the blonde next to me before preparing for my final line.

"Got your bitch in the back of my foreign and she was on her knees," I gestured to Dabi before dropping to my own knees, feeling Bakugou's hand on top of my head. The mic dropped to the floor and rolled behind me, causing the speaker to grab it. The crowd was screaming, way louder than they were for the other two.

I yelped as I felt Bakugou's hands under my arms, lifting me up effortlessly. His strong arms wrapped around my torso, my platforms barely touching the floor as I laughed wildly. Even if we didn't win, we did a damn good job.


"I can't believe we fucking won!" I screamed, walking into the lobby of the dorms. It was late, about 12...

I was holding my share of the cash in my hands, a bit awe struck still. Bakugou, who was used to winning, didn't seem to care as much. "We had weak competition," he laughed as we walked up the stairs. I was glowing in excitement, wanting to scream and celebrate despite my fatigue.

We walked up the rest of the stairs, entering the main room. Surprisingly, some of my classmates were there, most notably Mina. She sprinted forward from her spot on the couch, dashing across the entire room and tackling me in a hug. "We saw the. whole thing on a livestream! Oh my god it was so good!" She shouted, the force from her hug making me drop all my money.

I laughed as I hit the floor, attempting to pick up the dollars with the restraint of the girl on top of me. Hagakure was also on the couch, the brunette girl turning around and smiling. "You ate during that! You're last line was so fucking good!" she shouted, Ojiro saying something alongside the same lines as he sat next to his girlfriend. The poor boy looked so tired, Hagakure was definitely keeping him up.

I looked to the other people who supposedly watched the live as I sat up and collected the rest of my money with zero help from Mina. Sero, Mineta, Kirishima and...Todoroki.

I knew what I had to do involved the blue and white boy, but I couldn't do it in front of everyone. "Thank you guys," I said with a smile, getting to my feet as Mina side hugged me.

" a celebration, how about we crack open the bottle of bourbon I think I stole from that house party two weeks ago," Mina offered, to which the classmates in front of me all shouted in agreement.

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