By LJ0327

116K 4.9K 914

Jennie Kim is the boss whose age has exceeded 30 years old yet still single and never been married. Her lover... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Part 1

10.5K 279 65
By LJ0327

"Fuck." Lisa cursed inside her head.

"What's with the frown Lis? You got scolded again?" Seulgi asked her when she saw her workmate sulking after being out from her manager's office room.

"Is my expression not clear enough to convey my mood?" Lisa said sarcastically. 

"What did you do this time?" Seulgi sighed and pulled her chair to get up and approach her friend on her cubicle.

"I don't know. I did what she asked me to and submitted it on time. She got angry because when I have done with my task, I did the work Mr. Jung gave me. She felt I couldn't set my priority because I didn't ask for her permission before deciding to do the task." Lisa said annoyingly. 

She slumped on her seat and breathed sharply, trying to control her emotion which almost blew up. 

"That's all?" Seulgi asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. That's all. End of story." Lisa shrugged and massaged her temple. 

"Be patient, Lis. You know how she could be so moody at times and randomly throws her tantrum at anyone without any exception." 

Seulgi tried to cheer Lisa and stood behind her, giving her a massage on her shoulder. 

"I know, Suel but it's just not fair. It's not my fault at the first place, not to mention that actually, she isn't my real boss! I'm a quality which means that I'm directly under Mr. Jung, not her!" Lisa complained and hissed under her breath.

"But now that Mr. Kwon is out on the field, you are practically under her command, you know." Seulgi stroke Lisa's shoulder for a moment, before moving to her front to sit on the table beside the computer. 

"It doesn't change the fact that Mr. Kwon has full right to order me, not her Seul! I just can't believe that a woman like her exists. She's hot temper, selfish, moody, unstable, bossy, annoying, and I still can make a very long list to define her negative traits." Lisa huffed.

"Chill, Lis. It's not the first time you got scolded anyway so you should have adapted to her unpredictable attitude, right?" Seulgi smiled and ruffled Lisa's hair.

"And it's not the first time I got scolded without knowing the real reason behind her anger toward me. If only I have right to debate her back or at least argue with her, I would have done it." Lisa's anger never left.

So Seulgi could only nod her head to make Lisa at least felt a little bit relief by releasing her protest. 

"Why didn't you do it?" Seulgi asked.

"As if she would give me a chance to do it. You know her well, Seul since you are under her directly. Every time she is angry, she will blame anyone and won't give a chance for that person to defend him/herself. So whether the person is truly guilty or not, we will never know because she is always right or so what she thinks." Lisa answered almost immediately.

"Yah! Lower down your voice." Seulgi warned.

"Relax, she is out to have a meeting with customer along with Mr. Choi." Lisa reassured.

"Oh.. Anyway, I have to agree with you. She never can filter her words so she can only blurt out hurtful words to her employees." Seulgi said and Lisa nodded in approval. 

"Perhaps I really need to seek for another job." Lisa suddenly confessed, making Seulgi startled.

"What!? Are you crazy?" Seulgi shrieked and Lisa immediately got up to cover Seulgi's mouth since her voice had attracted people's attention. 

Lisa looked around and smiled to the curious people who looked at them with confusion.

"Aish.. Can't you control your voice?" Lisa sat down again. 

"Sorry. You're the one who made me scream caused by your shocking news." Seulgi wrinkled her eyebrows. 

She then dragged her chair from her cubicle and placed it beside Lisa's seat. 

She plopped her butt on the chair and waited for Lisa's answer.

"You're the one who's crazy. How could you still be here after all the harsh and rude treatments she had done to you!? How long have you been here? A year? Two years?" Lisa asked curiously. 

"It's 2 and a half actually." Seulgi corrected and Lisa smiled sheepishly, knowing all the guesses are wrong.

"See~ How could you handler her? I'm only here for 5 months but I can barely survive." Lisa stated and Seulgi smiled again.

"You need to understand her, Lis. She's mature yet she's still single so no wonder her temper is like that. Perhaps if she has been married like me, she would be different. Family changes people, you know." Seulgi reminded Lisa.

"You're wrong. The proper term is, no wonder she hasn't been married up until now since her behavior is so negative like that. Who in their right mind want to marry her?" Lisa smirked. 

"Yah! Don't be so mean. She's a good person actually. The hectic work forces her to become like this. You know how firm and demanding our customers are. They are so discipline and always want everything to be done quickly. Everything is urgent so maybe that's why she needs a discipline employee too who can keep up with her." Seulgi tried to make Lisa understand. 

"That person is definitely not me, Seul." Lisa waved her hands in front of her face to show that she didn't want to be that person who should keep up with Seulgi's boss.

"Think from different angle. Maybe you are not under her directly but you serve as a quality in our division which means you have to understand every process happened here no matter what. You need to know the system, the report, the shipment, the content of our agreement with customers, and all." Seulgi's words made Lisa pursed her lips. 

Sighed. "You are right. Why can't I ever win an argument with you?" Lisa pouted and Seulgi chuckled.

"Probably it's because you've been under her for too long so her infectious negative attitude has affected you badly." Lisa pretended to be scare and covered up her face. 

"Yah! It's not that! That's because you know that I'm right!" Seulgi debated and Lisa giggled.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Lisa rolled her eyes which earned a slap on her chest.

"You know, Lis. People say that if you cannot fight a wild animal then you have to tame it." Seulgi changed the topic and Lisa wondered why.

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked. 

"Like you've said; she is single and nobody wants her because of her rude behavior which kind of unaccepted sometimes. She has reached the age where she should have been married but because of her work and temper, she barely has time to date." Seulgi started and Lisa still couldn't understand what her friend meant by that.

"So?" Lisa raised one of her eyebrows. 

"And from my opinion, I think you being here for 5 months are more than enough to know her inside out. You know when she is moody, you know when she is demanding, and you also know when she is happy." Seulgi continued and Lisa started to dislike where this topic would be going.

"Many people think that you are smart enough and a fast learner and that's the main reason why you are being a quality now, because you can understand the whole processes of our division in a short time." Seulgi halted and Lisa kept silent, letting Seulgi to continue. 

"I also know your love story background, Lis. We've been friends for so long!" Seulgi chirped while grinning.

"5 months aren't a long time, Seulgi-bear." Lisa butted in and Seulgi ignored her.

"Yet it's enough to make me know that you prefer a woman rather than a man." Seulgi argued and Lisa nodded slightly. 

"When was the last time you're in a relationship, Lis?" Seulgi asked.

Why does this person care?

"5 months ago. Thanks to her and her workaholic side which dragged me along and made my girlfriend asked for a break up." Lisa sighed again remembering her ex who wanted to end up their relationship because Lisa rarely had time for her.

Lisa always came late because Seulgi's boss often asked her to do many things even after work hour had end. It made her unable to meet her girlfriend after work. 

She would be too tired when she had reached her apartment which made her often forgot to call and inform her girlfriend that she had reached home. It earned her a fight with her girlfriend the day after. 

When weekend came, Lisa would sometimes be summoned to work again by the same person make it impossible to enjoy her holiday with her girlfriend. Being fed up, Lisa's girlfriend asked for a break up and there's nothing Lisa could do but saying yes to her. 

"Do you still love her?" Seulgi carefully asked, didn't want to remind Lisa about her sad love story.

"I'm not sure. Being too busy makes me unconsciously forget about my love life. I often feel too exhausted that I won't even think to have a lover." Lisa earnestly stated.

"That's good! Then this can be much easier than I've thought!" Seulgi snapped her fingers and Lisa stared at her suspiciously.

"What are you insinuating?" Lisa asked firmly.

"Hear me out first~", Seulgi stopped Lisa from interrogating her further. 

"You are single and I assume that you like older woman since your ex is 3 years older than you. My boss or should I say Ms. Kim is older than you who happens to be single too! You love smart woman and undoubtedly she is smart, too smart I must say. You protested that her demanding ridiculous requirement often forces you to stay longer at work even after work hour which makes you unable to date." Seulgi grinned widely while Lisa's frown got deeper.

"So why not we try to unite the differences which accidentally have the same purpose?" Seulgi again said with a too happy voice tone.

"I don't really like where this is going, Seul." Lisa murmured and threw a sharp stare at Seulgi.

"And what purposes you're talking about, huh?" Lisa questioned. 

"First, Ms. Kim has to have a lover to make her more considerate and stable. Not to mention, her age forces her to get married soon while you~ You like a beautiful, smart, mature woman. Now can you see the similarity?" Seulgi clapped her hands inside her mind for being so thoughtful and smart at the same time to come up with such a bright idea.

"You are crazy~" Lisa shook her head and turned her body, trying to ignore Seulgi's remark and back to her work.

"Just try it out, Lis. I said she's good in real life while you don't and can't believe me. You can prove it for yourself by getting closer to her. If she's indeed good then you can consider courting her but if she's not then you can proudly say that your assumption about her is true." 

Seulgi persuaded her and it seemed worked when Lisa looked like she was in a deep thinking. 

"Why do I need to know whether she is really good in real life or not? I don't care if she's good or not because it still can't change the fact the she makes me annoyed and single." Lisa argued.

"Ah! One more thing! I maybe love mature and older woman but not when the age gap is too wide!" Lisa added.

"It isn't that wide~ 5 years? 6 years?" Seulgi tapped her chin while trying to remember her boss's age.

"It's 8 years, Seulgi! I'm still 24 while she's already 32!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Okay so it's 8 years. So what?" Seulgi shrugged.

"It's too wide, okay??" Lisa squawked. 

"It's not like you're gonna marry her anyway, except if of course you're in love with her for real." Seulgi reasoned out.

"Never." Lisa hissed.

"Watch out your mouth, Lisa. You'll never know what destiny can do to you." Seulgi pointed Lisa's face with her index finger.

"Whatever." Lisa started to type on her computer keyboard.

"Maybe it's because you don't have any confidence that you can conquer Miss Kim's heart. That's why you don't want to try it. Because you are too afraid that you will be rejected." Seulgi mocked Lisa.

"You didn't just say that, Seulgi!" Lisa strictly warned Seulgi. 

"Unfortunately I just did!" Seulgi protruded her tongue. 

"Then you better take that back." Lisa said under her breath while gritting her teeth. 

"I won't. Come on, Lis! Just admit that you don't have ability nor you have a confidence to get her. She's just out of your league. She's too smart and unpredictable for you. She cannot be controlled and yeah.. Just out of reach." Seulgi poured the oil to the already burned Lisa.

"I can get her if I want to. But she's just not my type! And I don't want her! I hate her for your information. She's the catastrophe of my life! She's nothing but a disaster!" Lisa again frowned while mentioning things about Jennie slash Seulgi's boss.

"There's another saying which states that there's only a thin line between hate and love that it's hard to differentiate it." Seulgi wouldn't give up just yet.


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