The Proxy Girl (A Masky x Rea...

By Emmakitty2025

74.3K 1.1K 1.5K

Slenderman's daughter, (Y/N), turned 17 and wants a new proxy or two. So Slenderman reluctantly agreed and... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~(Christmas Special)
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 25~
I'm so sorry!!!
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
Preview Chapter for Next Book!
Alright so...
Part 37

~Chapter 24~

1.1K 16 1
By Emmakitty2025

Making it there, I saw five people on computers, four people in tubes, and one person attached to monitors. 

My eyes widened as they got electrocuted. "So this is painful?" I asked, my eyes moving to Mason. "Yes. Very." He said. "See," He continued, motioning for me to walk with him, "here is one that we got from you." My heart stopped (Not that it mattered) when I saw someone who went missing from the mansion all those years ago. 

Laughing Jill. "You took her!?" I shouted. "Keep it down, (Y/N), people are working." I glared as Jill stepped into a tube. "Why would you take her?" I asked, just above a whisper. "She told us all about your little wars. Must be interesting, Immortal vs. Legends. Were you a part of it?" I shook my head. "I'm sure they thought you were too weak, considering you're just now coming to light, Ms. Slenderman. I saw Jill look at me before the metal walls shut around the tube.

"Don't call me that." I hissed. "Now, into the tube." Mason pushed me against one before I crawled onto the stage and felt them connect monitors. Suddenly, I felt something shock me in eight different places.  

Suddenly, I was against the tree with Tim again. A voice in my head told me, "React differently."  

"I don't love her, (Y/N), I love you!" I pushed him away and took off running. I wanted to see what'd happen if I changed the channel. I continued to run and found myself face to face with Brian. "(Y/N), a-are you okay?" He asked. "I-No, I-" I ran past him.

The voice sounded in my head once again. "Good. Onto the next one."

The world around me faded and I was now in the hospital, sitting in a chair. Aunt (A/N) came out, sobbing. "How is she?" I asked, having an idea already. "(He/She)- They died!! (He/She) lost (his/her) life to that- that stuff!!" 

"Yeah, well, that stuff happens when your father is Slenderman, so..." I shrugged. "What!?" (A/N) gasped. "G-Get away!" She cried. "Stay away from me!" I shrugged again. "Sure thing." I turned and began to walk. When I pushed the door open, I walked into the darkness.

"Next test."

I was standing in my bedroom, hearing the chaos Zalgo created. I heard Lynex crying, Jeff screaming my name, and suddenly, I heard the same noise I heard when Jack's bedroom blew up. I wasn't fast enough, so it happened before I left the room. I grabbed Lynex and took Jeff's hand. When the stairs crumbled, I dropped Lynex and slid down the railing. When everyone made it outside, Lynex was nowhere to be found. He was dead.

"Final test."

I was screaming at Clockwork, someone holding me back. I knew what to do. "She can handle herself! She's fine! Let her fight me! I'll kill her!" I screamed. "No one is killing anyone!" Dad shouted. Jack sighed. "Let her get it out already, or else it'll be ten times worse when she does." Dad looked at everyone, and Clockwork shouted, "You think you can kill me!?" She laughed.

So did I. "I don't think, I know." I smirked. Toby let go of me and I pulled a knife from my boot. Who knew one sentence would change the entire outcome? I threw Clockwork to the ground and began to gouge her other eye out with the knife. "Who's weak and pathetic now, bitch!? Definitely not me!!" I screamed, now plunging it into her stomach multiple times. 

Everything faded, and I opened my eyes. The metal walls around the tube were now open, and they were unhooking the sensors. Jill was standing there, waiting for me to get out. "That was scary." She whispered when I hugged her. "I heard your cries and shouts of pain through the metal." I stood, shocked. "I was screaming?" I asked. "Yeah. Every three seconds, I heard you cry and scream. You weren't saying anything, though." 

Was my body in so much pain it made shouts and cries without my own consent? I shuddered at the thought. "Alright, (Y/N), your tests are done. Go to the room that Jill shows you." She turned on her heel and began to walk away. I ran to catch up with her, then I noticed the blood dripping down my arm in several places. "This place is dangerous. Demented." Jill stated, not bothering to look at me. "Why did you come here?" I looked back toward the other room. "Mason said he could take my immortality," I said. "Make me normal." Jill quit walking. "You don't want to be normal! It hurts so much!" She shouted. "You'll-"

"Jill. I know what I want. So stop." She glared and I went into the room she stopped at. There was a bed with gray sheets, a dresser, and a first aid kit. 'So I guess I'll be getting hurt a lot.'  I thought. Eh. I pulled open the window curtains. There was nothing that showed signs of this room being used. Ever, even. How is that when there were over a million people in this huge building?

'This is it.' I thought as I began bandaging where the monitors bled me. 'I'll be normal soon enough.' I stared out the window, expecting to see one of the pastas. Why was I so excited? They were taking my blood and putting someone else's in me. What were they gonna do with my blood?

"(Y/N), we're ready for you." Mason said from the other side of the door.

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