Casualty of Chance

By GhostlyTeaCups

23.6K 467 20

Mckenna Munson was just your ordinary twenty-eight-year-old living up life until her only enemy, an ex-boyfri... More

Author's Note:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Author's Final Note:

Chapter Ten

747 19 0
By GhostlyTeaCups


I came inside to pick up Mckenna to take her to her place, but to my surprise, she's passed out on the sofa. "Bobby," I greeted him looking over at her," is she passed out drunk?" "Yeah," Bobby chimes in," just father and daughter bonding. She also smoked a blunt or two." "Wonderful," Sarcasm filled my lips knowing that Bobby Munson should have known about Mckenna's track record with booze and drugs. I walked attempting to wake her," Mckenna," I spoke softly watching her stir before rolling over in a sound sleep.:"Hi," she slurs," I missed you today." I felt fuzzy on the inside as I picked her up walking down passed the bar and into the hallway where the dorms were. "Hap stop," Mckenna spoke before vomiting on herself and my chest, I sigh as she started to throw up again. "Pick this shit up prospect," I commanded as I carried her, cradling her in my arms to my room. I kicked the door close setting Mckenna down to grab her some clothes from my dresser. "I'm sorry," she cries tears streaming down her cheeks, my heart broke even more I hated to see her cry. I did my best to remove her clothes, taking her to the bathroom to shower. I helped with whatever I could trying not to make her feel uncomfortable to feel as if I was taking advantage. Once I got her cleaned I put her in one of my t-shirts and gave her back her undergarments. I lead her back into the dorm room where she moved to the bed," goodnight," I kissed her forehead getting her settled in before I headed for a shower myself. My shower was calm, warm and all I could think about was Mckenna. What was becoming of our relationship I wasn't honestly sure. All I knew was that I cared a lot about her, I needed her presence in my life, but I was unsure if she felt the same. I crawled into bed, her body snuggled against mine before we settled in to sleep.

I woke up with her asleep on my chest, sleeping peacefully. All I could do was lay as still as I could listening to her breath. I was starting to feel restless, what was about this woman that made me care about her so much. I was running out of ideas and slowly I slid from underneath her replacing it with a pillow so it wouldn't disturb her. I snuck out from this dorm, heading out to the bar where I pour a fresh cup of coffee, gathering a bottle of water and some Advil for Mckenna. "I heard Mckenna crashed," Jax spoke I turned to see him sitting with a cup of coffee in hand. "Yeah," I sigh tiredly," she puked everywhere. Apparently she and Bobby decided to have a father-daughter bonding time with booze and weed." "Damn," he pulls out a cigarette taking a drag," do you have feelings for her? The guys were saying you haven't touched a croweater or a sweetbutt since she came into the picture." "I honestly don't know Jax," I answered truthfully," there's something about her that I'm drawn too." "You thinking about making her your old lady?" Jax was curious which got me to start thinking as well. "Maybe," I answer," I don't know right now. All I know are is that I'm super protective of her." "Understandable," Jax replies before putting out his cigarette," well talk to you later." I ended up going back into the room with the bottle of water and pills in hand.

I walked back inside, there she slept I closed the door quietly sitting next to her on the bed. "Mckenna," I whispered lightly touching her skin," baby I know you're hungover, but you gotta wake up." "Hmm," she spoke looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes," Happy," She smiles taking the bottle of water and pills in hand. "How long was I out," she questions," fuck my head is pounding." "You had quite the party with your dad Kenna," I answer pushing a few strands of her hair back." "I did fuck I'll never drink whiskey again," she smiles looking at me. Together we sat in silence I never mentioned how she puked all over me or the fact that I helped her get ready for bed. Before words were exchange I found myself with her in my arms hugging me," thank you for helping me." "Not a problem baby," were the words that slipped out of my lips," look I need to grab you some clean clothes from your place. You got sick last night and puked everywhere." "Eww I'm so sorry Hap," she looks at me," I am so embarrassed." "Don't be Mckenna," before I could even finish she kisses me. It was pure, sweet which shocked my senses. I wanted to pull her up and continue, but I didn't want to push her too far. "Mckenna," I groan frustrated with myself," before we continue this what the hell are we?" "Am I not yours," She looks at me flirtatiously," I mean come on Happy I'm not the first woman you've shared a bed with." "I know this Mckenna," I begin to argue," but you're not some piece of ass. I want us to be more than fuck buddies." "Okay," she gets out of bed I knew right then she was annoyed. "Look I know you've been through a lo----" STOP Hap," her tone was irritated," I'm not some fucking delicate flower. Warren did NOT break me. He was just a shitty boyfriend." "I know that Mckenna," I get up staring at her in the eyes," I care about you to want a relationship. I want you to be my girlfriend. My old lady," I showed honesty," not just a live body in my bed.

She looks at me in disbelief, I could see her body tense her fist balled in anger. "You're girlfriend," she repeats looking at me," yes I want to be your girlfriend Happy. I thought we had this established." "Okay," I replied," now stay in here let me get your clothes. I don't want nobody to see my old lady half-naked." "Okay," she replies walking over to give me a deep kiss I couldnt' help it as I wrapped my arms around her pulling her close. Before things could go crazier I kissed her again and then walked passed her to go back to her place to get her clothes.

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