The Mute Girl( A Twilight fan...

By Oncer121598

76.5K 1.7K 230

Brianna Peters is a 17 year old girl who moves to Forks with her father. When she goes to school she ends up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

6.3K 138 21
By Oncer121598

Saturday morning, Brianna woke up, got dressed, and headed downstairs. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw her father eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, pumpkin." Her father greeted her. Brianna waved to her father. "I made scrambled eggs for breakfast." Scott said. Brianna nodded. She went over to the counter. She made herself some waffles and put scrambled eggs on a plate. She poured coffee in a mug and sat at the table with everything. "How was shopping with your friends last night?" Scott asked.

"It was good. I bought a bunch of new clothes. And then we went to this little Italian restaurant for dinner." Brianna typed as she ate. "Well, I ate dinner. Rosalie and Alice didn't eat anything."

"Sounds like you had fun." Scott said. "What kind of clothes did you get?"

"Hoodies, sweaters, and leggings. Same stuff that I always wear." Brianna typed. "Although, Alice did make me get stuff that I probably will never wear."

"Like what?" Scott asked.

"Like dresses, blouses and skirts, and heels." Brianna typed. "You know I've never been into that stuff."

"I know." Scott said. "But for what it's worth, you would look nice in a dress."

"Thanks Dad." Brianna typed.

"Is that one of the new outfits you bought?" Scott said, pointing to her clothes.

"Yeah." Brianna typed. She was wearing a pink sweater with flowers on it, black leggings, and pink converses.

"How was your first week of school?" Scott asked.

"It's going great so far." Brianna typed. "All of my teachers have been very patient whenever I answer a question."

"That's good to hear." Scott said.

Brianna thought about the students. Other than the Cullens, most of the other students were still giving her a hard time on the fact that she didn't talk. She tried to not let it get to her, but it got annoying.

"Dad, do you think it's weird that I don't talk when there's nothing wrong with me?" Brianna asked. She knew what her father would say, but she asked him anyway.

"Of course not." Scott said.

"Why didn't you ever make me talk?" Brianna asked.

"Brianna, I know how hard it was for you to lose your mother and to see her like that." Scott said. "I didn't want to push you or force you to do anything." Brianna nodded. "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Scott asked.

"Some of the kids at school have been giving me a hard time about it." Brianna typed.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Scott said.

"The Cullens are nice though. They're very helpful." Brianna typed. "I have at least one of them in all my classes and they're all willing to help and read my answers for me."

"Well, that's good." Scott said.

"How's work going so far?" Brianna asked.

"It's going good." Scott replied. "Definitely not as busy as what I'm used to."

"I'm sure." Brianna wrote. "Not a lot going on in a small town like this."

"Yeah." Scott said. "I actually have to go in today. Are you going to be ok here alone?"

"Dad, I'm 17. I'll be fine." Brianna typed. "I was actually thinking of looking around the town today."

"Ok." Scott said as he stood up and put his plate in the sink. "Bye Bri."

"Bye Dad." Brianna typed. Her father grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.

When Brianna finished eating, she cleaned up breakfast. Afterwards, she put her hair up, grabbed one of the house keys, and walked outside. She locked the house before going over to her bike. Her dad had bought it for her the other day, so she could get back and forth to school. Brianna didn't have a driver's license. She had never really been into driving. She didn't really have a need for it. Back in Phily, her father would always be happy to drive her to school and then she would ride the bus home. Here, she didn't really need to drive because it was such a small town. Brianna got on her bike and started pedaling. She rode on the sidewalk, looking at the other houses in her neighborhood. She got to where the stores were and looked around. As she was pedaling, she heard someone call her name.

"Brianna." Someone said. Brianna came to a stop and turned around, seeing Dr. Cullen. "Hi." He said as he came up to her. Brianna waved to him. "How are you?" Carlisle asked. Brianna just stood there. She didn't have her tablet with her, so she couldn't answer him. "Oh here. Let me see if I can find you something to write on." Carlisle said. He walked into a store and a moment later, came out with a piece of paper and a pen. He handed them to her.

"I'm doing good." Brianna wrote.

"How's your arm?" Carlisle asked.

"It's getting better." Brianna wrote.

"Good." Carlisle said. "What are you doing today?"

"I figured I would explore the town a little bit." Brianna wrote.

"If you want, I could show you around." Carlisle said.

"I'd like that." Brianna wrote.

"Great." Carlisle said, smiling at her. When Brianna looked at him, she noticed something that she didn't when she first met him. He had rock hard, almost marble like skin and his eyes were golden. They were like an amber brown. She remembered that his kids had similar features. She thought it was odd, but didn't say anything. "I can walk your bike for you, so you can write." Carlisle said.

"Thank you." Brianna wrote. Their hands touched when Carlisle put his hand on the bike. Brianna flinched and pulled it away quickly. His hand was so cold.

"I'm sorry." Carlisle said.

"It's ok." Brianna wrote. They started walking. Carlisle showed her around the town.

After a few minutes,  they came to a small cafe. "Do you want to stop here and get a drink?" Carlisle asked.

"Sure." Brianna wrote. Carlisle put Brianna's bike in a bike rack and they sat at a table. She wrote her order down and started to take some money out of her pocket. Carlisle stopped her.

"I can get it for you." Carlisle said. "And I can pay for it."

"I'm perfectly capable of ordering my own drink." Brianna wrote.

"I'm sure you are." Carlisle said. "But I want to."

"Ok." Brianna wrote. She showed him what she wanted. Carlisle nodded and walked into the cafe.

A few minutes later, he came out with Brianna's mocha latte. "Here you go." Carlisle said as he sat down.

"I can't let you pay for my drink." Brianna wrote, giving him her money. "Let me pay you back."

"Don't worry about." Carlisle said, refusing her money. "It's not a big deal."

"Are you sure?" Brianna asked.

"Yes." Carlisle said. "It's on me."

"Thank you." Brianna wrote.

"You're welcome." Carlisle said. Brianna noticed that Carlisle didn't have a drink.

"You didn't get anything?" She asked.

"No. I'm good." Carlisle said. Brianna nodded. "So, my kids said that you and your father moved here from Pennsylvania."

"Yeah." Brianna wrote.

"Where did you guys live in Pennsylvania?" Carlisle asked.

"Philadelphia." Brianna answered.

"So, I'm guessing being in a small town like this is very different coming from a big city." Carlisle said.

"Yeah." Brianna wrote. "But, I like it. It's nice and quiet."

"What does your father do?" Carlisle asked.

"He works at the police station." Brianna answered. "Back in Philly, he was the head of police."

"Ahh ok." Carlisle said.

"Where did you and your family move from?" Brianna asked.

"Alaska." Carlisle replied.

"Why did you guys move here?" Brianna asked.

"I got an offer to be the head surgeon at the hospital." Carlisle said. "My sister likes small towns, so I took the offer." Brianna nodded. She noticed a sign that said, "La Push."

"What's that?" She asked.

"Oh that's La Push." Carlisle said. "It's another part of the town."

"What's over there?" Brianna asked.

"A reservation that belongs to Quileute tribe." Carlisle explained. "I wouldn't be able to tell you much about it. I haven't been on that side of town." Brianna nodded. She finished the last of her drink and threw it away.

"Thank you again for the drink." Brianna wrote. "And thank you for showing me around."

"You're welcome." Carlisle said. "I'll see you around, Brianna."

"See you around, Dr. Cullen." Brianna wrote.

"Please, call me Carlisle." Carlisle said.

"Ok." Brianna wrote. She grabbed her bike and headed home.

As she rode up to the house, she saw that her father was home. She brought her bike into the garage and walked inside. She found her father in the living room. "Hey Bri." He greeted her. Brianna grabbed her tablet and sat on the couch.

"Hi Daddy." She typed.

"How was exploring the town?" Scott asked.

"It was good." Brianna typed. "I ran into Dr. Cullen and he showed me around."

"Who's he?" Scott asked.

"He's the Cullens adoptive father and he's the doctor that treated my sprained arm." Brianna typed.

"Well, that was nice of him to show you around." Scott said.

"Yeah." Brianna typed. "How was work?"

"Nothing interesting." Scott replied. "Just worked on some paperwork." Brianna nodded.

"I'm going to go up to my room and work on homework." She typed.

"Okay sweetie." Brianna headed up to her room. She sat at her desk and took her books out to work on homework.

A little bit later, Brianna was still working on homework, when she got a text. She looked at it and saw that Rosalie had texted her asking if she wanted to have a sleepover with her and Alice. She replied back and went to ask her father. She typed something on her tablet and showed it to her father. "Rosalie asked me if I wanted to have a sleepover with her and Alice. Can I?"

"Sure baby." Scott said. "Do you need me to drive you?"

"Rosalie said they would pick me up." Brianna typed.

"Ok." Scott said. Brianna went back up to her room and started packing a bag. When she finished, she heard the doorbell ring. She looked out the window and saw it was Alice and Rosalie. She grabbed her bag and tablet and headed down the stairs. She saw that her Dad had answered the door. "Hello girls." Scott said.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Peters." Alice said.

"Dad, this is Alice and Rosalie." Brianna typed.

"So, you're the lovely girls I've heard so much about." Scott said. "It's wonderful to meet you both."

"It's nice to meet you too, sir." Rosalie said.

"Bye Dad." Brianna typed.

"Bye Bri." Scott said. "Have fun." Brianna followed Rosalie and Alice outside and got into Rosalie's car.

"We were going to pick up pizza and soda." Alice said to Brianna. "You good with that?" Brianna nodded. "Do you have any toppings preferences?" Alice asked.

"Cheese is fine with me." Brianna typed and showed it to Alice.

"Ok." Alice said.

Once they got the pizza, they headed to the Cullens house.

When they got there, Brianna grabbed her bag and followed them into the house. Just like the cars, she couldn't stop herself from gawking at how beautiful the house was.

"We're home." Rosalie said. Brianna saw a woman with caramel colored hair come into the hall.

"Hey girls." The woman said.

"Hi Esme." Rosalie said.

"This is our friend, Brianna." Alice said. "Brianna, this is Esme, Carlisle's sister. She's kind of like a mother figure to us."

"It's nice to meet you, Brianna." Esme said.

"You too, Ms. Cullen." Brianna typed.

"Call me Esme, dear." Esme said. Brianna nodded.

"Hello again, Brianna." Carlisle said as he walked into the hall.

"Hello Carlisle." Brianna typed.

"Come on. We can go into the living room." Rosalie said. Brianna followed them into the living room.

A little bit later, they were all watching a movie. "Brianna, could I do your nails and makeup?" Alice asked.

"I don't know." Brianna typed. "That's not really not my thing."

"Please." Alice said. "I won't go overboard."

Rosalie chuckled. "Yeah. Like that's possible." She said. Alice glared at Rosalie.

"I promise I won't go overboard." Alice said. Brianna nodded her head. "Great." Alice said, excitedly. "I'll go get my stuff." She walked out of the room and moment later came back in with a makeup kit. She sat in front of Brianna.

"There." Alice said, a few minutes later. "Done." She handed Brianna a mirror. Brianna was surprised, when she looked in the mirror. It looked like she didn't have much makeup on and she looked good with makeup on. "Do you like it?" Alice asked.

"I do." Brianna typed. "Thanks Alice."

"You're welcome." Alice said. They continued to watch the movie for the rest of the night.

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