You Are My Alpha I Am Your Om...

By AmariannaRose

41.7K 888 36

Rieka is a girl who was born to a Furyan male and elemental female who meets the most dangerous Furyan of all... More

๐Ÿ’ฅCrash And Burn๐Ÿ”ฅ
Is That Even Possible!?!๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ
โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒ•๐ŸŒ‘Total Eclipse Of My Soul๐Ÿ‘ป
A Fighting Chance ๐Ÿคœ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿค›๐Ÿผ
๐ŸฆThe Lion And The Mouse๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ
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๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’จRun Run As Fast As You Can You Can't Catch Me I'm A Furyan Man
A New Cage They Put Me In New Chains That Bindโ›“๏ธ๐Ÿ”—
Wanna See Your Future!?!๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ‘€
Taming The Wild๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿบ
๐Ÿ—๐ŸŠ๐Ÿฆฌ๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿฆ–It's An Animal Thing๐Ÿป๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿฆˆ
All Hail New Lord Marshal๐Ÿ‘‘.... He's Smokin Hot๐Ÿ”ฅ
Will You Be My Buddy!?!๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ‘ฅ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿพ
Not Gonna Cut Itโœ‚๏ธ๐Ÿ”ช

Are you Friend ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐ŸปOr Foe๐Ÿ˜ˆ!?!

1.8K 40 4
By AmariannaRose

Riddick felt Johns hang him in his favorite "caught by mercs" way.... kneeling with chains cuffed to his wrists and ankles.... he opened his eyes just a little bit and saw Rieka sitting on the table behinds Johns who was sitting in front of him calling out his name "Riddick Riddick?"  then he felt Johns punch him in the jaw "Johns? we beating men in chains now?"  one of Johns' men named Moss asks "cause that's what real men do right Johns!?!"  Rieka asks sarcastically Johns looks at her then back at Riddick who was also staring at her but unlike Johns Riddick's eyes never left hers "okay, from the beginning for the historical record.... The Hunter Gratzner that's the commercial vessel my son uses to transport you back to the slammer but that ship sends a distress call somewhere near M-344/G it's a backwater system, with two suns, one habitable planet does he survive the crash?"  Johns asks Riddick "big drama the next few hours but whatever happens, no matter what they tell you, don't let 'em take these chains off me"  Riddick replies and he sees the worry in Rieka's eyes "them? who's "them"? who are you talking.... do you know who you're talking to here?"  Johns asks Riddick looks over at Santana who says "that was for me?"  Johns looks over at Santana Riddick once again looks at Rieka and sees relief in her eyes she must have thought he was speaking of the Necros for that was what they were being called when they were at the prison together he looks back over at Santana and says "when the chains come off...."  Johns stands up and says "Jesus Christ"  Riddick says to Santana "Box Boy, you go in the first five seconds"  Santana asks bouncing the sword in his hand up and down "really? and you plan on killing me with what, your mouth?"  Riddick replies "that shiny blade"  Santana says "I'd love to see you try"  Rieka chuckles softly knowing full well that Riddick doesn't have to "try" he ALWAYS keeps his word ESPECIALLY when it comes to promises like that "for the historical record, he made it"  Riddick tells Johns who walks back over sits back down and asks "so it's just you and him?"  Riddick replies looking from Johns back to Rieka and says "was, uh, about the same number you see here in this room.... if it was just me and him I never would have met her!"  he nods over at Rieka Johns looks over at her then back at Riddick and asks "so how many made it off?"  Riddick replies "four"  Johns asks "but not him?"  Riddick replies "no"  Johns asks "so between the time of the crash and the time you leave that planet, my son dies and I can safely assume it's at your hands is that right?"  he shoots back up out of his stool and shouts "I'm wasting my fucking time here!"  Riddick asks "you grant any last wishes?"  he looks over at Dahl and says "I was referring to you"  Rieka rolls her eyes at him as Dahl replies "not that the chains aren't a hot look, but no I'm not gonna straddle you in front of all these guys"  Riddick says "what if I killed all of 'em first?"  Dahl replies "easy, boy there's a lot more tranq where that came from"  Rieka mutters under her breath "oh goodie something else for me to destroy!"  as Riddick says as his eyes meet Rieka's once more and she starts playing with the little glass bottle of sand in her hands making it rise out of it swirl in a circle then fall back into the bottle "tell me what you see outside that window, Dahl"  Dahl gets up walks over to the window behind Riddick sighs then says "Cyclops unit, two ships, couple dead guys in plastic"  then she turns her body so she can look at Riddick who asks as he looks at her "and you don't see anything else?"  Dahl replies "nothing else"  Riddick says as Dahl walks away from the window "let me know when you do love those toenails, by the way"  Dahl stops walking looks at him and replies with a smile "yeah?"  her smile drops then she says "Predator Pink"  and walks away "matches your nipples"  Riddick tells her she stops walking once again and looks at him "why are we even listening to this big fuckstick? can we just detach his head, please?"  Santana asks Rieka's little swirl of sand turns into a tiny angry tornado but stays over the glass bottle "here's what's gonna happen the next 60 seconds, you're gonna watch your own head drop into that box nothing, nothing is gonna keep you from that special place in hell"  Johns says softly as he stands over Riddick who looks up at him "maybe in the last minute of your life, you want to be something more"  Johns says then he shouts "than a goddamn savage! gimme some fucking answers! please!"  Riddick lowers his head and looks at Rieka who had stopped playing with her bottle of sand "is there anything you'd like to add on the subject I just raised?"  Johns says softly just then they hear the rain fall upon the roof of the building Riddick looks up at the skylight above him then at Johns and says "time's up"  Johns nods and says with tears streaming down his face "time is up he's all yours"  he walks away from Riddick Santana stares at Riddick and chuckles then orders "hold him down"  he lowers his head box closer to Riddick "I wouldn't do that if I were you!"  Rieka whispers quietly as the "jamoke" named Diaz pushes Riddick down so that his head was now over the box Santana says something in spanish then raises his blade Dahl.... who seemed to take a liking to Riddick quite quickly for a lesbian woman.... starts to walk over and quite possibly try to stop him when they hear the Cyclops go off then she switches course and goes to check and see what made it go off one of Santana's crew named Vargas says as he follows her "more dingo-dongos maybe"  Santana looks around then whispers as he walks away from Riddick "fuck it"  one of Johns men named Lockspur walks over to Riddick and says "I know what's coming called to find you the serpents...."  then he storms away..... once everyone was outside.... even Johns who seemed reluctant to leave Riddick.... Rieka walks over and straddles herself onto Riddick's lap which makes him chuckle "what!?!.... you have to make up for once again flirting with another woman!"  she tells him with a playfully alluring tone as she wipes the blood off his head with her thumb "and just how am I....!?!"  Riddick starts then he moans as she kisses his neck in a soft sensual way her lips touch his skin so softly that if his body wasn't so sensitive to her touch he'd never feel it then nudges her nose up against his mandible bone just as softly as she kisses him and he growls lowly because he has no way of answering her in the position they are in which truly is torture for him for she doesn't stop "like I said, it ain't me you gotta worry about"  Riddick says to the mercs who weren't even in the room and he feels Rieka chuckle softly from her spot along his neck which makes him smile then he feels her lightly nip at his neck and he jumps back just a little and says "hey!"  she looks up at him and laughs he takes advantage of her new position and kisses her lips "you were worried about me!"  he coos tilting his head slightly as he looks into her eyes "I was not!.... I was worried about Johns!"  she replies he laughs for she almost said it in the same way she did before but unlike on their first planet together with their first Johns she was being ignored here which he found quite surprising seeing that they were surrounded by a group of horny men..... and one woman....

Rieka slid off of Riddick's lap.... and fixed his clothes for she had done more than just kiss him while the others were outside.... as the mercs return indoors "what is it? what's out there?"  Luna asks "I don't know"  Moss replies softly "fucked up or something out there"  Diaz says "it ain't right it's coming our way"  Moss says as Lockspur starts shooting at something outside everyone but Riddick and Rieka turn at the sound "whatever they are, they ain't so hard to kill"  Lockspur says after he backs away from the window and reloads then he gets stabbed through the wall by one of the creatures outside the claw like tail spins him so that he now faces the one who is going to kill him from the same window he shot at and tosses him back and forth along the checkered bars as though he were a yo-yo Luna looks away and his eyes meet Rieka's for the first time and something within them calmed him the other mercs line up then shoot the creature that killed their buddy and the creature either backs away or falls dead everyone stops shooting except for Moss who drops one gun and picks up another and shoots again until he has to reload then glass from the skylight above him shatters and falls down upon him and he gets grabbed by either the same or another one of the Mud Demons tails "what the fuck?"  Dahl says through her teeth as the walls of the building start to shake Johns walks over and looks up at the now empty hole in the ceiling then he and the other mercs walk around close and lock all the shutters surrounding the windows "fuck!"  Johns whispers when he hears one of the creatures shriek "no more holes, please"  Santana says softly as he places his hand on Diaz's as he started to raise his gun "I do believe that's the smartest thing he's said since he's been here!"  Rieka whispers Johns and Riddick chuckle just then the roof bends as a Mud Demon jumps on it Rieka rushes over and stands at Riddick's side with her hand reaching for his but not touching it Riddick starts hitting the cuffs of his chains against the bars they were attached to rhythmically and chuckles menacingly as he does so he knew what how Rieka reacted meant he knew she wasn't scared but he also knew that he needed to get her out of the building and he knew that she wouldn't leave it without him next to her nor would she uncuff him herself since they ALLOWED Johns to take him once he got the merc groups attention he starts laughing then says "now here's what's gonna happen in 60 seconds you're gonna take these chains off me we're gonna make a play for those nodes and get off this rock but somewhere along the line, when it gets really bad, Johns is gonna fold just like Little Johns did then when it's all over and the rest of you are ready for Dead Animal Pickup, I'm gonna go balls deep into Dahl but only because she asked me to sweet-like"  Vargas asks "what does he mean, "when things go bad"?"  then he screams "what? this doesn't qualify as bad?"  Rieka shrugs and replies "I've been through worse!"  Vargas looks at her and makes a face "what the fuck is happening? how fucked are we?"  Dahl asks "depends.... how deep do you like it!?!"  Rieka replies Riddick laughs as Dahl looks over at her and scowls "who knows how long it will rain? or just how many of them are buried out there?"  Riddick answers sliding his fingers down Rieka's arm softly making her body quiver excitedly "he saw it he saw it with those eyes of his and he didn't tell us what"  Vargas says then he jumps as the metal roof creaks as one.... or more.... of the Mud Demons walk along it  "one ship for you, one for me I need to know that these nodes are retrievable and I need to know we have a deal"  Johns says as he kneels before Riddick "yes because a deal with the devil is always good for your soul!"  Rieka teases Riddick chuckles  "we got a deal"  Johns says then he starts to unlock Riddick's chains but Santana places the blade of his sword on Johns shoulder and says "the chains stay on"  Rieka points a gun to Santana's temple and says "lets see what's faster my bullet or your blade!"  then she swings her leg up, grips his head with it and pushes him to the ground as she grips the sword out of his hand and takes it from him then says as she looks down at him "be grateful I didn't snap it!.... one thing you'll learn just like Johns son did "Box Boy" is that you're all going to need him so I would suggest you put your "job" aside and worry about it IF you make it out of here alive! one things for sure you never would without his help there's too much air in that head of yours to think with your minuscule brain!"  Santana growls as he stands up then his face meets her fist knocking him down again "not bad for a half breed huh!?!"  she asks Riddick looks up at her and sees the sand that was in her bottle travel from her knuckles back down into the glass bottle hooked to her hip "what are you!?!"  Johns asks softly for he had watched the sand turn to rock as soon as it connected to her fist "half Furyan half Elemental..... the only one of my kind and you should be grateful for that!"  she replies "hey Rid!.... catch!"  Rieka says as she tosses the sword over to him it lands with the blade laying sideways on his foot he balances it on his foot for a bit and once Santana stands up again he kicks it so that it goes flying then slices Santana's head in half as it cuts right through the mouth and into the pantry behind him "oh!"  Vargas exclaims Riddick then kicks the head box over and half of Santana's head falls into it "holy shit"  Luna says "yeah"  Diaz replies continuously nodding then he says "let's cut him loose"  Dahl adds with a surprised tone as Rieka takes the key to the chains from Johns and unlocks Riddick's cuffs "that was five seconds"  Riddick looks at her and says "I like to be a man of my word"  then he looks at Johns and adds "how about you, Johns?"..... Rieka walks out of the building with Riddick the biggest surprise was that they weren't sent out first Johns and what was left of the two teams of mercs went out guns blazin Riddick puts his goggles on his head but not over his eyes then he takes Rieka's hand and they walk out into the rain together he watches as she looks up at the sky with her eyes closed and stops walking for this was the first time he has seen her look so serene in years and he wanted to enjoy it while he could "for he shall give his angels charge over me, keep me in all his grace as long as I live"  Luna prays as the door to the ship slowly starts to open "I have a feeling Imam would've liked him"  Rieka says softly as she looks over at the young man Riddick chuckles as Vargas orders "shut the noise, Luna"  Luna says "you know, I think the angels are here protecting me and if they're here, watchin' over me, maybe they'll deliver us all from this crazy, evil place"  Rieka replies half joking "don't jinx yourself kid!"  Luna looks over at her and smiles Vargas starts walking into the ship and finds a really large leech attached to his leg "where the hell did that... Jesus Christ!"  then he shouts as Diaz lifts his gun and points it at the creature "no, no, no! what the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bastard? you could have killed me!"  Rieka replies "and the world would have been a little bit more peaceful if he did!"  Vargas narrows his eyes at her then he falls backwards into the ground "took awhile for the poison to take affect.... man they really are thick headed aren't they!?!"  Rieka whispers Riddick chuckles "Vargas, get up Vargas, get up come on, let's go Vargas, come on, man walk it off let's go it's just a little one"  Diaz says as Vargas lays on the ground gasping for air "small ones are the worst they save the most venom and kid, leave God out of this he wants no part of what happens next"  Riddick replies as Vargas takes his last breath then he walks into the ship with Rieka at his side straight over to the Jet Hog.... "I forgot to mention, there's no weapons for you you think you can ride one of these things?"  Johns asks Riddick who sits on a Jet Hog with Rieka sitting in front of him she could have rode one of her own but he wanted her close "I'll ride it like I stole it"  Riddick replies then he hits the gas and drives off the ship....

Rieka takes over the controls as Riddick stands up and places his hands on her shoulders so he could see what was in front of them "Rid sit down!"  Rieka says he looks down at her as she grips his pant leg and he sits down then he sees what she sensed and says "hold on!"  she leans back and presses her body up against his as he flips the hog and they go flying in a circle the creatures they spotted burn to ash as the power source of the hog flies close to their faces and sends flames their way "I had forgotten you could do that!"  he says into her ear she smiles a few miles down they come to a cliff and instead of turning the jump straight off it he grips her hip and pulls her up with him as they jump and they lay flat in the air his hand on the hand grip hers on the seat then they move together in sync as they sit back down once they get closer to the ground below he turns the hog and it sputters just a little Rieka turns when she hears something crash behind them and says softly "Rid!?!"  he sighs then turns the hog again and heads in the direction she looked.... Riddick finds Johns not even a half a mile from where they were he stops the hog and watches the man shoot at the rocks around him he lets out a low whistle and Johns spins around then stares at them then shouts as he walks over to them "you asshole motherfucker! just sittin' there watchin'!"  Riddick replies "would have covered you, but you said, "no weapons".."  then he pats the spot behind him and asks "how bad you want those nodes, Johns?"  Johns stares at them for a bit then climbs on and Riddick drives off again.... "I don't suppose you took the time to do this for him, huh?"  Johns asks Riddick as he watches him and Rieka dig out the nodes "this may come as a shock to you, Johns, but I didn't ghost your son he seemed set on killin' himself"  Riddick replies "what the fuck does that mean?"  Johns asks "morphine your son liked his morphine liked it twice a day didn't know your son was a junkie? Johns was like most mercs they look all stand-up and do-right until you cut them open and you find something missing in his case, a spine"  Riddick replies "I don't have to listen to this shit! that's not the man I knew"  Johns says "then you didn't know your son he wanted to kill a kid to save his own skin I had a problem with that"  Riddick replies "you expect me to believe my son was gonna kill a child to save his own life?"  Johns asks "morphine makes the brain soft heart weak"  Riddick replies "I don't fuckin' buy it! I just can't believe that my son's the bad guy in this fuckin' demented fairy tale of yours"  Johns says "no reason to lie now Johns either one of us"  Riddick replies as Rieka hands him one of the nodes and he sets it down at Johns feet along with the other one that he picked up himself as Diaz walks over and stands next to Johns Diaz throws his arm and hits Johns in the face Rieka stands up and she and Riddick rush over and fight the true traitor Riddick pushes Rieka away as Diaz grips his arm and pulls it back then says "thanks for startin' the killing spree for me, Riddick but I'll take it from here"  then he lifts Riddick in the air by his wrists Riddick groans in pain pushes the pain back as he starts to lift his arms to his sides then kicks Diaz in the chest pushing him backwards and himself forwards separating them and he rushes towards the hole where he buried the nodes and pulls out a sword that was buried with them he stands up just in time to see a part of the rock formation above them fall on Diaz's head unfortunately Diaz had his finger on the trigger of the gun he picked up and as the merc fell his finger pressed up against the trigger shooting anything in it's path including one of the Jet Hogs Riddick looks over at Rieka as she says rubbing the back of her head "that's the second time you did that to me!.... and he deserved that!"  he chuckles softly then he hears Johns say from behind him "so that blade you buried was meant for me?"  Riddick replies "anyone who deserved it, really"  Johns says as he starts to pick up the nodes "we've got a problem, Riddick, because I've got two nodes here we've got one hog and I sure as shit am not ridin' bitch with you again"  Riddick replies "one hog? you sure about that, Johns?"  Johns walks over to the hog that didn't get shot at and checks it over and as he does that Riddick walks over to Rieka and checks her out.... making sure she wasn't bleeding or had a concussion.... "he pulled the goddamn turbine pin!"  Johns says "you just figured that out? Diaz was gonna take the nodes for himself and ghost me he was gonna leave you out here alone"  Riddick replies looking over at him "so what now?"  Johns asks Riddick walks over to him picks up one of the nodes and replies "now we switch to our ground game let's see if that lack of spine runs in the family"  he looks over at Rieka and asks "you comin!?!"  she smiles at him which tells him that she was and his body sighs in relief if he had to leave her here he would kill anyone and anything out of spite and anger for it is her that keeps him calm while not making the animal completely leave him the three of them head off Johns carrying the other node Rieka warns the two men when she senses the Mud Demons nearby then Riddick fights the ones he sees in half using his sword and Johns shoots the ones Rieka points out are closest to him or that he can see himself with his weak human eyes "I never thought I'd see the day when we actually work WITH a Johns and not against him!"  Rieka teases softly Riddick chuckles then replies "I know right!?!"  she looks down and sees a piece of the Mud Demons claw in his chest and says softly with a worried tone "Rid!?!"  Riddick looks down and grips it "no! don't take it out!.... let me see of I....!"  she says softly Johns turns and sees Rieka stare intently at Riddick's chest as he holds onto something that was not supposed to be there "it's going to take a little longer cause I have to work against the poison but I should....!"  Rieka says as she takes the node out of Riddick's backpack then maneuvers him so that he lays on the ground as Johns throws a smoke signal type of bomb/flare onto the ground and it explodes as one of the creatures steps on it he watches in awe as Rieka uses the rain to not only heal the wound but remove the poison Rieka hands him Riddick's node and says "you don't have too far to go from here you should be alright"  he starts to take it but she pulls it back then says "I'm trusting you Johns do not break that trust!"  Johns nods she hands the node to him and he jogs away

mandible bone: according to Wikipedia: the mandible, lower jaw or jawbone is the largest, strongest and lowest bone in the human face it forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place the mandible sits beneath the maxilla it is the only movable bone of the skull [discounting the of the middle ear]

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