Hunted | jjk ✔️

Bởi Taehyungdeprived

21K 748 57

There's a conspiracy theory that werewolves actually exist but they're a government experiment gone wrong. P... Xem Thêm

1. Run, Run, Run
2. I'm A Wolf
3. Thank You Alpha
5. The Third Beta
6. Mysterious Figure
7. What's This
8. First Kiss
9. Break In
10. Where Is She
11. Where Am I
12. We Need Your Help
13. Lets Go Get Your Girl
14. You're Back
15. New Home
16. Dinner Table
17. Wanted Werewolves
18. I like This Pack House
Check in
19. What Are We
20. Not Again
21. The Beginning
22. To The Death
23. No Way In Hell
24. What do You Want
25. Become The Mole
26. A Shocking Discovery
27. Russian Roulette
28. Its A Plan
29. The Escape
30. The Fight For Life
31. Run To Live, Stay And Die
32. Is This It
33. What We Are
34. Finally Free
35. I Love You

4. Runaway Wolf

1K 34 3
Bởi Taehyungdeprived

A couple of hours passed by and before you knew it you were in bed laying down. It's officially the first night that you spent at this pack house and so far you enjoyed it.

Or so you thought.

"How are we suppose to trust her!?" You heard the voice you remembered as Yoongi's voice.

Clearly the boys thought that you were asleep but they were wrong. You were using your good hearing to your advantage.

"She doesn't have anyone!" You heard Jungkook whisper yell.

"I don't care, what if she's working for the government?" Yoongi argued back.

"Did you see how terrified she was the night we captured her thinking she was the government? She's most definitely not with them!" You heard Jungkooks voice get a little louder each word.

"What if she was followed? Huh! What if this is all a set up? We will die because of her all because you think she's what, pretty?!" Yoongi was by now yelling at Jungkook as he put emphasis on the word 'will.' "You might be our alpha but you're young and you still don't know how to make radical decisions!" Yoongi added.

You heard a loud bang and you could only assume either Jungkook or Yoongi punched a wall out of frustration, your bets were going on Jungkook.

"She needs to leave, your lucky I don't go up there and drag her out myself." Yoongi spat in a soft voice before you heard both him and Jungkook come upstairs to go to their rooms.

You were still laying in bed on your stomach with your right arm under your pillow which was supporting your head as your other arm held your blanket tight to your body. Slowly hot tears streamed down your face.

You weren't wanted in this pack house and you already knew Jungkook would tell you to leave tomorrow.

As tears streamed down your face you waited until the house was completely silent before you softly got up and started grabbing your things.

You knew that if you were in your wolf form your bag would be way to heavy for you to carry so you decided to only bring back the important things.

You packed a hoodie and some pants into your bag, you packed one pair of shoes and two sets of undergarments. You neatly folded the hoodie Jimin gave you onto your bed and you sacrificed your favorite comfort blanket that smelt like your cabin.

You grabbed your bag and softly opened your door. You tiptoed downstairs into the living room area. You looked over to the coffee table that was in front of the couch and got lucky enough to find a notebook. You went up to the table and grabbed the red notebook and ripped a page out of it, grabbing a black gel pen that was set next to the notebook and you started writing.

Dear Alpha and pack members,

I Omega, lone wolf Y/N am sincerely sorry for bringing such a burden on you guys. I never thought about the Betas feelings or the Deltas or the Hunters feelings, I only thought about my own. Thank you for giving me a place to stay for the day. It was a lovely experience.

Good luck with everything, best of wishes, Y/N

You finished writing your letter as a tear drop landed on it without you noticing. You wiped your face and left the note on top of the notebook, hoping that someone would see it.

You quietly opened the back door of the house and walked outside to be greeted by the cold, harsh weather of the forest. It had just started down pouring, instantly making you and your belongings soaked.

You took off all the clothes you were wearing, leaving your undergarments on.

Werewolves have higher body heat so nothing should happen, right?

You ran forward, jumping into the air as you quickly shifted to a beautiful white wolf with ocean blue eyes. Instantly your fur got soaked in the cold rain.

You turned around and grabbed your bag into your mouth. You backed away and looked at the big house one last time before you turned around and started running.


"Boys!" Jin yelled bright and early, causing some of the boys to wake up from their slumber. Three out of six boys came downstairs to Jin yelling.

"Where's Yoongi, Jungkook and Joon?" He asked Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung who looked dead to the world, given they were just woken up.

"They're sleeping." Jimin said, his voice sleepy as he answered Jins, rather loud question.

"One of you go get them!" Jin said to the three youngers as they groaned at what he said. "Don't give me an attitude Tae!" He yelled to the curly haired boy who went upstairs to get the remaining three boys.

Soon Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon came downstairs, hair messy and eyes half closed.

Jungkook forced his eyes opened and looked around. "Where's Y/N?" He asked Jin who was turned around.

"She left.." Jins voice trailed off as he noticed the letter sitting on top of the notebook that was on the table. He grabbed it and started reading the letter.

"You did this didn't you!" Jungkook said as he got into Yoongis face, instantly waking up.

"I did this? We went to sleep at the same time!" Yoongi yelled back, instantly waking up as well.

The boys knew that if Jungkooks and Yoongis quarrel went on any longer it would not be pretty.

Jimin and Taehyung grabbed ahold of their alpha, holding him back as Namjoon and Hoseok pulled back Yoongi.

"I don't know why you're blaming each other, it was the both of you!" Jin scolded.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook said as his tense body forced itself to somewhat relaxed.

"Read the letter, there's a dried tear stain on it, whatever you fools were saying last night she obviously heard it! I know I did!" Jin, once again, scolded his alpha and fellow pack member. "And may I remind you that it was freezing last night and it was pouring, poor girl is probably dead by now.." Jins voice trailed off as he said the last part, going into the kitchen that was connected to the living room.

Jungkook heard what Jin had said under his breath and it enraged him. He didn't know why but somewhere in his heart he felt a little jab of pain thinking about the thought of you being dead.

Jungkook clenched his fist and took a deep breath and calmed his body. "We're both going to apologize to her." He said to Yoongi, jabbing a finger at his chest.

Each man turned around toward the kitchen as they heard their eldest member, Jin gasp in fear.

Jin ran outside as the others followed him.

"Hyung what happened!?" Jimin asked as they all ran outside.

They quickly followed their gaze to where Jin was looking. And there your clothing was, soaked, sticking to the cold, grassy ground.

"We need to find her now!" Jin said worried for your health.

Jin was quite trained in the medical field since he was forced to become a human doctor before he broke out of his government facility. During his time their he would sneak off and learn about wolves and their health so he knew that it was possible for wolves to get sick. If a wolf were to get sick they have a very high chance of dying. Jin was praying that they wouldn't find you dead along the forest somewhere.

The boys looked hesitant to shift to their wolf form, afraid Yoongi might scold them.

"This girl will die if we don't help her, that's if she's even alive, come one guys she's a wolf after all and she's been nothing but kind to us. Plus you two idiots need to apologize to her, so come on and shift now!" Jin practically pleaded to the six tall boys.

Jin then ran forward, jumping high into the air, transforming into a dark brown wolf with golden eyes.

The other boys soon followed pursuit. Jungkook shifting into a black wolf with blood red eyes, Yoongi shifting into a dark grey wolf with golden-yellowish eyes, Namjoon shifting into a brown wolf with golden eyes, Hoseok shifting into a wolf with black fur at the top and brown on his bottom half with his eyes as golden as they could be, Jimin shifting into a black, white and grey wolf with golden eyes, and lastly Taehyung, shifting into a beautiful Blackish-orangish wolf with golden eyes.

(Each wolf form, credit to whoever made the pic and sorry about half their heads getting cut off)

Soon the boys got into a formation and started running, following your sent as much as possible.

The boys followed your sent for as long as they could before your scent eventually faded away.

The boys were at a crossroad, should they split up and look for you? Or should they stay together? 

"Let's go to her cabin, chances are she's there." Jungkook mind linked to the others who slightly howled, understanding what he meant.

After some time running the boys soon found your cabin and they were relieved when they smelt your strong, but pleasant scent, especially Jungkook.

Soon each man shifted back to their human form, Thanking Hoseok who was the only one who remembered to bring a small bag with a pair of sweatpants and T-shirts for everyone, they just had to bear with being barefoot with only socks on.

Each man quickly threw on their clothes as they ran up your small porch.

"It's really quiet, I don't hear a thing." Taehyung said to Jungkook who looked worried.

"Y/N!" Jungkook yelled out loud, hoping you'd respond.


"Y/N it's us!" Jin said, shaking the door nob to see if it would grab your attention.

"Cold."  They heard you whisper. Your whisper was so quiet that it was almost inaudible, but thanks to their good hearing they all heard you loud and clear.

"She's sick, she needs our help.." Jin said, fear slightly laced in his words.

The boys let their alpha take charge and backed away as Jungkook took a few steps back. He took a small breath to calm his shaky nerves as he kicked open your cabin door.

Each man quickly walked in to find you in your small bedroom laying on your bed, shivering.

"She's cold to the touch." Jin said as he put the back of his hand on your forehead.

When werewolves got sick it was the complete opposite from a regular human. Instead of having a high temperature, werewolves would have such a low temperature that their body would become ice cold, which was dangerous for werewolves since they naturally have a high body temperature.

Jin kneeled down the side of your bed to be met with your face. "Y/N can you hear me?" He asked gently, observing your facial features to see if you made any type of response or movement.

You barely nodded your head but it was enough for Jin to know you were at least present.

The other boys looked scared for you. They've never experienced such health before and they couldn't imagine the pain you might've felt.

Yoongi felt extremely bad and couldn't help but blame himself for your current health.

Jungkook was nearly on the verge of tears as he felt guilty for what you heard last night which made you travel in the cold, harsh weather, causing you to get like this.

Jin walked over to his alpha and explained to him what was going on. "Thankfully shes not really bad, she will survive if she gets the proper body heat she needs."

"How do we do that?" Jungkook asked, confused to what Jin was talking about.

"She's too weak to be carried by one of us to go back to the house, and there's nothing in here that could provide her extra warmth so the only way to get her body heat up is to put her in front of a fire and pretty much hold her, since us wolves have such high body heat." Jin explained to Jungkook who was taking all of this information in. "That will take a long time but if I head back to the house I can grab my medical supplies and give her an injection that will instantly make her body heat rise."

"Alright, just incase anything happens I want the pack to travel with you, you guys are stronger in numbers." Jungkook explained to him in a strong, serious voice

"What about you?" Jin questioned, worried for his alpha being alone.

"I'm the alpha I'll be fine!" Jungkook smirked. "Now hurry and go now!" Jungkook demanded.

Soon Jin rounded everyone up and they quickly transformed into wolves, running back out into the forest towards their pack house.

Jungkook turned to you and looked at you with worry in his eyes. "Y/N?" He called out.

You let out a little whimper, telling him you heard him.

"I'm gonna carry you and bring you in front of your fire place, is that okay?" Jungkook asked you.

You shook your head yes and he wrapped a soft white blanket around you and lifted you up bridal style. He could feel the coolness of your skin through the blanket and that worried him. He could only pray that Jin makes it back in time.

He brought you out to the living room in front of the already lit fireplace thanks to Yoongi. He sat down and crossed his legs, sitting you on top of him.

You guys have known each other for almost two days yet there he was, holding you in his arms, his body heat, combined with the heat of the fire helped you feel better but you were still cold nonetheless.

Jungkook was worried, he felt so sorry for you. Because of his and Yoongis argument you were sick and he hated that.

Jungkook heard a faint sound coming closer to your cabin and he instantly tightened his grip on you. He focused his attention to the door, his eyes changing into a blood red color before a familiar scent filled his nose and he instantly let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

Soon the door opened and in came Jin, along with Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Were you able to get it?" Jungkook asked Jin who was holding a small medical bag.

"Yes, it's a syringe and I don't know if she's good with needles or not so for safety precautions can you hold her tight?" Jin asked softly so he wouldn't disturb your slumber.

Jungkook nodded his head and his grip on you tightened. Jin removed some of the blanket from you, causing you to shiver a bit. Jin wiped an alcohol wipe on your shoulder before he injected the syringe.

You let out an almost inaudible whimper from the sharp pain from the needle but almost instantly you started to feel better, you were slowly getting warmer and warmer.

You felt Jungkook pick you up and place you back on your bed. You were sleepy and your eyes were closed but you were still awake enough to know what was going on around you.

Jungkook placed a quick peck on your forehead, assuming you were asleep and left your room. When he closed the door to your room you couldn't help but softly smile from Jungkooks actions.


You slowly opened your eyes to be met by darkness once again so you could only assume it's now night time and you've slept the entire day away.

You stretched your arms and legs out before you got up out of bed and walked into the living room of your cabin.

"Thank god your awake!" Jungkook said as he was sat in your living room.

You gave him a smile, "where are the others?" You asked him.

"They left, Jin went to make us all dinner so we should get going!" Jungkook said excitingly grabbing your hand.

You pulled your hand back and Jungkook gave you a sad, confused look.

"I heard what you and Yoongi were talking about, I don't think I should go with you.." You said, your voice trailing off.

Jungkook stared into what seemed like your soul before he started speaking, "We're extremely sorry for everything, because of us you got deathly ill, Yoongi prepared you something for when you come back... please come back, I like having you there." He pleaded.

You took your time and thought out your answer, should you go back?

"Okay, but if I need to go please just tell me alpha." You said.

Jungkook gave you a smile, "Sorry but your stuck with us forever!" He chuckled. "Let's go I'm hungry!" He added.

You nodded to him as you felt your stomach growl.

"Will you be able to shift because I can carry you if you can't." Jungkook said.

"Don't worry alpha I can shift!" You said confidently.

And with that you two ran out the cabin, instantly shifting into your wolf and running back home.


"It seems like she's getting to know these wolves pretty good." Someone said.

Word count: 2919

I feel like this chapter was kinda bad and boring so I apologize if it was.

Please comment and vote, it'll mean a lot to me :)

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