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By walkingmasterpiece

462K 10.1K 2.4K

[book 1/2] Being a Malfoy was hard. Alivia Malfoy was constantly having to meet the standards her parents set... More

Main Characters
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Thank you!
Other Books
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 27

6.8K 170 27
By walkingmasterpiece

Wednesdays are normal. It's the middle of the week. Not excruciatingly painful like Mondays or relieving like Fridays. Wednesday is a normal day.

Or so it should be.

This particular Wednesday I found myself sitting in the Library during my free period, completing the homework we had just been given. I felt someone's presence next to me which caused me to look up.

A pair of hazel eyes stared back at me.

I sighed before looking back at my work. "Yes, James?" I asked boredly.

He beamed. "I was wondering if you knew who pulled that wonderful prank on us yesterday." He asked with a scrutinising smile.

"No I don't know. Now if you'll excuse me I have homework to complete." I started writing again before he interrupted me.

"Homework? Is that Potions? We just got our Potions homework!" He exclaimed. The few students in the library glared at and hushed him. The librarian gave him a warning look before continuing to stack books in the correct order.

"Yes James. I actually want to pass my NEWTs." I shook my head at him. How he became Head Boy I have no idea.

"That's ridiculous! Free periods are meant for relaxation!" James shouted out. Students glared at him once again, followed by hushes. The librarian kicked James out of the library. Honestly there needs to be some sort of spell to prevent him and Sirius from ever entering this library again.

I sat in Transfiguration listening to the professor speak. Professor McGonagall was going over Animagi. Narcissa sat next to me as we took notes. Once she finished explaining, McGonagall gave us an activity to do in class and and essay for homework.

I looked over across from to see James and Sirius fighting over a quill, Pettigrew laughing at them and Remus muttering under his breath. It was no doubt definitely not friendly words coming from his mouth.

James had his arm around Sirius and held him in a headlock. Sirius stretched his arm as far as he could to get the quill away from James. Pettigrew ducked as James swung an arm over his head in an attempt to get the quill.

Narcissa tapped my shoulder and I turned to her slightly startled. "Yes?" I questioned.

"You're staring at them. You should be working." She said with a hint of concern behind her baby blue eyes.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and smiled. "Oh yeah. I got a but distracted." My distraction coming in the form of James Potter.

"Are you okay? You've been acting quite odd lately." She asked.

"That's not a very nice thing to say." I joked but answered seriously when I saw the look she was giving me, "I'm fine. Trust me."

"Has this got to do with Potter? You've been staring off into space an awful lot and it always seems to be in the direction of them." She gestured towards the Marauders.

I shook my head. "Just a little stressed with all that's happening. Nothing to worry about." I forced a smile. I've always been good at doing that. Every prestigious pureblood family was. Most of the time even they bought the fake smiles and kind lies. This time was no different. Narcissa nodded her head slowly before continuing her work.

I went back to work and made sure to keep my gaze away from the handsome boy sitting across from me.

I climbed through the entrance to the Slytherin common room. I wanted to spend some time with my brother before going back to the Heads' common room.

I spotted Lucius sitting in front of the fireplace with Mulciber, Avery, Nott, Severus, and Regulus. All Death Eaters.

I walked up to them and they all looked up. I tried to ignore the was Mulciber looked me up and down like a piece of meat and the way Avery and Nott glared at me.

Lucius didn't seem to notice.

Lucius smiled, "Hello sister."

"Hello Lucius." I smiled at him, Severus, and Regulus and nodded to the rest.

"Go away Little Malfoy. We don't need someone who's too weak to be one of us." Avery sneered at me.

Lucius was about to say something but I interrupted him. "Excuse me for putting my education before murder." I whispered the last part angrily.

Avery got up and stood before me. I glared at him. Lucius stood up quickly and pushed Avery back into his seat.

"Leave my sister alone Avery. You'll regret it if you don't." Lucius glared at him before going up to his dorm. I followed him up knowing no one else would be in there. Mulciber, Avery, Nott, and Severus were his roommates and they were all currently sitting downstairs.

I walked in and closed the door after myself. Lucius sat on his bed.

"Lucius." I said.

"Livy," he sighed, "I want to keep you safe. Is there nothing you can do to convince Mother not force you to get the mark.?" He asked with a hint of desperation in his voice.

I shook my head slowly. "No Lucy. I've tried." My voice cracked. I hated seeing my brother break. He was always the stronger one. "You know I can't get the mark either."

"You'll be in even more danger if you run away!" He shouted and stood up. His face softened when he saw that I flinched at his sudden movement.

"I don't have choice Lucy." A few tears fell from my eyes. Upon noticing this Lucius wrapped his arms around me and let me cry into his chest.

"I'll do everything to protect. I promise." He whispered into my hair. He rubbed my back soothingly and let me cry.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

If there was one person who always had my back, it was Lucius. Even if he didn't show it sometimes, I knew he loved me. Just like I loved him.

He would protect me until his dying breath, even if I told him not to. I was thankful for that.

Even if we were soon going to be on opposite sides of the war, the love I hold for my brother will never waver, neither will his for me.


I hope you are all enjoying the story! I hope you like that it's a slow burn. I don't want to rush into James and Alivia's relationship. I want them to work their way into it.

School has been hectic and it only started two weeks ago. Art has been lovely though it's quite tough. I love it though.

Let me know what you guys think of my story and my writing. Please vote and comment!! It really helps!

– mysticpanda xx

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