Baby Gilbert (The Vampire Dia...

By AceQueen7

547K 9.7K 738

Rosanne Gilbert. A name everyone in Mystic Falls knows. She brights up everyone's world, she's cute, adorab... More



9.4K 203 6
By AceQueen7

Isabella's POV
I groaned awake to a car moving.
"Ughh what happened?" I asked myself sitting up from the seat.
"How are you awake?" A voice from the front called out.
I stayed silent not knowing these people who took me.
"Trevor, remember how I said I'll get us out of this mess? That's Rosanne Gilbert, the Gilbert's kid sister, She's the reincarnation of Isabella Salvatore, let's say her and the Originals had a huge history together before she died in 1918, Elijah would be pleased to know of her existence,"
'Uncle Eli thinks I'm dead? No wonder they never came back for me' I couldn't help but think as we continued driving somewhere.
"So, Rosanne Trevor here knocked you out pretty hard, how are you awake and the doppleganger isnt?" The woman from the front seat asked.
I stayed silent causing her to chuckle.
"Oh I get it stranger danger right? Okay so I'm Rose there now were no longer strangers right?" 
"I want Elna," I whispered giving her the innocent look.
She has no idea who I truly am and I plan to keep it that way.
"Oh you mean the Doppleganger? Well it shouldn't be long now, she'll eventually wake up,"
"Rose, dont get attached to the child,"
"I'm not what do you mean?"
"Your talking to her like you are,"
"Shes only a  child what do you expect?"
Trevor rolled his eyes as the car came to a stop. The two got out as I screamed when Trevor roughly pulled me out.
"TREVOR!" Rose shouted annoyed as she carried Elena.
"Shut up Rose!" He says holding me tight underneath his arm.
We walked to an abandoned building with nothing around us for miles. He opened the door and immediately threw me onto the couch. I chuckled.
"What's so damn funny kid?"
"Uncle Eli going to kill you, so I better watch what you do to me,"
"Excuse me?" He asks getting angry. "You know who your talking to?"
"Yeah to a dumbass,"
He growled as I yelped when he back handed me causing me to fall back into the couch.
"TREVOR WHAT THE HELL?! SHES A CHILD!" Rose shouted dragging Elena inside and throwing her on the couch as well.
I started to fake cry to get Rose to give me some sympathy.
"She was talking shit! She said Elijah was going to kill me and she called ms a dumbass!"
"Well she isnt wrong on the dumbass part," she snapped kneeling down next to me.
"Shhh it's okay little one. Did big mean Trevor hurt you?"
I nodded wiping my eyes.
"It'll be alright child I promise. As long as I'm around Trevor wont hurt you again okay?"
"Now tell us the truth, do you know Elijah?"
I shook my head.
"I only said that because hes scared of him, I dont know who that man is," I lied giving her an innocent look.
Trevor paced around.
"Shes lying Rose, she called him Uncle Eli she knows of the originals,"
A groan was heard as we all looked over to see Elena awake.
"Isabella?" Elena asked.
I shook my head.
"No, Elna it's me Rosanne Gilbert, I'm not Isabella I'm your sister," I told her trying to give her the hint.
She finally turned to look to see the two vampires staring right at her.
"Oh my God you look just like her," Rose gasped out.
"But I'm not.... please I'm hurt,"
"Your selfish like her too,"
"What do you mean?" She asked sitting up straighter.
"We kidnapped your sister and you haven't even asked if she was okay,"
Elena chuckled.
"She can totally handle herself,"
I frowned.
Rose shook her head angry.
"Shes a kid! Your sister you know?  Aren't you supposed to be comforting her? Telling her she'll be alrighf?"
"I'm not her damm mom if that's what your asking,"
"Oh YOU SELFISH BITCH!" Rose shouted as she backhanded Elena so hard that she fell back on the couch unconscious.
I looked over at Rose who was fuming.
"I'm sorry you had to see that little one but she was being bitchy and annoying you know? How can she not care for her own sister?" 
"Elna and I aren't on the best terms," I told her looking down.
She sighed.
"Anyways let's get this over with I'm contacting Elijah," she says while pulling out her phone.

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