Hunted | jjk ✔️

By Taehyungdeprived

23.7K 856 59

There's a conspiracy theory that werewolves actually exist but they're a government experiment gone wrong. P... More

1. Run, Run, Run
2. I'm A Wolf
4. Runaway Wolf
5. The Third Beta
6. Mysterious Figure
7. What's This
8. First Kiss
9. Break In
10. Where Is She
11. Where Am I
12. We Need Your Help
13. Lets Go Get Your Girl
14. You're Back
15. New Home
16. Dinner Table
17. Wanted Werewolves
18. I like This Pack House
Check in
19. What Are We
20. Not Again
21. The Beginning
22. To The Death
23. No Way In Hell
24. What do You Want
25. Become The Mole
26. A Shocking Discovery
27. Russian Roulette
28. Its A Plan
29. The Escape
30. The Fight For Life
31. Run To Live, Stay And Die
32. Is This It
33. What We Are
34. Finally Free
35. I Love You

3. Thank You Alpha

1.4K 45 4
By Taehyungdeprived

You got out of the bathroom as you finished taking a shower and changing into something light and comfortable. Jimin was nice enough to give you a hoodie of his as he visited your room to apologize for what he did for the millionth time.

His hoodie went a little above your knees but it was still long enough to wear it comfortably like a dress.

You looked out the window to see the sun was just starting to set.

You turned around facing the door when you heard knocks on it.

"Come in." You said as you quickly checked how you looked to make sure you were somewhat presentable.

Jungkook came into your room with black sweats and a black hoodie along with combat boots.

"I just realized you'll probably need some clothes so I was wondering if you'd like to join the hunters to go to your cabin?" He asked you.

Your face instantly lit up when he said those words. "Yes, I'd love to!" You said with a smile.

"Great, I'll join you guys to make sure nothing goes south, do you know how to hunt?" He asked you, tilting his head.

You nodded your head. "Yes, the other night when all this happened I was actually walking to my regular hunting space." You told him. "There tends to be many deer and rabbits around there." You added.

He payed good attention to what you were saying. "Well we'll stop by your cabin and then we'll hunt, or maybe we'll do both, I'm not sure we'll have to figure it out." He said causing the both of you to chuckle. "Anyways we're gonna get ready to hunt, you should too." He said with a small smile as he walked out.

You were excited to go home, even if it was only for a few minutes.


It was now completely dark outside in the forest, you weren't sure how long it'll take to get back to your cabin but either way, you were still happy.

You threw on the pair of leggings that had rips through them since you didn't want to go downstairs in just a hoodie and undergarments.

You threw on your trainers and went downstairs to be greeted by Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook.

"You ready!" Jungkook asked you, seeming just as excited as you were.

You gave him a big smile and nodded.

"Don't mind him, he doesn't hunt very often." Namjoon said with a smile that showed his dimples.

"We'll be the ones protecting you." Jin said as he pointed to himself and Namjoon.

Jungkook flashed them each a glare before he turned his attention to you.

"They usually hunt as wolves, are you comfortable shifting, or would you be more comfortable half shifting?" He asked you with a small smile.

You thought about your answer. Would you be able to shift into a wolf after so long? There was only on way to find out.

"I'll try to shift if that's okay.." You said not very sure of yourself.

"Okay that's fine, let's go!" Jungkook said as he clapped his hands and opened the door to the outside.

You walked outside with the boys behind you as the cool air hit your face. You smiled to yourself as you turned around to be greeted by two wolves and Jungkook.

"Wow you guys shifted really fast!" You said excitedly admiring Namjoon who had beautiful brown fur and golden eyes and Jin who had beautiful brown fur like Namjoon except his was just a tad bit darker.

"Are you gonna shift?" Jungkook asked you with a friendly smile on his face.

"I'm gonna try." You said to him.

"You can do it!" He said, cheering you on as both Namjoon and Jin brushed against your ankles.

You turned around and faced the open space of the forest that was in front of you. You took a deep breath and started running, you closed your eyes and focused all your energy into the wolf inside you. You jumped high into the air, instantly shifting into the wolf you are.

You felt proud of yourself as you took in the stronger smell of the forest. You heard someone clapping behind you and you turned around, running back to Jungkook.

"Good job!" He smiled at you as he softly patted your beautiful white fur.

Your wolf was smaller compared to Namjoons and Jins, you had fur that was as white as snow and your eyes were an ocean blue, indicating that your an omega, better known as a lone wolf.

Jungkook did the same as you, he ran and jumped high into the sky, becoming a wolf like the rest of you. His wolf was much bigger than yours and a little bigger than Namjoons and Jins, he had Black fur and his eyes were a blood red color.

The wolves in front of you turned around and faced you, since they couldn't link their minds with yours and speak to you they simply nodded their heads towards the forest.

You nodded your head, indicating you understood exactly what they were saying. All three wolves turned around and started running, with you following them.

As they were running you noticed that on each of their backs a streak of white was present, you didn't really know what that meant since you were never in a pack, so you took a mental note to ask about it later.

After some time running you started to see a faint light in the distance. This excited you and you started to subconsciously run even faster, passing the boys who started to run faster to catch up to you.

Soon you reached your small cozy cabin and shifted back to your human form, quickly running inside to throw on an oversized hoodie that you always left out for emergencies.

When a wolf shifts back to their human form, of course their clothes are gone but luckily their undergarments were still there. You didn't know how that worked but you didn't complain about it at all.

You ran back outside to see three wolves standing in front of your house.

"You guys can come in!" You said excitedly as you jumped up a little from excitement.

Jungkook couldn't help but notice how cute you looked when you were excited.

The three men shifted back to their human forms and you instantly motioned for them to come inside your warm cabin since they were only in their boxers.

You gave each of them a blanket to cover themselves in. "I'm sorry I didn't even think about what you guys would wear." You said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it Y/N." Jin said to you with a warm smile as the others nodded their heads with smiles on their faces.

"How'd you find this place?" Jungkook asked you as he looked around the living room that was connected to your room, kitchen, and bathroom.

"I'm not so sure, I kinda just stumbled upon it and went inside, no one has ever came here so I kinda just stayed." You said to him as you grabbed a big bag and started packing your clothes.

You didn't have many different clothing items, most of them were plain hoodies, two tee shirts some jeans and leggings and a few pairs of shorts, you owned two pairs of plain black sneakers and three sets of undergarments. You'd always wash all of your clothes every two to three days.

"Is that all you have?" Namjoon asked you, looking shocked by the small amount of clothes you had.

"Yeah, I don't have much but I usually wash everything every two days." You said to him with a smile.

These boys lived luxuriously, they had a big house, many rooms inside their house, luxurious furniture and luxurious clothing. You didn't know how they managed to do that but you didn't want to ask them because you didn't want to seem rude.

These boys on the other hand felt bad, they felt like you didn't deserve to live like this, always on edge, running for your life. But what they didn't realize was that they were doing the same. They just got lucky and they know how to run and hide, you on the other hand, not so much.

Jungkooks mood was saddened when he looked at you and realized that you never had a family, or a pack, or a friend to hangout with. He was determined to make you happy and so weren't the other boys.

Your cabin was in a comfortable silence as you finished your packing. You had a big duffel bag that had all of your neatly folded clothes and undergarments. Your two pairs of shoes were tucked into the side of the bag, leaving space for you to bring your favorite soft white blanket. You didn't want Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook to question why you're bringing a blanket with you. You don't want them to think that you were weird so you secretly put the blanket into the bag.

You walked out of your room to be greeted by the three men who folded the blankets you've given them and put them on the couch. You couldn't help but feel a blush creeping on your face when you saw the toned body of each man especially Jungkook, who had a toned stomach with abs, nice toned biceps, veiny arms and hands. You looked down, avoiding anyone's gaze and dragged the duffel bag behind you.

Jungkook grabbed the duffle bag from you and you looked up at him in question.

"I can hold it, it's okay." You said to him.

"Since you can hunt with the others, I'll just hold your bag for you if that's okay.." Jungkook said to you with his voice trailing off.

"Yeah sure, thank you alpha." You said to him, Bowing respectively.

"Are we ready to go?" Jin asked you all.

You each looked at each other and nodded your heads towards Jin who then opened the door to your cabin and ran out, shifting into a wolf, followed by Namjoon and Jungkook and eventually you.

Jungkook grabbed your bag between his teeth and kept hold of it as you, Namjoon, and Jin hunted deer and rabbits.

As you and the other wolves were running a small rabbit leaped into your path, you pounced on the rabbit, sinking your canines into its neck as it let out a little squeal.

Namjoon and Jin did the same except they had deer and before you knew it you guys were now faced with the big cream colored house that belonged to Jungkooks pack.

You each went to the back of the house from where you first shifted and you each shifted back, grabbing the clothes that were laying on the ground from before.

"What took you guys so long!?" The man that you remembered as Taehyung said as we walked outside along with Jimin.

"We stopped at her cabin to grab her clothing." Jungkook said to the tall man as he pointed at you.

"Jesus we thought something bad happened to you all!" Jimin said as he let out a sigh of relief.

Jungkook chuckled at Jimins nervousness as Namjoon came up to you.

"Wow, for a bunny it's a good catch." He said as he grabbed the now dead rabbit by its hind legs.

"I hope you all enjoy it." You said to him, giving him a respectful bow.

Namjoon was about to respond to your bow before he was cut off by Jin.

"Get inside guys I'm hungry!" He yelled as everyone slowly made their way inside.

Namjoon took the rabbit you caught along with the deer he and Jin killed inside the house.

"Here's your bag." Jungkook said as he walked up the stairs besides you.

"Thank you alpha." You said to him giving him a warm smile as you took your bag filled with your belongings.

Jungkook flashed you his bunny smile and went into his room.

You went into your room across from his and set your bag down onto your bed.

You took out a comfy pair of black shorts and a comfortable black hoodie. You set out a fresh pair of undergarments next to your nightwear and practically threw yourself into the shower, turning on the water as hot as you can take it and you enjoyed the hot water hitting your back.

You quickly washed up and got out of the shower, letting out a shiver as your body hit the cold air of the room. You threw on your clothing and brushed your hair, putting it in a tight braid to avoid it getting tangled as it dries.

"Dinners ready!" You heard Jin yell from the kitchen followed by, what seemed like multiple people running downstairs.

You decided to stay in your room. Your not very good at remembering ranks in a pack but you do know that omegas are the lowest rank and they get whatever the others don't eat.

You stayed in your room until you heard your door open.

"Y/N?" A soft deep voice said as you turned around to be greeted by Jungkook.

"Yeah?" You asked back, wondering why the alpha was in your room.

"Are you gonna come down and eat?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Am I allowed too?" You asked, tilting your head.

"Of course you can, we don't care what rank you may be, we don't care that your a lone wolf, you're our friend and you need to eat." He said to you.

A tear escaped you eye from the kindness Jungkook was showing, without realizing you ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Jungkook was shocked for a moment but quickly returned the hug.

"Thank you alpha." You said to him as you wiped your tear and ran downstairs, followed by Jungkook to eat dinner.


"So it looks like she's doing well." Someone said.


Word count: 2361

Who do you think the mysterious person who said the last line is ? ;)

Also writing that bunny part was kinda hard considering I have a dwarf rabbit lol

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