My Mate's A Vamp?!? (boyxoy)

By isha59

19.2K 370 76

Moving in with his new family.16 year old Scott feels out of place. Staring a new school, finding out he's a... More

My Mate's A Vamp?!? (boyxoy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14

Chapter 4

1.2K 28 4
By isha59

Scott's POV

When I bumped into some one I felt myself feel drawn to them. "Mate." My inner wolf cried happily. Finally! I have a mate! Mentally dancing in my head I turn around.

"Oh, sorry my bad." I Iooked up at him. Checking him out his scent hit me right in the face. "Vampire.." My wolf said surprised. It's rare and mostly unheard of for a werewolf to have a vampire mate.

"I don't roll that way." He grunted bluntly.

The second those words left his mouth I felt pain ripple through my heart.

"Never said you should or did." As difficult as it was for me I laced my fingers through Zuri's. Turning back to her the expression on my face told her everything. Carrying like nothing happen I ignore him. Peeking sideways at him I noticed him tense up then quickly walk away,

"He was your mate wasn't he..?" She asked me sadly.

"Yes. And it seems like I'm going to be rejected.." I said miserably. Slouching my shoulders feeling suddenly depressed and empty.

"I'm sure he won't when he finds out that this wonderful, sweet, dorky and funny guy is his mate."

She smiled at me reassuringly. Smiling back at her halfheartedly she walks me to the office and pushes me towards the principals office.

Opening the door the scent of my mate ran at me making me dizzy with longing and desire.

Looking at him dead I'm the eye as I see him finally register what I was to him I saw him struggling with himself. Looking at him worriedly the principal spoke and broke the trance I was in.

"Well sit down Mr. Chase. And I'll run over things with both you and Mr. Zurich ........" She smiled at us not noticing anything going between me and the guy beside me. Sitting down I felt the disgust sensation rolling off of his body mixed in with lust and longing. Did I really disgust him that much that he's trying to fight it...?? My stomach and heart felt heavy with grief knowing that there's a high possibility that he'd reject me.

After the principal hands us our schedules I head towards class walking behind him. Trying to keep my gaze away from him but I couldn't help it and lost my inner battle. Noticing that he was looking around urgently I felt sick to my stomach. Does he want to get away from me that badly..? Just as I gave out a frustrated growl he grabbed my hand and pulled me into an empty closet. Looking around I saw that it was a janitors closet.

Shoving me forwards the walk he lifted me 2-3 feet in the air. Was he going to beat me up..? I think to myself incredulously.

Just as the thought came to mind he attacked my lips. Kissing me hungrily and a bit possessively. Feeling shocked for a fleeting second I responded to his aggressive kisses. he puts his hand against my waist and lifted me higher against the wall. Wrapping my legs around him, he bites my bottom lip. Then he push with his tongue looking for entrance. Parting my lips He enters my mouth massaging it with his tongue then we battle for dominance. Growling against his mouth getting frustrated that neither one if was winning. He smirks and lets me have dominance. I had a feeling that he wouldn't let me have it so easily next time. So does this mean I still have a mate and I'm not being rejected..?? Getting excited I put more passion and emotion into our kiss. Awhile after we go back and forth exploring each other lips and mouth we break apart. Looking down at me he presses his forehead to mine. Blowing his heavy yet minty breath on my face.

"I thought you said you don't roll this way.." I smirk at him running my fingers through his long soft hair.

"Shut up. I don't....didn't but It can't be helped."

Closing his eyes he gently sets me down. Then steps back taking a deep breath.

"So.. Your a vampire.." I look at him tilting my head thoughtfully. Smiling at me with his cloudy grey eyes.

"Yea. And your a werewolf. Tell me something new." He snap at me unexpectedly. Rubbing his temples he calms down.

"Sorry about that. Today doesn't seem to be my day."

Not having any idea what made him snap at me I don't push him any farther. Shrugging it off since it really didn't mater as long as he's mine. Checking my wristwatch I saw how many minutes we had left.

"We have 2 minutes to get to class. What class do you have first? I asks as I opens the door to check if the hall was all clear and if our class was nearby..

"Mr. Waters room 234. And it seems like it right I front of us." He point out and walk out of the closet towards the classroom and hand the teacher the class slip. Smirking to himself he seemed lost in thought.

Handing he teacher my slip as well I take the seat beside him. Not only because if him but also because it was the last open seat.

Looking around the classroom curiously I see girls checking him out, and winking at him. Even though I know his mine I still feel jealous. Trying not to show it I look away and notice the guys were checking me out...

Focusing on what the teacher lecture over American Lit. I zone them out. Feeling... Wait... He never really told me his name. Well feeling his stare I look over at him and he winks at me smiling seductively, wiggling his eyebrows at me and nodding at the boys. Raising an eyebrow at him I shrug my shoulders.


Jason's POV

Watching the class react to us was amusing to say the least. But I didn't like the stares the guys were

Giving him. Feeling jealousy was a new feeling for me. Just as I looked over at him and check him out. Which I never thought I'd do to a guy. He turns to me and I wink at him smiling pervertedly, but it always comes out Seductive.., and wiggle my eyebrows at him nodding in he direction of the guys.

He just looks at me raises an eyebrow and shrugs his shoulders then goes back to listening to the teacher blab on about American Lit.

Now that I thought about it he never mentioned his name. Too lazy to ask him at the moment I waited until the teacher gave us free time to pack up our things and chat a little bit. Facing my ear forward hem I heard some guys talking about me it him.

"Dude. Did you get a load of the new girl..?" Whispers a football player nodding to my left.

" Yea, bro she's got an ass!" Replies he's stupid looking friend.

Looking amusedly to my left I saw him playing with his front bangs. Well he did look like a girl I admitted to my self, I even thought the same thing when he bumped into me this morning.

"Yeah, if only she had some tits." Laughs the football player.

"I'd still tap that though!" They laughed high five-ing each other like it was the funniest shit they ever said.

Turning to him I grab his chin and faced him towards me.Tilting my face closer I brush my lips against his barely touching him. Feeling him shiver under my touch I whisper tickling his lips as the words leave my mouth blowing against his.

"So you never told me your name." I smirk taking in the classes reaction as they stare at us. Parting his lips he spoke so soft that I almost missed it.

"Uh.. It's Scott.." He blushes trying to pull his face back. Not letting him go I pull him closer until his hand is resting against my chest.

"Well Scott.. I'm Jason." I whisper out loud yet signaling the guys their error. Seeing their baffled faces was priceless. Looking back down at Scott I lean down and kissed him. Hearing a few gasps I smirked and pulled away as the bell rang.

Looking into the eyes of a fazed out face I stroke my thumb over his bottom lip. Clearing my throat I grab his book bag and hand it to him. Snapping out of it he looks down red in the face.

"You didn't have to do that... I could've told them I was a guy on my own.." He mumbles shuffling his feet.

"Yes, you could've but I also wanted them to stop talking about and staring at you like that." I grunt as I hand him back his schedule.

"By the way, we have Pre-Calculus, Art, P.E, and lunch together." I grin over at him.

Seeing as we only had about 4 minutes to get to class. I grab his hand and skim my lips over his knuckles. Then lean over and kiss him not too gently on the lips. Softly groaning against my lips I pull back a bit and nibble on his ear lobe.

"See you later in Pre-Cal. Scott.." I whisper lust coloring my voice making me sound husky. Sliding my hands down to his waist and pull him closer grinding him gently on me making it undetectable.

"Jason... Not now.." He softly sighs out warningly. Grinning at him from under my lashes I tug him even closer making him hold back a groan from escaping. I pull away at let go satisfied. For now..

"Next time." I promised him lustfully. Walking away I felt everyone's eyes on me. Some filled with awe, some shocked and some disgusted. Smirking I flip the bird at the haters and homophobes. The earlier they know he's off limits the better for me.


Hope you liked it.^.^.. It's not as long as I wanted it to be but I have a boat load if things I need to work on.

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